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Hurt and Heal: Magic Systems

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I_am_a_Stick got ninja'd by Daniyah here, so Feruchemy should gain one and Surgebinding lose one.

WayneSpren forgot to actually hurt Surgebinding here, so Surgebinding should lose another point.

Then, hurt Feruchemy; heal Rithmatics.

2. Feruchemy- 18
7. Surgebinding- 36
15. Rithmatics- 31

EDIT: I got ninja'd.

Edited by Zizoz
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Heal Surgebinding, Hurt Feruchemy

2. Feruchemy- 15
7. Surgebinding- 37
15. Rithmatics- 33

7 minutes ago, Eccentric Hero said:

Guys, what entices you about the magic systems you heal? I don't understand why Rithmatics is so high.

Heal Surgebinding, Hurt Rithmatics

2. Feruchemy- 16
7. Surgebinding- 36
15. Rithmatics- 33

Well, I'm healing Suregbinding because of two reasons:

reason 1: it's awesome

reason 2: it's awesome 

The only reason I'm hurting Feruchemy is because I don't want Daniyah and Waynespren to get what they want :P Feruchemy's pretty cool

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