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Spolier Main characters in 2n half of SA


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6 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

The idea of him having visions of the future could help the armys on the battlefield tremendously saveing countless lives. 

I do agree with @maxal about not wanting to see Renarin on the battlefield, as he'd be too precious to lose, BUT that does make for a good argument.

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17 minutes ago, Xaklys said:

Well, Brandon has a plan.  For not being one of the flashback characters, I think Adolin has had a lot of screen time, especially in Words of Radiance.  With the assassination of Sadeas, I can only imagine that he will be more important for a least a little bit.  And as I said before, we haven't even seen Renarin's POV yet so we don't know what it will be like, I would think he talks a significant amount with Glys so we will see.  The idea of him having visions of the future sounds really cool to me while reading his POV.

Adolin has had screen time, but no story arc actually revolves around him (he tends to be around merely to emphasis something in either Dalinar or Kaladin) and the author has not made any commitment towards actually giving him something more substantial. It would more of the opposite, he has more or less made the statement he wouldn't. Plan or no plan, my thoughts are Adolin's story arc could be so interesting, it is a real shame the author isn't seeing it this way. The aftermath of Sadeas's death will revolve around Dalinar, not Adolin so I personally expect less Adolin viewpoints in book 3 than in the previous two books. I doubt he has more than 4 or 5 chapters in there which isn't enough to be called "an arc".

I may be biased because I don't like visions or prophecies. To be more precise, I tend to hate when such as used within stories as they feel too much like plot devices. It is thus, while I admit I am curious about them and I do want to find out more, I don't want them to be a major focus. A side focus would be sufficient, from my perspective, but again YMMV. What I'd love to be a main focus? Adolin reviving his Blade B) A main focus, not some side stories which happens in two chapters or behind closed curtains.

9 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

The idea of him having visions of the future could help the armys on the battlefield tremendously saveing countless lives. 

Yes, I agree with this. I doesn't imply him actually being a soldier, just being involved in the warfare, but not as a front man. This, I wouldn't be bothered by. In fact, I had thought his arc may go this way. 

2 minutes ago, Xaklys said:

I do agree with @maxal about not wanting to see Renarin on the battlefield, as he'd be too precious to lose, BUT that does make for a good argument.

Well, bdoble97's idea does not require him to be actually on the battleground doing the fighting... He's be the guy staying behind sending messages to the generals or something along those lines. 

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We'll just have to see.  You are entitled to your opinion, nothing wrong with wanting more out of a character.  I normally would agree with you on the prophecy thing with plots but it can be done well, but Brandon can do no wrong to me with these series so far (except for Lift).

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5 minutes ago, maxal said:

Adolin has had screen time, but no story arc actually revolves around him (he tends to be around merely to emphasis something in either Dalinar or Kaladin) and the author has not made any commitment towards actually giving him something more substantial. It would more of the opposite, he has more or less made the statement he wouldn't. Plan or no plan, my thoughts are Adolin's story arc could be so interesting, it is a real shame the author isn't seeing it this way. The aftermath of Sadeas's death will revolve around Dalinar, not Adolin so I personally expect less Adolin viewpoints in book 3 than in the previous two books. I doubt he has more than 4 or 5 chapters in there which isn't enough to be called "an arc".

I may be biased because I don't like visions or prophecies. To be more precise, I tend to hate when such as used within stories as they feel too much like plot devices. It is thus, while I admit I am curious about them and I do want to find out more, I don't want them to be a major focus. A side focus would be sufficient, from my perspective, but again YMMV. What I'd love to be a main focus? Adolin reviving his Blade B) A main focus, not some side stories which happens in two chapters or behind closed curtains.

Yes, I agree with this. I doesn't imply him actually being a soldier, just being involved in the warfare, but not as a front man. This, I wouldn't be bothered by. In fact, I had thought his arc may go this way. 

Well, bdoble97's idea does not require him to be actually on the battleground doing the fighting... He's be the guy staying behind sending messages to the generals or something along those lines. 

Yes he could be a strategis for the generals helping his father who would be in his 70s I believe by the second set of 5 books.

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10 hours ago, Xaklys said:

We'll just have to see.  You are entitled to your opinion, nothing wrong with wanting more out of a character.  I normally would agree with you on the prophecy thing with plots but it can be done well, but Brandon can do no wrong to me with these series so far (except for Lift).

Prophecies and visions are difficult to integrate into a story without making them feel like plot devices. I agree we have yet to see where the author is going with them. It also is very early in the series: authors have been known to make the wrong narrative choices (Jordan for instances once apologized for one of his books). I have good faith SA will turn out into a great series, but I cannot say I'll ultimately agree with every single narrative choice the author will make. I have yet to read to find out.

So you do not like Lift? I happens.... :ph34r:

10 hours ago, bdoble97 said:

I also want to see a arc of Adolin eeviving his shardblade. 

A lot of people want it too and if I base myself on Brandon's recent words, there is fair chance it'll happen. My main issue is I fear he won't give it a strong enough focus and most of it will happen behind closed doors merely because its main actor is Adolin and not Kaladin. 

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Considering Adolin is already a strong secondary character in pretty much everyone's storyline (son, commander, love interest), if he got his own flashbacks along with his occacasional own POV chapter, the Stromlight Archive would become pretty much the story of Adolin. I doubt that would enhance the story. Also, his history probably isn't all that interesting, since he's probably grown up like a standard noble kid.

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6 minutes ago, Sarevok said:

Considering Adolin is already a strong secondary character in pretty much everyone's storyline (son, commander, love interest), if he got his own flashbacks along with his occacasional own POV chapter, the Stromlight Archive would become pretty much the story of Adolin. I doubt that would enhance the story. Also, his history probably isn't all that interesting, since he's probably grown up like a standard noble kid.

A focus arc doesn't necessarily imply flashbacks though a few selected scenes would be awesome. A focus arc implies a given character has a beginning and an end, it implies stuff which happens to said character is used for his own character development and, as reader, we get to read the conclusion. It means everything Adolin does not currently have within SA.

Adolin isn't currently a focus character which means every single arc he partakes in isn't his own. Sure, he is around, sure stuff happens to him, but we never get to read it. Now he murdered Sadeas which could be seen as a satisfying climax for his own character arc, providing we ignored the fact the author didn't give us closure on the 4 on 1 duel and didn't give us Adolin's POV after Shallan dropped down in the chasm, but we could ignore it for the greater arc which the murder's aftermath could be. The problem is the current planning for SA3 seems to indicate murdering Sadeas won't be Adolin's arc, but Dalinar's. All prognostics indicate Adolin will be nothing more than passenger into Dalinar's arc, having nothing to play but a very superficial role. The purpose of my rant is to have Adolin have his own arc, outside Dalinar and Kaladin, to have him being allowed to grow as a character, on his own, not because the story required him to screw up in his dueling just so Elhokar could have an excuse to throw Kaladin in prison. To have his own arc be about HIM and just HIM just as Kaladin's arcs are about HIM and no one else.

My intentions wouldn't be to make the story about Adolin anymore than it is about Kaladin, just to have him have an on-going arc revolving around him, his issues, his problems, his progression and stop having him being used as the foil to everyone else. Let someone else be the foil, Adolin has out-grown this role now.

I would however say reading on how young nobles are being raised is something I personally find very interesting, more interesting than reading how peasants are. Peasants is pretty straight-forward: you are poor, you learn a trade and you are oppressed by the ruling class. Classic and it been done a 1000 time. How would Adolin's younger life be less interesting than Kaladin's or Shallan's? On the contrary, the pressure to perform, the pressure to be perfect, the endless lessons, the impossibility to just be a child would mirror Kaladin's hobo upbringing in a delicious manner and it mirrors modern days reality in a much better way than any other characters could ever achieve. The author could write a great deal of interesting stuff into such story, but he prefers to make Adolin a bland character without so much of a past, his prerogative, but it doesn't mean he couldn't have written a good story here. It just means he does not want to and it is a shame he is passing out on it. Had SA been a TV show, Adolin would have been promoted from occasional guest character to regular character for the next season but it is a book, so in books it seems, characters are allowed to not grow and to be left on the sidewalks. 

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On 9/21/2016 at 1:28 AM, bdoble97 said:

  May have spoliers As Brandon Sanderson has said that SA is a 10 book series split into two 5 book sets. Brandon has said that there will be new main characters in the 2nd set if 5 book with Lift being one of the new main characters. Does this mean that all the characters that I have fallen in love with will all die off by the end if book 5. I cant see that happening or at lesthope it does not. In a Q&A Sanderson stated ge has neen writing Dalinar from the age 15 so if any of the main characters do make it out I say its Dalinar. 

There is apparently a 15 year gap between book 5 and 6 and also apparently Dalinar is Mr. Sanderson's pet character so i doubt he dies or goes off-screen not until the end of stormlight archives i suspect. If ever he does die.

1 hour ago, Sarevok said:

Considering Adolin is already a strong secondary character in pretty much everyone's storyline (son, commander, love interest), if he got his own flashbacks along with his occacasional own POV chapter, the Stromlight Archive would become pretty much the story of Adolin. I doubt that would enhance the story. Also, his history probably isn't all that interesting, since he's probably grown up like a standard noble kid.

Yeah Adolin is a pretty strong supporting character already also not every great character has to have that much exposure (after all he's not the focus of the story it's Dalinar, the KR's, Szeth and suriving Odium) like for example from mistborn i found Marsh, The Lord Ruler(to an extent) and Allriane strong supporting characters but alas the story doesn't revolve around them.

Adolin already has character developments like he gradually becomes more and more warlike and utilitarian.

IMO while i'd like to see Mr. Sanderson going for the reviving shardblade route for Adolin giving too much focus to Adolin even though i like the character might be dull since his character while admirable and humble(surprisingly) his character isn't very complex and honestly i don't find alot of things that could be explored about Adolin. For example i like shallan's pov but i don't wanna read all about scholarship, exchange banters, shallans struggle about hiding from the past and seeking the truth stuff like all the time. Like i think Adolin's addition to the story is already a healthy dose 

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43 minutes ago, goody153 said:

Yeah Adolin is a pretty strong supporting character already also not every great character has to have that much exposure (after all he's not the focus of the story it's Dalinar, the KR's, Szeth and suriving Odium) like for example i found Marsh and Allriane(from mistborn) strong characters but alas the story doesn't revolve around them.

Adolin already has character developments like he gradually becomes more and more warlike and utilitarian.

IMO while i'd like to see Mr. Sanderson going for the reviving shardblade route for Adolin giving too much focus to Adolin even though i like the character might be dull since his character while admirable and humble(surprisingly) his character isn't very complex and a bit simplistic compared to others. For example i like shallan's pov but i don't wanna read all about scholarship, exchange banters, shallans struggle about hiding from the past and seeking the truth stuff like all the time. Like i think Adolin's addition to the story is already a healthy dose 

I personally find Marsh and Allriane to be barely developed characters: they are an idea of character, but they aren't explored ones. Marsh slightly more so, but Allriane. not so much. I personally wouldn't be satisfied with Adolin ending up having as little exposure as they do.

I read Adolin's character development as everything but him becoming more warlike and utilitarian, but opinions may differ here.

I also disagree Adolin is not a complex character as I feel all characters have the potential to be complex: it depends on the treatment the other wants to give them. Is Kaladin complex? Absolutely not: he is terribly simple. He wants to protect other people, preferably those who remind him of Tien, while harboring a victim complex and a strong prejudice against the ruling class. His every actions are tainted by these few facts. What else is there to further explore for the character other than watching him keeping on evolving? An evolution which certainly implies him raising up in society and succeeding in having his revolution where the darkeyes are recognize for their worth. It is a rather standard story arc, pretty much you average run of the mil heroes journey which has been the focus of most epic fantasies. Is Dalinar complex? No at all: he just wants to unite the world together, for the right reasons, but at the same time, he believes his rules and his way is the only possible way. His past is more interesting than his future. Is Shallan complex? Arguably, she is the most complex character as there are still key elements from her past we haven't been privy too, but her story arc is set to revolve into spying, double-agency and such which may or may not be every reader's cup of tea. Is Renarin complex? He is just your average kid born with a disability who ended up believing he was up to no good because of it up until he is given magical powers to offset it. Classic.

Therefore, is Adolin complex? At least as much as the other characters. He is the perfect one, the heir, the one which has to carry the legacy and, as such, the one with all the pressure to perform placed onto his shoulder. He has massive issues with relationships, incapable of developing any significant bond with his peers, always backing away for fear of not being good enough. What is interesting about Adolin is just that: everyone takes him for a simplistic simpleton having no story to tell, but there is so much more to him. His quest is about finding out who he truly is as opposed to keep on being what everyone expects/wants him to be which is rather different than other characters journey which are about finding the freedom to express who they already know they are. Adolin is just this kid which has been pushed into a given mold which isn't the right one, but since he doesn't want to displeased, he goes with it. His tale is very modern-like and has a strong resonant into everyone's inner kid which was pushed over by authoritative parents into a career path they ended up hating and later struggle, as adults, to find their true path even if it means breaking all ties with family. This is complex: not all stories have to originate through childhood.

I'd thus say a character is as complex as the author wills him to be. The author chose to present Adolin's issues with courtship as a comical relief as opposed to dig in deeper as to why Adolin struggles so much. He chose not to give more light to the amount of pressure he has onto himself, he chose not to give Adolin a stronger voice and he chose not to explore his inner turmoil at having been forced to watch Shallan die to save his father. Had it been Kaladin, it would have been refer as a "breaking down moment" as least as strong as Tien's death. but since it is Adolin, it is brushed away. Adolin is just as complex as any other character the author has presented so far. The difference is the author doesn't want to play this complexity, he prefers to downplay it . Why? I do not know, but reasons may be he doesn't understand how to write characters such as Adolin, which is plausible considering how different he is from his regular cast of main protagonist. It may just be Brandon doesn't know how to write the complexity into Adolin's character or it may merely he prefers writing other characters. 

Would the Blade revival story arc make the story Adolin-centrism? Oh storm no, not anymore than it is horribly Kaladin-centrism. On the contrary I think the story would benefit for diverting its main protagonists more. Besides, nobody is luring himself: Adolin will never get half as many words as Kaladin, even if the Blade revival arc is used.

Who is the story about? I depends on who you ask. If you ask me, I'd say it isn't about Szeth as he doesn't have a strong narrative in it. I read him as a supporting character. Without Brandon insisting on how important he was, I'd rank him under Adolin. Is it about Dalinar? Slightly, but my reader's perspective was Dalinar's arc was slowly moving to the background to give more room to his more interesting son. It is all about perspective and each reader's perspective belongs to him. I don't feel, as a reader, Adolin should be less important than Dalinar, Shallan or Kaladin, worst I feel it would be downplaying a really good character. For me, it would be the equivalent as if Jordan had said, early in WoT: "Oh Mat, he isn't overly important. He doesn't have the complexity of Rand or Perrin, so he'll be around, but not as much as them. He is just too straight-forward, their isn't much to write about him. What you see is what you get, there is no secrecy within him, no need to give him a focus arc.".

Now all WoT fans would agree how tragic this would have been for the overall story.

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Not all radiants are warriors.

Shallan is not one and yet she still kicks serious chull. Similar with Renarin. His thing is not to be Kaladin 2.0, which he clearly is not. He will do incredible things but just not with a sword or on battle field. And remember Kaladin and Renarin are almost similar age.


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I've got two main concerns about the upcoming PoVs: Renarin and Adolin.

Adolin was the character that I connected with second-most, and I think that he deserves a better arc than he is projected to have. Reviving his Shardblade seems to have been hashed out already in this thread, so I won't beat the dead horse.

Moving on to my bigger concern: Renarin. When I found out that he got a spren, my reaction was "seriously?" Up to that point, all of the proto-Radiants had 'earned' their spren in some way: Kaladin discovered that he could care for others even if he believed that he couldn't survive, Shallan finally faced the shadows of her past, Dalinar changed himself into the thing that Elhokar needed the most. But Renarin somehow managed to gain one while still remaining a static character. Had he worked extra hours on the practice grounds to hone his dueling skills or determined that his time was better spent in a study of tactics, and made a real effort to become an asset to the king, I could see how he would have earned his spren. But this way, he was just given the equalizing power without working for it: he was given the reward without expending the effort. He still lacks the personal discipline of a Radiant, even if he has the Surgebinding.

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4 minutes ago, Elenion said:

Moving on to my bigger concern: Renarin. When I found out that he got a spren, my reaction was "seriously?" Up to that point, all of the proto-Radiants had 'earned' their spren in some way: Kaladin discovered that he could care for others even if he believed that he couldn't survive, Shallan finally faced the shadows of her past, Dalinar changed himself into the thing that Elhokar needed the most. But Renarin somehow managed to gain one while still remaining a static character. Had he worked extra hours on the practice grounds to hone his dueling skills or determined that his time was better spent in a study of tactics, and made a real effort to become an asset to the king, I could see how he would have earned his spren. But this way, he was just given the equalizing power without working for it: he was given the reward without expending the effort. He still lacks the personal discipline of a Radiant, even if he has the Surgebinding.

I disagree with you on this one.  As I said earlier, we can't REALLY make any kind of judgment on Renarin yet, we haven't seen anything from his point of view, at all.  We have no idea what kinda of past he has, thus why he is getting a sequence of his own.  It's only two books in guys, who knows what is gonna happen?  Just because they get a flashback sequence doesn't mean they are gonna be the most important characters at the time, that's been the case so far but there could very well be characters who are dead that have flashback sequences (as Brandon has said).  Brandon has also been planning Renarin for a long time so I'm sure he has some kind of juicy plot planned just like he does with the others.

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1 minute ago, Xaklys said:

I disagree with you on this one.  As I said earlier, we can't REALLY make any kind of judgment on Renarin yet, we haven't seen anything from his point of view, at all.  We have no idea what kinda of past he has, thus why he is getting a sequence of his own.  It's only two books in guys, who knows what is gonna happen?  Just because they get a flashback sequence doesn't mean they are gonna be the most important characters at the time, that's been the case so far but there could very well be characters who are dead that have flashback sequences (as Brandon has said).  Brandon has also been planning Renarin for a long time so I'm sure he has some kind of juicy plot planned just like he does with the others.

My concern isn't with the flashback sequences: I think they'll be enlightening as to Kholin family dynamics and Highprince politics. My concern is with the motivations behind giving Renarin a spren: I just get the feeling that he doesn't have the self-discipline or the personal drive that the other proto-Radiants have. There is definitely room for a classy backstory that explains it all. But, just from a Book 2 perspective, I think Adolin would be the better Radiant.

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I have to weigh in on this.  First and foremost another "Warrior" character is not needed in the story at this time. One of the main points so far in the story is to let you people know that being able to swing a sword well is not as important as being the one that tells you. "Hey not much time left, Seek the center." through-out both books  the whole radiant Philosophy is being a strong warrior makes you less important not more important. As any fool can learn to kill, however being able to have the wisdom of knowing "When" to do it is much more hard to come by. I also find the idea of "earning" your spren insane... Who in there right mind would want to go through all that crap to "earn your spren" O hey! lets go through years of misery and become a broken person just for the slim to none chance of getting superpowers.. NOT!! I do not like the Renarin hate I am reading. He is more important as a character to the story then any other except perhaps Dalinar.. I find the idea of you people dismissing him as unimportant or not worthy annoying in the extreme. Besides Brandon every one of you knows exactly Jack-Squat about Renarin certainly not enough to have become high school bullys picking on the weird kid simply because they dont understand him. Give him a chance to become the wise consular before bashing his brains in simply because he is not in the cool kids warrior club.

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8 hours ago, Humpty said:

I have to weigh in on this.  First and foremost another "Warrior" character is not needed in the story at this time. One of the main points so far in the story is to let you people know that being able to swing a sword well is not as important as being the one that tells you. "Hey not much time left, Seek the center." through-out both books  the whole radiant Philosophy is being a strong warrior makes you less important not more important. As any fool can learn to kill, however being able to have the wisdom of knowing "When" to do it is much more hard to come by. I also find the idea of "earning" your spren insane... Who in there right mind would want to go through all that crap to "earn your spren" O hey! lets go through years of misery and become a broken person just for the slim to none chance of getting superpowers.. NOT!! I do not like the Renarin hate I am reading. He is more important as a character to the story then any other except perhaps Dalinar.. I find the idea of you people dismissing him as unimportant or not worthy annoying in the extreme. Besides Brandon every one of you knows exactly Jack-Squat about Renarin certainly not enough to have become high school bullys picking on the weird kid simply because they dont understand him. Give him a chance to become the wise consular before bashing his brains in simply because he is not in the cool kids warrior club.

Whether or not we need an additional "warrior" character is something we could discuss at length. To make it short, I would simply state some of us feel having Kaladin as the "only" warrior main protagonist has put the resolution of all climaxes onto his shoulders alone which, after two books, has gotten a tad predictable. It has made some of us wish there would be another character capable of fulfilling this need such as to steer the story away from the traditional: "Heroes are faced with a foe they cannot beat. Kaladin flies form the sky, kills the foe and perform the rescue.". It has happened several times now, which is fine, but over-using any story arc isn't good for the long term. Hence, developing another character able to play this role or just to create additional suspense appears as something desirable.

In comparison, we have several "scholar" oriented characters. You state the Radiant philosophy makes warriors less important characters which isn't a fact, but your personal interpretation. It is fine, we all have our personal interpretation to fill in the gaps, but my personal interpretation is NOBODY is more important than anybody. Hence, warriors and scholars alike are required if they are to defeat the Desolation. As it happens, we are currently having more scholars than warriors among our current crew of Radiants which does make Renarin slightly redundant.

As for the deserving part, well yes it is assumed an individual has to be proven worthy by a given sprens to become a Radiant. Yes, the individual has to have the capacity to form a Nahel bond which only happens if you have cracks into your spirit web, but he also has to have shown outstanding qualities, he has to stand outside the common flock. Here comes the arguments which you wrongly refer to as "Renarin bashing": several of us readers feel we haven't seen him stand out enough to deserve a Nahel bond. Since we aren't privy to Brandon's own personal brain, we are stuck analyzing the test at hand and while some feel there are enough justifications dropped within the story to explain Renarin, many feel the rational is not strong enough. This has nothing to do with him having no POV: Jasnah has none but two very small POV and I have yet to stumble upon one reader finding her hard to explain. It is pretty self-explanatory why Jasnah was chosen by Ivory and if we are still missing the details, not many of us have issues figuring out what it may be. In the case of Renarin, it is the opposite. The fact the argument keeps coming back illustrates something: there is a significant number of readers who aren't satisfied with how Renarin's character was handled. They feel there isn't a strong enough rational to justify making him a Radiant and for them, it prevents them from enjoying the character. It is a recurring topic of discussion which pops by every once in a while.

None of it is about "petty High Schoolers picking up on a helpless child", to even state it is inappropriate and could be interpreted as rude. I have state it before and I will state it again, the fact Renarin has a disability does not absolve him from receiving any negative critics. Readers are allowed not to be enthralled with his character and while he undeniably has his own fanbase, the fact remains the majority of readers are either indifferent or unimpressed with the character, as he is by the end of WoR. Readers are allowed to dislike a character without being called out bullies, especially since nobody ever stated the reason they disliked Renarin or found him less interesting than others was because of his disability. On the contrary, many readers wish for this aspect of his character to be better explored, to become a strength, a distinctive trait, including myself. What readers complain about is the fact Renarin appears to have been given a lot of leeway without having proven his worth. We aren't all going to agree on this but, for some of us, the fact Dalinar gave out a Shardplate to Renarin without any conditions, without asking him to prove anything, without even checking on his training isn't sitting well with them. The parent in me heavily frowns at Dalinar's behavior because he isn't helping his son here: he is doing the opposite. He is giving validation to his tantrum and his half-hearten suicide speech by doting him with an artifact worth more than a kingdom: there isn't one parenting book which is going to agree this was the right decision. You do not patch your son's self-esteem issues by over-loading him with material means, you aren't helping him take responsibility when you give him over-prized gift without having them work to earn them. Hence, some of us are undeniably bothered by it.  

As for preferring other characters, it is each readers prerogative to prefer reading about whoever they want. By the end of WoR, the fact remains Renarin simply isn't a crowd pleasing character and while it may be this impression will completely changed by the time we are done with the series, readers can't do much more but based their thoughts and impression on what they have read so far. I have read readers stating they didn't find Shallan or Lift or Szeth or several other character uninteresting. It happens, it is their right and when another poster strongly disagree, all they can do is try to help the reader get a different perspective. Maybe it won't work, maybe it will, but to reduce the discussion at hand as "Renarin hate" and to call everyone not being enthralled by the character a bully is a tad exaggerated.


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Regarding discussion on the "need" for more kickAss warriors besides Kaladin, well, there are many.

In fact Kaladin is NOT the best warrior by a long shot currently on the planet. There are those that can chew him out in an instant. And all these powerful warriors will have a role to play.

The arcs we are seeing for these characters is a journey in which they become something more than what they are now in their roles.

And no, just because some one can fly does not make them a great warrior. People like Szeth and Kaladin have put in the hours to become great warriors, i.e, they are great warriors even without their powers, like Dalinar...

So, it makes little sense for character that has shown little aptitude for weapons or martial arts until now to suddenly turn into great warrior because they are radiants.

Having said that, being radiants itself means they are in a different league and could probably kill most non radiant warriors, even the best of them with ease. Anyone wanna bet on Shallan kicking Adolin with ease? 


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