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Adolin shardblade


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I don't think this is worthy of a new thread, so I thought I would post it in this one:


–]argel1200 5 points 13 hours ago 

Have you ever considered giving Adolin more screen time and a better arc, similar to how Spook grew on you? There are a lot of die-hard Adolin fans that are really hoping he will get bumped up into a more important role?


[–]mistborn[S] 4 points 12 hours ago 

RAFO on that one.


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1 hour ago, Argel said:

I don't think this is worthy of a new thread, so I thought I would post it in this one:


–]argel1200 5 points 13 hours ago 

Have you ever considered giving Adolin more screen time and a better arc, similar to how Spook grew on you? There are a lot of die-hard Adolin fans that are really hoping he will get bumped up into a more important role?


[–]mistborn[S] 4 points 12 hours ago 

RAFO on that one.


I saw it yesterday. My th and performed both holy and unholy rites (in that order, or course) oughts were: "Well, this is better than a flat out no.". It may not mean much though. RAFO could mean: "I have no decided yet", "You'll be pleasantly surprised" or "Never in a million year but I don't want to disappoint too many readers so I'll say RAFO.".

I've just read your other post... So we have and I quote: "and performed both holy and unholy rites (in that order, or course " in trying to figure out what to do with Adolin :o :ph34r:

He's probably not going to answer this one though... He will not want to allow anything too spoiler-y to slip and this one strikes me as something really spoiler-y. Also, he usually doesn't give much away when it comes to Adolin.

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Hah! He did give an answer!!




A tidbit on Adolin. Hm... In Book Three, he will finally get to wear an outfit other than a boring Kholin uniform.

Knowing you all, you're going to read WAY more into that than I intend. But there you go.



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49 minutes ago, Argel said:

A tidbit on Adolin. Hm... In Book Three, he will finally get to wear an outfit other than a boring Kholin uniform.

Knowing you all, you're going to read WAY more into that than I intend. But there you go.

Prison uniform confirmed ? :ph34r:

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On ‎10‎/‎1‎/‎2016 at 5:42 AM, maxal said:

I saw it yesterday. My th and performed both holy and unholy rites (in that order, or course) oughts were: "Well, this is better than a flat out no.". It may not mean much though. RAFO could mean: "I have no decided yet", "You'll be pleasantly surprised" or "Never in a million year but I don't want to disappoint too many readers so I'll say RAFO.".

I've just read your other post... So we have and I quote: "and performed both holy and unholy rites (in that order, or course " in trying to figure out what to do with Adolin :o :ph34r:

He's probably not going to answer this one though... He will not want to allow anything too spoiler-y to slip and this one strikes me as something really spoiler-y. Also, he usually doesn't give much away when it comes to Adolin.

What are your holy rights? Draw a Glyphward and burn it? Chay-Shan? 

Glad I wasn't around while you performed Jeskeri Mysteries rites...

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1 hour ago, Argel said:

Hah! He did give an answer!!

A tidbit on Adolin. Hm... In Book Three, he will finally get to wear an outfit other than a boring Kholin uniform.

Knowing you all, you're going to read WAY more into that than I intend. But there you go.


Well Adolin will finally make use of his fashion knowledge he gets from fashion magazines Alekthar version that he's been reading lol

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Why can't Adolin stay a normal human? I actually like him a non-radiant. Let him become the wife of Shallan :)

PS - i hate an Adolin-Shallan-Kaladin triangle, and hope not to see it. Can you imagine Kaladin+Shallan, with Kaladin's "I will protect you, stay in the house and only I will fight for you" issue vs. Shallan's "I won't ke kept closed + I will sneak out to spy/be spy for ghostbloods"? :)) They are SO incompatible I really don't want to see any of it ...

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5 hours ago, Yata said:

Prison uniform confirmed ? :ph34r:

Nah. For one it doesn't seem as if Alethkar has prison uniforms to begin with and Brandon said Adolin intentionally wears something else than his boring uniform. Intentionally implies he consciously decides to put something else on. What remains to be seen is did he do it with or without his father's approval. I personally am rather fond of rebellious Adolin choosing to stop following his father's codes or deciding he didn't deserve to wear Kholin blue anymore.

5 hours ago, goody153 said:

Well Adolin will finally make use of his fashion knowledge he gets from fashion magazines Alekthar version that he's been reading lol

He has set the bar quite high....

1 hour ago, marianmi said:


Why can't Adolin stay a normal human? I actually like him a non-radiant. Let him become the wife of Shallan :)

PS - i hate an Adolin-Shallan-Kaladin triangle, and hope not to see it. Can you imagine Kaladin+Shallan, with Kaladin's "I will protect you, stay in the house and only I will fight for you" issue vs. Shallan's "I won't ke kept closed + I will sneak out to spy/be spy for ghostbloods"? :)) They are SO incompatible I really don't want to see any of it ...

It isn't Adolin absolutely needs to become a Radiant, but many of us really love the character and hope for him to inherit a bigger role with important tasks to perform. Sadly, being "just Shallan's husband" is a role befitting a minor character such as Navani is to Dalinar. For my part, I do not think it would be satisfying character development for him. I don't want to read Shallan's story with Adolin in the background being the supportive caring husband: I want to read Adolin's story. The story of the perfect son who have been pushed into shoe holes which doesn't fit, the strong normal one who has refused to break when they all went down and kept it together until he couldn't any longer. That story is so much more interesting, IMHO, than Adolin happy husband and dedicated father. A character is interesting to read only if he grows, so where can Adolin grow to?

There is also the fact Adolin genuinely is the nicest kid around the block: not having him ever making it to Radianhood is heartbreaking and while I am sure this is a story the author could tell, the second he breaks down Adolin (and I believe it has already happened), then justifying why no sprens are going near him will be difficult. We can easily rationalize why Elhokar wouldn't, ultimately, be chosen (even if many believe he would), but Adolin? Nice, selfless Adolin?

So there lays the problem: Adolin sounds too much like proto-KR not to make it unless the author manages to provide the right rational. The other problem is fading away in the background to make more room for the Radiants isn't a story arc most of us, fans of Adolin, want to read. 

The powerless character can be terribly interesting, granted but, so far, SA appears to be a story focusing on those yielding this power, not the normal people gravitating around. Within SA, as it is currently structured, there is no room for the powerless character to have a decent arc and my biggest dream is to see Adolin finally start existing outside other people's POV.

I also dislike Kaladin/Shallan. One of the reasons is the one you have just stated.

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@maxal just because he's a normal human does not mean that he would be, like i put it, shallan's wife - stay at home nice guy who cooks dinner while shallan does bad-chull things. BS could spin a nice story with a "powerless" human that does awesome things in a world of radiants.


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23 minutes ago, marianmi said:

@maxal just because he's a normal human does not mean that he would be, like i put it, shallan's wife - stay at home nice guy who cooks dinner while shallan does bad-chull things. BS could spin a nice story with a "powerless" human that does awesome things in a world of radiants.


He could, but as I said, I personally feel it would diminish his character development. SA has also been too much the story of powerful people to have a non-powered character occupying anything else but a side role. I may be wrong, but so are my current perceptions.

Anyway, I feel as if "powerless Adolin" is a good arc to add drama into the character, but it has to lead somewhere and if this somewhere merely is "marrying Shallan" and/or "becoming Highprince/King", then it isn't worth it. The pay-off is not high enough. You don't spend time with a character to see him end up exactly where the story told you he would end on page 1 of book 1. Also, if he ends up doing something great despite lacking power, then you completely change the tone of the story: instead of being about ancient powers arising to fight an ancient evil, it would be about how powers are meaningless and over-rated. In other words, you end up in Codex Alera and even there, the author couldn't keep his character powerless for too long.

I just do not feel it fits within the main story arcs of the Stormlight Archives and any role where Adolin takes a backseat towards anyone isn't one I would personally enjoy. I also do feel him reviving his Blade and becoming a Radiant, through out of normal means, definitely forms the best character arc for him, but this of course all depends on the author.

Anyway, based on Argel's WoB, looks like there is a fair chance I am getting rebellious Adolin which certainly forms one of my favorite arc for him to go into.

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45 minutes ago, marianmi said:

Let's not forget there is also other magics around, not just KR surges. maybe he gets to use that...

From my whole perspective, characters are interesting if they grow, if they evolve, if they learn. Had Adolin been Renarin, merely growing up into a soldier, acquiring Shards on his own (not having them being given to him) could form a satisfying story arc, but Adolin isn't Renarin. Already, he is the best duelist in Alethkar, he once was one of the youngest Shardbearer (has to be given he was just 16), he is a good military tactician: this is no more growth for him to have there. Sure he could have a Fall Arc where he loses much and then re-gains it back, but where is the progression? Having Adolin merely remaining what he has always been, keeping on being good at what he has always been good at is a Static Arc, even if he falls for a while, remains a Static Arc. 

Even if he is given the Honorblade, it remains a Static Arc because Adolin learns nothing: he has no progression. Having Adolin ditch his Shardblade for a more powerful one and merely get around with the two surges, without the personal progression typically associated with the KR is not terribly interesting not to mention it is completely OOC for him to do so.

Sure the author could keep him in the background, in which case those arcs would work quite well, but in the optic I would rather Adolin grows up a notch, then becoming a KR basically is the only way I see it happening. Adolin has always strike me as a young man not really knowing who he truly is: he has spent a lifetime being who his father demanded he was, he never sat down and wondered, really wondered about who he was. His inner monologue echos it quite well towards the end of WoR. What was he?

Yes, who are you Adolin? This is the question I feel his arc has to answer and I am quite certain the answer isn't "who he has always been". 

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I really came here to say I think the clothing Adolin will get to wear is just a wedding uniform, but then a disappointing thought just struck me.

What if Adolin's only purpose now is to show that Shardblades can be resurrected (not getting into mechanics, which could derail the thread)? After he shows that and everyone cheers, Nalan comes around and executes him for bringing back things that people shouldn't mess with and killing Sadeas :( 


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19 hours ago, maxal said:

It isn't Adolin absolutely needs to become a Radiant, but many of us really love the character and hope for him to inherit a bigger role with important tasks to perform. Sadly, being "just Shallan's husband" is a role befitting a minor character such as Navani is to Dalinar. For my part, I do not think it would be satisfying character development for him. I don't want to read Shallan's story with Adolin in the background being the supportive caring husband: I want to read Adolin's story. The story of the perfect son who have been pushed into shoe holes which doesn't fit, the strong normal one who has refused to break when they all went down and kept it together until he couldn't any longer. That story is so much more interesting, IMHO, than Adolin happy husband and dedicated father. A character is interesting to read only if he grows, so where can Adolin grow to?

I understand you want to read Adolin's story, but calling Dalinar a minor character is a major misrepresentation of him. He is the BONDSMITH, going out to unify all. The next book is literally centered around him. Navani is minor now but her fabrial inventions have a very large chance of becoming super important in the future. But I do agree that Adolin will have a larger role than just being the supportive spouse type, he's too useful and helpful to do that.

19 hours ago, maxal said:

I also dislike Kaladin/Shallan. One of the reasons is the one you have just stated.

Save a spot for me in this boat, I'm not a fan of this pairing and I enjoy reading the Adolin/Shallan blooming love.

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1 hour ago, Naurock said:

I understand you want to read Adolin's story, but calling Dalinar a minor character is a major misrepresentation of him. He is the BONDSMITH, going out to unify all. The next book is literally centered around him. Navani is minor now but her fabrial inventions have a very large chance of becoming super important in the future. But I do agree that Adolin will have a larger role than just being the supportive spouse type, he's too useful and helpful to do that.

Save a spot for me in this boat, I'm not a fan of this pairing and I enjoy reading the Adolin/Shallan blooming love.

I'm pretty sure @maxal was saying Navani was the minor character, not Dalinar. She's "attached" to Dalinar's story like Adolin is attached to both Dalinar and Shallan's.


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Thanks for popping in @Jondesu. Indeed, Naurock misunderstood my sentence. I meant to say I didn't wish for Adolin to be to Shallan what Navani is to Dalinar, not that Dalinar was a minor character. While we all agree (I think we do) Navani is an interesting character, we all understand she isn't likely growing into more than a minor supporting character meant to supplement Dalinar's arc and to give tip bits about fabrial making. It may be she'll invent something useful but, in the end, her character is unlikely to be featured into a strong arc. In other words, we do not need to expand on Navani for her to fulfill her purpose into the story: I doubt many readers will tear their hair over it if it doesn't happen. 

Adolin is a different matter: many readers expect more of him, many readers want more of him and many won't be content with him merely fulfilling a supporting arc such as Navani currently has. Now, of course, as a supporting character, Adolin could still have a contribution to the story, but this contribution would be small and it wouldn't come through a full blown character arc as I wish for him to have. I mean, if Navani invents a fabrial, the fabrial will be the story not Navani, the individual.

So essentially I am militating for Adolin to have his own arc outside any other character, to have him exist on his own, not because he is useful to have within Shallan/Kaladin/Dalinar's arc.

3 hours ago, Naurock said:

Save a spot for me in this boat, I'm not a fan of this pairing and I enjoy reading the Adolin/Shallan blooming love.

Sure hop on sailor: there is room for all. The more the merrier.



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Just now, marianmi said:

basically @maxal wants an Adolin book :P 

I would be satisfied with a decent character arc inside "someone else" book, but ultimately, an Adolin book is what I was initially hoping for. Since it isn't going to happen, I have to settle on the next best option which would be strong viewpoint. By strong, I mean equivalent or more to Shallan's arc in WoK, so something in the 50-80K words range. 

This would satisfy me, but the only character who get more than 30K are the major ones, so likely not Adolin :( Not unless Brandon changes his mind: he did RAFO Argel, so I guess there some limited hope to be have.

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Lift novel has 40K words which is more words than Adolin has gotten in WoR, so yes I would definitely call it "on the long side". Unfortunately, I do not think Adolin is a good character for a novel, not unless the author sends him on a walkabout across Roshar... In other words, his story arc is too entangled with the other main characters: a side novel featuring him as the main protagonist would basically be SA3.5 and not truly a novel. Not that I would mind about it, but it seems doubtful the author would do this.

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