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What is their clothing made from?


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So..it's been a while since I read SA. Sorry if this is a really dumb question answered in them.

But what is Rosharan clothing made from?

From what recall, they don't have cows and sheep, at least not outside Shinovar, so presumably fabric isn't made from leather and cool. I'd expect Chulls and Greatshells to be more chitinous than anything conducive to fabric. Do they have soft undetbellies or something?

Sorry for the sudden bout of ignorance!

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Here you go

I was wondering, on Roshar, what sort of plants and animals do they use for fabrics, since they don't have a lot of wooly animals and the plants are different?

Brandon Sanderson

Most of them are plant-based. I think I've mentioned one of the plants.


They have silk though, right?

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. It's called sea-silk, they grow it in the water. It comes from the coasts.


So they don't have anything like our silk, then?

Brandon Sanderson

If you looked at it, you would call it silk, but it is being produced in a very different way.


Our silk comes from insect cocoons, and they have a lot of that there, but they don't use it for fiber at all?

Brandon Sanderson

Insect cocoons on Roshar are either, they melt in water from the highstorm cycle, or they have stone in them, so they don't work really well for textiles. There are certain rockbuds you can shred the inside of the shell to get a textile, there's sea silk that grows out in the ocean, and there are other plants of a similar nature.


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Wow, Brandon really does think of everything. What a G.

It astounds me how he can think that deeply into everything, and still interconnect it all. Coming from someone who is currently building his own fantasy world, the ways Brandon overlaps everything in his books (from social norms to storming clothing) is nothing short of incredible. I mean, just look at how far the storms go into Roshar's ecology, culture, and epithets.

Edited by Tariniel
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