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Dalinar roll in book3


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I just finished my reread of Words of Radiance. The stormfather tells Dalinar  that he will be shardless. So he will be able to use stormlight to add him in a fight. But other then trying to find more KR what will his roll be. Will he fight along side of Kaladin, Adolin and Shallan. I want to see the blackthorn in action with stormlightas a wepon for him. Could he use the honorblade that Kaladin got from Szeth after killing him. He is definitely my favorite character of all the SA characters. I think his flashbacks should be great.

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Yeah. Brandon has said a knight can use an honorblade and gain the surges. It would be cool, but I bet most of his fighting will be in flashbacks. I expect Dalinar will be the politician and we will have some interesting play between the warrior in the flashbacks and the politician he's become. I hope Brandon throws in at least one non flashback Dalinar fight, show us he has grown but is still the blackthorn. 

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5 hours ago, marianmi said:

I thought it was revealed they are gonna use it as oathgate key, such that non KR can use the oathgates.

I don't remember that happening.


2 hours ago, AnanasSpren said:

I think, given Bondsmith attributes are pious and guiding, he'll be more an advisor/bureaucrat/politician than anything

I think rember reading and one of those little quotes before the traffic starts at the barn Smith will rule them all or something to that equivalent so maybe Dalinar will become the true leader you know you already has been leading this is the true leader already if that makes sense

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Dalinar is the only one with enough status to unite both the blossoming Knights Radiant, and probably what is left of the royalty on Roshar not ruled by Taravangian. His directive, "To unite them" seems only achievable if he has a role in keeping the peace between them. Look for this in the role of Bondsmith in SA3. I don't have inside information, but I have a big hint I referenced in my greeting on the welcome page. I think Bondsmiths keep everyone in order for the Knights, and may even focus their efforts or strategies. Who better than Dalinar?

Edited by 1stBondsmith
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