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If there is only one Inquisitor, then I have an idea: Every Misting message two random people and tell them your role, full disclosure, as well as the other person you are telling everything. If anyone is killed, then we assume that one of the people they told their role killed them. Everybody, misting or no, does this and posts the two people they told.

This would work, but we have to remember the potential for ANYBODY to become converted, and anything they knew now becomes common knowledge among all Spiked. So every ally we make in the beginning can eventually betray us. That's what makes the whole trust factor in this game so much scarier. Only the Mistborn (once we've definitively proven who it is) can be completely trusted for the entire game. But we have to prove who he is, first.

(No offense, Peng. We'll just need to wait until you can actually prove it)

Edit: grammar and spelling

Edited by Gamma Fiend
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I followed this Forum so I don't miss the next game. I was about 6 hours too late.... :( I love these types of games!

Don't fret though, I will be following along and keeping track of who I think the people are ;)

Meta - for fun, do you mind if I pm you any predictions I have just from the subtleties of the posts?

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Opening his eyes, Vron was surprised to find that he had dozed off while leaning against the bar.  Noting the sun sinking through the windows, he rose, stretched and glanced around him.


"Evening all, I do hope we all live through the night."


And with those parting words, Vron left the building and set out to find Jac and his gang of runners. 'I do hope those boys have delivered all the packages I gave them.'


With all the plans and plotting going on, I think the inquisitor would most likely lay low tonight and not kill anyone.  Instead they would be trying to find a way to setup our mistborn claimant for a lynching.

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So if both the Soother and Rioter happen to target the same person what happens?

The soothers power will effectively cancel the rioters power. The rioter would change the persons vote, then the soother would negate that vote. So the rioter would lose their vote for no gain.


Honestly, the chances of this happening at the moment are very very low. It will become something the rioter should keep in mind if both are still alive nearer the end.

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Shimble hunched over the bar, shivering slightly. He'd never gotten back his coat, shoes or cane; the cloaked man had left carrying them earlier. The boxings he'd had in his socks had provided a day of disconsolate drinking, the cheap, harsh drink merging into a haze of desperation and finally despair.

Not that it didn't happen every week or so. Shimble had lost more fortunes than the vast majority of skaa and no small number of nobles had even seen.

He was starting to notice a groove in the bar where he usually left his head during his drunken slumps. Shimbly imagined that damnable bartender, Dyring, surreptitiously grinding it in with a hammer, just to mess with him.

"I heard Modeft's brother made a play for some of the poor man's contracts when he passed," said a voice somewhere to his right.

"Already?! We've barely got 'im off the hook and 'is brother's goin' for his business already? Cold bastard, neh?" said another voice, to his left - they were speaking over his slumped back!

Shimble smelled money - a whiff at the edge of his mind, like the pair of boxings tossing off sparks as they were rubbed together.

"Yeah," continued the man to his right, "except Modeft's from a skaa family. Snobby noble client won't meet with him directly, so he's looking for an in between."

The sparks caught, and a fire that smoked wealth caught in Shimble's psyche. He summoned his willpower, and pressed his body into action.

Forehead rising, arms shoving... With great effort, Shimble sat up.

"Perhaps," he asked, "you kind sirs would be so good as to direct me to the person you heard this sad story from?"

Shimble had liked Modeft, but live and let die, he supposed.

Well, die and let live, in Modeft's case.

No matter. The class gap demanded a bridge, and Shimble would be that bridge. Including the part where people walked over him without really thinking about it.

My money awaits

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Yeah, that's the worry I had earlier. If he has more powerful forms of the regular powers, he could riot more than one person at a time. That is all assuming rioting is a current power he has today AND he has a more powerful form. It might backfire on us but I still think we took the best rout given the factual knowledge we had

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Well, if he has abilities like those, then he will lose his advantage of surprise by playing his hand so early in the game.

No, I think it more likely that a). Meta is trolling us, or he b.) has some Feruchemical things going on.

Edited by bartbug
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The inquisitors spiking powers greatly intrigue me. I wonder what happens if they spike two coinshots together.  Can the new spiked coinshot kill two people a night or only one?  What about thugs, can they survive a double powered coinshot? A smoker/seeker would be a good combo too. So many questions, so few to experiment upon.


I am not the inquisitor. Just voicing some thoughts I would have as an alchemist Please don't lynch me tomorrow :mellow: 


Edit: spelling

Edited by Alvron
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Another question Meta. What happens if two lurches lurch at the same time? Does the lurched get ripped in half or does it cancel each other out allowing the coinshot to kill their target?

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Well, if he has abilities like those, then he will lose his advantage of surprise by playing his hand so early in the game.

Except that it would just be showing one power of somewhere between 7-9, and it would be a horrible way (in a clever sort of way for the Inquisitor) to mess with our heads for the rest of the game. From then on out, we'd be worried about our votes being rioted similarly.

I really hope the Inquisitor doesn't have a power like that, because if he does, now would be the perfect time to use it. He needs someone helping him out soon, just in case he gets caught while waiting for us to kill a Misting. We haven't offered him anyone, so it would make sense (if he could do it) for him to mass riot the votes, kill someone today and hope it's a Misting, Spike someone tonight, and get them on his side.

Let's just hope that doesn't happen. Otherwise we're going to have to figure out someway to counteract a mass riot.

That said, I doubt Meta would give the Inquisitor anything over 3-4 (assuming they have the ability to mass riot). Anything more would make them too powerful. Still, even 3-4 is a large number to try to account for. Obviously not with our numbers currently, but give it a few days and nights and it's gonna suck.

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