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Looking Forward to Oathbringer


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19 hours ago, junior said:

That's assuming that his blade stays dead.  There have been hints that he's synchronizing with his blade, which would suggest that he might revive the spren that powers it.


However, even if he did revive the spren, he's now a murderer.  And I suspect that sooner or later the truth about his role in Sadeas's death will come out.

Yes but it might be a while before he revives his Blade: I do not expect it to happen in book 3. I expect to get a definite clue his story arc is going down this path by the end of book 3, if it indeed goes that way as I think it will.

19 hours ago, Xaklys said:

Also, straying off topic a tad but still relevant to Oathbringer:  who do you think the prologue's POV is gonna be?  I'm thinking Amaram.


I think it will be Eshonai.

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On 11/10/2016 at 10:40 AM, goody153 said:

IMO mistborn trilogy (specifically the 3rd book) has like the best twist and turns out of everything that i've read so far from Brandon Sanderson. You should finish it soon, book 3 was an insane ride and it's definitely one of those books that i wish i could forget and read again.

I am enjoying it, it definitely feels like the strongest book in the series so far.

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Slightly off topic, but Brandon should finish the first draft in the next month or so and giving it out to, I believe the term is, alpha readers. Do these people frequent the forums and offer reactions to the book? No spoilers, obviously, but I would be interested what they think of it before I read it for myself. Or is there some sort of ban on them doing this? 

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1 hour ago, Ammanas said:

Slightly off topic, but Brandon should finish the first draft in the next month or so and giving it out to, I believe the term is, alpha readers. Do these people frequent the forums and offer reactions to the book? No spoilers, obviously, but I would be interested what they think of it before I read it for myself. Or is there some sort of ban on them doing this? 

The alpha read has started months ago. Brandon is very keen on releasing book 3 no later than November 2017. However, we have all noticed his writing progress isn't what it should have been to guaranteed this date. It appears Brandon planned it might happen, so in order to speed up the reviewing process, he has given out the first written parts of the book, as they were ready, to his alpha readers for advanced comments and early review. 

I do know alpha readers have read at least Part 1. I have had echos from it, but nothing solid nor spoiler-y nor trustworthy (more impressions based on my perception, so really nothing solid). No alpha reader is going to blatantly talk about it, but if you are careful enough, you might catch a clue or two, providing you actually know who they are. 

I know the beta readers have started gathering a few months ago. They have done a re-read of WoR, but I do not know if they have started reading book 3. 

I do not know the details of their contract as beta readers, but I doubt it allows them the freedom to discuss the book, especially not on the fandom. They might give impressions such as: "Oh you are definitely going to love it" or "There are a few elements we will be excited to discuss about when the time comes". That sort of things, but really nothing spoiler-y.

Do they frequent forums? Huh, I have no idea how many beta readers there are. I do know several hang around Tor.com. I do not know if anyone on the 17th Shard has even been asked to be a beta reader: they seem to have been taken out of the Tor.com crew more than here. If there are Sharders as beta readers, they have been very quiet about it and we must respect their desire to remain anonymous.

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10 hours ago, maxal said:

The alpha read has started months ago. Brandon is very keen on releasing book 3 no later than November 2017. However, we have all noticed his writing progress isn't what it should have been to guaranteed this date. It appears Brandon planned it might happen, so in order to speed up the reviewing process, he has given out the first written parts of the book, as they were ready, to his alpha readers for advanced comments and early review. 

I do know alpha readers have read at least Part 1. I have had echos from it, but nothing solid nor spoiler-y nor trustworthy (more impressions based on my perception, so really nothing solid). No alpha reader is going to blatantly talk about it, but if you are careful enough, you might catch a clue or two, providing you actually know who they are. 

I know the beta readers have started gathering a few months ago. They have done a re-read of WoR, but I do not know if they have started reading book 3. 

I do not know the details of their contract as beta readers, but I doubt it allows them the freedom to discuss the book, especially not on the fandom. They might give impressions such as: "Oh you are definitely going to love it" or "There are a few elements we will be excited to discuss about when the time comes". That sort of things, but really nothing spoiler-y.

Do they frequent forums? Huh, I have no idea how many beta readers there are. I do know several hang around Tor.com. I do not know if anyone on the 17th Shard has even been asked to be a beta reader: they seem to have been taken out of the Tor.com crew more than here. If there are Sharders as beta readers, they have been very quiet about it and we must respect their desire to remain anonymous.

I had no ideathat tjwy used test readers on the books. I just assumed it was the author and editor that was it. That is intrusting how long have they been soing this. I my self would terrified of somebody read my book my story before my editor/wife haha look at it sue that fact that my spelling  and grammar is wicked bad.

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9 minutes ago, bdoble97 said:

I had no ideathat tjwy used test readers on the books. I just assumed it was the author and editor that was it. That is intrusting how long have they been soing this. I my self would terrified of somebody read my book my story before my editor/wife haha look at it sue that fact that my spelling  and grammar is wicked bad.

Different authors have different processes, but Brandon has had alpha readers since before he was even published, I'm pretty sure.

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2 hours ago, bdoble97 said:

I had no ideathat tjwy used test readers on the books. I just assumed it was the author and editor that was it. That is intrusting how long have they been soing this. I my self would terrified of somebody read my book my story before my editor/wife haha look at it sue that fact that my spelling  and grammar is wicked bad.

Yes, as Eki put it authors all have various processes when it comes to editing/reviewing their book. Brandon also has gamma readers who focus on details (such as grammar) while the beta readers focus on story arcs and characters. Alpha readers are the first to read the book and, typically, they are taken from Brandon's close entourage: friends, family and co-workers. Beta readers are taken within the fandom community, but how Brandon goes around to decide whom to chose: I have absolutely no idea. It may be Tor.com sends him suggestions among their hired employees who write their posts. I honestly cannot say, but I doubt either Brandon or Peter spends enough time on a forum such as the 17th Shard to get a real idea of who is active and who isn't, but then again there are beta readers whom hardly are active on any available platform, so this is hard to say. They thus must have someone they trust to send them recommendations, but this is just me guessing or maybe they pick them up among the fans they have met and enjoyed talking to. Truly the whole process is more or less mysterious.

Edited by maxal
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1 hour ago, Eki said:

Different authors have different processes, but Brandon has had alpha readers since before he was even published, I'm pretty sure.


11 minutes ago, maxal said:

Yes, as Eki put it authors all have various processes when it comes to editing/reviewing their book. Brandon also has gamma readers who focus on details (such as grammar) while the beta readers focus on story arcs and characters. Alpha readers are the first to read the book and, typically, they are taken from Brandon's close entourage: friends, family and co-workers. Beta readers are taken within the fandom community, but how Brandon goes around to decide whom to chose: I have absolutely no idea. It may be Tor.com sends him suggestion among their hired employees who writes their posts. I honestly cannot say, but I doubt either Brandon or Peter spends enough time on a forum such as the 17th Shard to get a real idea of who is active and who isn't, but then again there are beta readers whom hardly are active on any available platform, so this is hard to say. They thus must have someone they trust to send them recommendations, but this is just me guessing or maybe they pick them up among the fans they have met and enjoyed talking to. Truly the whole process is more or less mysterious.

This is really cool. Its like test screening of movies. 

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