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Sanderson Elimination: Questions & Answers and Game Meta Discussion


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Ah, chull it.  Stick me down to run a QF please.  I'll run my Death Note game.


Death Note Elimination

14 player minimum




Ryuk:  You are a shinigami, a death god.  You have grown bored with ‘life’ in your world and have come to the realm of the living for some fun.  Each cycle you may recruit another player by giving them the Death Note.  You can only have one recruit at a time.  Should your follower die then you can recruit another the following cycle if you want.  Either you or the Death Note Holder can send in orders to kill another player but you cannot recruit and kill on the same cycle.

Note: If you are killed then you will also kill your follower as your final act before heading back to your realm.

Primary Win Condition:  Find and kill L.

Secondary Win Condition: Kill all other players bar yourself and the current holder of the Death Note.


Death Note Bearer:  You have been given the Death Note and can use it to kill one player per cycle.


L:  You are the greatest detective in the world and have taken it upon yourself to discover the means by which the criminals have been killed.  Once each cycle you can either protect someone or you may investigate someone to see if they have anything to do with the murders.  Investigations will show up as either Guilty or Innocent.


Police Officer:  You have served in law enforcement for most of your adult life and have a strong sense of justice.  As such you are immune to the corruptive influence of Ryuk.  If Ryuk tries to convert you they will fail.


Civilian:  You are a normal player and have no special abilities.


Criminal:  You are a murderer hiding from the wrath of ‘God’.  If investigated you will show up as Guilty.  Once per cycle one random murderer will be chosen to make a kill.  It is possible for a murderer to get the kill twice in a row.



Cycles are 24 hours long.

PMs are only allowed to be one on one.

Ryuk and the Death Note Holder have a google doc for communication.

Investigations will only reveal if they are involved in murders.  It will not distinguish between Ryuk, Criminals or the Holder.

Ryuk will start with a Holder chosen randomly.

Primary Win Condition: Ryuk banished back to his realm and L lives.

Secondary Win Condition: Ryuk is banished.



Order of actions:


Death Note Kill (This death will negate the vote of the one killed.)






Edit:  Put me down for another LG as well.

Edited by Alvron
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I suggest putting it in the Art of Game Creation as well, so everyone has a chance to look it over, so people can catch any over powering issues.


That said, you're kind of forcing my hand. Whether I wind up as Ryuk, L, or anyone else, as the self proclaimed "Holder of the Death Note Shard," there's no way I can skip this game when it comes up. :P


Whether I do well or not, I'll make sure I'm in for this game! :D

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That said, you're kind of forcing my hand. Whether I wind up as Ryuk, L, or anyone else, as the self proclaimed "Holder of the Death Note Shard," there's no way I can skip this game when it comes up. :P


Whether I do well or not, I'll make sure I'm in for this game! :D

Can you blame me?  I did tell you that one way or another I will get you into one of my games. :P  Mostly it's due to the new live action version currently airing that I dusted the game off but hey, if it gets you playing, then great.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Put me down to run an MR, please and thank you.



EDITED: Or make that a QF, if that'll be needed sooner. Either way, I will probably be running a version of Winter is Coming - which will be posted soon for reference.

Edited by Adavantos
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Changed some things around with my previous Watchers on the Wall MR, would appreciate any and all feedback.


EDIT: Whoops, meant to put this on the Art of Game Creation. Sorry about that.


MR: Winter is Coming


Legends speak of the Long Night - a period of darkness that lasted a generation, when demons emerged from the arctic north, mounted on undead steeds and allied with the shambling corpses of fallen men, to invade and eliminate all life on Westeros. Along with the Children of the Forest, the First Men fought valiantly, ultimately being driven into the southern lands but not before they dealt a critical blow to the Others and erected a massive wall of ice and magic from the Great Gorge to the Shimmering Sea. It was then the Night’s Watch was founded to guard the realms of man in case the Long Night should ever return, and now, 8,000 years later, it seems the time may finally be near.


After receiving reports of the White Walkers return, the Lord Commander of the Night’s Watch has allowed wildling refugees through the gates to augment his weakened forces. Along with a company of soldiers ordered by a faraway king, the free folk now live and work among the Sworn Brothers. Despite the necessity of the situation, each faction looks upon one another with distrust and prejudice. Tension is at an all time high, driving those few disloyal souls to join together with hopes of uprooting this fragile alliance and seizing control of Castle Black. In the dead of the night these traitors conspire to murder their faithful brethren in a last, selfish attempt to save their own skin before it’s too late.


In the famous last words of House Stark; Winter is Coming. Do you have what it takes to survive?




This is your standard mid range elimination game, each Cycle lasting for a total of 48 hours, split between an equal Day and Night phase. There is a slight catch, however; depending on the amount of players who sign up, there will be a limited number of Cycles until the Long Night finally does come, resulting in an invasion of the Wall and the utter annihilation of all living players. That is unless either the Faithful or the Traitorous win before then. A couple things to note about this game: no PMs are allowed, so unless you’re involved in one of the two night docs, the threads will be the center of all discussion. Both the Evil Doc and the Dead Doc can only be used during a night cycle. The Evil Doc for obvious reasons, the Dead Doc because of a certain role that has the ability to communicate with the dead. What this means that even if you are killed you can STILL have an impact on the game, so if you end up dying don’t go inactive. You might have some info that will benefit your team. Additionally there are no vanilla roles, so everyone will have an ability to exploit, and I may or may not include the Neutral role, depending on things. So without further ado:


The Roles:

Ranger: You are an ordinary Ranger, trained to scout and patrol the Haunted Forest beyond the Wall. As a Ranger, you can track another player at night, choosing to either see what their action is or who they targeted.


Builder: You are an ordinary Builder, responsible for maintaining the Wall and Castle Black. As a Builder, you can choose to fortify a player’s chamber during the day, granting them immunity to all action’s the following night.


Steward: You are an ordinary Steward, tasked with a variety of day-to-day services that grant you access to every chamber within the castle. As a Steward, you can rummage through another player’s chamber during the day, choosing to discover either their role or their alignment.


Oldtown Acolyte: Before being sent to the wall, you studied at the Citadel to become a Maester. While there, you learned much of the medical arts, and thus are a proficient healer. As an Oldtown Acolyte, you can save a player who is Fatally Wounded or heal a player of Greyscale during either phase, but only once a cycle.


Red Priest: You are a devout worshipper of R’hllor, blessed by his Lordship with the divine gift of resurrection - only at a price. As the Red Priest, you can perform the Last Kiss on a player who died the previous day (executed the next night) or night (executed the next day), sacrificing your life in exchange for theirs.


Giant-blooded: Somewhere within your lineage an ancestor mated with a Giant. You try not to wonder the implications of such a feat, but do not question it, for it has made you an especially sturdy individual. As a Giant-Blooded, you will survive any attempt on your life, receiving a Fatal Wound instead.


Gold Cloak: Once you were a noble warrior, enforcing the Crown’s Law in King’s Landing. Now you are a shadow of your former self, defending the Wall while selling your skills to protect your Sworn Brothers. As a Gold Cloak, you can choose to defend another player at night. If they are attacked, you save them from death, receiving a Fatal Wound in their stead.


Skinchanger: Born with the gift to influence the minds of men, you can manipulate another to do your bidding - but only once, for they will become resistant to your intrusions forever after. As a Skinchanger, you can select a player during the day to change their vote or at night to redirect their ability. You can only choose to do one or the other that cycle, as the process is tiring. The player controlled will then become immune to any further attempts of you controlling their actions.


Greenseer: Graced with greensight, you enter another world in your dreams where you can speak with spirits both new and old. As the Greenseer, you can commune with the dead at night. If you die, you will be able to send a 100 character message to player of your choice once a night.


Shadowbinder: During your time in Asshai you dabbled in mysticism, learning to summon an entity of darkness capable of assassinating those you deem unworthy of living. As the Shadowbinder, if you vote for a player to the Pyre and they die, you can bring your shadow to life and kill anyone of your choosing the following night.


Stoneman: In your youth you contracted Greyscale but were cured before it could spread further than your hand. Though you conceal your deformity within a sterile gauntlet or glove, the disease still thrives beneath it, ready to claim another. As a Stoneman, you can infect another player at night with Greyscale.


Warg: Whether you hail from the North or from beyond the Wall, you came to Castle Black with a loyal companion, whose bond to you transcends that of ordinary mortals. As a Warg your fate is tied with a ferocious predator. If you are called to the pyre, you can command your beast to kill any of those who voted for your death. If you are attacked in the night, your beast will track down your murderer and avenge you, dealing a Fatal Wound.


Faceless Man: In the Free City of Braavos, you stripped yourself of your identity and became a servant of the Many-Faced God. It is your duty to bring the gift of death to all of Westeros. As the Faceless Man, you are the only Neutral player with the win condition that everyone else loses by allowing the White Walkers to reach Castle Black before any other side can win. Every night you can kill someone under the guise of another player. If a Ranger tracks you, it’ll appear you visited whoever’s face you took.


Conditions, Events and Order of Actions


Fatal Wound: You have survived an attack. Unless healed by an Oldtown Acolyte you will die this time the following Cycle.


Greyscale: You have contracted a terrible disease. Unless healed by an Oldtown Acolyte you will die three cycles from being made aware.


Dual: At any time during the game, two living players may be chosen randomly at the beginning of a Day phase to dual. They then have that cycle to explain why the observers should cheer for them. Whoever receives the most cheers will win the dual, dealing the loser a Fatal Wound. If the cheers are tied, the fight will be even and both players will be Fatally Wounded.


Day Order

 Skinchanger > Oldtown Acolyte > Lynch > Dual > Red Priest > Steward > Builder >


Night Order

Oldtown Acolute > Skinchanger > Stoneman + Shadowbinder + Faceless Man + Traitor Kill > Ranger > Red Priest

Edited by Adavantos
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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi guys! The M'Hael and myself would like to be put down for a common MR GM slot, independent of what we've already signed up for: we're planning on co-GMing a Wheel of Time game set in the Black Tower :)


[in addition, I'd like to request that my slot be edited slightly to reflect that I plan on running a Pirates MR. Thanks!]

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So, in the evil doc for LG15a, Stink and I were discussing petitioning for more SE. I realize that in the early beginnings of this forum, the list of willing GMs and number of reoccurring players was significantly smaller than it is now. As it stands, we never have more than two games going on at a time; Long Games going back to back along with alternating MRs and QFs, if I understand it correctly. What I'm proposing is this: if there is enough support for it, we could have all three game types occurring simultaneously. Essentially I just want to hear other player's opinions on this. While I am aware that many people may not be able to handle three at once, some players like Stink and myself are crazy enough to want to try. Especially with the seemingly constant stream of new players lately, it would offer them more opportunities to participate / assimilate themselves into the community.


So yeah. Yays? Nays? I would like to specifically hear from the moderators, as I think it'd essentially be their decision whether or not a shift in their scheduling could work. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

If it's not too soon, I'd like to ask for a second entry on the QF list for my Star Wars game, which I intend to tweak and make play-worthy :) Thanks!


I'm focusing on gaining GMing experience by running uncomplicated games first (see: LotR) and co-GMing with kind people like Wyrm so I won't be as unprepared and end up running a disaster again this time around! This does mean I probably won't be ready too soon, though :P

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So this is really off topic (thus why I'm putting it here), but if anyone has Netflix, go check out this movie. It's just called Circle. I think the paralells in it in comparison to SE are amazing. See how many similarities you can find. ;) Here's the trailer to give you an idea.


Sorry people without Netfilx. :( It's the only place I've been able to find it so far. If I find somewhere else that it's available, I'll definitely let everyone know! 

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  • 3 weeks later...

Is it possible that I can be added to the LG list for late October 2016? :P


This is for the Nalthis game, right? Because I've got you on the list for that one. I can't guarantee that you'll be up in late Oct 2016, but if you're not, you can always see if the GMs ahead of you will pass in lieu of you, since that's themed. :)

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