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Davar family and secret societies


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It looks to me:

* Shallan's mom adhered to the Skybreakers credo (kill surgebinders to stop desolations); the guy who she brought to kill kid Shallan might have been a Skybreaker?

* Shallan's brother sought the Skybreakers - probably to ask them for justice for their mom (who he thought was killed by their dad), which would be funny :) Shallan's dad annoyance with Herelan is probably because of this (he knows his son's actions via the Ghostbloods)

* Shallan's dad joined the Ghostbloods. We know how hard that is, so I wonder how he managed to do that :)

* Shallan herself joins the Ghostbloods.

* Heralan tries to kill Amaram, a Son of Honor. Who got him to do that (and gave him a shardblade), in exchange for a promise to get him to the Skybreakers? the Ghostbloods?


Maybe we can figure out what the Ghostblood want?

* they are against the sons of honor - who want to bring back the radiants. but probably not because of this, but because they want to bring them back by killing a lot of people and/or by bringing back the voidbringers

* they are aware but have no issues with the skybreakers - who kill surgebinders not to bring back the desolations / voidbringers.


Is is wrong to say that objectively speaking, Ghostbloods are not really bad guys? :)


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52 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Don't forget that it seems Helaran was a Ghostblood before he sought the Skybreakers. At least, Amaram thought so and Mraize knew of him as well. 

The ghostbloods did kill Jasnah, so where exactly they are aligned is still a fairly grey area. 


They killed Jasnah because she was killing ghostbloods too, but also maybe thought she was a son of honor too (as gavilar)...

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7 hours ago, marianmi said:

* Shallan's mom adhered to the Skybreakers credo (kill surgebinders to stop desolations); the guy who she brought to kill kid Shallan might have been a Skybreaker?

The problem with this is that Shallan, as far as we know, hadn't broken any laws worthy of capital punishment at that point. I forget exactly how the events happened, though. I think it was her mother who actually tried to kill her? But in that case, the Skybreaker would have tried to stop her, since the killing would be against the law. (Assuming the guy actually tried keeping to the Skybreakers' beliefs.) Her mother definitely had a strong opinion that Surgebinding had to be stopped, even at the cost of her daughter's own life, but I think it's more likely she (and/or the other guy) was part of some other organization or sect.

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7 hours ago, marianmi said:

They killed Jasnah because she was killing ghostbloods too, but also maybe thought she was a son of honor too (as gavilar)...

But then there was probably a reason why Jasnah started killing ghostbloods, so that would probably tie into their grey area actions.

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On 30/09/2016 at 8:07 PM, Eki said:

The problem with this is that Shallan, as far as we know, hadn't broken any laws worthy of capital punishment at that point. I forget exactly how the events happened, though. I think it was her mother who actually tried to kill her? But in that case, the Skybreaker would have tried to stop her, since the killing would be against the law. (Assuming the guy actually tried keeping to the Skybreakers' beliefs.) Her mother definitely had a strong opinion that Surgebinding had to be stopped, even at the cost of her daughter's own life, but I think it's more likely she (and/or the other guy) was part of some other organization or sect.

Of course she did, she was meddling with powers that bring about desolations - like Lift does.


On 30/09/2016 at 8:53 PM, Spoolofwhool said:

But then there was probably a reason why Jasnah started killing ghostbloods, so that would probably tie into their grey area actions.

Because they were trying to steal her "soulcaster"

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6 hours ago, marianmi said:

Of course she did, she was meddling with powers that bring about desolations - like Lift does.

In that case, Nale wouldn't have bothered to find out Ym had killed someone half a lifetime ago. He would have just executed him for being a Surgebinder. Similarly, he tried to execute Lift for breaking into the Bronze Palace (and possibly other places), not Surgebinding. Her being a Surgebinder was of course the reason he was hunting her in the first place, but he needed another reason for execution.

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Jasnah can be rash. If she was concerned about the Ghostbloods for whatever reason, she may have decided to move against them. We do not even know how much she actually knows about them -- if she knew what we know, her response may have been very different. I doubt she knows they are worldhoppers.

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13 hours ago, Eki said:

In that case, Nale wouldn't have bothered to find out Ym had killed someone half a lifetime ago. He would have just executed him for being a Surgebinder. Similarly, he tried to execute Lift for breaking into the Bronze Palace (and possibly other places), not Surgebinding. Her being a Surgebinder was of course the reason he was hunting her in the first place, but he needed another reason for execution.

That's correct, but the fact is that Shallan's mother knew about KR powers, and probably thought that they would bring back desolations, which is something we saw Nalan think. Skybreakers do indeed need a law broken to have an excuse, but maybe the guy she called was a skybreaker (come to verify shallan was indeed a surgebinder), and she herself was not; or maybe, just like the skybreaker that killed Lift's friend, she broke the skybreaker rule.

of course, she might have been part of some other secret society, or none...

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