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Happy for his pocketbook and family, but... Not sure about this for a bunch of reasons: starting with Way of Kings when we are only 2 books into a 10 book series, pretty unknown company, SAW writers?, further drain on BS's time. 

Then again, it's just an option at this point so may be years away from anything going on camera.

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Haven't even begun on a screenplay adaptation.  So we are like 4-5 years off, at least.  Which is probably why he has been quick to say that he needs to get 4&5 done really quick after 3 is done.  Gives him a 4-5 book cushion before the first one is out, which means he has a minimum of 8-10 years to get the 1st book of the 2nd half of SA done.  It's achievable...but man that is a lot of dedicated time.

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I am not happy with the concept of WoK becoming a movie, let alone the first movie made from the entire Cosmere :unsure:. Its just a recipe for disaster with how complicated the books are and how much happens in it. Honestly the best formula for a WoK adaption is for a Game of Thrones type TV series, but for that to be any good i would also want it to come in at least 10 years, when technology is better and production of the extensive effects required for the SA series will be cheaper than it would be today. With a 10 year delay, there will also be a good chance that Brandon is fairly close to finishing it, maybe he'll be around book 6 or 7, which is a good cushion for a show or movie series to catch up on, especially with Brandon's writing speed.

Mistborn, on the other hand, with good screen writers and a large enough budget, i will be very excited for and i wait in anticipation for any announcements regarding its progress.

Edited by Unknowingly
Grammatical errors
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I think it's worrisome that we all seem to have mixed feelings about this. I trust Brandon very much, and if he is comfortable with these people, then so am I (which is how I feel about the Kingkiller option, by the way), but I think there are some red (or at least orange) flags. Saw is not exactly a cinematic masterpiece, but looking at what DMG has been involved with (Iron Man 3, Looper, Transcendence), they seem to pick up projects with strong (or at least defining) characters, complex plots, and unique worldbuilding. So from this angle, the Cosmere is in good hands, I think. But then I look at Patrick Melton and Marcus Dunstan and their filmography which includes almost entirely horror and slashers, and I am more scared about the fate of The Way of Kings than any of their movies can possibly make me.

All this being said, Brandon and Joshua are both there as executive producers, so maybe they have more than minimal sway. 

Plus, it's still just an option (though there's some big money here, so I doubt DMG will just let it go).

I'd be curious to hear Brandon talk about this.

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All I have to say about this is that Cosmere fandom is still the best fandom . Congrats to Brandon! Interesting to have Brandon and Joshua on as Executive producers . . . . I'm pretty certain that's not normal for book-to-movie adaptations . 

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Wow. Someone's definitely aiming to make themselves a movie franchise. I admit I am... somewhat apprehensive of this, but I suppose that's something every fan feels when their favourite work is going to get adapted.

It's quite bizzarre, to me, that they're starting with Way of the Kings. On one hand, I have to admire the sheer ambition of it, but on the other... yeah, Mistborn might've been a better choice.

@Secrets - I don't know... part 1 of WoK ends with Kaladin turning away from his suicide attempt. That's not much to make a whole movie from, really, more like a miniseries episode.

The choice of Way of the Kings continues to baffle me. Besides, have we actually seen a fantasy franchise besides LoTR that actually did well in the cinemas? I mean, Warcraft did pretty well everywhere beyond US, but its fanbase is somewhat bigger than Comere's.

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I wonder if a movie might be an interesting place to explore a White Sands type situation: original story, set in the Cosmere with characters and concepts familiar to fans, but still distinct enough to be it's own series.

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7 minutes ago, Rasarr said:

The choice of Way of the Kings continues to baffle me. Besides, have we actually seen a fantasy franchise besides LoTR that actually did well in the cinemas? I mean, Warcraft did pretty well everywhere beyond US, but its fanbase is somewhat bigger than Comere's.

Harry Potter? 

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For myself, I know that writing can be very time consuming with a very small payback at first. I think movies will drive a whole new group of readers. The readers will get some of the best fantasy writing ever, so the genre will increase. In the end, a really good guy hits it big, gets filthy rich, and continues to wear weird t-shirts and sports jackets. My only worry about the movies is; definitely time away from the books, (which might not be finished till I am dead now), and whether the same drive and impetus behind the stories will keep him as the most productive and detailed writer of my lifetime. I love his work ethic and his professionalism. That may suffer when Hollywood gets involved. They have ruined more than one good person. Best of Luck to Brandon! It could not have happened to a better guy!

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1 minute ago, bleeder said:


Sir, please refrain yourself from summoning C'thulhu. The Master so hates it when mortals disturb him without actual new Sanderson releases.

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Ugh... typed a long post, and lost it all. I'll try again, and maybe come back and edit in more complex thoughts.

  • Props to the big guy. This is the definition of success.
  • Brandon does 1 cosmere book a year. As long as he can keep that up, he should be fine.
  • Do Dragonsteel as a canon movie trilogy.
  • Do Stormlight as a non-canon pair of trilogies. Six main characters (Kaladin, Dalinar, Shallan) (Szeth, Jasnah, Taln), do two books per movie, cut a lot of stuff. You need to have integrity as a film first, as an adaption second.
  • Rothfus and Martin slow down because they get involved in other things. It's their prerogative. I trust Brandon has his priorities 'straight.' He loves writing, and I'm sure he will put that first.
  • Reckoners probably would have been a better first adaption, but it's not cosmere.
  • I will be going opening night and bringing friends.
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Allow me to transcribe the noises coming out of my mouth:


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47 minutes ago, thegatorgirl00 said:

I don't know what to think about this. On the optimistic side, my mind is imagining Harry Potter. On the pessimistic side, my mind is imagining Eragon. Time to go spend hours researching the people involved in writing and producing WoK. 

Harry Potter makes you optimistic? I absolute despise those movies.

I can't bring myself to be excited about this for numerous reasons which include but aren't limited to invisible magic systems being made visible, limited story, starting with a series that isn't finished for another 15 years at best, and actors that age while these books will take decades to finish. A tv series would've made me more optimistic, I think, but overall I wouldn't have minded if there were never any films. In fact, I'd prefer it.

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I see a lot of people have some trepidation about the writers coming from primarily horror movies. 


But remember that Peter Jackson was known for Dead Alive before he was given The Lord of the Rings to work on. 


Best not get too negative this early. Let's see how this whole thing plays out. In the meantime, it's okay to be excited!

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Just now, Wubdor said:

Harry Potter makes you optimistic? I absolute despise those movies.

I don't think you can argue with either the success of the movies (and books) or their impact on the public perception of the genre. That alone should be atonement enough, I think.

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1 minute ago, Argent said:

I don't think you can argue with either the success of the movies (and books) or their impact on the public perception of the genre. That alone should be atonement enough, I think.

By themselves they'd be phenomenal movies. I hate them because they left out so much of the good stuff that I was hoping to see. I'm a huge fan of the books.

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