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The Expulsion


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I don't know if this has been discussed somewhere but here we go. I read somewhere, that I can no longer find the link to, that someone asked Brandon Sanderson about how humans got on all the different planets in the Cosmere. Obviously we know about Scadril, but Sanderson said that there were clues in the mythology of other cultures as to how humans got to those worlds as well. This past week I've been reading WoK again, and the even in which the Tranquiline Halls are lost is called "the Expulsion". With a shard being the leader of their religion could this expulsion have something to do with the Shattering? Odium is their enemy creating the Voidbringers (I think), and he seems to be the enemy of the rest of the shards.

Any thoughts?

Anyway, thanks for reading. 

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Some people believe that humans used to live on Braize (known on Roshar as "Damnation"; the place where Odium is right now), and that this is the Tranquiline Halls humans were kicked out from.

Some of those people (and others) believe that the humans of Roshar were created by Honor and Cultivation, just like Scadrian humans were created by Ruin and Preservation.

But I really like the idea that the Tranquiline Halls are in fact Yolen, and that some catastrophe happened there following the Shattering (or, indeed, the Shattering was the catastrophe). Honor and Cultivation saved a group of humans by helping them to Roshar, and the legends of the "paradise" they lost were created.

I'm sure some of the more Cultivation-aligned religions of the west would shed some light on all of this, so I'm looking forward to when the books (probably) take us there!

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I honestly feel like the legend about the Tranquil halls is just an overstatement and probably just means a fight against Odium or probably a lie that cultivation or honor made(unlikely ) .

Or probably just because there something going on with death in Roshar that Odium is involved so maybe whoever dies ends up not going to the beyond and staying instead to fight odium or something (just a wild theory.)

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I pretty agree the upfloor's suggestion:P Vorin mythology seems to have some truth, while they have some fictional tales, too. For instance, they consider Stormfather Jezerezeh'Elin, which is a mislead.

Tranquelline Hall's Battle might indicate that something doesn't work well on the passage to Beyond, but I don't really think TH is Yolen. I had the same thought before but abandoned it soon. It just feels... incorrect. Just my thoughts. Deductions are reasonable, tho:)

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If Brandon sticks to his "each setting mostly stands on it's own", then if the TH are Yolen, they won't play a moderate to big role. If the TH is significant then I think we should be looking for Greater Roshar solar system explanations. That's probably why Yolen doesn't feel right to many people.

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40 minutes ago, Argel said:

If Brandon sticks to his "each setting mostly stands on it's own", then if the TH are Yolen, they won't play a moderate to big role. If the TH is significant then I think we should be looking for Greater Roshar solar system explanations. That's probably why Yolen doesn't feel right to many people.

That's a good point. If the Halls are to be featured in later books, they are probably Braize. Still hoping for Yolen though!


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I don't think the TH to be Yolen.

Whatever happened in the TH, it's something that forced people to a max exodous and now in the TH Odium would reign or at least they are destroyed.

We know there is a character, Frost, who is a Yolish and He isn't a Worldhopper. This mean that Frost was born on Yolen and remained on Yolen.

Forst if someone doesn't know... It's the reciver of Hoid's Letter in SA and He doesn't seem to feel any personal problem with Odium-Rayse... Much more He keep a Not Intervention policy.

I find very unlikely that Frost was in the TH during their fall and then remain there while a lot of human have to run away. Much more He have to be cabable of meet people (the 17th Shard for example) and this mean that Humans may reach him, whaterver he is.

To me this disprove both the TH=Yolen and Braize=Yolen ideas

The option TH=Braize is really more likely, both for the distance between the planets and to keep SA selfcontained about the Shardworld involved.

This would also explain Why Odium is on Braize. He arrived there to kill H&C, Honor trapped Rayse there and run away with wife (Cultivation) and Childrend (Humans) on Roshar.

Edited by Yata
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An interesting theory would be that Honor and Cultivation originally intended to settle on Braize, or a different Rosharan planet, and brought humans with them (or created humans there using their powers), but then Odium forced them to run away for one reason or another.

Since Roshar was already settled by the Listeners, and has massive deadly storms that make human life somewhat more difficult, it seems reasonable to me that Honor and Cultivation might not have preferred to settle there at first.

Alternate theory: Honor likes the storms but Cultivation doesn't, so they settle on different planets in the same system. That lets them continue seeing each other while each having their own world. Cultivation comes to Roshar only once Odium ruins her planet.

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3 hours ago, Authweight said:

An interesting theory would be that Honor and Cultivation originally intended to settle on Braize, or a different Rosharan planet, and brought humans with them (or created humans there using their powers), but then Odium forced them to run away for one reason or another.

Since Roshar was already settled by the Listeners, and has massive deadly storms that make human life somewhat more difficult, it seems reasonable to me that Honor and Cultivation might not have preferred to settle there at first.

Alternate theory: Honor likes the storms but Cultivation doesn't, so they settle on different planets in the same system. That lets them continue seeing each other while each having their own world. Cultivation comes to Roshar only once Odium ruins her planet.

I like the idea of Braize being the original place of settlement due to Roshar's high storms and the listeners. Might make better sense than Yolen. Is there a timeline for how long it has been since the Shattering? I am not extremely knowledgeable in the Cosmere yet.

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Just now, skeene1 said:

I like the idea of Braize being the original place of settlement due to Roshar's high storms and the listeners. Might make better sense than Yolen. Is there a timeline for how long it has been since the Shattering? I am not extremely knowledgeable in the Cosmere yet.

Not exactly, but it's been roughly 4500 years since Honor was splintered, I believe I've gathered. Elantris was sometime around a few thousand years ago at the earliest, and there had been Shards there, Invested in the planet (and maybe the moon?) and then who had been splintered quite a while before as best as we can tell. My personal estimate is that the Shattering was no less than 8000-10000 years prior to WoK, and maybe further back.


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Sorry Jondesu but Honor's Splintering is much more recent.

When the Heralds left their duties, Honor was still whole. When the KR broke their Oaths, Honor was still whole (He have memory of the Recreance)... we don't know how the Honor's Splintering happened... But it's after the Recreance.

But you have right about the Timeline, the Shattering happened 6000 years before WoTK prologue (it's not Canon yet because Brandon want to re-check the timeline)

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8 hours ago, Yata said:

Sorry Jondesu but Honor's Splintering is much more recent.

When the Heralds left their duties, Honor was still whole. When the KR broke their Oaths, Honor was still whole (He have memory of the Recreance)... we don't know how the Honor's Splintering happened... But it's after the Recreance.

But you have right about the Timeline, the Shattering happened 6000 years before WoTK prologue (it's not Canon yet because Brandon want to re-check the timeline)

Sorry, yep, mixed up the times I meant to reference. Wasn't the Recreance 4500 years prior to WoK, though, or am I mixed up on that too?


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1 minute ago, Jondesu said:

Sorry, yep, mixed up the times I meant to reference. Wasn't the Recreance 4500 years prior to WoK, though, or am I mixed up on that too?


The Prologue (and the Heralds left) is 4500 years before WoK, we don't know how far from this point the Recreance happened.

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