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Oh :(. I assumed that mistborn powers persisted for a full cycle.

They do, however they change at the beginning of each night.


I had actually been wondering this, but hadn't got around to asking yet. Partly because I didn't want to do it wrong and throw more suspicion on myself than I already was : P

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There are only four possible targets for the Inquisitor. These targets are the ones who have revealed that they have allomantic powers. There's no logic in attempting to kill anyone else, because otherwise they're playing just by luck and then they'd risk losing the chance to get another misting on their side when they use their corpse to convert someone.

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One stated it plainly (Peng), two others insinuated that they had allomantic abilities, the last one is just me guessing that they have an allomantic ability, because of the way that they worded their post.

Edited by Aspren
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Vron casually walked up to the bar and ordered a mug of ale.  The sickly-sweet odor of death still lingered in the air.  As Roban delivered his drink, Vron handed over a small vial of liquid.


"Pour some of this over any remaining stains.  It will mask the smell until a through scrubbing can be done."


Leaning his back against the bar, he listened to the conflicting arguments going back and forth. 'Peng is a mistborn?' he thought. 'Well stranger things have happened. After all, the Lord Ruler himself is dead.  Never thought that would happen, so why not a orphan mistborn.'


Sounds like a plan. I too vote no kill.

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We need to give Ping a short leash. I say, one or two chances to prove himself, and then he goes. It would be perfect for him 2 be inquisitor. Even if he delays for only 3 deaths, thAt gives them three new spiked as well.

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"Let's see what we have here, folks." Gamon said, addressing the crowd and gaining everybody's attention. "It has come to my attention that we here like it when things are laid out in list form. Seeing as our current list maker is busy, I threw this together out of boredom." He then drew out and presented a list tallying all the current votes.
Besides, he thought as people rushed around him to take a look, it always feels good to be the center of attention.

  • Casts for No Vote: Peng, Shamble, Gamon, Grayv, Aether, Aonar, Lucy, Wilson, Wes, Clancy, Eddy, Windrunner, Herwynbe, Shiv, Dyring, Barty, Kukri, Olliver, Cessie, Lam, Maxill, Ridge, Aspren, and Vron. (24 by my count)

    OOC:So that means we still have 5 people left to vote. Roban voiced suspicion of Windrunner (for RP reasons) but didn't put a vote in red, so no count there yet. So that leaves him, Weiry, Digits, Seran, and Mathieu.

    (I may have missed a vote or two, and if I did I'm sorry, just let me know and I'll update)
    I also have
    been keeping track of who has voted for who and retracted at later times.
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"Ooh... Aether gon be pissed..." Barty scuttles his way through the room, weaving between the various patron. He doesn't know Aether that well; he has only met him within the day, and there is reason to distrust everyone in the room. But it almost feels like he has worked with Aether before.

I'm the list guy, a voice tells him indignantly.

Barty cocks his head. A new one?

Aether, Beetle says, and Barty gets the image of a malnourished child spreading his arms wide. Good to see you!

"More?" Barty whispers, even as he grabs another drink. How can this Ruin-cursed world be fair, when some struggle for friends while he has to carry a whole host of them in his head?


I like the idea of the old Spiked being Barty's constant companions. A way for their "cognitive shadows" to show through. If Kell can do it...

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I almost forgot that we wanted to try using the poll system. Note: voting on the poll does not count as an official vote. If you want your vote counted, you must still post your vote count in Red and retractions in Green. This is just to give everyone an idea of where the voting is at during any given time and if it feels like it is taking away from the game in any way, I will stop using it. This is just a chance to see how well it will work for our purposes. 

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I almost forgot that we wanted to try using the poll system. Note: voting on the poll does not count as an official vote. If you want your vote counted, you must still post your vote count in Red and retractions in Green. This is just to give everyone an idea of where the voting is at during any given time and if it feels like it is taking away from the game in any way, I will stop using it. This is just a chance to see how well it will work for our purposes. 

As of right now, there seems to be an issue with it. It has the list broken up into two polls, and is requiring you to vote on BOTH lists. If we aren't able to fit everyone's name on one poll, perhaps we could include "Voting for someone on the other list" as an option on both lists?

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Just to clarify, when I picked Bartbug in the pole, I didn't mean Bartbug, but the Aether personality that's in his head. I don't think we need two of them. :P And because I had to pick someone on each list...

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I've added an option to vote for none on the first list. As I suspected, I can't fit everyone on a single question, which makes it a bit harder for an easy count to be established, but not impossible. On top of that, it doesn't readily express who has voted where. 

I'll give this a fair go, but I'm not entirely convinced by it yet. 


On another note, this day will continue for the 48 hours, but it seems that even with as many players as we have, 48 might be a bit much considering how quickly things have died down after only 24 hours. If everyone agrees, we'll go back to the 36 hour times and if a turn needs additional time, people can request it being extended by 12 hours. If even one person posts, asking for an extension, it will be honored and that turn will gain an additional 12 hours. Thoughts?

Edited by Metacognition
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@Meta, thansk for giving the poll a try, we shall see how it turns out.

I think 36 hours standard with 48 hours if someone requests it would be a good way of working it :)


Apparently some people who hadn't interacted with me before the last game think my name here is Clancy because that was the name of the character I used then. Actually, it's Claincy ; ) Much more unique right?

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I've added an option to vote for none on the first list. As I suspected, I can't fit everyone on a single question, which makes it a bit harder for an easy count to be established, but not impossible. On top of that, it doesn't readily express who has voted where. 

I'll give this a fair go, but I'm not entirely convinced by it yet. 


On another note, this day will continue for the 48 hours, but it seems that even with as many players as we have, 48 might be a bit much considering how quickly things have died down after only 24 hours. If everyone agrees, we'll go back to the 36 hour times and if a turn needs additional time, people can request it being extended by 12 hours. If even one person posts, asking for an extension, it will be honored and that turn will gain an additional 12 hours. Thoughts?

That's better, though you probably should turn the "no vote" option on the second list into a "none of the above" option as well, in case someone does want to vote for someone on list #1


I also like the 36 hours with option for extension.

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