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Looking Forward to Oathbringer


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1 hour ago, maxal said:

Not only do we know who the first five are (Kaladin, Shallan, Dalinar, Eshonai and Szeth), but we also know the back five: Jasnah, Taln, Lift, Renarin and Shalash. Adolin just doesn't fit anywhere: he wasn't a planed character. How can he grow from that? I cannot say. I can only hope Brandon will give him more page time in order to make him a satisfying character despite the lack of focus book.

I really think he will be given the proper amount of time to grow as a character evwn if it with Shallan, Dalinar and Kaladin POV chapters.

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On 11/4/2016 at 6:09 AM, Xaklys said:

I can't wait to see how he interacts with Nightblood (I still need to read Warbreaker) and what he does as far as handling Shinovar.

Wait what do you mean you haven't read Warbreaker ?!?! (no seriously read it .. Nightblood being in Stormlight gave me so much hype)

Yeah i follow and await the release of the new books many book series but i think i am most excited with Oathbringer. Brandon Sanderson left so much room for intrigue and if the previous two books are a reliable guide then book 3 might be a blast and it'll most likely even get better.

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2 hours ago, Chull #445 said:

I want to read Adolins story, but I am also fond of Mraize and Amaram, and want to know how Brandon develops those characters.

About Adolin, I do believe that he can get focus and development without flashbacks. It has worked pretty well so far.

Well, according to Brandon whatever Adolin is getting isn't a focus arc. How will it actually look for us, readers, I cannot say. All I can say is Brandon often uses terms which he believes apply best, but his readers may read something different in the books. The best example is the whole "Kaladin's book" and "Shallan's book". A lot of readers took book 2 as also being Kaladin's book as he had a very strong POV in it. I like to see it as the book which revealed Adolin as a character and he was my favorite growth in it.

Another good example would Dalinar in WoR whom is the secondary main character 2 while Adolin is tertiary character 1. This means Dalinar has viewpoints in more parts than Adolin, but Adolin has more chapters, a greater word count and a much better story arc, IMHO. I personally always ranked Adolin above Dalinar in this book, but the author's ranking is different.

So huh bottom line is I have no idea how much of a story arc Adolin will actually get.

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On 11/3/2016 at 6:09 PM, Xaklys said:

For me personally, I'm REALLY stoked for Szeth's role in this story, I'm sure he will start being more present and I can't wait to see how he interacts with Nightblood (I still need to read Warbreaker) and what he does as far as handling Shinovar.

Xaklys, I have a PDF of Wabreaker if you want to read it.

Just let me know

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On 6 november 2016 at 3:02 PM, maxal said:

Well, according to Brandon whatever Adolin is getting isn't a focus arc. How will it actually look for us, readers, I cannot say. All I can say is Brandon often uses terms which he believes apply best, but his readers may read something different in the books. The best example is the whole "Kaladin's book" and "Shallan's book". A lot of readers took book 2 as also being Kaladin's book as he had a very strong POV in it. I like to see it as the book which revealed Adolin as a character and he was my favorite growth in it.

Another good example would Dalinar in WoR whom is the secondary main character 2 while Adolin is tertiary character 1. This means Dalinar has viewpoints in more parts than Adolin, but Adolin has more chapters, a greater word count and a much better story arc, IMHO. I personally always ranked Adolin above Dalinar in this book, but the author's ranking is different.

So huh bottom line is I have no idea how much of a story arc Adolin will actually get.

I agree that WoR feels more like Adolins book than Dalinars. Dalinar do actually only have his name listed in three parts, just like Adolin. He does have one or two very short POVs at the end of Part 3, but he is listed in as many parts as Adolin.

And since Adolin got a pretty good focus in WoR, I think we can be rather happy if he continues on that road. The only issue is that other people might steal his arcs, but hopefully he gets something out of it as well.

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1. Adolin reviving his shardblade, hopefully.

2. Dalinar flashbacks and Dalinar uniting the world.

3. Learning more about the Cultivation side of the world, most of what we have gotten so far has been Honor focused. But with Dalinar going to the Nightwatcher and Taravingian's plans coming to fruition I think we will get a lot of information on Cultivation.


I am not looking forward to Kaladin most likely taking a back seat. I want to see a lot of Kaladin when he is not struggling with depression. Kaladin is just awesome when he is sure of himself and has a good bond with Syl. Unfortunately, we only get that the last 5% of the books so far.

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7 hours ago, Chull #445 said:

I agree that WoR feels more like Adolins book than Dalinars. Dalinar do actually only have his name listed in three parts, just like Adolin. He does have one or two very short POVs at the end of Part 3, but he is listed in as many parts as Adolin.

And since Adolin got a pretty good focus in WoR, I think we can be rather happy if he continues on that road. The only issue is that other people might steal his arcs, but hopefully he gets something out of it as well.

Does he? I thought he was around for 4 parts out of five. In any advent, Brandon confirmed Dalinar ranks higher than Adolin, having earned the right to be referred to as a "main protagonist" which Adolin cannot claim.

I think your last sentence highlight quite well the difference in between a main protagonist and a tertiary one not scheduled for his own spotlight such as Adolin. While Adolin has several viewpoints, his story arc tends to feel unsatisfying because it never revolves around him as a character, always around someone else. The best examples of this might be the 4 on 1 duel and the chasm scenes. The 4 on 1 duel was presented as Adolin's arc: he was the one dueling. It was supposed to revolve around him, but he lost all focus when Kaladin jumped in. We have had no closure on the consequences of the duel for Adolin, as a person while we got 4 chapters of Kaladin brooding in prison. The chasm scene is another example. Adolin is forced to make a difficult choice: he is forced to watch the woman he has just admitted he loved down into the chasm, needing to save his father above her. This is exactly the kind of inner turmoil which is interesting to read, but we have gotten none: not even one small paragraph, nothing. 

This is exactly what I wish would change in Oathbringer. I want Adolin's story to revolve around him. I want to read about him, not to see him do stuff as a passenger within someone else's POV. I want dramatic events which happen to him to be broach from his viewpoint and I want to read the consequences they might have, on him. I do not want to read another Adolin related story arc which ends up existing merely because Kaladin needs to be sent to prison in order to agree to kill Elhokar for him to kill Syl which leads to the chasm scene. I want Adolin to exist within the story because he is a great character with an independent voice, not because the author needs a vessel to bring about events to his preferred characters.

6 hours ago, dionysus said:

I am not looking forward to Kaladin most likely taking a back seat. I want to see a lot of Kaladin when he is not struggling with depression. Kaladin is just awesome when he is sure of himself and has a good bond with Syl. Unfortunately, we only get that the last 5% of the books so far.

For my part, while I have enjoyed reading Kaladin in WoK and for most of WoR, I am currently realizing this was then and we are now. In other words, in the years since the release of WoR, Kaladin has become a character archetype I have no more interest reading about. So my hopes are the author will find a new angle to bring him about which will feel refreshing. 

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Man, I started in on a lengthy list, but it's a lot easier to just say 'everything'. I just finished a Words of Radiance re-read and I'm itching for the next installment. It's hard to imagine this series getting much more epic and we're only through 2 of 10!

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2 hours ago, scifan said:

I believe this is Brandon's preferred distribution method (I think we'd get in trouble to distribute it ourselves...)

Exactly my thinking. Granted, he put it out with a Creative Commons license, but I'd still rather give the link than offer emails or direct downloads from other sources.

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On 11/3/2016 at 6:43 PM, Mistbornwithakitty said:

I can't wait for so many things!  Are you sure it's going to be a year?  I don't know if I can wait that long. :( 

I really want to see Jasnah return to the Shattered Plains.  I'm also curious about how this whole Shallan/Kalidin/Adolin thing will play out (I'm a bit partial to Shalidin, don't hate me:P).  Also curious to see the aftermath of the Sadeas assassination.  A million more things I'm hoping/waiting for, but those are the main ones.  ^_^ 

I could never hate a fellow Shalladin shipper <3

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On 11/6/2016 at 4:11 AM, goody153 said:

Wait what do you mean you haven't read Warbreaker ?!?! (no seriously read it .. Nightblood being in Stormlight gave me so much hype)

Warbreaker is next after I finish Hero of Ages, I just got into the Cosmere back in June when I started The Way of Kings.  I went to Mistborn after I finished Words of Radiance.

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Just now, Xaklys said:

Warbreaker is next after I finish Hero of Ages, I just got into the Cosmere back in June when I started The Way of Kings.  I went to Mistborn after I finished Words of Radiance.

Oh you aren't done with hero of ages? Well that's too bad you'd probably recognize some of the epigraphs from WoTK as something related to mistborn.

But yeah you should finish HoA first, mistborn is so damnation spoiler-sensitive.

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On 11/3/2016 at 8:29 PM, bdoble97 said:

1. God there is so much SA have become my absolute favorite book series and its only two books in. 

2. Next I am really looking forward to see Kaladin and Syl relationship grow and expand I don't know if I'm the only one but I eventually want Syl to take a physical form and them to fall in love. 

3. Jasnah and Wit I want them to have a long journey together traveling to the shatterplains. I want to find out what she was doing in Shadsmare and what she may have learned from being in there for so long. Foes Wit give her any clues to who he truley is (probley not)


1. I absolutely agree

2. I'm big on the Shalladin ship but I would be alright with this too, I wonder if that is possible.  I never thought of that idea though, but I like it.

3. All of my yes

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On ‎11‎/‎5‎/‎2016 at 7:56 AM, maxal said:

I doubt it. I doubt the KR would agree to be led by a bearer of dead-Shards.




That's assuming that his blade stays dead.  There have been hints that he's synchronizing with his blade, which would suggest that he might revive the spren that powers it.


However, even if he did revive the spren, he's now a murderer.  And I suspect that sooner or later the truth about his role in Sadeas's death will come out.

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19 minutes ago, goody153 said:

Oh you aren't done with hero of ages? Well that's too bad you'd probably recognize some of the epigraphs from WoTK as something related to mistborn.

But yeah you should finish HoA first, mistborn is so damnation spoiler-sensitive.

Yeah I've noticed.  I knew a few things about Mistborn going into it, but I've enjoyed the books enough.  They are a tad slower than I expected but the plot twists have been neat, *cough* Kelsier in book one *cough*.

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5 hours ago, Xaklys said:

Also, straying off topic a tad but still relevant to Oathbringer:  who do you think the prologue's POV is gonna be?  I'm thinking Amaram.


Thats a great idea. 


5 hours ago, Xaklys said:

Yeah I've noticed.  I knew a few things about Mistborn going into it, but I've enjoyed the books enough.  They are a tad slower than I expected but the plot twists have been neat, *cough* Kelsier in book one *cough*.

Im reading Mistborn right now just started the 2nd book 

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8 hours ago, Xaklys said:

Yeah I've noticed.  I knew a few things about Mistborn going into it, but I've enjoyed the books enough.  They are a tad slower than I expected but the plot twists have been neat, *cough* Kelsier in book one *cough*.

IMO mistborn trilogy (specifically the 3rd book) has like the best twist and turns out of everything that i've read so far from Brandon Sanderson. You should finish it soon, book 3 was an insane ride and it's definitely one of those books that i wish i could forget and read again.

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