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Additional Shard hints?



Ok, so I was just reading about Silence Divine and read this post with a WoB and he mentions that if there was Shard with Talents it would be Betrayal. Do you think that is another shard that we haven't heard of yet or do you think he is just making something up to go along with Alcatraz series? It sounds like it kind of goes along with the Shards we know. Does anyone else have any additional hints to other possible Shards?


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Because all the Talents derive from the breaking Talent, and Adonalsium was Shattered.

I think Brandon was describing the Intent of the Talents. I don't believe there is a Shard called Betrayal (though it is possible). I've always believed that with the Alcatraz and the Reckoners series he was exploring the theme of corrupting power. 

theofficetroll seems to confirm my answer:


I don't think Betrayal is necessarily one of the Shards. Brandon seemed really surprised by the question and was searching for a word to fit the idea. He wasn't entirely happy with the word Betrayal and was searching for a better term to fit the concept which was essentially "that part of you which is fighting against you" or self-betrayal or "own worst enemy." It didn't seem like he was looking for an existing Shard which would fit the world :-)


Edited by The True Survivor
Perhaps I should check links BEFORE I submit an answer!
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41 minutes ago, Cartographer7 said:
  • There's a shard that just wants to hide/survive

I feel like we've been oversimplifying this. Brandon clarified recently that what we have been calling "the Survival Shard" is really more in line with a Shard that knows what's going on around the Cosmere (i.e. Odium killing Shards left and right), and doesn't want none of that, no sir, none of it. The descriptions we have been using in the past suggest, at least a little bit, that this Shard's mandate has something to do with hiding and/or survival, which - in the light of Brandon's recent clarification - is not necessarily true. For all we know, it could be Wisdom or Denial that we are dealing with here.

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1 hour ago, Argent said:

Brandon clarified recently


1 hour ago, Argent said:

that what we have been calling "the Survival Shard" is really more in line with a Shard that knows what's going on around the Cosmere (i.e. Odium killing Shards left and right), and doesn't want none of that, no sir, none of it. The descriptions we have been using in the past suggest, at least a little bit, that this Shard's mandate has something to do with hiding and/or survival, which - in the light of Brandon's recent clarification - is not necessarily true. For all we know, it could be Wisdom or Denial that we are dealing with here.

Note that I didn't call it "the survival shard". I just provided the one hint I've seen for that shard verbatim (or nearly so). I agree that jumping to conclusions about how central this "hide and survive" aspect is to the shard could lead us in the wrong direction, I'm just not sure why you think I'm doing that.

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7 minutes ago, Cartographer7 said:

I'm just not sure why you think I'm doing that.

To be fair, @Argent wrote "we", not "you". Lots of people make that simplification. I think he just wanted to bring the point up because it matters to the question, not criticizing you in particular.

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8 minutes ago, Cartographer7 said:


Note that I didn't call it "the survival shard". I just provided the one hint I've seen for that shard verbatim (or nearly so). I agree that jumping to conclusions about how central this "hide and survive" aspect is to the shard could lead us in the wrong direction, I'm just not sure why you think I'm doing that.


I don't think he was calling you out specifically, but it's a statement that's been prevalent on the forums (and even twice in this thread) that Brandon later went back and clarified.

If we're looking for Intents, I don't think we have any good leads except the crazy ones (I like Justice dying in Homeland from Shadows for Silence, but it takes a lot of hermeneutic acrobatics to get there). The info we know about Shards (hide-and-survive, not-on-a-planet, and uh-oh-Odium-got-him) doesn't give us any insight into Intent, which seems like what the original question was asking.


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@Eki is correct about my intent - I was making a statement about our community as a whole. It just happened that reading your reply prompted me to realize this, and so I quoted it. I also didn't mean to imply anything more than what I said in my reply: that I am concerned our shorthand for the "Survival Shard" has been polluting our discussion and assumptions of it.

Thank you, @Pagerunner, for the sauce.

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