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10 hours ago, luckat said:

I was looking at some past SE docs and spreadsheets, and I noticed that there were a few that, when opened, showed a message that the file was in the owner's trash and access to the file would soon be permanently lost (I think whenever the owner empties their trash). Specifically, I noticed that happen for most of the games @The Only Joe ran (QF4, LG10, LG14, QF14) and one of the docs in QF17 (the birds doc), which was run by @Amanuensis and @STINK (I don't know who owns the doc in question). I also noticed that the docs from MR7 were no longer available at all, so I suppose there's no way to get those ones back. I didn't check every SE file, so there could be others, but a sample shows most are still around.

Done. I'll start adding the Links to the SpreadSheet.

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3 hours ago, The Only Joe said:

Done. I'll start adding the Links to the SpreadSheet.

Thanks for doing that. :)

For any files that are replaced, I think it would be nice if a mod put links to the replacements in the thread where the original files are in addition to in the spreadsheet both because not everyone is going to look in the spreadsheet for the docs if they're reading a game--they might just check the game thread itself--and because supplemental files like GM spreadsheets don't seem to have a place in the spreadsheet but we probably still want them available too.

It's too bad about the MR7 docs. I think the only way we could get them back is if someone else had happened to make backups of them. That's why I'm wondering if it might be a good idea to make backups of the other docs for in case any vanish in the future. I'd be willing to help with that, but I wouldn't want to duplicate work if that's already being done or people don't think it would be useful.

On a slightly different note, I noticed that a few old docs were still open to editing. It's probably not that important since I doubt anyone wants to mess with them, but maybe it would be good if they were changed to view only.

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7 minutes ago, Jondesu said:

Okay, I didn't see it yet, though obviously I didn't read all 14 pages here, but what's the best way to get into a game? Keep watching for a new one to be posted, or is there a wait list of sorts?


Basically just wait for one to start.  A sign-up thread will be posted which you then just reply to with something like "Hi, I'll sign up as [character name here]" and you're in the game! Then you just have to wait for it to start

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The next game's signups will likely be either the next LG (which should be posted sometime around Tuesday or Wednesday of next week), or the next MR around the same time, once QF18 finishes. Check back around then, and I'm sure we'll be happy to see you playing with us! :) 

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Greetings fellow Sanderson Eliminators.  As some of you may have noticed, there have been a couple of changes to some of the threads.  One of which is the repurposing of this thread into a General Q&A.

Another of the changes is some new and more clearly defined rules.  This is the perfect chance for everyone to reacquaint themselves with the old while learning the new so head on over to the 
General Rules & Etiquette Policy and check them out.

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  • 2 weeks later...
2 hours ago, Dankness Ascendant said:

@Amanuensis, is there a Discord server for game creation? I have an idea for a MG

We have a Discord server for our community, not specifically for game creation, although it does have a game creation channel that we frequently use. Joe keeps the link in his signature since he's the official owner, so I'll just refer you there.


Join the Sanderson Elimination Discord Chat!:https://discord.gg/mr732N5


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4, actually, in LG24. Me, Mage, Jaime, and Elodin all targeted Aman and died. Araris was killed by Burnt and you were killed by Stink. So 6 deaths, but only 4 were caused by Jeskeri.

EDIT: And I've just checked the spreadsheet for LG11, and Twei only killed 3 people. One person was in the room, but was killed the action period previous to the room collapse, and one other (besides Twei herself) took damage but didn't die. So only 3 people died in the room collapse.

So LG11 is tied with LG12's Night 12, which caused 3 deaths from one kill action (Burnt, killing me). And Kipper's attack in LG24 is therefore in the lead.

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Hmm. If you count Twei's collapsing a roof, I think you'd have to count mine as well, because it's both examples of players intentionally causing the death of others through indirect means. However, I would probably rule that separately alongside Kipper's kill, since that was all done directly by his hands (technically). Since that situation actually required the combined efforts of Kipper, Aonar and myself, however, I would probably rule that one as the most kills made by a single team at once, rather than a single player.

Edited by Amanuensis
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I would view Twei's roof collapse as being on par with the Jeskeri kill, actually. Of the same type, rather than indirect.

See, in LG 11, everyone was Twinborn. Twei had been charging a metalmind, and she happened to have a Feruchemic power that clearly stated in the rules that if you got 16 charges and you were in the rafters of a room, you could collapse the roof and that would be an attack to every player in that room. So that's what she did.

The Jeskeri used their own rules to redirect people, target one of their own in protection, and kill everyone who had targeted him.

Both used rules that were in the game from the start (though the Jeskeri rules were secret to everyone but the Jeskeri).

QF 14, on the other hand, had a secret mechanic that created a Serial Killer who was supposed to act like a normal SK and target actual players in the game. Instead, he targeted constables (who were really only targetable for the secret mechanic). A decision was made mid-game to make it so if all the Constables died, the people rioted and killed all the politicians. But even that decision was also kept secret.

I'd say that QF 14 could be considered a "special mention" of most kills, but since the mechanics that made it happen were entirely secret or created mid-game, it shouldn't be the actual award. That should go for games that have mass killing possibilities built in right from the start using known mechanics that, preferably, the GM doesn't help the players realize are there and can be used for mass killing purposes (because otherwise, a mass kill is kind of cheap since the GM helped you towards it).

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On ‎24‎/‎9‎/‎2016 at 2:28 AM, little wilson said:

I had recovered some of them, but I just hadn't updated the links in the spreadsheet. They're added now. Unfortunately, though, MR7 is gone. I highly doubt Kas has a backup of those docs anywhere. That game gave him nightmares.

I'm not back - I'm still gone for good, but I happened to come across this because of something Wyrm mentioned. Unfortunately (don't ask, it's a horrid story), I lost everything on my Google Drive, including the reports from my students, which I can tell you really drove the guy I'm working for up the wall. Basically, sorry, my bad - I tried to save the files but I couldn't recover any of them, and I don't have backups.


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Hmph. I thought that I might have had a local copy of some of the MR7 docs, but alas, seems not.

@Kasimir You should come by the SE discord channel at some point, if you ever have the time. It'd be nice to chat again at some point.


On 22/10/2016 at 7:19 AM, little wilson said:

4, actually, in LG24. Me, Mage, Jaime, and Elodin all targeted Aman and died. Araris was killed by Burnt and you were killed by Stink. So 6 deaths, but only 4 were caused by Jeskeri.

EDIT: And I've just checked the spreadsheet for LG11, and Twei only killed 3 people. One person was in the room, but was killed the action period previous to the room collapse, and one other (besides Twei herself) took damage but didn't die. So only 3 people died in the room collapse.

So LG11 is tied with LG12's Night 12, which caused 3 deaths from one kill action (Burnt, killing me). And Kipper's attack in LG24 is therefore in the lead.

Huh. So not only was it my second action period of the game, but I was one of only three victims...  More people died that night though, yes? 

Edited by Haelbarde
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