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I would like to introduce myself as well. I'm from Barcelona (Spain), so please, forgive my english as is not my native language.  I'm an IT guy, one of those GNU/Linux taliban, who plays RPGs, listen some unpronounceable kind of scandinavian metal music and always wears in black. I love computers, robotics, domotics, reading and I even write some assays that one day I would like to merge into a novel and publish freely to others to read.

I started reading Sanderson novels since Warbreaker (circa 2007 or 2008, I can't recall precisely), when by chance I downloaded a CC copy and I really enjoyed it, so inmediately I became a fan of that young writer (which is only three years older than me (I will have fun until the both of us will be a pair of old men!)).

At the beginning, I bought all books in spanish FAR expensive than the english ones (50$ or so to the change when in USA the same book would cost 18$), but I didn't mind because I was eager to read more and more novels from him: Elantris, Mistborn, each better than the former... but then, the editorial began to translate them so slowly I had to wait a year or even more to be able to read the few novels they translated, I went vey upset when they released The Way of Kings (2 year after!! In paperback at 35$ when in USA it cost 13$!!), but the coup de grace has been Words of Radiance, released a year and a half later, at the same price of 35$ and... only in hardcover!!, so everyone now has the collection impaired, and the editorial said there were no plans at all to release it in paperback like the first book... There are no words enough to describe how a fan can feel about this, so I deceided to swap to english.

Now, I'm a happy reader, a happy collector, a bit less poor, and I don't mind at all to read any more in english thanks to Sanderson. :)

I would like to thank to Brandon Sanderson to write so incredible histories, so great that he finally made grow the Epic Fantasy genre, stalled since its creation with Toliken, and while I can admit there are other authors who are doing their job nicely as well, I think Sanderson has a plan. A plan to "educate" children to read fantasy starting with Alcatraz, then continuing with The Rithmatist or The Reckoners when those kids become teens, going through more serious and mature reading with the Mitsborn saga, and ending, exploding, shinning, when all of us doesn't expect even more with the Stormlight Archives, that I'm pretty sure, he will glue all his novels someway to be recognized as the greatest writer of all times we know he already is.

I will be in Barcelona this October 3rd to see Brandon and I hope to meet him, I've just bought a boxed Mistborn Trilogy (at 13$!!!!) to see if he can sign it... counting down the days!

To the community, I'm pleased to be here, never it's too late to enter in a place where everyone has your own liking.

Edited by malevolent
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29 minutes ago, malevolent said:


I would like to introduce myself as well. I'm from Barcelona (Spain), so please, forgive my english as is not my native language.  I'm an IT guy, one of those GNU/Linux taliban, who plays RPGs, listen some unpronounceable kind of scandinavian metal music and always wears in black. I love computers, robotics, domotics, reading and I even write some assays that one day I would like to merge into a novel and publish freely to others to read.

I started reading Sanderson novels since Warbreaker (circa 2007 or 2008, I can't recall precisely), when by chance I downloaded a CC copy and I really enjoyed it, so inmediately I became a fan of that young writer (which is only three years older than me (I will have fun until the both of us will be a pair of old men!)).

At the beginning, I bought all books in spanish FAR expensive than the english ones (50$ or so to the change when in USA the same book would cost 18$), but I didn't mind because I was eager to read more and more novels from him: Elantris, Mistborn, each better than the former... but then, the editorial began to translate them so slowly I had to wait a year or even more to be able to read the few novels they translated, I went vey upset when they released The Way of Kings (2 year after!! In paperback at 35$ when in USA it cost 13$!!), but the coup de grace has been Words of Radiance, released a year and a half later, at the same price of 35$ and... only in hardcover!!, so everyone now has the collection impaired, and the editorial said there were no plans at all to release it in paperback like the first book... There are no words enough to describe how a fan can feel about this, so I deceided to swap to english.

Now, I'm a happy reader, a happy collector, a bit less poor, and I don't mind at all to read any more in english thanks to Sanderson. :)

I would like to thank to Brandon Sanderson to write so incredible histories, so great that he finally made grow the Epic Fantasy genre, stalled since its creation with Toliken, and while I can admit there are other authors who are doing their job nicely as well, I think Sanderson has a plan. A plan to "educate" children to read fantasy starting with Alcatraz, then continuing with The Rithmatist or The Reckoners when those kids become teens, going through more serious and mature reading with the Mitsborn saga, and ending, exploding, shinning, when all of us doesn't expect even more with the Stormlight Archives, that I'm pretty sure, he will glue all his novels someway to be recognized as the greatest writer of all times we know he already is.

I will be in Barcelona this October 3rd to see Brandon and I hope to meet him, I've just bought a boxed Mistborn Trilogy (at 13$!!!!) to see if he can sign it... counting down the days!

To the community, I'm pleased to be here, never it's too late to enter in a place where everyone has your own liking.

Hello, Malevolent! 

I am bleeder. I wear vests and rant about music. 

Welcome to the Shard! We try to have intelligent conversations about Sanderson and his works, I promise. But we often tend to veer off into topics like baking, and each other's day-to-day problems. 

Hey, speaking of baking, if you are offered any food or drink, do not accept. Please

But anyway, welcome! If you ever need anything, feel free to let me know over PM!

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Welcome, welcome. The Shard is happy to host anyone with a love for Sanderson's Writings.

Here, have a complimentary upvote and a welcome cookie, courtesy of the Dark Alley. Both are free of cost or consequence, despite what others may try to tell you.

Enjoy your time here and happy theorizing!

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