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Anticipated Orders (Orders you are interested in)


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I want to see more of the Skybreakers and Dustbringers. The Skybreakers because I want to see what non-vigilante Skybreakers do (if there even are non-vigilantes), and I want to see the Dustbringers' stereotype drive a side plot. Also, I'm dying to see the Surge of Division in action.

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For my part, I would love to see more of the Stonewards, Willshapers and Dustbringers. So...of every Order we haven't seen yet :)

And I'd like to add a thought to marianmis impression:

On 08/10/2016 at 2:08 PM, marianmi said:

My impression is that the more "cultivation" is in a spren, the more organized they are, and the more aligned to honor, the more independent

I had the same thoughts and I would also add, that I have the impression, that the opposite for their humans is true. The Windrunners seem more "organised", in the way that they are working in groups (with their squires). The Lightweavers, Elsecallers and Edgedancers we have seen so far are, on the other side are more individualistic and independent... work alone. 

But we know so little. Maybe I'm jumping to conclusions...

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