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After the Lord Ruler’s fall, only Urteau, city of Canals, followed the Survivor’s Edicts. Only they threw down the Nobility and established a pure Skaa Government. Quellion, the Citizen, First among Equals, is following the Survivor’s Legacy by hunting down all those with Noble Blood. Which means Allomancers of course. All of the cities Allomancers are in danger, and a small group of Noble bloods have banded together to try to bring Quellion down before they to are thrown on the Flames. But, there are rumours that not all the Allomancers he’s caught have been killed. . .

The Nobles are the Eliminator Faction. They have a doc and a group kill each cycle. They win when they outnumber the village. A Noble cannot make the group kill and take an Allomantic action.
The Citizens are the Village Faction. They outnumber the Nobles, but have no doc or group kill. They win when the Nobles are all dead.

The Lynch: There's a two vote minimum. If there's a tie, both players are lynched.

Inactivity Filter: After 48 hours, if you have failed to post, PM, or take an action without warning, you will die. If you have a role, your role will randomly be given to an active player of your faction.

PM rules: You can only Talk to Three people in PM's each turn. Talking includes any reply in the actual PM. You can receive any number of PM's, but only three people can receive Messages from you. PM’s can have up to three players in them. You cannot add players to a PM after you have made it.

Rollover happens promptly at 4 pm PST. At 4:01, I won't accept any votes or actions. Writeup and new cycle will be posted within 15 minutes of 4.

Order of Actions: Roleblock, then everything else simultaneously.




  • You can protect one player each turn from an attack. (Classic Protect)
  • You can protect yourself.
  • You cannot protect someone from the lynch.
  • You will be told if you saved someone.
  • Your target will never be informed they were protected.
  • If you save someone, it will be revealed in the writeup as "A Player was Saved"


  • Learn who your target took an action on that cycle.
  • If they took no action, you will be told who they voted on instead.
  • You will not be told if you saw an action or a vote.
  • If you target yourself, you instead learn who visited you.
  • You cannot see who they PM'd.
  • Players are not told you targeted them


  • Change who your target’s action affects. (Classic Redirect)
  • You cannot redirect another Rioter.
  • You cannot redirect a vote.
  • You cannot redirect a Smoked Player.
  • If your target did not take an action, you cannot make them take an action.
  • Your target will know they were redirected only if they took an action. If they took no action, they will not know.


  • You can cancel the vote of one player each turn. (Classic Vote Negate)
  • Your Target will not even appear in the writeup.
  • So it will be obvious who was soothed.
  • If a Player is Smoked you cannot Sooth them.


  • Cancel a Player’s Action by stealing their metal vials. (Classic Roleblock)
  • You cannot give the metal vials to anyone else. They’re just gone. They're flavortext, nothing else.
  • Your target will be told they were roleblocked, if they took an action.
  • This cannot block the Eliminator kill.
  • This cannot block PM's.


  • You can attack someone each turn. (Classic Kill role)
  • If they are protected by a thug, they survive, Otherwise, they die.
  • If your target is protected, you will be told, but your target will not know.
  • This kill will be distinguished from the Eliminator Kill.


  • Target a player and learn their role and alignment if they took an Allomantic action.
  • Eliminators who make the Eliminator kill do not count as taking an Allomantic action.
  • Smoked players do not count as making an action.


  • Each turn you can target a player, and protect them, and yourself, from all Seekers, Soothers, and Rioters.


  • You don't have an active ability.
  • You are immune to Lurchers, Seekers, and Rioters though.
  • If a player with a role dies due to inactivity, there is a chance you will get their role.

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1. Amanuensis : First 
2. Magestar : Magus Astrum
3. Winter Devotion : Kae and Cleo
4. RippleGlyf :  Aurore Lepinceau
5. I_am_a_Stick : Stick
6. Assassin in Burgundy :  Burkare
7. Sart : Sartiarty
8. Daniyah : Svetao Ngao
9. Ecthelion III : Luckless Gibbs
10. Wonko the Sane : Dr. Relin
11. Elbereth : The Nameless Void
12. Doctor12 : Doc
13. Alvron :  Lor
14. Elenion :  Arboreon
15. Jondesu : Quintus
16. AliasSheep : STINK
17. TheMightyLopen : TheNamelessLopen
18. Dankness Ascendant :  Scinoness Khaz
19. Bugsy6912 : Archibald
20. Nathanvanduij : Nathan
21. OrlokTsubodai : Locke Tekial
22. Eolhondras : Eoldren
23. Arraenae : Richelle
24. Nyali : Nia

On 10/29/2016 at 3:22 AM, Amanuensis said:

@A Joe in the Bush I'm assuming this isn't role madness, but since you didn't mention the possibility of vanillas in the initial post, can you please confirm, Joe?

Knew I forgot something. . . This is Not Role Madness. There will be Roleless players on both teams.

On 10/29/2016 at 3:38 AM, The Young Bard said:

Also, this game seems a lot more regular for you, Joe, so even though I know what answer I'm going to get, I'm going to ask anyway... Are there any secret roles or alignments?

*Casually ignores the question* It's not the secret you think it is.

On 10/31/2016 at 11:35 AM, Magestar said:

Joe, are Metal Vials a real item?  Or are they just for the purpose of explaining the Lurcher mechanic?  That's what it seems like, but I'd just like to check.

Metal vials are flavortext for the lurcher. They have no other use, effect or mention.

19 hours ago, Alvron said:

Just to clarify, is it three people or three pms we can talk to/in?  

If people:
What if I have a PM with Elbereth another with Lopen and one with both Elbereth and Lopen, would that count as my three? Or can I have one with Orlok, another with Orlok and Lopen and a third with Orlok and Elbereth giving me 6 PMs total?

Also, do you want to be included in the PMs?

Three people. I suppose you can have any number of pm's containing any combination those three people.
I want to be included in all PM's.
For the newcomers, please title your pm's as QF19: (your name) to (their names).

The Game starts in 

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
Answering Alvron's Question
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First (that's my characters name, by the way. Due to complications, First of the Dawn is out, and just First is in. He's just the firstborn of a skaa couple with dull minds and terrible senses of humor.)

Edited by Amanuensis
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Hmmm... I shouldn't do this, because I was barely able to focus on MR17... If you have less than 15 players by the end of QF19, sign me up to this, not that that's likely to happen...

Also, this game seems a lot more regular for you, Joe, so even though I know what answer I'm going to get, I'm going to ask anyway... Are there any secret roles or alignments?

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7 hours ago, Amanuensis said:

@A Joe in the Bush I'm assuming this isn't role madness, but since you didn't mention the possibility of vanillas in the initial post, can you please confirm, Joe?

Knew I forgot something. . . This is Not Role Madness. There will be Roleless players on both teams.

6 hours ago, The Young Bard said:

Also, this game seems a lot more regular for you, Joe, so even though I know what answer I'm going to get, I'm going to ask anyway... Are there any secret roles or alignments?

*Casually ignores the question* It's not the secret you think it is.

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1 minute ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

Knew I forgot something. . . This is Not Role Madness. There will be Roleless players on both teams.

Awww. :P  I love role madness.  Madness, insanity, roles, all the good stuff.


Edited by Magestar
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Well, I'm in. I'll be Relin, a merchant of fairly high renown before the Collapse. For most, including Quellion, I'm little better than a nobleman, but since he can't prove that I have any noble blood, hes forced to leave me be... For now.

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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1 hour ago, Magestar said:

Awww. :P  I love role madness.  Madness, insanity, roles, all the good stuff.


I'm the opposite. :P We've had too much role madness lately, and people have forgotten how to be vanilla. I'm very happy to have non-role madness games again. Makes things more interesting.

I'll be playing. Name to come once I decide what I want to do with this game RP-wise. 

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Sign me up as Quintus, recently cured of a very annoying lisp.  A relative nobody who arrived in town a few months earlier and has offered to do various odd jobs, usually fairly competently, but never really picked up a trade specifically.

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21 minutes ago, A Joe in the Bush said:

@The Young Bard WE have 15 players, not including yourself. you in or out?

Well, seeing as you're in your first day of signups, I find the chances of you getting one more player quite high... But yeah, count me in, in case the rest of the world not signed up to this thread spontaneously breaks out into a fever and is unable to play. :P And by the way Joe, I love the white text...

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On 10/29/2016 at 1:39 PM, The Young Bard said:

Well, seeing as you're in your first day of signups, I find the chances of you getting one more player quite high... But yeah, count me in, in case the rest of the world not signed up to this thread spontaneously breaks out into a fever and is unable to play. :P And by the way Joe, I love the white text...

First twelve hours even. Alright. We have 16 players; That was the minimum I was hoping for. 

Edited by A Joe in the Bush
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I'm in.  Lor has been bugging me to let him play a game for a while now.  He is around 5'8", bald and missing his left ear.  He has burn scars down his right arm and side which he keeps hidden as much as possible.

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