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Kaladin and Shallan


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Okay, as I have said on previous posts, I am new to this series and I'm sure I'm not the only one who has expressed some of these ideas.  That being said, I am 100% behind the love triangle between Kaladin, Shallan, and Adolin.  I love the teasing that Brandon does for it especially with Kaladin starting to get weak at the knees around her after their stint in the chasms.  I just kind of wanted to pick some brains on the subject.  Sorry Adolin, but I'm on the side of Kaladin with this one.  Let me know what you guys think.  But I definitely think that this love triangle will have some more time in the sun especially with the slight hints that Brandon gave to them from both Kaladin's and Shallan's point of view.

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I like love triangles and romance in my fiction, and Brandon is setting it up well so I'm exited to see where it goes. I am also in the Kalladin camp, I think that he and Shallan have the pontential to understand each other on a deeper level than Adolin and Shallan could.


But this is my opinion, I know a lot of people are against the love triangle, or want to see Adolin and Shallan together (looking at you, @maxal). There have been many discussions on this as you said, and it's always been pretty controversial.



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Haha, this sounds like one of those threads that's just about to explode. I'm pretty sure WoB on the subject is that, in general, he doesn't like doing love triangles in his novels (something about a tired cliché) but the hinting so far has been...shall we say...compelling? It'll be interesting to see if it evolves into a full fledged plot device or just remains a titillating fake out...

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I agree with you on the point of them understanding each other.  If anything, Kaladin notices this internally when he realizes that her life was not as easy as he thought it was originally.  If anything, Shallan's struggle is more internal than Kaladin's (but you can debate this forever).  Also, the fact that both of them are Radiants will probably add to it, and since "Oathbringer" is going to be Dalinar's book, I'm sure Adolin will receive some attention so this love triangle will have plenty of time to play out.  I, for one, am hoping Adolin goes Darkside though, but that's just me XD R.I.P. Sadeas, he had it coming though.

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2 minutes ago, goody153 said:

I'd rather have Jasnah&Kaladin or Kaladin+Anybody else or Kaladin + nobody(he's too awesome no girl is worthy of his attention) tbh . But if i were to choose between Kaladin+Shallan and Adolin+Shallan i certainly like pick Shalladin too

Truth. A romantic involvement would deplete kaladin as a hero long term. I suspect it's a temporary diversion.


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Like, it's almost so predictable/cheesy that it's awesome, at least it is to me.  It also doesn't help that Shallan is my favorite character and I think the two of them really compliment one another, more than her and Adolin do anyway.  Jasnah/Kaladin is interesting though, their both really hot-headed so that would be definitely neat.  Also, Kaladin keeps referring to a woman named Tarah so that will likely be an issue down the road as well, especially since he is going back to Alethkar.

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That aforementioned Tarah is probably dead or no longer who she is, i suspect. I really wanna see Kaladin bring Laral to Urithru for the reaction of bridge four and others. I wonder how would she react as the person she urged to become a soldier and win a shardblade, is now the a high ranking officer of the most important highprince in Alekthar and is a freaking Knights Radiant.

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Honestly...I hope laral doesn't come back. She was thoroughly painted as a shallow jerk (probably because the narrator of her chapters was the subconscious of her depressed would-be lover) and I just feel like there's no rehabilitating her as a character...

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I wouldn't want Laral to come back either but she will probably still be in Hearthstone when Kaladin gets there, his arch is totally not done yet even though "his" book was the first one.

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I hate to be the pessimist, but in reading some WoB today he mentioned how he doesn't like love triangles but does like conflict in romance (like maybe some certain event at the end of the book). So it sounds like Shalladin isn't looking too great, which is too bad because I think they could be cute together. Whatever. I'm sure whoever she ends up with, she'll be cute with. Unless it's Szeth. Or Gaz or something.

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Szeth needs a little loving too, maybe he can have Liss and they can assassinate the nobility of Roshar together. She's already owned him once XD  On the topic of Shalladin though, I don't think he'd hint so heavily at the tension between the two if nothing was going to come out of it (my opinion) especially would have deliberate every detail is in these books.

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On this subject, I am firmly with Kaladin/Shallan. I found that at this point, we have seen Kaladin go from hating Shallan, to something, not quite love, but an acceptance of her. I think that from what we've seen, when they first met, Kaladin hated her because his perceived ideal of her, based on her status as a light eyes. However, after the time spent in the chasms, he sees her as a person, and I think that seeing that light eyes suffer too could be very significant in his character growth, particularly if he becomes a more prominent political figure (what with being KR). I think that a relationship between Shallan and Kaladi would be beneficial on a character level to them both, Shallan increasing Kaladin's awareness of others, and Kaladin grounding Shallan a bit more.

Plus, I love the symbolism surronding them. Them being opposites....

Also, on Jasnah and Kaladin, I can't see that as working very well. I think it would be very hard for Kaladin and Jasnah to connect (particularly surronding Jasnah's somewhat questionably moral actions). Friends? Perhaps, but anything more, I can't really see as becoming a thing. 

Anyway, just my opinion :) contradict it and tear it apart as much as you want :P 

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Shallan and Kaladin share a bond -- the bond of both being pretty heavily broken. Different circumstances, but a lot to relate to. He's also smarter/better educated. Those are both strong points in their favor. Though I have to admit that Jasnah + Kaladin is another interesting ship. Though with that said, Adolin could work out too. We're just going to have to wait and see. 

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14 hours ago, scifan said:

I tend to wonder when Shallan will "realize" that Kaladin's the one who actually killed her brother Helaran...  

This will probably happen eventually, but perhaps Kaladin will get to explain himself before Shallan tries to kill him. It would definitely make it harder for them to fight alongside each other, though Shallan is more of a scholar, anyway.

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According to my experience with romance or love triangle, there is a very high chance that Kaladin would win Shallan's hand.

However, I stay with Adolin. I just hope a kind guy like him remains kind, and finally gets the real love he needs. But with the way things are set up, I see Adolin getting dark soon, and Shallan shying away from him. I just hope it doesn't happen. Too cliche. Too frequent. And too bad.

Moreover, no matter how much the author wants us believe that Shallan is a suitable match for Kaladin, I just don't buy it. Kaladin deserves a different person, someone who could be the real light Tien was, not someone who retorts in every conversation and makes other people uncomfortable with her supposed wittiness.

So, let Shallan stay with Adolin. Please.

Edited by Ariyar
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The chasm scene made this love triangle inevitable in my eyes, but I'm really hoping it won't be too melodramatic. Only a few things can become as tedious as reading about a main character pondering for hundreds of pages about who he/she has feelings for, especially when there are much greater events at play like there will definitely be in Oathbringer. 

Edited by geralt
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I have read that scene many times but the chasm scene is anything but romantic.

There are couple of snippets in the books which shows that Kaladin is jealous of what Adolin & Shallan have. It could be a longing of having something similar or longing for Shallan.

We get quite a few POV of Kaladin and if he was serious about Shallan, it would have been apparent.


Looking at the compatibility as well, there is no way Kaladin can get around with all the lying Shallan needs to do.

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20 hours ago, Blightsong said:

I like love triangles and romance in my fiction, and Brandon is setting it up well so I'm exited to see where it goes. I am also in the Kalladin camp, I think that he and Shallan have the pontential to understand each other on a deeper level than Adolin and Shallan could.


But this is my opinion, I know a lot of people are against the love triangle, or want to see Adolin and Shallan together (looking at you, @maxal). There have been many discussions on this as you said, and it's always been pretty controversial.



Why me? What did I do? :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: I have absolutely not been involved within those discussions :ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: At all. Never. Whenever I write about this subject, it gets very lengthy :ph34r: 

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You can tag them if you want to try to bring them into the discussion.

I just don't think Kaladin could handle Shallan's lies and evasions, and she couldn't handle his need for control. Plus neither of them is ready for a committed relationship; they have a lot of rehabilitation before that can happen, and neither of them is exactly a "love doctor" (surgeon doesn't count in this case...)

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1 hour ago, goody153 said:

There was some dude here in another "Shallan and Kaladin" thread before that noted the differences and that they fulfill each others complementary roles that they have been practicing their whole life.

Simply because people appear as the perfect match, on paper, does not mean they are going to work in real life. There is something to be said about the "mate ideal" many young people try to flesh out.

It never is the right one.

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