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Could Hoid be a shell?


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So the shattering, different shards going all over the place, thus getting rid of Ole  Adonalsium. But what if something was left over, a shell devoid of power? What if this shell is Hoid? That his determination to discover and obtain to magics is a way for him to get his shards back? 

The obvious hole in this theory is that why hasn't he obtained at least one shard since the shattering? First, we don't know if he has. A lot of shards are MIA. Second, I think it could be the "force that opposed Adonalsium" that has been thwarting Hoid, as well as agents of Odium.

The other hole is the 17th Shard, and the Letter. The recipient obviously knows of Hoid, and the "hiding behind your master" doesn't sound like the potential force of creation. 


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15 minutes ago, KereDerek said:

The obvious hole in this theory is that why hasn't he obtained at least one shard since the shattering? First, we don't know if he has. A lot of shards are MIA. Second, I think it could be the "force that opposed Adonalsium" that has been thwarting Hoid, as well as agents of Odium.

WoB is that Hoid doesn't have a shard. 

Regards to the whole theory, if Hoid is actually trying to gather the power of the shards, he's acting very contrary to that. After all, if that were his goal, why wouldn't he have ascended using the Well of Ascension and used that power to further that goal? Also, if he were actually trying, I'm fairly certain he could've been on site to gain Preservation and Ruin when Vin and Ati died. Since he did pass up the opportunity to hold two shards, and also has not managed to gather any of them over the millennia since the shattering despite what appears to opportunities, I'm fairly solidly going with the idea that he isn't going after shards. 


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1 hour ago, Spoolofwhool said:

I'm fairly solidly going with the idea that he isn't going after shards. 

I think he is, or at least will be. It wouldn't surprise me if his goal in the sci-fi Mistborn series is to reassemble Adonalsium. But I don't think he wants to be the holder.

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1 hour ago, Eki said:

I think he is, or at least will be. It wouldn't surprise me if his goal in the sci-fi Mistborn series is to reassemble Adonalsium. But I don't think he wants to be the holder.

That's an interesting thought. He definitely not going after them now, but I suppose in the future he could be. I'm just wondering what his motives could be on that matter.

@KereDerek Something else I forgot to mention. Hoid references at a few points having personally known Tanavast, Honor's Vessel and Cultivation's Vessel, whoever she is, fairly well. Implication are fairly strong that that was before they became shardholders, meaning that he, Hoid, was around as a person before Adonalsium shattered, assuming they ascended soon afterwards. 

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To answer your question requires some spoilers for unpublished works, some of which may drop out when it becomes actual canon but the basics should remain.

Hoid was a regular person pre-Shattering called Midas, he stole the name Hoid from his master, which is referenced in Stormlight.


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7 hours ago, Voidus said:

To answer your question requires some spoilers for unpublished works, some of which may drop out when it becomes actual canon but the basics should remain.

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Hoid was a regular person pre-Shattering called Midas, he stole the name Hoid from his master, which is referenced in Stormlight.




I think autocorrect got you on 


Midius instead of Midas


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I think he is some type of spren, (obviously not a Rosharan type). He said he started life as just an idea on a page; although he might have been referring to his names, as the next quotes referred to Cephandrius, and another for a Stone he wore. But I think that a status as a spren that gained cognizance, developed a soul either through connection or enough experience (or maybe even a borrowed spiritual web (since "what he does heals the soul")), and has enough investiture to interface with the Physical realm, like a bonded spren does makes more sence. This came to mind when he said that the shard blades would not likely hurt him, he does not think that the 17th Shard would know what to do with him if they caught him, and he cannot really hurt others physically, but he can make them think they are hurt. All leads to a non-physical start in my opinion.

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@1stBondsmith, the original theory here and yours would appear to be mostly debunked by this WoB:




Is Hoid human? 


Hoid was human a long time ago. Now... It's complicated. We would call him human, and so will pretty much everyone else, but he is not exactly that.

I guess that doesn't entirely rule on the spren concept, but I'd say it makes it very unlikely.

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On 10/30/2016 at 10:18 AM, Spoolofwhool said:

WoB is that Hoid doesn't have a shard. 

Regards to the whole theory, if Hoid is actually trying to gather the power of the shards, he's acting very contrary to that. After all, if that were his goal, why wouldn't he have ascended using the Well of Ascension and used that power to further that goal? Also, if he were actually trying, I'm fairly certain he could've been on site to gain Preservation and Ruin when Vin and Ati died. Since he did pass up the opportunity to hold two shards, and also has not managed to gather any of them over the millennia since the shattering despite what appears to opportunities, I'm fairly solidly going with the idea that he isn't going after shards. 

Hoid don't have all knowing knowledge and wisdow. He couldn't even find preservation's shardpool when he wanted to back in the WoA days(he ended up looking for the well of ascension around the terris mountains even though it's just on Luthandel all the time where he came in from lol).

While i also think he's not after taking over another shard he doesn't seem like he actually has what it takes to take up a shard or be at the right moment somebody drops a shard for him to take it. There's also the shard picking up issues that made Vin and Sazed perfect in picking up the shards while the others are not.


  Hoid references at a few points having personally known Tanavast, Honor's Vessel and Cultivation's Vessel, whoever she is, fairly well. Implication are fairly strong that that was before they became shardholders, meaning that he, Hoid, was around as a person before Adonalsium shattered, assuming they ascended soon afterwards. 

Yeah he was afaik saw the shattering of adonalsium and knows Rayse(he was friends with Rayse can't remember where i read that) and the knows the other original shard bearers.

Edited by goody153
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1 hour ago, goody153 said:

Hoid don't have all knowing knowledge and wisdow. He couldn't even find preservation's shardpool when he wanted to back in the WoA days(he ended up looking for the well of ascension around the terris mountains even though it's just on Luthandel all the time where he came in from lol).

This has been retconned (Secret History spoilers):


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37 minutes ago, PeterAhlstrom said:

It's not a retcon if it doesn't require changes to anything in canon. :)

I guess, but I preeetty much consider WoBs canon, unless contradicting the actual books (or later WoBs, as in this case).

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What!? That is what you replied to Peter when, lurking and laughing to himself about the clues left and yet to be revealed, he states that canon is not changed. What was Hoid changed into and what caused the change? How does a human become not quite human and still heal spirit, physical and cognitive body parts? Let us have a little information Peter, before we die of old age and the Hoid backstpry remains unwritten!

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6 hours ago, 1stBondsmith said:

But I think that a status as a spren that gained cognizance, developed a soul either through connection or enough experience (or maybe even a borrowed spiritual web

A bit like a person moving up through the reputation levels on the Shard!

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1 hour ago, Figberts said:

A bit like a person moving up through the reputation levels on the Shard!

So, like, the other spren upvote it to sapience?

1 hour ago, 1stBondsmith said:

What!? That is what you replied to Peter when, lurking and laughing to himself about the clues left and yet to be revealed, he states that canon is not changed. What was Hoid changed into and what caused the change? How does a human become not quite human and still heal spirit, physical and cognitive body parts? Let us have a little information Peter, before we die of old age and the Hoid backstpry remains unwritten!

Peter probably checks in on us every once in a while just to have a laugh at our frantic scurrying to try to solve the mysteries that he already knows the answers to. 

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3 hours ago, 1stBondsmith said:

How does a human become not quite human and still heal spirit, physical and cognitive body parts?

Probably the same way a mistling becomes a savant, which isn't quite human. They still possess physical, cognitive and spiritual and I'm sure regrowth would still work on them. In general, some twist of the spiritual which result in a physical twist. 

Edited by Spoolofwhool
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On 11/1/2016 at 10:08 AM, KereDerek said:

Ahh, well that theory got debunked haha. I haven't seen anything on Coppermind, has there been any hints as to who his master is/was? I don't mind spoilers. 


His master was called Hoid. He took the name of his master in The Liar of Partinel when his master died. 


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1 hour ago, bleeder said:

Wasn't his original name Jerick? Or was it Topaz?

On 10/31/2016 at 5:43 AM, Voidus said:

To answer your question requires some spoilers for unpublished works, some of which may drop out when it becomes actual canon but the basics should remain.

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Hoid was a regular person pre-Shattering called Midas, he stole the name Hoid from his master, which is referenced in Stormlight.




On 10/31/2016 at 1:05 PM, Jondesu said:

I think autocorrect got you on 

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Midius instead of Midas




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10 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

The posts I quote just above your post contain his name according to the posters.


2 hours ago, ARARITA said:

I believe he might have been an Aether - maybe Topaz ?

Topaz is a name Hoid has used previously according to a WoB.

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