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Mid-Range Game 16: War of the (Cosmere) Worlds


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Well then. We lost Cuddles, neither Elbereth nor Con followed the alliance they had agreed to (you really can't trust traitors, you know?), and Daniyah is down. Both non-Selish Jacks (Wilson and Stink) have kills primed and ready and are likely going after Sel. Time to bail from the sinking ship - we went from having a majority and being one or two turns from securing a win to being totally doomed.

So... anyone want to hire a Paranoid Arms Dealer? You're just getting my vote - I have no items and no offensive capabilities. Just some bullets for my self-defense-only gun (it's got a special Stand Your Ground brand safety built in) and two losing lottery tickets.

Oh, and if it wasn't blatantly obvious, I was lying about ever having Cuddles. I was Hunkered Down, hoping someone would attack me in an attempt to retrieve it, and obfuscating who really had it at the same time.

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Yeah, I'm down with lynching the Paranoid Arms Dealer who decided that siding with one side like it was actually her own faction was a great idea. Nyali.

EDIT: Also, please note how even in the post about bailing from the sinking ship, she says "We lost Cuddles". No, Sel did. You were Independent. But now you're Selian in everything but name. Have fun on the sinking ship.

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What deal? I helped you guys and I didn't die. There really was no agreement, except for that you guys would kill me eventually. Anti-Sel Alliance, we should probably kill someone from Sel instead of Nyali, after all Nyali can win with us and she only gets one vote, but it will help. We should focus on killing Sel, so, SilverBlade .

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39 minutes ago, little wilson said:

Yeah, I'm down with lynching the Paranoid Arms Dealer who decided that siding with one side like it was actually her own faction was a great idea. Nyali.

EDIT: Also, please note how even in the post about bailing from the sinking ship, she says "We lost Cuddles". No, Sel did. You were Independent. But now you're Selian in everything but name. Have fun on the sinking ship.

Uhh, what? I said "we" because it was "we" when it was lost. I love how the two Jacks are always posting together, pretending they aren't in an alliance. It's clearly Scadrial and Roshar vs the rest of us now, and they have two kills.

Hey, Nalthis, I think you guys aren't doing so hot. Want another faction member?


EDIT: Also, why vote to lynch me? Killing me doesn't get you any closer to winning. Sel has four people and you guys have six. Unless Sel and Nalthis side together or something, isn't killing three Selish tonight the best plan (via your two kills and the lynch)? I'm just a vote, and I'm not even voting right now.

But, if you do kill me, that gives me more time to prepare for LG26. So I don't really care xD

Edited by Nyali
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Oh, Nalthis, Scadrial, and Roshar are all in an alliance together to destroy to Sel. And the Paranoid Arms Dealer who sided with them. The PAD killed Doc (a Nalthian), tried to get the Roshar Jack to target her when she killed Doc, and started the lynch on a Scadrian. What makes you think that anyone would want to actually work with someone or allow them to win with them when they worked so hard to kill their members of their team? Your win con wasn't to kill everyone else like the SK's. Your win con was to survive. You chose to play it as if you were actually on a faction and you picked a faction and sided with them in everything. The rest of us that you targeted (or tried to target) aren't just going to look the other way now that you want to bail on Sel.

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To be clear, I didn't kill Doc, though Doc did die because of me. I can't kill anyone. I have a "Stand Your Ground" brand safety on my gun. It's some stupid new Newcago law. Doc killed himself by targeting me. I was not trying to kill him. I was trying to kill the Jacks by encouraging them to kill me. And I don't know what you mean about the Rosharan Jack specifically - I tried to get anyone at all to attack me for obvious reasons by claiming I had something I didn't. I never specifically targeted anyone.

I wonder how long you'll stick with the allies you're Mayoring before turning on them. After tonight, or will you suddenly turn on them in the middle of the day again?

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It doesn't really matter now, does it? I mean the ASA (Anti-Sel Alliance) was created to destroy Sel specifically. We can always kill her after we kill all the true Selians, I mean, Sel is more of a threat than her at this point. Sel is backed onto a corner and has only lost one member so far. Nyali can win with anyone, so, she isn't a threat, she just chose the faction that was winning at the time. 

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7 hours ago, Nyali said:

I love how the two Jacks are always posting together, pretending they aren't in an alliance. It's clearly Scadrial and Roshar vs the rest of us now, and they have two kills.

Nah, the Roshar Jack was just a dummy that we put up. The kind of dummy that catches swords. :D

7 hours ago, Nyali said:

Hey, Nalthis, I think you guys aren't doing so hot. Want another faction member?

We all know that you work for the side that appears to be winning. Although you would join us in name, you would be scheming against us every step of the way. But my quarrel is not with you.


Burnt is the one with the reviver, per my calculations. It would be such a shame if Sel couldn't return to full strength.

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You guys really want to kill someone? Kill Stink As you have already said, he has Cuddles, and is a threat to everyone now. He and Wilson will use you to kill Sel, and then kill you.

Besides, what exactly do you expect to gain from killing me? I'm a faction scanner. That's pretty much useless right now.

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29 minutes ago, The Only Joe said:

You guys really want to kill someone? Kill Stink As you have already said, he has Cuddles, and is a threat to everyone now. He and Wilson will use you to kill Sel, and then kill you.

Besides, what exactly do you expect to gain from killing me? I'm a faction scanner. That's pretty much useless right now.

What do we have to gain?

  1. The assured destruction of the Sel faction. You have the reviver, so Dani's probably not staying dead for long. Better to cut off the head while the neck is exposed.
  2. For all that you play up the danger of Wilson and STINK, Wilson at least doesn't break pacts first, and it's useless to predict STINK. I don't trust you to hold to Wilson's standard, and your coordination is more menacing that STINK's randomness.
  3. Your role is irrelevant; your leadership ability is not. With you gone Sel loses much of its think tank.
  4. Any player can kill with new items, including you. Who's to say that you aren't going to Siphon Wilson and regain the edge?

Finally, you express concern that we'll be betrayed by Wilson. That is a possibility. However, her faction is down to three people, and they only have a kill every other night. Roshar is just as likely to win by using Cuddles in conjunction with vote manip as Scadrial is by Wilson turning against us.

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14 hours ago, Elenion said:

Nah, the Roshar Jack was just a dummy that we put up. The kind of dummy that catches swords. :D

We all know that you work for the side that appears to be winning. Although you would join us in name, you would be scheming against us every step of the way. But my quarrel is not with you.


Burnt is the one with the reviver, per my calculations. It would be such a shame if Sel couldn't return to full strength.


7 hours ago, Elenion said:

What do we have to gain?

  1. The assured destruction of the Sel faction. You have the reviver, so Dani's probably not staying dead for long. Better to cut off the head while the neck is exposed.


 According to you, both Joe and i have the reviver huh?  Thats fun. 

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1 hour ago, Burnt Spaghetti said:



 According to you, both Joe and i have the reviver huh?  Thats fun. 

The second you was referring to the Sel faction as a whole. I told Joe that he "had" the reviver because it was at his disposal. I want to kill you because you're the one holding it for him.

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2 hours ago, Nyali said:

Wilson's vote for Joe last night was breaking a pact first. Just saying.

Not so. Granted, this is all by our own definition of the pact, but the exact wording of the pact was no targeting of the other faction. I wouldn't say that a single, irritated vote on the faction leader is "targeting" that person. A coordinated lynch on the person is targeting them. Using an action on them is targeting them. I did neither. We were coordinating a lynch on Con, who was not Selian, even if he was working for Sel at the time. Then, you guys broke the pact by coordinating a lynch on me. Thanks. I'm free.

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I will gladly be pedantic when Joe didn't explicitly state placing a single, non-threatening vote, after he's gone and gloated about how Sel has all the vote manipulation, a kill, and so much power that no other faction has any chance of beating them. Yeah. You don't gloat unless you know for a fact that the "pact" you've gotten me to agree to restricts every possible way I can act against you. Like, say, creating a PM with every non-Selian in the game that isn't siding with Sel and saying "Hey, let's ally and destroy Sel. Oh, and Scadrial can't officially do anything until one more Rosharan is dead. Let's make that Rosharan be Con."

See, in my mind, "targeting" is action-specific. You didn't want me, a Jack, attacking your team. You never said anything about a lynch vote. Maybe you should've thought about that before taunting and gloating.

EDIT: And yes, I know full-well that it was against the spirit of the pact. But because it wasn't explicitly stated, and you taunted me, I don't really care to go with the spirit of a pact. I will abide by the specifics of the pact. So, actions. No actions. And no coordinated lynches on a Selian, since that's targeting them by trying to kill them.

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4 hours ago, little wilson said:

EDIT: And yes, I know full-well that it was against the spirit of the pact. But because it wasn't explicitly stated, and you taunted me, I don't really care to go with the spirit of a pact. I will abide by the specifics of the pact. So, actions. No actions. And no coordinated lynches on a Selian, since that's targeting them by trying to kill them.

Are you sure you guys aren't Retired Pirates, because that pact sounds more like guidelines than actual rules...

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