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Just now, I_am_a_Stick said:

White text...white text everywhere :ph34r: I've hidden white text in your post about my white text.  WhiteTextCeption.

I've always been a fan of white text, although I can't see what you're saying.  

:P I want you're hand too.

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10 minutes ago, Magestar said:

We were so close.  Good game, Nathan.  Nice job, Joe, making this game, I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Inquisipuppy.

:P I admit, it would have been nice to survive for once.  There's always another secret.  Bwahahahahah.

Also, I'm extremely happy with how many people we killed. :P 

Got your hands!

Evil Mage :ph34r:

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49 minutes ago, Daniyah said:

Evil Mage :ph34r:

Hey, why'd you unwhite my white text?  Spoilsport. :P

Also, Joe, seriously?

10 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Have fun Kids!

You did not just call us all kids.  Not cool. -_-

Edited by Magestar
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9 hours ago, Ecthelion III said:

Good game! I'm sorry for lying about being a Seeker. I have no qualms about lying in SE if it helps my cause. I needed to remain incognito as the benevolent protection role who was protecting other people throughout the course of the game.

...Since when does claiming Seeker make you less likely to be killed by eliminators, exactly? 

Great game, all. I only got one cycle of playing, but it was still worth it. :P I enjoyed every minute I spent playing, and watching from the dead doc was quite entertaining as well. Thank you, Joe, for an excellent game, and see you all in the next!

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My little noble…my little noble,


My little noble!

I used to wonder what nobles can do…

Until you shared its magic with me!

Plans and plotting, lots of fun!

Trusted friends stand by your side,

Stabbing peasants, it's an easy feat!

And a ball can make it all complete!

My little noble…

Do you know how can I clean off this bloooooooood?


Well, that was a pretty fun game to watch, even though I died in cycle one, haha. It was my first time being an eliminator, and... I didn't do very well, did I? Got noticed in my first few posts and immediately lynched. That wasn't very fun, heh. I'm still hoping for some of your advice on being a better eliminator (heh heh heh...), but for now I think that you will sigh with relief, as I'm a much better villager than I am an eliminator :P.

I think Mage and Nathan did a pretty good job, especially in a team where the two most likely to be active members (Jon and me) were lynched early, and with two semi inactive players (Ripple and Sart). The last few rounds were pretty close, so great job, Mage and Nathan!

What I found really interesting about this game was the distribution of roles. As Joe explained, the seekers, rioters and soothers were eliminators, while the tineyes, smokers and coinshots were on the village side. Some roles weren't really used, others were used to great effect. But still, the lack of alignment scanners and loopholes meant that the game required much more analysis than others, and I enjoyed reading through the arguments you guys had. While role madness games are still more fun, if only because they give you stuff to do (I was a roleless elim, and I was bored :P), I hope for the chance to play more 'normal' games like these in the future.

One of the things that annoyed me most this game was the number of inactives there were. I've talked about this in the dead doc, but I just hope others read it as well? Thing is, if you aren't sure you can commit to a game, please don't sign up for a game? I'm talking about people like Eolhondras, Winter Devotion, Sart... They hurt their teams by not doing anything and dying. Do they have any fun playing the game? Considering they never played, I don't think so. They were just...there until the inactivity filter killed them. Sart was the elim soother, and could've been very effective during the first three cycles, when three elims were lynched in rapid succession. But he was already semi inactive then, and went fully inactive halfway through the game. My point is, inactivity hurts. So if you see a cool game with cool mechanics, and want to sign up, please check if you can actually commit to it first? 

So yep, thats my thoughts on the game. Thanks again, Joe, for running a game I thoroughly enjoyed. :) 

I still want to kill you guys again as an elim though. Next time, you'll never see me coming.........

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4 hours ago, Doctor12 said:

My point is, inactivity hurts. So if you see a cool game with cool mechanics, and want to sign up, please check if you can actually commit to it first? 

I have to echo what Doc says, at least to a certain extent. On only once or twice per day? That's cool with me. Going to be without internet for a day or two, and give notice in advance? Okay. The problem is if you have players whose activity level is so low that they can't keep up with the game, analyze, or put actions in. Stealth is undervalued.

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19 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

The title of the game or the title of the threads?

Specifically, the title of this thread. :P 

19 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

I have the most experience running SE games, so I'm subjectively older than everyone else. >=P

That's subjective.  -_-

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  • 1 month later...

And that brings to a close another of Joe's great games.  Once again your games keep us on our toes and making us question everything we think we know.  I don't think anyone would've guessed that you gave the Nobles two Seekers.  Crafty.

And the Nobles did a wonderful job of staying under the radar for as long as they did and almost pulling off a fantastic come from behind win.  I'll be keeping my eye on some of you in future games.

If anyone would like to try their hand at running a game, please get a hold of GammaWilson, Metacognition or myself. Not only will we get you added to the list, but we'd also be more than willing to help out in any way we can.

You can also ask questions and get some hints and feedback from everyone over here in our Art of Game Creation thread as well. With all the games that we've run so far, we have plenty of experienced GMs that can help you refine any game you're thinking about!

For those who are interested in learning about the joys of stabbing the backs of fellow Sharders, LG29: A Mote in Adonalsium's Eye is open for sign ups so feel free to join in the fun.

Thanks again to everyone that played and we look forward to killing seeing you in future games!

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