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Aftermath: Wow, Rude

“Wow, rude.”


“Well, uh. . .”


“I mean, really? I have been nothing but helpful to you, this entire week!”


“I know that, it’s just, uh. . .”


“What, you can’t justify your action Svetao? Normally that means it’s a bad rusting action.”


“Look, I was under a lot of stress, and Nathan and Gibbs told me to do it.”


“Nathan? Nathan the Noble? And you listened to him?”


“It was a good idea okay?!”


Right. A good idea. You had no evidence! At all!”


“It was justifiable paranoia, and Anyway, how are you even alive!?”


“I’m to angry at you to die.”


“I pushed a Spear through your chest!”


There was indeed, a spear, sticking out of both ends of Stahl’s chest. He stood in the middle of the road, where he had been walking when Svetao decided to kill him. His arms were folded below the wound, now drenched in blood, and he was glaring at his long time ally. Svetao, in turn, stood a couple feet away, sheepishly holding one arm and trying not to look at the Spear that was going all the way through his chest Holy Survivor how was he even still talking?


“Yes. You did. It hurts.”


“Of course it hurts! It punctured both your lungs and split your heart! How are you even alive!?”


“Pure contrary stubbornness at this point.”


Svetao was running out of places to look that weren’t the massive, gaping hole in his chest. Seriously, if they removed the spear, she could probably stick both her arms through it.


“Well, can you just, die now? It’s getting kind of awkward.”




“. . .Please?”


Stahl uncrossed his arms and threw them in the air. “You lied to me Svetao! You said you were killing Stick!”


“And I was! I mean, Nathan and I were going to lynch her, you know. . .” She trailed off, getting even more uncomfortable. Stahl folded his arms again and glared at her.


“Am I, interrupting something?”


Both of them turned to see Nathan standing there, looking slightly pale as he stared at enormous hole through Lopen’s chest.


“Yes, you are.” Stahl said. “You’re interrupting my imminent Demise, apparently.”


“Oh, I could, uh, wait I guess?”


Svetao sighed, “What do you want Nathan?”


“No no, you two can finish whatever, uh, this is.” Nathan gestured lamely to Stahl. He still hadn’t looked away from the wound. “How is he. . .”


“Talking?” asked Stahl.


“Alive?” asked Svetao.






“. . . Yes.” Nathan said. “Is this, like, a Thug thing? Are you a Thug?”


Stahl exhaled in exasperation, somehow. “No, I’m just a regular Skaa. I just happen to be incredibly stubborn, though I am losing most of my blood, so I can’t keep this up for much longer.”


“Right, I’ll just wait then I guess.” Nathan continued to stare at the impossible wound.


. . .


Svetao coughed. Stahl continued to glare at both of them.


“So, Nathan. You, uh, ever, uh. . .” Svetao trailed off, trying to think of something to break the awkward silence.


“Wait, here it is.” Stahl muttered. He coughed once, fleck of blood spitting out of his mouth, then collapsed in a heap.


Nathan and Svetao stared at his corpse, still glaring at the two of them, even in death. Nathan gingerly stepped forward, and picked up the spear. He prodded Stahl with it once, just to be certain he was finally dead. “Well. that was weird.”


“It was.”


There was another, uncomfortable silence, as they stared at the corpse, half expecting it to cough, and stand back up.


"So, why are you here Nathan?”


“Oh right!” Nathan grabbed the spear with two hands, spun around, and rammed it through Svetao’s chest. She stumbled backward, got her balance, and looked down at the spear in her chest.


Oddly, it didn’t hurt. There was blood pouring out of her, and some itchiness in her lungs, but other than that, she seemed okay. She looked up at Nathan. “I think it’s the spear.”


“How does the spear keep you alive?”




“Where did you even find this thing!?”


Svetao shrugged self consciously. “In a dusty cupboard, next to a black sword that kept offering to cuddle with me.”


“K, this is weird. I’m out.” Nathan turned around, and walked away. Svetao, now alone with a spear through her chest and a corpse at her feet, poked the spear. Nothing.


“So, do i just wait to die, or. . .” No answer was forthcoming. Svetao sighed, and sat down to wait.




Nathan raised five fingers, and counted down slowly, mouthing the digits across the doorway to Jack. As he put his last finger down, they both sprang up, ran into the lightly guarded room, swords swinging.


The first two of Quellions guards didn’t even realize they were under attack before they were dead. The next two had enough time to throw down their cards and grab the hilts of their swords before they too were dispatched. The last one opened his mouth to yell, but Nathan’s throwing knife took him in the throat, silencing him.


Jack and Nathan gasped in breath as the adrenaline continued to flow through them. 5 men killed in as many seconds. Twenty guards total, killed in complete silence, all during the past ten minutes. A safehouse breached with no one aware, nor ever able to report it.


“You know Jack, you once told me that knife throwing skills were useless.”


Jack chuckled, as he wiped his blade off on a guards sack cloth shirt. “Against Nobles it is. What if Beldre was here? Would you throw a knife at her?”


“Doesn’t matter. She’s dead.”


“Well, That means it’s just you me and Gibbs left, doesn’t it?”


“Yup. And Gibbs is firmly in Quelion’s pocket.”


Jac pulled out a ring of keys, that he had taken from the corpse of the captain earlier. He walked over to the door that the five men had supposed to have been guarding, and slid the biggest key into the lock. He turned it, and it opened.


He hesitated. What if the information was wrong? What if it was a trap? What if Rebekka wasn’t behind this door? Nathan laid a hand on his shoulder. “Go.”


He pushed the door open. It revealed a rather cozy room. Everything was covered with something soft. There was a bed in the corner, and a table in the middle. Next to one wall, there was a rocking chair. A middle aged woman sat in it, rocking back and forth, a three year old girl in a faded blue dress sleeping on her lap.


“Good evening Jack. You found us.”


Jack smiled, and walked over to his sleeping daughter. “Quellion let you stay with her?” He reached down, and ran his hand over the child’s hair.


“He couldn’t allow me not to.” The caretaker carefully held the sleeping child up to him. “Be gentle please, she’s barely been asleep for an hour. She hasn’t been sleeping well, not with you gone.”


Jack dropped laid his sword against the wall, and picked his daughter up for the first time since Quellion had taken her. “Thank you.”


The woman smiled at him. “You should go now Jack. Else the three of you won’t make it out alive.”


“Jack!” Nathan yelled from outside the room. “We got a problem!”


Jack moved Rebekka into a more comfortable position against his shoulder, then hurried out of the room. Nathan had his back to him, and stood in a defensive stance, his sword pointed at the door.


Lord Gibbs, the Luckless stood there, smirking as he swung his briefcase back and forth. “It’s pretty late for the two of you to be out and about. Don’t you remember our orders Jack? Nathan here is a fugitive, scheduled to be burned.”


“Make a run for it, I’ll hold him off.” Nathan whispered back to him. “My family is safe. Gets your daughter out of here.”


Jack nodded, he tapped Nathan on the left shoulder once, twice, thrice. On the third tap, they both moved as one, dashing forward, Nathan attempting to stab Gibbs, Jack lunging past him through the doorway.


Somehow, Gibbs easily dodged Nathan’s strike. He twirled around the sword, grabbing his wrist with his free hand, and drove the sword into the wooden wall. It sunk deep into it and quivered there. Nathan growled, and tried to break Gibbs hold. And then Jack was around the corner of the door and could see no more.


He heard a yell of pain from Nathan, and Gibb’s laughter as they continued to battle.


“Huh?” Rebekka stirred, pressing her face into his neck as he ran.


“Shh, go back to sleep darling. Daddy’s back.”


“Mkay” Rebekka wrapped her arms around his neck and continued to sleep as Jack ran out the door, and into the city, leaving the last of the nobles to die behind him.




The Citizens win!

Gm’s final thoughts in about an hour.


Lopen was killed by a Coinshot! He was a Regular Citizen!

Daniyah was killed by the Nobility! She was a Citizen Coinshot!

Nathan was Lynched! He was a Noble Seeker!


Vote Tally:

Lopen(1): nathan

Nathan(4): Stick and Lopen, Daniyah, Ecthelion


Survivor list:

Ecthelion III : Luckless Gibbs Citizen Thug

I_am_a_Stick: Stick Regular Citizen

Everyone else is dead.


Dead and Spec Doc

Eliminator Doc


Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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Final thoughts

Before I get started, I have to say, THERE WERE NO SECRETS! Bwahahahahaha!!! I really enjoyed everyone’s paranoia regarding that. Arraenae and Alvron especially kept asking me question after question. But really, there was nothing to guess!


Anyway, thoughts on the game itself;


One, I really like this version of limited PM’s. Only contacting a limited number of players per cycle, rather than being able to contact everyone really made people strategize. It did not cripple village communication, like other PM limitations, but it did on a few occasions force citizens to rely on other citizens, rather than doing everything theirself.


Second, role distributions. You will notice that every role that can be blocked by a Smoker was an Eliminator only role. Both Seekers were Nobles, as were the Soothers and rioters. In addition, there were not that many roles. Six villagers started with roles, (Rae received a seventh role. More on that later) 5 nobles started with roles, and 13 players were roleless.


The nobles had two seekers, precisely because of the number of roleless. For their rioter to be of any use, they needed to be able to quickly find village roles to manipulate, and on the opposite side, the village had two smokers to protect the coinshot and thug from being manipulated. That all worked out just as I hoped, though I am sad that both Tineyes died with nary a lead between them.


Third, player distribution. I’m still uncertain whether or not I messed this up. The Nobles didn’t have any big names on their team. They had players that most would describe as new or background players. That seemed to work out okay, but there was far more inactivity than I had thought there would be. Sart was a Noble Soother But the Noble roleless had already died before he died of inactivity. Speaking of which


Fourth, GM mistakes. Sheep was a Mistake. He pointed out to me that he should have died of inactivity when Alvron said he should have. I messed up time conversions and thought he had PM’d me early enough when in fact he did not. Bugsy however, was not a Mistake like I said. Bugsy was intentionally and willingly killed by me, after he accidentally learned that his RL friend Nathan was a Noble. I manipulated events to kill him without any suspicion falling on Nathan. Bugsy has been paid back for this.


Finally, Everyone give it up for Nathan! For a first time player, and first time forumer, He did Extremely well in the end game, nearly pulling all a win against four nobles Elenions Citizens single handedly. He was a lot less confused then he let on, and used his newcomer status to his advantage.


Thank you all for playing my game! I look forward to watching you all kill each other in my next game, which will probably feature Timetravel. Have fun Kids!

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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Good game, all! If we take one thing away from this game, let it be this: Smoking kills!

2 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

He did Extremely well in the end game, nearly pulling all a win against four nobles single handedly.

I really hope there weren't 4 Nobles alive at the end...

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Whoops. Lopen, it was just to be on the safe side. You were too good that it made me paranoid :ph34r: Sorry. I did send in my order to kill Stick. And then switched back and forth between you before deciding on you. Apologies to all the villagers I killed >.<

Nathan almost made me believe that we was innocent. Almost. :ph34r: 

Good game though :D it was fun.


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11 minutes ago, Daniyah said:

Whoops. Lopen, it was just to be on the safe side. You were too good that it made me paranoid :ph34r: Sorry. I did send in my order to kill Stick. And then switched back and forth between you before deciding on you. Apologies to all the villagers I killed >.<

Nathan almost made me believe that we was innocent. Almost. :ph34r: 

Good game though :D it was fun.




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7 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:



Yes, so you've called me a lot of times :P 


Edit- Oh, and I will always be paranoid of new players. Always. And I will not retract my vote off them next time. :) 

Edited by Daniyah
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29 minutes ago, Daniyah said:

Edit- Oh, and I will always be paranoid of new players. Always. And I will not retract my vote off them next time. :) 

As you should be.  New players can be the most dangerous as no one knows just how well they will play.  (Kas) :P 

That said, well done to Nathan and the Nobles as a whole.  You did remarkably well for a fairly new and inexperienced team.  If the Village hadn't gotten lucky with the first few lynches I have little doubt that you would've won.

Edited by Alvron
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Good job making it that far after the rest of us were taken out, Nathan! Bad string of luck early on to have so many of us taken down, but you made the best of it.

Congrats to the villagers I suppose. I definitely screwed up trying to save Doc that first round. I don't think I'm likely to panic like that again, now that I've seen what I did.

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Gibbs stood over the body of Nathan, bloody briefcase in hand. Well, that went surprisingly well, considering how bad it was getting here. Let's see... He counted on his fingers. Nearly mugged three times, almost run over twice, and ambushed by my political opponents to boot--that's a new record!

A cloaked figure entered the room, the door squeaking as it opened. The newcomer cursed softly.

"It's not like you to make noise on your way in," Gibbs said, back still turned to the door. "You're supposed to be the stealthy one."

The figure responded by procuring a dagger from his cloak and launching it directly at the back of Gibbs's head. Gibbs stood perfectly still, almost casual, as the dagger missed his ear by a few millimeters. The figure stood for a moment in silence, then began to laugh heartily. Gibbs joined in, even louder.

"You haven't changed a bit!" the man said, lowering his hood to reveal a young face and dark hair.

"Neither have you," Gibbs replied. "You still haven't learned not to throw daggers at people when you see them."

"Touché." The newcomer surveyed the scene, doing a double take when he saw the lack of weapon other than Nathan's fallen blade. "You didn't kill him with t-the briefcase, did you?! Even a man as lucky as you couldn't kill someone with that."

Gibbs smiled. "It's heavier than it looks. Now hurry on. We have a lot of work to do, Spook."

And on his way over the threshold of the door, Gibbs tripped.


Good game! I'm sorry for lying about being a Seeker. I have no qualms about lying in SE if it helps my cause. I needed to remain incognito as the benevolent protection role who was protecting other people throughout the course of the game.


Wait, when does Ecthelion get online normally? Because I really want to post the next cycle like normal, as if the game is still going, with only ecthelion alive, just to mess with him.

You totally should have done that.

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4 hours ago, Daniyah said:

Whoops. Lopen, it was just to be on the safe side. You were too good that it made me paranoid :ph34r: Sorry. I did send in my order to kill Stick. And then switched back and forth between you before deciding on you. Apologies to all the villagers I killed >.<

Nathan almost made me believe that we was innocent. Almost. :ph34r: 

Good game though :D it was fun.


Well...storms. I got killed for being too good? I'm not sure how I feel about that. :P I was gonna tie Gamma's 50% survival percentage too. :( Ah well.

The important thing is, we won! Good work teammates, but also good job Nobles, since ya'll almost came back even after the village started the game with 3 lynches on you. Things were getting very worrisome at the end(Joe wasn't helping my nerves any either, not that he ever has :rolleyes:).

And of course, a big thanks to Joe for running the game! I very much enjoyed it, backstabbings and all. I was kind of suspicious that there wasn't a secret once the game was getting close to ending and nothing odd had happened. At least, I was really hoping there was no secret that was gonna mess everything up. :P And as always, great writeups. As strange as it sounds, I always enjoy seeing how I'll die in them. XD

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11 minutes ago, I_am_a_Stick said:

Oh wow, I survived. And won. 







You do realize that when you leave that much space, people automatically go hunting for white text, right? The other time people hunt for white text is when someone mentions white text...

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3 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

You do realize that when you leave that much space, people automatically go hunting for white text, right? The other time people hunt for white text is when someone mentions white text... 

yes, I know XD

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We were so close.  Good game, Nathan.  Nice job, Joe, making this game, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Inquisipuppy.

:P I admit, it would have been nice to survive for once.  There's always another secret.  Bwahahahahah.

Also, I'm extremely happy with how many people we killed. :P 

Got your hands!

Edited by Magestar
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5 minutes ago, Magestar said:

We were so close.  Good game, Nathan.  Nice job, Joe, making this game, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Inquisipuppy.

:P I admit, it would have been nice to survive for once.  There's always another secret.  Bwahahahahah.

Also, I'm extremely happy with how many people we killed. :P 

Got your hands!

White text...white text everywhere :ph34r:

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