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45 minutes ago, Vissy said:

What is QF30 and how does one join these things

There are three types of games that are being run, Long Games(LG), Mid-Range(MR) and Quick Fix(QF), which indicate the length and involvement expected from each type of games. LG's are run consecutively, while MR's and QF's are run parallel tot hat but staggered (so at any one time there should be an LG, and either a QF or an MR going on).

The games themselves are a forum version of the game known either as Mafia or werewolf depending on where you're from. If you're not familiar with either of those, I suggest reading through a previous game. AG4 is a recent example of a fairly standard game, with the exception of the use of anonymous accounts.

Signups open about a week before a game is scheduled to start. You missed the closing of signups for QF30 by a couple of hours, and I'm not 100% sure when the signup for the next game will start, but QF30 will probably take about 2 weeks to complete, while the LG currently running will probably take around the same amount of time, or a bit longer.

Edit: also, this post gives the general rules and stuff.

Edited by randuir
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1 hour ago, Vissy said:

What is QF30 and how does one join these things

To join you wait until singups are up for a game (I can send you a PM when the next one goes up, as I tend to spend too much time in the subforum), and you simply say "I am signing up" and give a character if you would like to RP at all during the game, but you don't have to (in most games)

Rand did a great job of explaining pretty much everything else, so...

Welcome to SE!

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Also, if you want to spectate a game that's currently running, LG42's got a somewhat active spectator doc that I'm sure one of the GM's would be happy to give you a link to.  It's already started, though, so maybe QF30 is a better option?  It's only got a couple spectators in it RN, as far as I know, but it's an easier game to follow if you want to just watch it happen, plus, it's just started a day or two ago.  LG42 is a bit complicated. :P  Anyway, basically if you want to join a spec doc, just PM the GM of the game and they should be able to get you a link.  I can't think of a reason why you couldn't join both, tbh.

Also, I heartily agree that you should read an old game.  AG4 isn't a bad option, either.

And welcome to SE! :P  We'd be quite happy to see you die horribly join us in the future!

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Signups for LG43 will indeed go up during the first week of March. Which, of course, means that I need to get it approved. And, therefore, to get it finished :P

But it will definitely be a shard game. Which are wild and crazy and amazing.

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11 minutes ago, Steeldancer said:

You've got to be kidding me, Seonid. Here I was, planning to take a break from SE for a bit, and you have to run the shard game? Which I'm obliged to play because I already have RP set up for it? Gaahh

I know how you feel.  I'm taking a break from SE for a couple of months yet I have several characters voicing their displeasement that I won't be using them for a Shard game.  And they can be very vocal.

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3 hours ago, Steeldancer said:

You've got to be kidding me, Seonid. Here I was, planning to take a break from SE for a bit, and you have to run the shard game? Which I'm obliged to play because I already have RP set up for it? Gaahh


2 hours ago, Alvron said:

I know how you feel.  I'm taking a break from SE for a couple of months yet I have several characters voicing their displeasement that I won't be using them for a Shard game.  And they can be very vocal.

To be fair, my LG has been stated to be the shard game for months now...

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2 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

A little less sanity never hurt anyone that i like.

But in actuality, i do have a character, and i'm sure Seonid would let you RP with us. =P

Not all my characters are insane.  I mean there's .... um .... hold on .... I'm sure I've got one .... somewhere .... do dead or one timers count?

But how can I RP if I'm not on the Shard?  When I say I'm taking a break, I mean I won't be logging in until I'm back.

37 minutes ago, Seonid said:

To be fair, my LG has been stated to be the shard game for months now...

Indeed it has but sadly life and other stuff has made it so I need a break regardless of what's being run.

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8 hours ago, Alvron said:

Not all my characters are insane.  I mean there's .... um .... hold on .... I'm sure I've got one .... somewhere .... do dead or one timers count?

But how can I RP if I'm not on the Shard?  When I say I'm taking a break, I mean I won't be logging in until I'm back.

Indeed it has but sadly life and other stuff has made it so I need a break regardless of what's being run.

You know Alvron, there's this RP discord server that needs some life breathed into it...

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13 hours ago, Alvron said:

But how can I RP if I'm not on the Shard?  When I say I'm taking a break, I mean I won't be logging in until I'm back.

:'( This makes me sad but I do understand as I know I spend too much time on here for real life productivity sometimes... and stay up until midnight on a workday for a rollover... yeah I'm dumb.

Also I'm not sure if this is the right place to post it but I have had an idea forming in my head that I thought might help grow/strengthen the community a bit where would I share the idea?

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Ok so my idea is this. I have learned a ton already from various people and just playing, I have learned some things from Orlok, Kas, Alvron, and others (others please dont kill me). But I have learned through observation or asking very specific questions abotu why they do something. I think there is a way to make it so that we could help develop the meta, get new people involved and have fun at the same time.

And that way is through mentor Games! You pair newer or brand new players with a single mentor, this mentor would only have the one person they were with and would not be in charge of modding the game in any way either because we want the trainee to learn how to recognize patterns, or logic fallacies, or one of the other aspects of the game. The pair would communicate through either a doc or PM's (or maybe even discord) and analyze posts and such. I could see this working really well with anonymous accounts as a two person team with hopefully the mentor not just taking over, Or just a sort of mentor pokemon battle where they give advice and teach but leave the actual playing to the trainees.

I know I would personally enjoy this because I see how people talk about Wilson never being tricked in docs, I have observed Orlok dissect things into tiny little pieces.   And I have heard stories about players I have never heard of except just in passing in the AG game.

I know this would not be an easy suggestion and it could be controversial based on the mentor/mentee pairings and I certainly don't know all that it would take to make this work, but I do know it would be fun :D

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20 minutes ago, MonsterMetroid said:

Ok so my idea is this. I have learned a ton already from various people and just playing, I have learned some things from Orlok, Kas, Alvron, and others (others please dont kill me). But I have learned through observation or asking very specific questions abotu why they do something. I think there is a way to make it so that we could help develop the meta, get new people involved and have fun at the same time.

And that way is through mentor Games! You pair newer or brand new players with a single mentor, this mentor would only have the one person they were with and would not be in charge of modding the game in any way either because we want the trainee to learn how to recognize patterns, or logic fallacies, or one of the other aspects of the game. The pair would communicate through either a doc or PM's (or maybe even discord) and analyze posts and such. I could see this working really well with anonymous accounts as a two person team with hopefully the mentor not just taking over, Or just a sort of mentor pokemon battle where they give advice and teach but leave the actual playing to the trainees.

I know I would personally enjoy this because I see how people talk about Wilson never being tricked in docs, I have observed Orlok dissect things into tiny little pieces.   And I have heard stories about players I have never heard of except just in passing in the AG game.

I know this would not be an easy suggestion and it could be controversial based on the mentor/mentee pairings and I certainly don't know all that it would take to make this work, but I do know it would be fun :D

I think that this is a really cool Idea. Though I have one suggestion, What if instead of making just a mentoring program, it was a buddy system. My reasoning is that this way it provides a way for experienced players to learn from each other. It also makes it more approachable. If someone has been playing for a while, they may not be a new player, but they may not feel like they have a grip on the game and they feel like they could benefit from an opportunity to learn. On the logistical side, this gets rid of having to distinguish what makes a player experienced.

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@MonsterMetroid @MacThorstenson We actually have had a game similar to this already: QF22. Everyone was paired with another player, and one of them posted and voted during the day while the other posted and voted during the night. Pairs were anonymous, but when a player died their partner died as well.

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1 hour ago, Elenion said:

@MonsterMetroid @MacThorstenson We actually have had a game similar to this already: QF22. Everyone was paired with another player, and one of them posted and voted during the day while the other posted and voted during the night. Pairs were anonymous, but when a player died their partner died as well.

I played in that one as well. The basic format worked well enough, though if you base something on that, it should probably be considered to allow the pairs to both talk during the Day and Night, as I think being able to talk in thread for only a portion of the time felt somewhat limiting. Elenion (who happened to be my partner in that game) was active, luckily, but if you are an active player and your partner isn't, I can imagine it to be somewhat frustrating.

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I played on the Elim team for QF22 and I remember it being a bit annoying to have to be the Night player. During the Night turns, there wasn’t really any discussion, so it made it extremely boring for any Night players. Additionally, the fact that the Elims could essentially kill two players every turn made the game rather unbalanced.

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17 minutes ago, Straw said:

I played on the Elim team for QF22 and I remember it being a bit annoying to have to be the Night player. During the Night turns, there wasn’t really any discussion, so it made it extremely boring for any Night players. Additionally, the fact that the Elims could essentially kill two players every turn made the game rather unbalanced.

Another balance problem was caused by having Day and Night players. I remember I was a villager that game, and I was super suspicious of a Night player who turned out to be evil. Unfortunately, no one could vote for any night-players, and my partner didn't have a role that could target them. It was very frustrating, especially since the Day-Night pairs weren't revealed until death.Along with some balance issues, it let the evil team win that game easily. Still, I can see a buddy system be used to better effect.

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10 hours ago, MonsterMetroid said:

I see how people talk about Wilson never being tricked in docs

Curious. Not exactly true, but interesting.

As for the idea, I like it. Though this talk of QF22, I think, is not what you meant. Plus, account sharing isn't going to be an option even with the anonymous accounts. But a mentor had some interesting possibilities. 

Are you meaning a game built around this as a mechanic, or more just in general? Like new player signs up, we toss a number of the R&R players named in a hat and choose one, and that person kind of leads that new player through the game. Answering questions, giving pointers, etc. If this, I think it has serious potential.

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7 hours ago, little wilson said:

Are you meaning a game built around this as a mechanic, or more just in general? Like new player signs up, we toss a number of the R&R players named in a hat and choose one, and that person kind of leads that new player through the game. Answering questions, giving pointers, etc. If this, I think it has serious potential.

Hey @little wilson thanks for liking the idea :)

Either way honestly, I meant as a game built around a mechanic since it would be a time commitment. But If some mentors were willing I think the second has a lot of promise! I think by necessitation of fairness the mentor would have to abstain from spec docs for that game so they can't draw from anything besides what the mentee can see if that makes sense. Which would mean that they would play less, but I trust that you guys can find the balance.

But yeah in general I think the chance of being able to play through a game with someone and have them ask me " A lot of people suspect _____ this cycle, what do you think? Why do you think that? This is what I think and why." would be a great way to help those that want to improve whether they are brand new or a bit older.

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