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Honestly I have no idea on how to properly make theories, I can't quote and stuff so I'm going to go from memory...

Here's the big theory: We are Hoid

As we all (I think?!) know, Hoid was present at the Shattering of Adonalsium. During this time, Hoid gained immortality and the ability to travel between worlds. But, unlike the Shards, Hoid possesses no visible godlike powers, the only supernatural abilities present being said immortality to and the ability to travel worlds. While Hoid may have just gained these abilities as a sort of radioactive effect from being at the Shattering, I think that Hoid himself gained a Shard, that of Thought. Just think about it. Hoid physically shows up whenever something interesting is happening, but what if spiritually he exists within the minds of our protagonists before he chooses to show himself, in order to, in a sense, scout out the event and see if it is exciting or interesting enough.

The Shattering endowed the Shards with godlike powers, but also gave them specific Intents. Ruin seeks to destroy, Odium hates, Preservation preserves. These all seem to be the "core personality traits" of Adonalsium. But whatever happened to its thought? (For the time being I'm assuming that Adonalsium is a sentient being, since it seems to possess traits such as Odium and Devotion). While its many Shards possess a fragment of the greater whole, where has its sentience disappeared to? Not its soul, but its ability to think and know all and be omniscient. If Hoid possesses this Shard, would it not make sense for him to be immortal(as Shards are) and travel worlds? He is Thought itself, he knows the minds of all and can peer into their souls. This would also explain why the reader is canonically involved within the happenings of the Cosmere. Omniscience is knowing all, even if one is in a book. This would prove that Hoid knows we exist, and we are a part of him. We are the Shard of thought, we are the power of omniscience as beings outside of reality. So, Hoid is given our power, and therefore knows of out existence.

As a Shard, Hoid can be in his god thought form thing, and travel from planet to planet. As the Shard of Thought, he would be able to peer into the minds of any being and see their emotions and thoughts. How is it that we are able to see from the viewpoint of Human? One who does not possess a brain, nor is a main character? Hoid moves into his mind, wishing to know the thoughts of a koloss. His god-form allows him to spectate invisibly, while still remaining present, before choosing to manifest. This would also explain his knowledge of seemingly everything. How would Hoid know to meet Kaladin? How would he know exactly what to say to make Kaladin continue on his path? No mortal is that intelligent as far as I am aware. As Thought, Hoid knows everything, including how to manipulate a human into following his machinations.


(That was my first try at a theory... I hope it doesn't suck too bad.) 

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@Orderbound keep going! This one may not have panned out, but I really like the way you thought through your conclusion. I have no idea how much you've lurked on the forum, coppermind, or WoBs in general, but I'd just say keep reading, keep posting, and treat yourself to a cookie!

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Thanks for all the feedback! This was my first theory ever! And yes, I have lurked accountless for some time, and have recently decided to step out of the shadows. I'll take a cookie and keep it just in case.

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