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Crazy Theories!!!


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Have you ever had an insane theory made of flying chulls and pure malarkey? Have you ever extrapolated so much from a single line of text that you've realized that Shallan's stick is actually Adonalsium in disguise? Are you still convinced that Reckoners is Cosmere? Keep your aluminum foil lined hats on, because this thread is the place for you! Now's your chance to share all of those random ideas that you know no one would ever believe.

I'll start with a theory about this WoB:


argel1200: Also, could you give us die-hard Adolin fans something new to over-analyze? I think we have speculated to death, undeath, and performed both holy and unholy rites (in that order, or course) speculating to death about the Adolin/Sadeas incident and ramifications of it. We need need need NEED(!!) something new to last us till SA3 comes out!?! ;) 

Brandon Sanderson: A tidbit on Adolin. Hm... In Book Three, he will finally get to wear an outfit other than a boring Kholin uniform.

Knowing you all, you're going to read WAY more into that than I intend. But there you go.

Clearly, from the context of the quote, this new outfit is related to the Adolin/Sadeas incident, and considering that the outfit isn't a Kholin uniform, it's very clear that Adolin will no longer be fulfilling the same role as a prince of Alethkar and a leader of the Kholin armies. This is how it will happen: having discovered the culprit, the Alethi have Adolin exiled and Dalinar is forced to go along with it to maintain peace in Alethkar. But Dadlinar has a secret mission for Adolin, and this new outfit is involved--he wants Adolin to act as his secret diplomat to Azir! This development was actually foreshadowed multiple times in Words of Radiance.

  • Notice Adolin's thoughts here, on page 583 of Words of Radiance:
    • "Adolin took a gulp of wine, not trusting himself to reply. I should just get up and walk away. But he didn't. A small part of him wished for Sadeas to provoke him, push away his inhibitions, drive him to do something stupid. Killing the man right here, right now, would likely earn Adolin an execution--or at least an exile. It might be worth either punishment."
  • To add a little support to that, the last time Adolin thought something along these lines was in the Way of Kings, pg. 185, which was also foreshadowing.
    • "Dalinar, who might once have responded to the veiled slur, said nothing. Adolin gritted his teeth. It was flat-out unconscionable for Sadeas to be taking shots at his father in his present state. Perhaps Adolin should offer the pompous scumbag a challenge. You didn't duel highprinces--it just wasn't done, not unless you were ready to make a big storm of it. But maybe he was. Maybe--"
  • Other than Taravangian, the only ruler Dalinar specifically mentions contacting via spanreed after Everstorm hit was the Emperor of Azir, who didn't believe him. If Dalinar wants to unite the nations against the Desolation, he'll need to establish stronger communication and trust with Azir, and what better way to do that than to send his own son?
  • Adolin was seen looking through a fashion book in Words of Radiance, of which we see a couple of pages. The only non-Alethi outfit we see is Azish. Why? Because that's the outfit Adolin will be wearing in Stormlight Three as Dalinar's emissary to Azir!
  • There's a theory floating around that Adolin will revive his Shardblade and become a Radiant. We know from in-book evidence and WoB that Adolin's Blade once belonged to an Edgedancer, and where was the only Edgedancer we know of last seen? That's right, Azir! Lift will train Adolin to become a Radiant.
  • To be a diplomat, Adolin would have to have access to a lot of knowledge of other cultures. Luckily, Adolin already has a bodyguard who knows a lot about these sorts of things - Sigzil. And where's Sigzil from? Azir!


So, what crazy, off-the-wall theories do you all have bottled up? They can be as elaborate as this one, or just a single sentence of speculation.

As a final note, since this thread is for sharing theories we already know no one else would believe, let's try to just have fun with them and not shoot any of them down.

Edited by Evenstrom
Typos, and got a page number wrong.
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You know, for such a "crazy theory", it actually does have some merrit. I'd add that the emphasis on "boring old kholin uniform" might indicate that he does away with uniforms altogether and starts wearing more stylish stuff, which fits with your theory.

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Wow. You've really thought this through, haven't you, @Evenstrom?

All right. Here's my theory:

Hoid is working for Trell.

Now, here are my reasons:

Hoid is on Scadrial at the same time as Trell is messing around. This is widely known. We also know that he was nearby when Nazh was trying to get a map. They are looking for something significant to Trell, and probably significant to other parties as well. Perhaps the map shows where to find a god metal, be it atium, lerasium, or harmonium.

We know that Hoid is willing to associate with the more... unpopular forces on a planet, such as the Skaze.

He and Kelsier do not get along. Hoid isn't helping Wax by informing him of Kelsier's recent activities; he is instead revealing Kelsier when he wants to be anonymous. This will somehow help Trell. Also, Wax will probably have a significant role in removing Trell. By always being aware of his activities (Hoid's been near Wax for a while), Hoid can inform Trell of when anything is happening. 

He says in WoR that he is willing to watch worlds burn in order to achieve his goals. We still don't know exactly what those goals are, but Trell could, perhaps, grant him power or resources to help him.

Edited by Turbonator
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16 minutes ago, Turbonator said:

Wow. You've really thought this through, haven't you, @Evenstrom?

Hehehe... I saw that WoB earlier today, and I took it as a challenge to create a crack theory revolving around Adolin wearing different clothes. It was actually a lot of fun and I ended up finding a lot more evidence than I was expecting. Now I think I might be starting to believe it... :blink:

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Brandon did say not to make TOO much out of it... ;)

My thoughts are slightly more boring, not I haven't thought of Adolin being exiled to Azir before (I did), but... reality may be more boring...

We may get a scene with Adolin wearing his pyjama, maybe he is injured and he spends time in bed wearing night robes :ph34r: Talk about a boring outfits. :ph34r:

Or Adolin just rebels. He loses all inhibitions, he bursts out, completely and he just sends all rule to the sewer. He wears whatever he wants, he drink, he does pretty much everything his father has forbid him to do (and he is deeply miserable for it, but this is another discussion). 

A slight variation would be having Adolin being disgraced, thrown out of his household and thus forced to wear something else which may not be fashionable at all.

The other idea is Adolin actually gets married... I mean, he wouldn't tie the knot in his boring Kholin uniform.....

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18 hours ago, Evenstrom said:

Hehehe... I saw that WoB earlier today, and I took it as a challenge to create a crack theory revolving around Adolin wearing different clothes. It was actually a lot of fun and I ended up finding a lot more evidence than I was expecting. Now I think I might be starting to believe it... :blink:

Wow! I never expected so much to spawn from that question or the answer! And your theory actually sounds believable! Probably not likely, but it wasn't crazy! (Even the Hoid/Trell theory sounded far more believable than it should).

@maxal, I like your weeding theory.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎10‎/‎3‎/‎2016 at 6:49 PM, Turbonator said:

Wow. You've really thought this through, haven't you, @Evenstrom?

All right. Here's my theory:

Hoid is working for Trell.

Now, here are my reasons:

Hoid is on Scadrial at the same time as Trell is messing around. This is widely known. We also know that he was nearby when Nazh was trying to get a map. They are looking for something significant to Trell, and probably significant to other parties as well. Perhaps the map shows where to find a god metal, be it atium, lerasium, or harmonium.

We know that Hoid is willing to associate with the more... unpopular forces on a planet, such as the Skaze.

He and Kelsier do not get along. Hoid isn't helping Wax by informing him of Kelsier's recent activities; he is instead revealing Kelsier when he wants to be anonymous. This will somehow help Trell. Also, Wax will probably have a significant role in removing Trell. By always being aware of his activities (Hoid's been near Wax for a while), Hoid can inform Trell of when anything is happening. 

He says in WoR that he is willing to watch worlds burn in order to achieve his goals. We still don't know exactly what those goals are, but Trell could, perhaps, grant him power or resources to help him.

I just realized something that makes this theory even more possible (or, perhaps, disproves it, depending on how old "old" is in this quote).

From the Second Letter:


And do you no longer hide behind the name of your old master?

Need I say more?

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On 04/10/2016 at 1:46 PM, Argel said:

Wow! I never expected so much to spawn from that question or the answer! And your theory actually sounds believable! Probably not likely, but it wasn't crazy! (Even the Hoid/Trell theory sounded far more believable than it should).

@maxal, I like your weeding theory.

More on Adolin removing his Kholin uniform... I forgot to partake them. When asked, Brandon answered Adolin will intentionally put in real clothes. When asked, if this would be with or without his father's agreement, he RAFO'd...

Now this is the bout where I am crafting weird theories... :ph34r:

A while back, on Reddit, one of the alpha readers came forth and bluntly said the ramifications following Sadeas's death might be worst (or more complicated) than anyone has yet foreseen. He also claimed Dalinar's opinion might not be the one which will matter the most. When challenged upon who's opinion might be more important, he kept on insisting we were missing someone. Of course, this is just hearsay, but since the comments came from an individual which has been privilege to read ahead, I kinda of took them very seriously :ph34r:

When I combined this small event to the clothing WoB, I came to the realization the one individual who's opinion will matter the most when it comes to the ramifications of Sadeas's murder will not be Dalinar, nor Elhokar, nor Ialai, nor Shallan... It will be Adolin. He's the one who'll make it worst, he's the one who'll make a big deal out of it and he is the one who'll think what he did is totally, totally, totally wrong (to echo another older WoB).

Hence, I am starting to think Adolin purposefully and intentionally removes his uniform because he'll think he isn't worthy of being his father"s son. As long as you are of my house, you will wear my color. Adolin removing his uniform might merely means he doesn't feel he belongs into his father's household anymore. He isn't worthy. He isn't important. He doesn't deserve to be a member of the Kholin family because he broke down his father's code. He hasn't been loyal and dutiful, so he'll beat himself up for it.

He will not get banished or disowned: he will take a stand to remove himself. My father is the greatest man in the world. She was now the most important woman in the world and what was he?


Hence the uniform WoB doesn't imply imprisonment (they don't seem to have prison uniforms anyway) or banishment or a wedding or anything grand. It merely is the reaction of a young man who stops believing he is worth something, who ends up acknowledging he doesn't belong. Anywhere. So quite sad actually, if I am right.

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19 minutes ago, Kingsdaughter613 said:

Where is the WoB about Adolin's blade belonging to an Edgedancer? I'd love to see that one! Any Adolin information is worth reading.


Interview: Jan 5th, 2015

Kaladin al'Thor

So I noticed during my last read through of WoR that when Adolin summoned his blade, it formed from mist in the shape of vines. Does this mean that the Radiant that the blade was originally bonded to was an Edgedancer?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes, yes it does. (He also had a huge mischievous smile).


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