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Adolin shardblade


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I apologize if this has been brought up before I know I have thought about it in the past but is there a possibility that Adolin's shardblade was once alive and has a spren within the weapon itself. I recall the times that Adeline stated he never gave his Shardblade a name because he knew it had a name once before maybe of foreshadowing of the blade coming to life in educating Adolin  of possible hidden skills that Shard blades have. I am roughly 600 pages in my reread of Words of Radiance I've only read it once before when I initially came out. There is a lot of stuff that I totally forgot about that I'm remembering when rereading it so maybe this is explained later on in the book that I just don't remember. 

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26 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

I apologize if this has been brought up before I know I have thought about it in the past but is there a possibility that Adolin's shardblade was once alive and has a spren within the weapon itself. I recall the times that Adeline stated he never gave his Shardblade a name because he knew it had a name once before maybe of foreshadowing of the blade coming to life in educating Adolin  of possible hidden skills that Shard blades have. I am roughly 600 pages in my reread of Words of Radiance I've only read it once before when I initially came out. There is a lot of stuff that I totally forgot about that I'm remembering when rereading it so maybe this is explained later on in the book that I just don't remember. 

Shardblades are former Radiant sprens which were trapped into their Blade form when their knights betrayed them and broke their oaths (for currently unknown reasons). Adolin's Blade isn't special in any way: it belongs to the Edgedancers order which means it once was similar to Wyndle. All Shardblades are thus the same: former sprens from various order forever captive of into their Blade aspect. Not much is known as to why a gem allows the wielder to bond the Shardblade, but it has been established the 10 seconds delay is linked to the difficulty the Blade has to appear into the physical realm. 

Those sprens are most likely crazy, after hundred of years of insanity. They have lost their conscience. While they maintain a small link with the physical and the cognitive realm, they do not completely exist in either. My thoughts are they are trapped in between, lost in a limbo, unable to either fully enter one or the other. As a result, they have all sense of themselves.

Drastic? Yes. Can they be revived? Theoretically, yes, but it would be extremely difficult. A lot of people, including myself, do feel it has been foreshadowed Adolin would revive his Shardblade, but it may be a Red Herring. Even then, he has been closer to the truth than any other character and it may be his genuine concern for others combined with his desire to remember may be enough to provide the poor spren enough of a link to migrate towards the physical realm. The exact mechanism is unknown, but we do know he'd need to say the oaths. The fact his "spren" is trapped into the unknown and thus incapable of interacting with him supposes he'd have to do it without guidance nor help nor surgebinding.

My personal thoughts are this the most endearing and downright interesting story arc ever. Sadly the fact the author seems to have mixed feelings about including Adolin within the story bodes badly for his future.

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If The Shardblades were once alive spren does that mean that the Shardplate also was once alive. Would a Knight Radent have two spren bonded to them and if the individual Spren was part of the plate shardblade were somehow bonded together as well. If the spren ate awaken with the plates and blades would they want to be reunited together for example one shard owners  blade wants to be with another Shard owners  plate. That may sound a little ridiculous

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"Plate being Spren" isn't as ridiculous as it sounds, judging by some of the theories on that subject. I personally don't think so for multiple reasons, but that's my opinion.

Wait, are you thinking that Plate and Blade were actually in sets, both bonded to an individual KR in the past? Don't think anyone's considered that line of thinking on here yet.

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20 minutes ago, The One Who Connects said:

"Plate being Spren" isn't as ridiculous as it sounds, judging by some of the theories on that subject. I personally don't think so for multiple reasons, but that's my opinion.

Wait, are you thinking that Plate and Blade were actually in sets, both bonded to an individual KR in the past? Don't think anyone's considered that line of thinking on here yet.

Yes that is exactly what I am saying what if the plate and blade wre sets, both bonded to a individual KR. It would be really cool that the play in the blade could teach the individual KR was of war against the voidbringers. It would be like Adolin was being given the teaching of a long lost style of fighting

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2 hours ago, Argel said:

Or just go to @maxal,s profile and wade through her posts.... ;) 


I would like to warn in advance anyone wanting to attempt this: it may take a while :ph34r:

1 hour ago, bdoble97 said:

Thank you @maxal in my 1st read through of Way of King and Words of Radince I was not a huge fan of Adolin but the idea of him having a batshit crazy spren within his shardblade  sounds extremely exciting to me. 

I love this arc because I feel it is one even those who aren't huge fan of Adolin would actually like reading it.

35 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

If The Shardblades were once alive spren does that mean that the Shardplate also was once alive. Would a Knight Radent have two spren bonded to them and if the individual Spren was part of the plate shardblade were somehow bonded together as well. If the spren ate awaken with the plates and blades would they want to be reunited together for example one shard owners  blade wants to be with another Shard owners  plate. That may sound a little ridiculous

I am not the best person to enumerate the numerous theories with respect to the Shardplate. I think the most popular one is Plate is form out of lesser sprens which are drawn to the Radiants when they draw on stormlight. Brandon has confirmed there was a bond in between Plate and wielder but it was a lesser one than in between dead-Blade and owner. 

8 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

Yes that is exactly what I am saying what if the plate and blade wre sets, both bonded to a individual KR. It would be really cool that the play in the blade could teach the individual KR was of war against the voidbringers. It would be like Adolin was being given the teaching of a long lost style of fighting

It has been theorized before. I don't recall anything being concluded. I love the idea of Adolin ending up as the pupil of a long lost spren.

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Wait, maxal's a girl?  That's...huh.  Normally I can get a pretty good idea of a person's gender if I read enough of their writing, and given the amount she's written about Adolin, I thought I had her pretty much pegged.  But I guess I was wrong.

2 hours ago, bdoble97 said:

Yes that is exactly what I am saying what if the plate and blade wre sets, both bonded to a individual KR. It would be really cool that the play in the blade could teach the individual KR was of war against the voidbringers. It would be like Adolin was being given the teaching of a long lost style of fighting

Can you clarify what you mean by the plate and blade being sets?  I don't think I quite understand.  I think pretty much everyone agrees that each Radiant probably had one Blade and one Plate, so that can't be what you mean by "both bonded to an individual KR".

That being said, if you mean that the Plate is also from a singular Radiant spren...it's possible, I guess, but Blade and Plate behave pretty differently.  Like, Plate can shatter and Blades can't, so that kind of seems to indicate that they're different things at the core.  Also, Blades can be summoned and Plate can't.  Plate requires Stormlight and Blades don't.  Etc.

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16 hours ago, galendo said:

Wait, maxal's a girl?  That's...huh.  Normally I can get a pretty good idea of a person's gender if I read enough of their writing, and given the amount she's written about Adolin, I thought I had her pretty much pegged.  But I guess I was wrong.

*Shocking news* :o Seriously, my public profile does say "female" ;), but I don't put too much emphasis on my personal gender whenever I post. I don't typically correct people who may call me "dude". I tend to prefer not being associated to one gender or another unless it becomes relevant to the discussion at hand. The reason being is I feel people wouldn't react the same way to all I have written were it obvious I actually was a "she" and not a "he". Still, there are places where it is pretty obvious, but perhaps not in the threads you have personally read.


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7 minutes ago, maxal said:

*Shocking news* :o Seriously, my public profile does say "female" ;), but I don't put too much emphasis on my personal gender whenever I post. I don't typically correct people who may call me "dude". I tend to prefer not being associated to one gender or another unless it becomes relevant to the discussion at hand. The reason being is I feel people wouldn't react the same way to all I have written were it obvious I actually was a "she" and not a "he". Still, there are places where it is pretty obvious, but perhaps not in the threads you have personally read.


You sounded to smart to be a guy hahaha

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6 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

You sounded to smart to be a guy hahaha


But I seriously think guys are taken more seriously when it comes to fantasy reading and associated discussions. If you are a girl and you enjoy a male character, then you are being called a "fan girl": all your argumentation gets automatically trust into a garbage can :rolleyes: Or you get refer to as something "cute" and "adorable" which has the effect of having people, including the author if he heard of you, pad you on the head :rolleyes: I don't want to be pad on the head, I want to be taken seriously as a serious individual.

I like to believe I can argue for a better/stronger/more prominent role for Adolin without having to trust gender into the mix. There are several good reasons to enjoy the character and I have stumbled on an equal number of male/female readers who think in likewise lines.

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32 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

@maxal 16 years ago my older sister introduced me to fantasy books by showing me The Eye of The World. She would always be my go to, to talk and ask questions  about fantasy books. 

I had my fair share of bad stares and snort in my life for my preference of fantasy... I kinda grew self-conscious about it, even if perhaps for the wrong reasons. I also grew up in the generation where women could often be dismissed for being... women. It wasn't as bad as previous ones, but I have been told I shouldn't be good at mathematics because I was a girl or I should study something else, something more easy, something suited for a woman :rolleyes: The last thing I want is others to dismiss my argumentation based on my gender. Dismiss it because it is poor, fallacious, badly phrased or too extreme. Dismiss it because you don't agree with it or you downright hate it, but not because a "she" wrote it and not a "he". 

Maybe I just was unlucky, who knows.


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7 minutes ago, maxal said:

I had my fair share of bad stares and snort in my life for my preference of fantasy... I kinda grew self-conscious about it, even if perhaps for the wrong reasons. I also grew up in the generation where women could often be dismissed for being... women. It wasn't as bad as previous ones, but I have been told I shouldn't be good at mathematics because I was a girl or I should study something else, something more easy, something suited for a woman :rolleyes: The last thing I want is others to dismiss my argumentation based on my gender. Dismiss it because it is poor, fallacious, badly phrased or too extreme. Dismiss it because you don't agree with it or you downright hate it, but not because a "she" wrote it and not a "he". 

Maybe I just was unlucky, who knows.


 well I find your comments very intelligent and look forward to reading them 

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7 hours ago, maxal said:

*Shocking news* :o Seriously, my public profile does say "female" ;), but I don't put too much emphasis on my personal gender whenever I post. I don't typically correct people who may call me "dude". I tend to prefer not being associated to one gender or another unless it becomes relevant to the discussion at hand. The reason being is I feel people wouldn't react the same way to all I have written were it obvious I actually was a "she" and not a "he". Still, there are places where it is pretty obvious, but perhaps not in the threads you have personally read.


Eh, it's no big deal.  I was just taken aback because, like I said, I can frequently tell a person's gender from their writing.  I test myself sometimes, on books where I've forgotten the author's name (which happens more often to me than you might think) or when the name itself is gender-neutral, and I'm right far more frequently than not.  I never dug into your profile because I honestly don't really care either way.  Er, don't take that as an insult.  It's just that there are a lot of people on the Internet, and most information on people's profiles just doesn't matter much in cyberspace, gender included.

Anyway, apologies to all for semi-derailing the thread with an offhand comment.  Let's see if we can bring it back to Adolin and Shardblades.  Here's a question: say Adolin somehow revives his Blade.  Now, at present the Blade's spren pretty clearly has the ability to manifest itself as a Blade.  Would being revived make it lose that ability?  If not, would Adolin get a Blade-spren earlier than other Radiants of the same order?  Or would he have to speak enough Ideals to get to the "physical Blade" level in order to revive the spren in the first place?

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 Would being revived make it lose that ability?  If not, would Adolin get a Blade-spren earlier than other Radiants of the same order?


Well Shallan can already turn pattern into a shardblade before she had access to the surges so i think different orders have different timings of getting a shardblade. I also think in order for adolin to revive the Spren he has to fit as the Radiant Order the spren belongs to, you know standard "i'm only dead as your oaths kaladin" speech by Syl. 



 Or would he have to speak enough Ideals to get to the "physical Blade" level in order to revive the spren in the first place?

This is probably how it should work if Adolin was gonna revive a sharblade. 

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17 minutes ago, goody153 said:

Well Shallan can already turn pattern into a shardblade before she had access to the surges so i think different orders have different timings of getting a shardblade. I also think in order for adolin to revive the Spren he has to fit as the Radiant Order the spren belongs to, you know standard "i'm only dead as your oaths kaladin" speech by Syl. 

Shallan is a little weid case...As a child she already developed a lot as Radiant (and she reaches the point where Pattern may became a Shardblade) then he suppress the Bond and Pattern runned away in the Cognitive to save himself....But Shallan has already spoken a lot of Truth, then in the present time, she actually didn't summon her Shardblade until a late period in the book (when she already re-spoke 3 Truths).

At the end of WoR, Shallan is the more advanced Radiant we know with a single Oath/truth to becoming a complete KR

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11 minutes ago, Yata said:

Shallan is a little weid case...As a child she already developed a lot as Radiant (and she reaches the point where Pattern may became a Shardblade) then he suppress the Bond and Pattern runned away in the Cognitive to save himself....But Shallan has already spoken a lot of Truth, then in the present time, she actually didn't summon her Shardblade until a late period in the book (when she already re-spoke 3 Truths).

At the end of WoR, Shallan is the more advanced Radiant we know with a single Oath/truth to becoming a complete KR

Didn't Kaladin officially became a Knight Radiant on his 3rd words (" I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right. ") well i suppose different Radiant orders have different timings for officially becoming a Knight Radiant 

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7 minutes ago, goody153 said:

Didn't Kaladin officially became a Knight Radiant on his 3rd words (" I will protect even those I hate, so long as it is right. ") well i suppose different Radiant orders have different timings for officially becoming a Knight Radiant 

mmm nope, a Complete KR is someone who spoked all the five Oaths (and Kal has still two Oaths to spoke)...Of course it's a matter of Semanthics, Kaladin would proclame himself as a Radiant also before of the third Oath I immagine.

As Dalinar may be called a KR also if has only two Oaths spoken.

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6 minutes ago, Yata said:

mmm nope, a Complete KR is someone who spoked all the five Oaths...Of course it's a matter of Semanthics, Kaladin would proclame himself as a Radiant also before of the third Oath I immagine.

As Dalinar may be called a KR also if has only two Oaths spoken.

but don't their personal spren say that they "aren't a KR yet" whenever they ask and i think Kaladin proclaiming the KR have returned was just like how he spoke the Oaths that it came naturally for him not some boast/random declaration he made. Since i think Syl would've told Kaladin about that. 

also may i know where it says that a KR needs to have spoken all the five oaths, i may have missed this part or didn't read a WoB about it


edit : Though if i think about it being officially a KR may actually just be a title and the moment they got access to surges and Shardblade probably already turned them in a KR .

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