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Second Annual Sanderson Tournament


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The contestants had been gathered. 

It was time.

It had been a full year since Apotheosis's first game had ended, and he yearned for entertainment. So he had his most trusted advisers hand pick the most dangerous individuals from realms far beyond his own. Warriors, Assassins, people with tremendous power were brought to his domain to fight in single combat, until only one remained. Once Apotheosis had his fill of entertainment, the chosen fighters would be returned to their own dimension with no memory of what had happened.

The gathered champions stood in a small crowd beneath the throne of Apotheosis. They were in a glass ball of sorts, Apotheosis' throne lay on a column in the center. Outside this chamber lay eternity itself, and offered a wondrous view of the heavens and the stars. He stood to address those gathered below him. 

"Welcome, all of you, to my home." He spoke slowly, gauging their reactions, studying the ones his advisers had selected. He saw a grotesque being with spikes nailed into his entire body, even his eyes. He saw a man who bore the most magnificent armor Apotheosis had ever seen. He saw the one who had won his tournament last year, the short Mistborn girl. "You may all be wondering why you are here. I'll be quite blunt. You are here solely for my amusement. To some of you, this may be familiar, but I see new faces in the crowd. You will all be competing in a cosmic tournament, against those who surround you. Once my game has been concluded, you may all return home."

His words were met with a sea of murmuring. Some looked irritated, some look curious, a few looked thrilled.

"Oi mate," a voice rang out. "We get anythin' for winning?" The one who spoke was wearing one of his counselors purple hats. How had he gotten that?

"You'll have to win and see," Apotheosis replied. "I believe the first match can start now. You there, with the spikes, step forward!"

The man, Marsh was his name, reluctantly stepped forward. Apotheosis caught the look of disdain Marsh threw his way. He didn't want to be here. He pointed to a young girl standing in the middle of the crowd. He thought her name was Lift. "And you."



Lift's first thoughts upon being transported here: This is gonna be awesome!

And then she saw her opponent. He had like, a bunch of spikes inside him! More than ten, an unlucky number, whatever it was. Storms. He reminds me of Darkness.

What are you worried about? You had a feast from some rich idiot right before you got here! She snatched a bagel from the pocket of a funny looking man wearing a purple hat, scarfed it down for good measure, and looked at spikeman in his... well, spikes. Crumbs covered her shirt as she faced her opponent, trying to look intimidating. She felt cold just looking at him. "Get ready for some awesomeness," Lift bravely proclaimed, bagel still half-chewed in her mouth.

"Let the games begin!" Apotheosis declared.




Welcome everyone, to the Second Annual Great Sanderson Tournament! So many of you probably know how this works, but for those who don't, I'll give a brief overview. 32 characters have been nominated to compete in this tournament, and each day, we'll have a "fight" to see who moves on to the next round. This first fight is Marsh vs. Lift. You'll have around 24 hours, maybe a little more depending on whether or not I'm available to end the match, to vote for which character you want to move on to the next round. Many people chose to vote for who they think would win in a fight, but it's perfectly fine to just vote for which character you like more! Also, feel free to write up your own thoughts on how you think the battle will go! I hope you all have fun, and let the games begin! If you have any questions, let me know!

Here is a link to the bracket: http://challonge.com/rs1yozt6         

Edited by Patar
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I'll start it off, then! 

Marsh vs. Lift

Marsh, Kelsier's brother, is a seeker-turned Inquisitor, who ended up saving the world by ripping out Vin's earring. He has badchull spikes through his face.

Lift is a hilarious Edgedancer, trying to escape from Nalan constantly. She will have a "back half" SA book focused on her at some point.

So I'm gonna go with Marsh, mostly because I really love his viewpoints in HoA and how he works with Harmony after.

Happy Sanderson Tournament!

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I will vote based on who I like the most, but also write down who I think would win in a fight, for additional fun.

I vote Marsh here. I love that he is one Of the most badchull characters in the Cosmere, and he is an interesting character I would love to see more of. Lift is funna, but she is not enough to best Marsh.

In a fight, Marsh would win as well. He has all/most allomantical and feruchemical powers, and is extremely hard to kill. Lift cant match that.

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I'll have to go with Marsh as well. He's so much stronger than Lift is, he's pretty much the Lord Ruler Lite. She just doesn't stand a chance against him. She likely wouldn't know how to actually kill him, and even if she manages to catch him off guard, there isn't much she could do to hurt him. Marsh is faster, stronger, and perhaps most importantly, far more experienced with his powers. 

I also like Marsh so much more as a character. He pretty much saved the world, he was forced to do terrible things and now he's trying to atone for it. Lift may warm up to me when she gets her novella in a few months, but right now I'm not really sure whether I like her or not. 

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Marsh, obviously. He's basically gonna crush Lift in a fight. Lift's just a kid! She doesn't even know the full potential of her powers yet

 And as characters in general, we don't really know much about Lift yet, while Marsh is one of my favorite Mistborn characters :D 

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I'm going to have to go with Marsh for this one, and since I'm going off character rather than fighting skills, I really liked Marsh's character arc in how he did such terrible things because he was forced too, but then found a way to rebel even for that sing moment which drastically changed the outcome. 

And Lift...well, something always bugged me about her...

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Marsh had won easily. It hadn't even been close. A shame, the girl seemed to be full of energy. Marsh, on the other hand, was cold and stoic throughout the fight. He probably wasn't happy about having to slay a little girl. 

Up next was a very interesting match. Vasher, also known as Warbreaker the Peaceful, would be going up against one of his own creations, the wicked blade known as Nightblood. The sentient blade yearned to kill evildoers, but had little concept of what evil was.

Yes, an interesting match indeed. 

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I'm voting for Vasher because I like him more. (He's probably my most favorite character.) Why did you have to match him against Nightblood in the first round?

Vasher is really old and knows a lot about Breaths. Nightblood is very powerful, but he probably uses Vasher to help him determine what is evil. And seeing Vasher trying to destroy him would mean to him that either Vasher is evil or Nightblood is evil, and Nightblood would be consumed by the paradox.

Edited by Eccentric Hero
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Vasher. At first, the only way I could see for this fight to end was for Vasher to pick up Nightblood and let him drain his breaths away. Vasher is powerful, but I don't think he can unmake Nightblood, at least not on short notice.

But I think Vasher just picks up Nightblood, who happily helps him fight the rest of the tournament. (This is partially to have fun thinking outside the box, partially to prevent Nightblood from winning the rest of the tournament just by being indestructible).

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