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Shardblade Material


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Strictly speaking, my understanding is that they aren't made out of anything that we would consider an actual material/substance/compound.  Materials have definite physical properties and characteristics; a hunk of iron, or even atium, can't change its volume at the whim of its cognitive representation.  Shardblades are made out of spren and spren are composed of investiture which has achieved some sort of identity or become shaped by human personification of some force, emotion, or sensation.

Basically, I think shardblades are made of the same stuff that spren are made of:  investiture mixed with some kind of ethereal ghost-matter from the cognitive realm that defies explanation in the physical realm.

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We could still name it though. I think that Sprenium or Sprensteel is my favorite.

7 hours ago, hwiles said:

Basically, I think shardblades are made of the same stuff that spren are made of:  investiture mixed with some kind of ethereal ghost-matter from the cognitive realm that defies explanation in the physical realm.

I think calling it similar to steel sorta fits, as steel is a mix of iron and coal/charcoal, so an Investiture + "Cognitive Matter" mixture would fit. If you see what I'm saying.

If you consider the "ethereal substance"  a gas (of sorts) then the mist that appears while summoning a Shardblade could be the temporary ultra-quick conversion of gas to liquid, before it changes to a solid. It would be really quick, so the mist appears like condensation. AND we see it mentioned multiple times that condensation appears on a summoned Deadblade. Thoughts on this matter? 

Edited by Lord_of_Awesome
Bad england m8
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8 hours ago, Lord_of_Awesome said:

We could still name it though. I think that Sprenium or Sprensteel is my favorite.

I think calling it similar to steel sorta fits, as steel is a mix of iron and coal/charcoal, so an Investiture + "Cognitive Matter" mixture would fit. If you see what I'm saying.

If you consider the "ethereal substance"  a gas (of sorts) then the mist that appears while summoning a Shardblade could be the temporary ultra-quick conversion of gas to liquid, before it changes to a solid. It would be really quick, so the mist appears like condensation. AND we see it mentioned multiple times that condensation appears on a summoned Deadblade. Thoughts on this matter? 

I think the condensation is just due to the rapid displacement of air and water vapor as the sword materializes. Basically, the air is shoved out of place, causing it to become compressed briefly, thus squeezing the water out; kind of like wringing a sponge. The transition of the water vapor to the liquid phase has to do with the pressure encountered during this brief displacement (it would also probably cause the sword to be physically cooler than the ambient temperature briefly after summoning due to the water beginning to rapidly evaporate back into the suddenly too-dry air surrounding it.) if you summoned a sword in a desert I don't think it produce much condensation. Probably a benign enough question that we could get a WoB if one doesn't already exist.

Edited by hwiles
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  • 1 year later...

WoB on the topic

Q:  Will Allomancy affect Shardblades?
A:  It cannot affect Shardblades.  Well, cannot is a strong term.  Things with innate Investiture are much more difficult to affect by any of the magics at all.  Which is why it's very hard for Szeth to bind people or lash people whering Shardplate to the ceiling.  In the same way Allomancy wouldn't be able to push on it without some help.  Duralumin with a strong push would probably do it.
I was just wondering if it was actually metal.
It is metalish--it's metal enough for Allomancy to work on it.


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Also, there's a WOB out there somewhere that says the metal that Plate and Blade are made out of is the god metal of Honor, so it's as much a real metal as atium or lerasium. 


Edited by Fakeout
Looked up the wob and had some incorrect information.
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5 hours ago, Fakeout said:

Also, there's a WOB out there somewhere that says the metal that Plate and Blade are made out of is the god metal of Honor, so it's as much a real metal as atium or lerasium. 

This is the reason many people call the the Shardblades' metal "Tanavastium" but it's an unproper term as many Radiantspren are a mix of Honor and Cultivation.

By the way we don't know how a Plate comes to be so we can only speculate about its composition.

14 hours ago, Velvet Thunder said:

Its made out of Adonalsium :o 

Must be a reason (OH MUST THERE?!) for it to sound like a metal!

It's a common theory that Investiture could be solified only as metal. Wyndle confirmed the Spren could only become Metallic object

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Id of thought the blades were alloys of honor and cultivations metal.


With windrunner blades being pure tanavastium and edgedancer blades being pure.....cultivation.....iumiumiumium....


And the other 8 being varying alloys of the 2


But brandon has said theyre made entirely of honors power which seems....odd to me.

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1 hour ago, Full Metal Rithmatist said:

Id of thought the blades were alloys of honor and cultivations metal.


With windrunner blades being pure tanavastium and edgedancer blades being pure.....cultivation.....iumiumiumium....


And the other 8 being varying alloys of the 2


But brandon has said theyre made entirely of honors power which seems....odd to me.

I would guess it would have to do with the following:

  1. Honor and his Heralds made the Oathpact, not Cultivation as best we can tell
  2. The Honorblades are segments or slivers (I'm forgetting the proper term) of Honor's power
  3. The spren saw what Honor did with the Blades and found out how to mimic that ability through bonding with a human

I would theorize therefore that Culvitation, while she inhabits the world, did not take an active role in its defense once Odium appeared, either because of her Intent or because Honor sought to deflect Odium's attention from her to himself.  She was more behind the scenes in some fashion.

Really hope we get to see her on screen at some point...

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2 hours ago, Full Metal Rithmatist said:

Id of thought the blades were alloys of honor and cultivations metal.

I prefer to think of them as isotopes.
(Bands of Mourning spoiler, kinda)


After all, harmonium is not lerasium & atium alloy.

2 hours ago, Full Metal Rithmatist said:

With windrunner blades being pure tanavastium and edgedancer blades being pure.....cultivation...

Actually, honorspren claim to be the most Honor. There are some who would agree with that and some who would disagree.

2 hours ago, Full Metal Rithmatist said:

But brandon has said theyre made entirely of honors power which seems....odd to me.

He only said that Honorblades are parts of Honor.

Edited by Overstorm
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Yeah probably the only "Tanavastium" we saw is in the Honorblades.

I am still not sure about the Sprenblades' composition because we have to know the Spren's composition. But I believe it's not a properly alloy between the two godmetals but rather a proper metal born by the H&C's interaction (also if this fact is weird as the ratio between the Shard's contributions changes between the Spren)

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Personally I think that shardblades are more Honor and shardplate is more Cultivation. The blades deal more with bonds (bonding to certain people, separating a physical object's bond to the spiritual realm, etc) and plate can be grown. 

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1 hour ago, Shqueeves said:

Personally I think that shardblades are more Honor and shardplate is more Cultivation. The blades deal more with bonds (bonding to certain people, separating a physical object's bond to the spiritual realm, etc) and plate can be grown. 

That's a really interesting point that I haven't thought about before... Plate is cultivated.. Huh. Nice!

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On 9/22/2016 at 5:48 PM, Overstorm said:

A popular choice is tanavastium, but we know that Nahel bond spren are of both Honor and Cultivation...

I say sprenium.

I like the name sprenium as well. And I've always felt that every Shardblade is more or less the same material kinda like how cold rolled steel and stainless steel are both steel just slightly different. So Syl would become Honor sprenium and Pattern would become Cryptic sprenium


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