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Mid-Range Game 16: War of the (Cosmere) Worlds


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Oh wait I've got a rep to keep cause I'm totally a Jack and I gotta stick with the other Jack cause everyone knows the saying two Jacks in a Pod.


Before I forget, NyaliBurntNo I did not copy and paste that.

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3 hours ago, STINK said:

Oh wait I've got a rep to keep cause I'm totally a Jack and I gotta stick with the other Jack cause everyone knows the saying two Jacks in a Pod.


Before I forget, NyaliBurntNo I did not copy and paste that.

I thought it was two Jacks on a bean stalk.:P Any who, SilverBlade, Burnt.

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Round Six: It has begun….

Sennti is a beehive today as people scramble for their seats.  This is Al Vron.  This match is turning into a David vs Goliath battle.  Sel’s own Serenity is on the field and you can hear the Sel supporters going crazy.  Many are hoping she takes the victory.

As you know this match has been one of Sel domination.  They have four players left and are fighting with everything they have.  The events last cycle really seem to be pushing them to new heights.  There is a lot of energy in the air and this looks to be a great match so sit back and watch the action live.

It’s Sennti time.

And there she is.  Serenity.  Look at her go.  She dodges left, she dodges right.  She leaps and ducks.  Grace made flesh.  No one can catch her no matter how hard they try.

And there goes Bob.  He seemed to be doing well until right at the end there.  Let your guard down at the wrong moment and it’s all over.

What is Serenity doing.  She escaped her pursuers only to stop just inside that old factory.  Ah, it seems she’s sees the piles of reject plushies.  A smile of utter contentment has covered Serenity’s face as she leaps into the piles of plushies.

Seems she’s not alone in the factory.  Some of the mob that was chasing her have followed her in.  Serenity is hiding among the plushies for now but it’s only a matter of time until she’s found.

And found her they have.  Serenity has fallen but she did so with a smile on her face and a plushie in each arm.

Beware.  A player has returned from the grave.  They must post this cycle or be killed once again.

Bob - Bugsy6912 has be killed.  He was from Sel
Serenity - Burnt Spaghetti has been lynched.  She was from Sel

Vote Tally:
Burnt(6): Burnt, Len, Stink, Con, El, Lopen
Stink(5): Joe, Wilson, Silverblade, Bugsy, Nyali
Joe(1): Ec3

Another even numbered round means another Lottery.
This time we have 4 items up for grabs.

Void Sphere:  This item allows the holder to enter a void space which protects from all actions and votes for the cycle it is used on. (Removes name from lynching poll causing the next highest voted player to be lynched instead.)  Users vote is also cancelled.  Can only be used on holder.
Jumper Cables:  These cables and portable battery can be used to protect someone from death by shocking them back to life.  However should the one protected not be attacked then they shall die instead.  Battery has one charge.
Double-barrel Shotgun:  This handy shotgun can be used to either attack two players at once or to attack one player twice.
Reviver:  This handy device can bring back one player from Deaths Door.  In order for this device to work the player targeted must have died during the prior cycle.  Any longer than that and they would’ve passed through to the other side.

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4 minutes ago, The Only Joe said:

@Alvron Didn't it begin 5 rounds ago?

Everyone do me a favor, since i've ost three teammates, and don't enter the lottery I really want to grab that Void sphere.

"Lost" 3 teammates. Daniyah is the only player that could possibly have been brought back to life.

Anyways. I want to get an item too, sorry! :P How come you want the Void sphere specifically though?

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Well, there goes both revivers - Bugsy had one and Burnt had one, so unless Sel was lying to me before I broke with them, that took out both regardless of which they used on Dani. Assuming, of course, Dani is still Sel and not part of a new Zombie faction..... I could see Alvron doing that xD

So, 3v3v3v2v1. I dunno if the "ASA" is still a thing, but I do feel like I should point out that Wilson is by far the most dangerous person left. Sel has no Jack and no vote manip, and Nalthis has no Jack. Roshar might not have a Jack - if they did, we'd have had either a vote cancel or another death last night, I'd think. Roshar does have vote manip though - the last one. Scadrial is still in the best position right now, though they would never let me side with them, so I'll just point that out instead. If Wilson argues for keeping the ASA in place, keep in mind that she's the last person with a non-item kill ability, and knowing her, she probably knows all of your roles by now.

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