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New Guy's Question List




This is my first post (other than my introductory one), so i hope it's alright.

I did find the answers to quite a few of my questions already, so i only have a few of them left. I still haven't fully searched the wiki and the forums, so some of these questions may already have threads/answers, so feel free to link me the page as well as answer it again, and i apologise in advance.

So, without further ado:


1) I looked up about compounding. It said you store a feruchemical attribute, then burn the metalmind allomantically to release a multiplied amount of the same attribute. After some searching, I found you can also apparently restore some of that same attribute after receiving it from the burn, answering my questions about Miles 100Lives. My question therefore, is this:

If you have to burn the metal Allomantically to receive the attribute, why is that when Vin removes the Lord Ruler's EX-ternal Metalminds in TFE, he then turns old? Shouldn't he be burning a metalmind to achieve youthfulness, e.g. it should be in his stomach?

2)I found out that the Lord Ruler knew about all the Allomantic metals, and therefore could make Metalminds out of them all. Given this, he should be able to store his Identity in one of them (i forget which metal). I'm not sure, but wouldn't this allow him to utilise other people's metalminds? And therefore, he could have had teams of Feruchemists storing up age for him and then using them to stay young via compounding. ( I also found out that The Lord Ruler  would have died eventually anyhow even if Vin didn't kill him)

3) I noticed there are a few koloss blooded humans in the Wax/Wayne books. Does this mean someone did the deed with a koloss? I'm all for each to their own, but dang. Or is it due to the third part of pillaging and plundering?

4) I'm currently halfway through Shadows of Self (but i have read it before and i have read BoM as well), but after the collapse of House Tekiel in AoL, what happens to Tekiel Tower, or doesn't it tell you?


Just the one question here: I know it's either all or nothing with giving away breaths, but I'm sure I remember Vasher giving a few breaths to the Priests daughter that he and Vivienna rescue. I thought that this may be due to Vasher's experience, or due to storing most breaths in an object, giving away the few left, then restoring the rest after, but any official reason/better reason than mine?

Stormlight Archive

1) When Syl turns into Kaladin's Shardblade/spear/weapons, and she gets hit by another weapon, does she feel pain?


I think that is it for now, if i remember an urgent one I'll add it in an edit. From now on I will be summing up some of the notes I have lying around and try to get them post-ready for the theories forum.

Also, just spotted Hoid again - coachdriver this time (SoS, for Wax).


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8 answers to this question

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15 minutes ago, TheBillPN said:


This is my first post (other than my introductory one), so i hope it's alright.

I did find the answers to quite a few of my questions already, so i only have a few of them left. I still haven't fully searched the wiki and the forums, so some of these questions may already have threads/answers, so feel free to link me the page as well as answer it again, and i apologise in advance.

So, without further ado:


1) I looked up about compounding. It said you store a feruchemical attribute, then burn the metalmind allomantically to release a multiplied amount of the same attribute. After some searching, I found you can also apparently restore some of that same attribute after receiving it from the burn, answering my questions about Miles 100Lives. My question therefore, is this:

If you have to burn the metal Allomantically to receive the attribute, why is that when Vin removes the Lord Ruler's EX-ternal Metalminds in TFE, he then turns old? Shouldn't he be burning a metalmind to achieve youthfulness, e.g. it should be in his stomach?

You don't have to constantly be burning the metal, at that point in time he's just drawing from his reserves of Youth from when he did a bunch of Compounding at once.

15 minutes ago, TheBillPN said:

2)I found out that the Lord Ruler knew about all the Allomantic metals, and therefore could make Metalminds out of them all. Given this, he should be able to store his Identity in one of them (i forget which metal). I'm not sure, but wouldn't this allow him to utilize other people's metalminds? And therefore, he could have had teams of Feruchemists storing up age for him and then using them to stay young via compounding. ( I also found out that The Lord Ruler  would have died eventually anyhow even if Vin didn't kill him)

Theoretically maybe, though we still don't really understand whether the process to create unsealed metalminds is as simple of that. But also keep in mind that the Lord Ruler was a very secretive, and paranoid, person, the fewer people who knew about his exact nature the better.

15 minutes ago, TheBillPN said:

3) I noticed there are a few koloss blooded humans in the Wax/Wayne books. Does this mean someone did the deed with a koloss? I'm all for each to their own, but dang. Or is it due to the third part of pillaging and plundering?

Koloss-blooded individuals are the result of a koloss breeding with another koloss. Spikes are still required to become a full koloss.

15 minutes ago, TheBillPN said:

4) I'm currently halfway through Shadows of Self (but i have read it before and i have read BoM as well), but after the collapse of House Tekiel in AoL, what happens to Tekiel Tower, or doesn't it tell you?

It doesn't say.

15 minutes ago, TheBillPN said:


Just the one question here: I know it's either all or nothing with giving away breaths, but I'm sure I remember Vasher giving a few breaths to the Priests daughter that he and Vivienna rescue. I thought that this may be due to Vasher's experience, or due to storing most breaths in an object, giving away the few left, then restoring the rest after, but any official reason/better reason than mine?

Vasher does not give any Breaths to the priest's daughter that I can recall.

15 minutes ago, TheBillPN said:

Stormlight Archive

1) When Syl turns into Kaladin's Shardblade/spear/weapons, and she gets hit by another weapon, does she feel pain?


I think that is it for now, if i remember an urgent one I'll add it in an edit. From now on I will be summing up some of the notes I have lying around and try to get them post-ready for the theories forum.

Also, just spotted Hoid again - coachdriver this time (SoS, for Wax).


We do not know.

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45 minutes ago, TheBillPN said:


Just the one question here: I know it's either all or nothing with giving away breaths, but I'm sure I remember Vasher giving a few breaths to the Priests daughter that he and Vivienna rescue. I thought that this may be due to Vasher's experience, or due to storing most breaths in an object, giving away the few left, then restoring the rest after, but any official reason/better reason than mine?


Vasher does not give any Breaths to the priest's daughter that I can recall.



From the Wiki:


They proceed into the basement and find the priest's daughter captive in a cage. Vasher is furious and engages the thieves with Nightblood (sheathed) while Vivenna frees the child. Vasher appears larger. His fury is such that he considers unsheathing Nightblood, but Vivenna distracts him by getting him to help get the girl. Oddly, the girl rushes into Vasher's arms; Vivenna couldn't get her to move.

Vasher and Vivenna walk to Nanrovah's house. Vivenna notices that the girl's BioChromatic aura flickers a bit. It appears that Vasher did something to her involving Breath.

From the Book, Chapter 49:


After opening the cage, Vivenna had taken the Breath back from the thread.  She hadn’t stowed it somewhere else.  And, with the extra awareness she had, she thought she saw something.  The girl’s BioChromatic aura--the normal one that all people had--flickered just slightly.

            It was faint.  Yet with the First Heightening, Vivenna could have sworn she saw it. 

            But Denth told me it was all or nothing, she thought.  You have to give away all the Breath you hold.  And you certainly can’t give away part of a breath.

            Denth, it had been proven in other instances, was also a liar


Edited by TheBillPN
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20 minutes ago, TheBillPN said:


From the Wiki:

From the Book, Chapter 49:


That was not him giving her Breath, that was something else that Brandon has refused to comment on up until now. The main theory is that she, with Vasher's guidance,  used part of her own Breath to make herself forget what had just happened to her.

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3 hours ago, TheBillPN said:

3) I noticed there are a few koloss blooded humans in the Wax/Wayne books. Does this mean someone did the deed with a koloss? I'm all for each to their own, but dang. Or is it due to the third part of pillaging and plundering?

Welcome to the Shard! Others have answered most of these already, so I'll just add to this one.

After the Catacendre, Sazed/Harmony made some changes. Koloss couldn't reproduce naturally before, and new koloss were only made by spiking normal humans. Now, they can "do the deed", as you so eloquently put it, with each other, and the resulting koloss-blooded babies are mostly human but with some koloss features as we saw. They can choose when they're older to take the spikes and become a full koloss as @WeiryWriter said.


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15 hours ago, TheBillPN said:

2)I found out that the Lord Ruler knew about all the Allomantic metals, and therefore could make Metalminds out of them all. Given this, he should be able to store his Identity in one of them (i forget which metal). I'm not sure, but wouldn't this allow him to utilise other people's metalminds? And therefore, he could have had teams of Feruchemists storing up age for him and then using them to stay young via compounding. ( I also found out that The Lord Ruler  would have died eventually anyhow even if Vin didn't kill him)

to add on to other responses about this: TLR was actively trying to make sure there were no more ferruchemists.  so while such a plan would have theoretically been possible, it would have contradicted some of his other plans.  plus I imagine it would be difficult (though I'm sure he could find a way) to get them to agree to store a bunch of age, effectively shortening their lifespans drastically.  plus they still would not have been able to compound that age, so it is still probably a lot faster and easier just to handle it himself.

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15 minutes ago, Dunkum said:

plus I imagine it would be difficult (though I'm sure he could find a way) to get them to agree to store a bunch of age, effectively shortening their lifespans drastically.  plus they still would not have been able to compound that age, so it is still probably a lot faster and easier just to handle it himself.

Those ipotetical helpers will not lose lifespan. They will return to the right age when they stop storing youth. They may die just if they store too much Youth at the same time pushing themself beyond the human's old age.

Anyway TLR doesn't need any help to do this. Storing and compounding once every three days was still enough to him to stay alive and young.

His plan have to be pushed just for another couple of years (the Well refills) and then He will be probably not dependant from the Atium-Compound.

And also if He will one day reach the limit of his Youth generation. Then he may change his plans to allow someone else to obtain his powers (at least Allomantic atium and Feruchemical atium ) to keep him alive. But I really doubt He would do something like that if He has yet another option.

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@WeiryWriter, thanks for all the answers, much appreciated :D

@Jondesu, thanks for the clarification. By the way, my eloquence knows no bounds :P

@Dunkum, I thought of that, but then i figured with him being (almost) all powerful, he could have forced some feruchemists to store youth for him, or even bribed some young ones (who don't know better). Either way, it was just a long-shot question, thanks for answering :)


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