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Turns out that practice ended earlier than I'd thought. Sorry for not being able to contribute as much as usual -- this is a hectic week for me, which is probably throwing everything off. I'll try to avoid posting during Chem next time. :P On the bright side, I should have more time to be active for the rest of today and tomorrow, once I get my homework done. Monday and Wednesday will be low activity days.

So, we have two coinshots, one who hit Orlok and the other who hit Bugsy. Has Bugsy done anything that people have viewed as suspicious lately? Orlok definitely seems like a village kill, but I'm worried that Bugsy's death wasn't a village one.

@A Joe in the Bush, how will Daylight Savings time tomorrow affect rollover? Also, shouldn't Orlok be dead in the player list?


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I'm looking more and more suspicious by the moment, aren't I? I accuse Lopen D1, who successfully calls Doc and Jondesu as eliminators. I am defended by Doc, who turned out to be an eliminator. I'm apparently acting erratically. I don't actually end up voting on the people who turn out to be eliminators. I thank the village vigilantes. Now all I have to do is claim Doctor (well, Thug, I guess) and then I'll have all the stereotypical eliminator signs pointing at me :D


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Oh. Wow. Seven deaths.

Okay, I don't have a clear target this cycle, but right now I'm looking at Ripple and Ecth. Ecth for the erratic behavior everyone's buzzing about, Ripple because she tried to argue in Jondesu's defense, but did so hesitantly, as though afraid to implicate herself.

I am nowhere near certain of either of them, but I know discussion without teeth is often worthless. So, with that in mind, Ripple.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm also in agreement with Alvron's read on Rae. It helps her case that she took part in the Jondesu lynch.

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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I'm going to place a vote on Dankness.  Still a gut read but it's the same gut read I got from Jondesu's posts C1.  The only other one on my radar is Sart.  Also from a gut read but slightly weaker than the ones I got from Dankness and Jon's posts.

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I think I'll put a vote on Nathan because his post at the end of the last cycle seems like something an Elim new player would do: 


Sorry I have been inactive, I'm trying to understand this new game. I will catch up tonight.

Posts for the first time, just in time to be saved from dying of inactivity. Also, I'm assuming he wasn't in PMs with anyone? So in trying to figure out the new game he'd naturally have questions - every new player does - so it could be that he just clears it out in the Elim doc and doesn't need to ask them in thread. 

It could be just me, but as I've said a couple of times before, I'm paranoid of new players :P 

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@Ecthelion III You forgot Wonko's vote on me.

And @Wonko the Sane, you are completely correct in calling me hesitant. Obviously, Jondesu did turn out to be guilty, but I am not a fan of lynch trains whatsoever. While it worked in our favor this time, such a lynch train can just as easily kill a villager, and tends to lead to less discussion. Hence my feeble defense of Jondesu. I had my own suspicions, but didn't think it wise to add to the mob.

And Arraenae, for aforementioned reasons.


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Ripple, Ecth, do you really think the Elims were foolish enough to stack three of their votes together cycle 1? both of you have put summary votes on Rae with little to no justification, as if the situation regarding her hasn't just drastically changed. Why are you both still so certain of her guilt?

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39 minutes ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Oh. Wow. Seven deaths.

Okay, I don't have a clear target this cycle, but right now I'm looking at Ripple and Ecth. Ecth for the erratic behavior everyone's buzzing about, Ripple because she tried to argue in Jondesu's defense, but did so hesitantly, as though afraid to implicate herself.

I am nowhere near certain of either of them, but I know discussion without teeth is often worthless. So, with that in mind, Ripple.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm also in agreement with Alvron's read on Rae. It helps her case that she took part in the Jondesu lynch.

I agree with you about Ripple. Soon after I mentioned that the lynch train on Jondesu was alarming, she used that as reason to not vote on him and eventually voted on the next highest lynch target.

I'm not very suspicious of Ecth at this point. I can't decide if I really think he's village, but he's not high on my suspect list at the moment.

36 minutes ago, Alvron said:

I'm going to place a vote on Dankness.  Still a gut read but it's the same gut read I got from Jondesu's posts C1.  The only other one on my radar is Sart.  Also from a gut read but slightly weaker than the ones I got from Dankness and Jon's posts.

I'm...not really sure about Dankness still. He hasn't really said anything of value yet...

Sart, on the other hand, I'm suspicious of. It's most just gut/tone read on his posts so far. I may go into more detail in a later post on him.

15 minutes ago, Daniyah said:

I think I'll put a vote on Nathan because his post at the end of the last cycle seems like something an Elim new player would do: 

Posts for the first time, just in time to be saved from dying of inactivity. Also, I'm assuming he wasn't in PMs with anyone? So in trying to figure out the new game he'd naturally have questions - every new player does - so it could be that he just clears it out in the Elim doc and doesn't need to ask them in thread. 

It could be just me, but as I've said a couple of times before, I'm paranoid of new players :P 

I'm suspicious of Nathan too, for the same reason you and Aman pointed out. I haven't had a PM with him. It's not so unusual for a new player not to start PM's with others, but the fact that he posted just in time to avoid death from inactivity is worrying.

Right now, I'm deciding whether I want to vote on Ripple, Nathan, or Sart. I'm gonna think about it for a bit more before I put a vote down. I'm leaning towards Ripple at the moment.

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Doctor was a regular Noble, so he didn't even have a particularly valuable role. @Ecthelion III, @RippleGylf, do you think the elims be so desperate to keep a regular alive that they would place multiple votes on the same person in a very high-profile manner very close to rollover? I could see one, which is what Jondesu did. I could see two, because Doc wanted to keep himself alive. But three? That is begging for at least one person to be thoroughly investigated, as both Jondesu and I were, and perhaps lynched, as Jondesu was.

Edited by Arraenae
TY for pointing that out, Joe.
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Magestar. Nathan.

No sense keeping my vote on Mage if I've got no support. I too am paranoid about inactives and advocate for lynching them on a regular basis, and since it doesn't look like Nathan will hit the filter in the near future than we may have to speed things along a bit.

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@AliasSheep, you didn't post last Cycle I don't think. Any reason for that? Mostly I'm pinging you so you don't die from inactivity, but I'm curious why you weren't involved in discussion last Cycle as well.

@Assassin in Burgundy and @Darkness Ascendant, do either of you have any opinions to add? I can't recall either of you saying much so far. It's important that we get everyone involved.

I'm going to vote on Ripple. First she posted saying she was slightly suspicious of Jondesu, but didn't want to do anything rash(because there was a lynch train forming on him), then soon after she responds to Arraenae's points about why she was suspicious of Aman and votes on Arraenae. I feel like suspicion on Arraenae was understandable to a certain extent last Cycle, but the way she did it gave me the feeling she was trying to take the focus off of Jondesu. And now she's voting for Arraenae again, which, I don't hold against her that much, but I could see it as her just going with her previous "suspicion" on Rae without really considering the new facts brought up with Jondesu's alignment, because she already knew Jondesu was evil. She also voted on Ecthelion on Cycle 1, when Ecth was under quite a bit of suspicion. So, since I'm leaning towards Ecth being a villager(his acting like an eliminator is kind of concerning though), that just adds to my suspicion of her(but not much).



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6 hours ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Oh. Wow. Seven deaths.

Okay, I don't have a clear target this cycle, but right now I'm looking at Ripple and Ecth. Ecth for the erratic behavior everyone's buzzing about, Ripple because she tried to argue in Jondesu's defense, but did so hesitantly, as though afraid to implicate herself.

I am nowhere near certain of either of them, but I know discussion without teeth is often worthless. So, with that in mind, Ripple.

EDIT: Oh, and I'm also in agreement with Alvron's read on Rae. It helps her case that she took part in the Jondesu lynch.


6 hours ago, RippleGylf said:

@Ecthelion III You forgot Wonko's vote on me.

And @Wonko the Sane, you are completely correct in calling me hesitant. Obviously, Jondesu did turn out to be guilty, but I am not a fan of lynch trains whatsoever. While it worked in our favor this time, such a lynch train can just as easily kill a villager, and tends to lead to less discussion. Hence my feeble defense of Jondesu. I had my own suspicions, but didn't think it wise to add to the mob.

And Arraenae, for aforementioned reasons.



You're probably think of Ripple. Arraenae voted on Jondesu. These are the posts where Wonko accuses Ripple of defending Jondesu and Ripple responding.

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Oh jesus, almost missed this cycle. How is it possible for so many people to die in one Night? Is this a record?

10 hours ago, Ecthelion III said:

Hey, you never know with the eliminators. Maybe that's what they want you to think :ph34r:

This strikes me as odd.

What's this Darkness: Alvron thing?

Sorry I haven't been active all too much *scratches head sheepishly*

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11 hours ago, Elenion said:

Can you explain your reasons for wanting to lynch me? I can't think of anything that I've done wrong, except being less aggressive than usual C1.

It's mainly just a gut read.  I don't have a lot of better ideas, and you're giving me bad vibes.  Apparently no one else agrees.  However, the other person I thought we should lynch seems to be getting some support, so Rae.  I'm following similar reasoning to what was presented last cycle.  Also,

9 hours ago, Arraenae said:

 I could see one, which is what Jondesu did. I could see two, because Doc wanted to keep himself alive. But three?

Counting you, unless you know something I don't, it would only be two.  At least, I'm pretty sure that's right.  It also helps that you're the only other person I'm really getting a read on.  

9 hours ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Ripple, Ecth, do you really think the Elims were foolish enough to stack three of their votes together cycle 1?

Are you counting Doc's vote?  Is that what it is?  I don't think it's unlikely, personally, but 

The other two people up for lynching seem to be Ripple, and Nathan.  I could see killing an inactive, but honestly I'd prefer to let the filter hit him eventually.  That's why we have a filter. :P  

As far as Ripple goes, it seems to mostly be gut, and that she defended a Elim(?).  She doesn't seem to have posted all that much.  I can't tell.

edit; Len.

Edited by Magestar
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