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The Peculiarity of 16

Blue Skies

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13 hours ago, Landis963 said:

Except for wonky things like Divine Breath, which are enough Investiture to rocket someone all the way to the 5th Heightening.  Also, I believe Khriss mentions that there's a little leeway with Heightening thresholds due to the relative strength of the Breaths that an Awakener has on them.  (The original Breath of an old man will be much less potent than that of a child, for example, and therefore more of the former than the latter would be required to achieve a given Heightening)

it should be noted that Divine Breaths aren't really Breaths. Breaths are, as best we can tell, fragments of a human's innate investiture that can be separated from the whole and transferred elsewhere, while Divine Breaths are Splinters doled out directly by Endowment. They're both discrete packets of investiture, so they share a lot of properties, but they're still fundamentally different things.

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