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Nintendo Switch announcement... Any Thoughts?


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Personally, I'm really excited. Yes, it might be a bit gimmicky, but the adaptability really appeals to me.

For those of you that don't know, the Nintendo Switch is a hybrid console/mobile gaming device. It will be released in March of next year, I think.

Anyone else excited? Other impressions?

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2 hours ago, Quiver said:

I have no idea how it works. Like, at all. I've been kind of curious about diving back into the Nintendo pool though, and handheld are their best platform.

Still, more system details, please?



A video says more than a thousand words.

If youtube plays videos at about 30 fps and one image is worth at least 1001 words... no... that makes no sense... anyway, watch the trailer.

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  • 2 months later...

Not sure if anyone saw the reviewers talk about the recent news on this console.  But I'm not sold, nor am I turned off.

I'm interested in the switch, for when I go and visit my cousins.  It'd be good to have a console I can take with me, and we can all play local multiplayer with.  Doesn't really matter if its splatoon (I think thats the name of that paint game) or that party pack game.  I'm also, very interested in that Zelda release.

Whats giving me pause is that price, no games announced for it, and the lack of older console game releases on their store.  I'd love to be able to pick up a copy of Mario Kart for the wii u, and play my cousin on that device.  But idk if its going to be released for the switch or not.

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I'm pretty skeptical about the Switch's chances: it seems likely to be just a repeat of the WiiU.  

Like the WiiU, there was a pretty impressive list of third-parties "pledging support" and a fairly small number of third-parties actually announcing titles for it, and a lot of the announced titles are ports of old games.  And perhaps even more-so than the WiiU, the Switch is so different from everything else on the market (in terms of specs, peripherals, etc) that it's likely going to be fairly difficult to target the Switch when developing new games.  Unless the Switch sells fantastically better than the WiiU, I suspect that third-party support for the Switch is going to continue to look like third-party support for the WiiU, i.e. awful.  

As usual for Nintendo, it's about a generation behind everyone else, in terms of online services; and pretty much everything they've announced about their online services sounds awful.  You've got to use your smartphone if you want to talk to anyone else.  There's no ethernet jack on the console.  While PSN or Xbox Live give out free, relatively new, games each month (similar fare to what you might get in a Humble Bundle: AA or decent indie games), Nintendo will lets you play a decade or two old game... for a month.  It feels more like a Virtual Console advertising stunt than an actual perk, for whatever subscription they're going to charge for this service.

And speaking of prices, Nintendo is even losing their usual selling point of being the cheapest on the market, this time around.  $300 + $60 game, while you can get a Slim PS4 bundle, including a game, for $300.  


To be entirely honest?  I'm hoping the Switch fails: Nintendo has good IP and make some good games, but their consoles have been increasingly mishandled, and my impressions of the Switch are that the trend is going to continue.  I'd rather they just focused on making games, and didn't basically hold their IPs hostage to sell their consoles.    

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On 1/21/2017 at 6:37 PM, mattig89ch said:

Not sure if anyone saw the reviewers talk about the recent news on this console.  But I'm not sold, nor am I turned off.

I'm interested in the switch, for when I go and visit my cousins.  It'd be good to have a console I can take with me, and we can all play local multiplayer with.  Doesn't really matter if its splatoon (I think thats the name of that paint game) or that party pack game.  I'm also, very interested in that Zelda release.

Whats giving me pause is that price, no games announced for it, and the lack of older console game releases on their store.  I'd love to be able to pick up a copy of Mario Kart for the wii u, and play my cousin on that device.  But idk if its going to be released for the switch or not.

There's been tons of games announced, actually. Including Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

I, for one, am HYPED for the Switch, and I'm super glad that Zelda is a launch title!


And @Retsam, why would there be an ethernet jack on the console? It's supposed to be a console/handheld hybrid. Also, Reggie said that there were over 80 third-party games In Development, so I'm  not too worried about lack of 3rd party support just yet.

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On 1/29/2017 at 2:44 PM, Baine said:

There's been tons of games announced, actually. Including Mario Kart 8 Deluxe.

I, for one, am HYPED for the Switch, and I'm super glad that Zelda is a launch title!


And @Retsam, why would there be an ethernet jack on the console? It's supposed to be a console/handheld hybrid. Also, Reggie said that there were over 80 third-party games In Development, so I'm  not too worried about lack of 3rd party support just yet.

I'm more concerned that they don't have a great launch lineup.  So far, zelda and splatoon are the only 2 mp games their launching with.  That and they are planning to charge full price for skyrim, which is over 6 years old at this point.  Its a great game, sure.  But I don't feel its worth 60 bucks any more.

Thats why I'm in the wait and see camp.  I'm not hoping the switch does poorly, the exact oposite in fact.  But until I see some great games get released, I don't really have a reason to drop $300 on a console with no games out for it.

Personally, I got burned badly with NMS.  So I'm doing my lvl best not to get hyped for any game/console.  I'm interested in a few games coming out.  But I'm not on the edge of my seat.

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