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Mid-Range Game 16: War of the (Cosmere) Worlds


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11 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

Will Al Vron be commentating?

Are there any secret roles or alignments?

As far as I'm aware there are no secret roles or alignments.

6 hours ago, AliasSheep said:

Can I spectate this one?

Sure.  I'm working on a Spec Doc at moment and will send out the link once it's ready.

3 hours ago, Silverblade5 said:

 Is voting considered an action?

No.  You can both vote and take any action you role/items allow.

5 hours ago, Daniyah said:

Oh I'll probably die the first round :D

Does this mean you're signing up?

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21 minutes ago, AliasSheep said:

In terms of a percentage, how likely is the void sphere to initiate an alien apocalypse?

Not going to give the exact amount but high 50s low 60s.

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2 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Wilson, I promise not to make any agreements with you this game, so that you don't have to worry about me breaking them. This should be a pretty sure way to boost my death rate towards beating Mailliw, and I enjoyed the first version quite a bit.

Don't worry. I learned the first time around not to trust you when it comes to alliances, Mr I'll-Say-I-Won't-Harm-You-And-Then-I'll-Stab-You-In-The-Back-Secretly-And-Then-When-That-Fails-Lynch-You-Twice-And-Then-When-You-Come-Back-From-The-Dead-Try-To-Lynch-You-Again. Yep. Not doing that one again. :P

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17 hours ago, little wilson said:

Don't worry. I learned the first time around not to trust you when it comes to alliances, Mr I'll-Say-I-Won't-Harm-You-And-Then-I'll-Stab-You-In-The-Back-Secretly-And-Then-When-That-Fails-Lynch-You-Twice-And-Then-When-You-Come-Back-From-The-Dead-Try-To-Lynch-You-Again. Yep. Not doing that one again. :P

That is one very long name.......

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7 minutes ago, Elenion said:

You're guilty? *grabs megaphone* Guys, we've got a confessed elim for the D1 lynch! :P

No killing on day one.  Going to have to wait until day two before you can sate your bloodlust.

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