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What secondary lynch?  Either there is a lynch or there is not a lynch.  The murderers could start as the Death Note or village and can be recruited by Ryuk and yes, they can make two kills in that case.  Ryuk cares not who ultimately holds the Death Note as long as they're entertaining.

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Hmm, while trying to explain it I found it didn't really explain anything.


Lets just go with Ryuk and Holder are trying to kill everyone while the rest are trying to find and kill/banish them.  L gets an extra win condition to survive.

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How would only one recruit at a time work? Would the bearer of the death note continue until they are killed, or would it switch around every other cycle? That's the part that confuses me.

Ryuk can only recruit another Bearer if the one he has dies.  Once you're given the Death Note, it's yours for life.

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I've been thinking about a reverse game of Elimination. Instead of the Eliminators having the kill, everyone in the village has a kill role. The Eliminators instead have all the protection and Vote manipulation powers. They have to work through Lynches to kill the village, while the village massacres everyone trying to get to the Eliminators.


Do you guys think that would be playable?

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Hmm...setting-wise it could be difficult, but I could see it working out.


Balance-wise, on the other hand, now that's another thing. It wouldn't last long. But if there were enough protection roles, and if the Eliminators could coordinate the protection well enough, I could conceptually see them possibly winning.


And that's the key, right? For it to be balanced, each side has to have a reasonable chance of winning.

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It would be a very quick game, and probably one that was just set up for fun. The GM would have a crap ton of work, though.

You could do it like this; you have two basic roles (I'm no expert at mechanics, so this is just an idea).


Witch Can control her target and make them place their action on a target of the Witch's choice. Can make the target target themselves. If controlled by a different witch, the first witch will still get to choose who the person targets, but who the targeter is. It's hard to explain that...basically, we have Players A, B, and C. Also, Witches X and Y. In a normal situation, Witch X would target Player A on Player B. However, if Witch Y were to control Witch X, Y could make X target C, instead of A. X would still make C target B, though. Win condition: Eliminate all town.

Vigilante has a gun that they can shoot to make a kill during the night. They can only shoot this gun two times. If they shoot a fellow town member, they have a massive coronary and die of guilt. Win condition: Eliminate all witches.

See where this setup is fun, yet?

Other notes: Witches do not get a doc, and are not informed of who their teammates are.

Players will be notified if they are controlled by a witch.

Those are just some ideas; feel free to take those roles and put them in a game.

Other cool roles:


Win condition: Get lynched.

His only goal in the game is to get lynched. He loses when the game ends if he is not lynched. If he is lynched, he may kill one of the players who voted for him during the next Night (and ONLY during the next night).


Can "clean" a person, leaving their role invisible to all but the mafia when he/she dies. Can only do this twice.


Threatens to reveal your dirty secrets unless you are silent.

The player whom the Blackmailer targets during the Night is prohibited from talking during the next Cycle (Day and Night). This includes PMs and Docs. The Blackmailer cannot target the same person more than twice in a row (or maybe once, I'm not sure). We could possibly make it where the Blackmailer could choose every Turn, in which case we would limit it to twice in a row.

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:P Ya got me...

Those are just a few of my favorite roles. My all-time favorite is probably Arsonist, but I can't think of a perfect way to fix him for this venue.

Oh, and Joe, I sent a friend request to you on Town of Salem. You should recognize my username.

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@Winter: your game sounds... Amazing! :D seriously, I'm excited for it.

One or two little things. As always, do with them as you will:

First, "Pan."


Meaning the item you can buy, not the action. (maybe you can already see my suggestion) ;) I recommend changing the name of the "pan" item to something else to help distinguish it from the pan action. Even something like "bigger pan" or "super pan" would be better, but personally, I like changing it to "hiring a lurcher." :)

Second: buying items. As you have the rules written now, you said that the prices of items will fluctuate depending on the amount of atium in the game, as determined by the GM. While that CAN work, it does create a bit of extra work for the GM, and opens the door for potential unbalances. Might I suggest changing it to a silent auction? Let players bid on what items they want, and that way the price will fluctuate and balance itself automatically. You can still keep the option of having the GM decide which items are up for auction each round, to allow for any course corrections that need to be made.

(Edit: a good example of this was the grappling hook in QF2, which let you block someone's action the next cycle. The whole game it sold for about 2-4 coins each cycle, until the last round in which it became incredibly valuable and was purchased for 20 coins. The players' needs determined it's worth).

And also, a couple questions:

can you start a PM group with multiple people in it, or just one person (aside from you and the GM)? Can you open more than one PM at a time?

Can you save items to use later? Can you stock up on multiples of one "item"? The reason I ask is because I can see some items potentially being abused. Ie: stocking up on a bunch of mercenaries or med kits, or hoarding a bunch of thieves or daggers and then robbing/killing everyone at the end game.

Also, I just realized, that with the current rules there isn't much reason to buy the thief when you can buy the dagger and then kill and rob someone at the same time. I would probably get rid of the dagger altogether, as it hugely favors the Corporates, since they can use it to get multiple kills per night.

Also you don't have any sort of seeker role or item. Is that intentional?

And just to be clear on the actions: each cycle you can do the following:

Cast a lynch vote

Perform one and only one action (ie: buy an item, use an item, pan for atium, perform a corporation kill, etc.


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Re: price of items:

That's nearly impossible to determine without lots and lots of play testing. That's why I suggested an auction- it's a self regulating system. The more valuable an item is the more money people will bid to get it.

Re: everything else:

Sounds great! :)

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I am not sure if this is the best place to post it, but I have officially begun playing Town of Salem and would love some mates to experience it with. Tag is: Adavantos.


EDIT: Also, I am in the process of creating my first ASoIaF-themed elimination game called Watchers on the Wall and would love to bounce some ideas around with people in a google doc.

Edited by Alvom Halbin
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I am not sure if this is the best place to post it, but I have officially begun playing Town of Salem and would love some mates to experience it with. Tag is: Adavantos.

You'll see me pretty soon. My name is "KipperKing" and I go by "Chaos" in game. (Note: These have no relation to Kobold King or Chaos on the 17th) :P

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I am not sure if this is the best place to post it, but I have officially begun playing Town of Salem and would love some mates to experience it with. Tag is: Adavantos.


EDIT: Also, I am in the process of creating my first ASoIaF-themed elimination game called Watchers on the Wall and would love to bounce some ideas around with people in a google doc.

My tag is Alvron. In game, Hades.


I'm willing to help out where I can on your game.  Send me a PM with the link if you want.

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MR: Watchers on the Wall


“Night gathers, and now my watch begins. It shall not end until my death. I shall take no wife, hold no lands, father no children. I shall wear no crowns and win no glory. I shall live and die at my post. I am the sword in the darkness. I am the watcher on the walls. I am the fire that burns against the cold, the light that brings the dawn, the horn that wakes the sleepers, the shield that guards the realms of men. I pledge my life and honor to the Night’s Watch, for this night and all nights to come.”


Castle Black. Men from all walks of life serve here, defending the Wall from the savages that thrive beyond it. Though many were conscripted for committing terrible crimes, most have learned to accept their bitter fate, becoming better men than they were before. And yet there are still those selfish few who deny these oaths, their treasonous hearts praying for an opportunity to abandon their post. As if summoned by the Old Gods themselves, a wildling appeared and infiltrated their ranks. Disguised as an ordinary kneeler, he gathered allies and devised a plan. Murder the Lord Commander. Manipulate the Watchmen into killing one another in search of the turncoats. Seize power during the confusion that follows. It was a great plan, to tell the truth. Tension was at an all time high and distrust was especially prevalent among the Sworn Brothers, old and new. Though the Traitors were arrogant, doubting the power of a fellowship forged amidst suffering. Kneelers though they may be, the Loyal Watchmen would not go down without a fight.




On Day 1, the Watchmen of Castle Black awaken to find the corpse of their beloved Lord Commander strung upon the Wall. Immediately accusations are tossed around and swords are drawn before the Maester intervenes, doling his wisdom to still the brewing chaos. As tradition dictates, the Sworn Brothers have three days to decide on who they will elect to serve as the next Lord Commander. In the meantime they will investigate one another in an attempt to weed out the Traitors, voting on one person to burn alive each day before and after the appointment.


Normal victory conditions exist in this game, however there is a catch. On Day 3, all players will vote for a new Lord Commander instead of someone to Lynch (or in this games case, Pyre). The Lord Commander role replaces any prior role, granting the appointee the ability to designate a new First Ranger, First Builder, First Steward and Master-at-Arms (only if the previous role-holder is killed by then). The Traitors automatically win if they possess 3 of these 5 roles. As with the role of Lord Commander, when appointed, their previous ability will be replaced with their title’s.


As is typical with MRs, both Day turns and Night turns will be 24-hours a piece. During the day the players may vote on someone to burn at the Pyre. Each player has a raven they can send out anytime during the day, establishing a PM with that one player for the rest of that turn. If a player establishes a PM with you, you can still send your raven to one other person, effectively creating two PMs for the day. (I.E. Gamma sends his raven to Meta. Meta sends his raven to Joe. Meta can PM Gamma and Joe). When night comes, all communication (including in-thread and PMs) are closed. At night, and only at night, the Traitors and the Dead will have a doc they can talk in.


Both role and alignment will be announced upon death. All kills will receive a write up; if blocked the attempt will not be mentioned, though both the predator and the prey will be notified (either of their failure or their survival).




-Lord Commander: Appointed on Day 3 (unless tied). Can promote any Sworn Brother to one of the following roles once per Day if currently unassigned: First Ranger, First Builder, First Steward, Master-at-Arms. Cannot place any votes. Cannot be voted for the Pyre or designated for a dual. Can be affected by other Night Actions.


-Maester: Automatic Good. Can heal a dying player (Fatal Wound, Greyscale) at the end of a Day (must be designated before turnover). Can choose to read a PM between two players during the Night (previous Day only). If no conversation exists, he will be informed there are no messages to be found.


-First Ranger: Can track a player during the night (chosen during the Day), choosing to either discover their action or their target. They will be alerted of the results at the beginning of the next Day.


-First Builder: Can fortify a player’s chamber (chosen during the Day), making them immune to a single night action (lasts until used). They will be alerted of the results at the beginning of the next Day.


-First Steward: Can rummage through a player’s chamber (chosen during the Day), choosing to either discover their role or alignment. They will be alerted of the results at the beginning of the next day.


-Master-at-Arms: Can instigate a dual between two players (chosen at Night) to be fought at the next Day. Dualers have the Day to defend themselves. Other players can vote on which of the two they will cheer on (most votes wins the Dual, killing the loser).



-Red Priest: Can survive one Pyre unscathed, or bring another player back to life (chosen at Night. Target must have died the previous Day).


-Giant-blooded: Can survive one attack, prolonging death for a single Cycle. This is considered a Fatal Wound and can be healed by the Maester. If healed by the Maester a second time, his ability is restored. Otherwise another attack will kill him immediately.


-Goldcloak: Can protect another player from a night action (chosen at Night), becoming the victim in their stead.


-Skinchanger: Can change the target of another player’s night action (chosen at Night). If no action is performed by the target then the Skinchanger will be informed that his possession was unsuccessful.


-Greenseer: Can communicate with the deceased during the Night. If dead, can send a single 100 character message to a living player at the end of a Night.


-Shadowbinder: Can assassinate a player at night. Can only use this ability three times, even if blocked. If possessed by a Skinchanger, the Shadow will not be summoned, nor lost.


-Warg: If killed by a Pyre or in a dual the Warg will gain a second life as his direwolf, allowing him to get revenge on one of the players who voted for him to die. If attacked during the night his direwolf will protect him, dying in the process.


-Stoneman: Can infect one player per night (chosen at Night). The infected player will be notified at the start of the next day that they have contracted Greyscale. Unless healed by the Maester they will die in three turns.



So this is what I've got written up so far. Would appreciate any and all feedback, also a bit of help trying to determine the action order xD. And if it would be better to have the Lord Commander vote at Day 3 or Day 5, since I was personally debating which would be more appropriate for the length of the game.

Edited by Alvom Halbin
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Hi guys.  This is a version of Elimination that I don't currently plan on running online.  I want to actually print out the cards and play it at a party.  Yesterday was Hobbit Day (Bilbo and Frodo's shared birthday), so Kandra Skrull and I are throwing a Hobbit Day Party on Saturday.  


I don't think any of you live in the San Diego area, but if I'm wrong and you want to come to the party, send me a message.


Besides watching Middle Earth movies and eating potatoes, we also wanted to play a Middle Earth themed game, so I decided to make Middle Earth Elimination.  Please tell me what you think.  It's going to be a group of ~10 people, some of which might have never played Elimination/Mafia/Werewolf before, so I don't want it to be too complicated.  But I still want it to be fun.  


Rules that I want to include but might make the game too complicated are written in purple.  


Middle Earth Elimination


The game is split up into rounds of nights and days.  During the night, players take their actions.  During the day, there is a 'battle'.  Players vote for who they will team up on.  The player who is teamed up on is attacked.


The Fellowship: Your goal is to take the ring to Mordor before the Shadow can destroy you.  If you can keep the Fellowship from being completely destroyed or corrupted, and the Ringbearer from being corrupted for 8 rounds, the ring is destroyed and you win.


Servants of the Dark Lord: Retrieve the ring for Sauron.  Corrupt the Ringbearer or kill/corrupt every member of the Fellowship before 8 rounds are completed and you win.


Each night, the Servants of the Dark Lord decide to attack one member of the Fellowship and apply corruption to one member of the Fellowship.  They must determine which Servant does the attack, and which one does the corruption.  The same Servant cannot do the Shadow Attack and the corruption in the same night.  A servant who does the Shadow Attack or the corruption cannot also do an ability granted by his/her card in the same night.


If a Fellowship player is corrupted a number of times equal to his/her Corruption Buffer (determined by race), that player joins the Servants of the Dark Lord.  That player is now involved in the Shadow Attack and the corruption that happen nightly.  




Ringbearer:  This is a special role, held by only one player.  As well as having a race, you are the ringbearer.  If you are corrupted, the game ends and the Shadow wins.  If you die, the DM chooses a new ringbearer randomly from the remaining members of the Fellowship.  


Besides any abilities that may be granted by your role, you have an additional ability: during the night, the DM asks if you would like to reveal yourself to any player.  You may choose up to one player per night to reveal yourself to.  After revealing yourself to a player, you may also offer him/her the ring.  He/she then may choose to take it.  If you give the ring to a servant of the Dark Lord, the Shadow wins.  




There are more races than players.  Some of the races, like Balrog, Nazgul, Wizard, and Ent are less common than others.  Each game, the DM may choose how to balance the roles, and does not need to reveal the numbers to the players.  


Shadow Races:  If you are a member of one of these races, you start the game as a Servant of the Dark Lord.  After two rounds, the Fellowship has traveled out of range of your army, and into the range of a new one.  At the beginning of Night 3, each surviving Shadow Race player gives his Shadow Race card back to the DM and is dealt a new random one.  This process repeats on night 5 and night 7.  


Orc (snaga) - The basic Shadow race.  No special abilities.

Uruk - When an Uruk does the Shadow Attack and hits a man of Gondor, it goes through even if the man is protected.  

Uruk Hai - When an Uruk Hai does the Shadow Attack and hits a man of Rohan, it goes through even if the man is protected.

Misty Mountain Goblin - When a Misty Mountain Goblin does the Shadow Attack and hits a dwarf, it goes through even if the dwarf is protected.

Troll - The Stone Troll takes two attacks to kill.  Its vote is not counted in the final tally, because it cannot come out in the sunlight.  

Olog-hai - The Olog-hai takes two attacks to kill.  If it uses the Shadow Attack to attack a Dunedain, the attack goes through even if the Dunedain is protected.  

Nazgul - If the Nazgul is doing the corruption, and the target is the Ringbearer, two corruption are applied instead of one.  The last corruption point cannot be applied this way.  

Crebain - During the night, a crebain may look at the contents of a member of the Fellowship's hand to learn whether that member is the Ringbearer, and to receive a reminder of the number of corruption points that Fellowship member has.  

Fell Beast - The Fell Beast may choose to keep its role each time the Fellowship moves.  It may also choose one other Shadow Race teammate to take with it.  

Were-worm - The Were-worm may choose to keep its role one time the Fellowship moves.  It may also choose as many Shadow Race Teammates as it wants to take with it.  

Dragon - Takes two hits to kill. When killed, each dwarf in the Fellowship takes a corruption.

Balrog - Takes two hits to kill.  When a Balrog uses the Shadow Attack to target a wizard, the attack goes through even if the Maia is protected.  

Barrow Wights - When a Barrow Wight targets a hobbit with the Shadow Attack, the attack goes through even if the hobbit is protected.  If a Barrow Wight targets Tom Bombadil, the attack fails.  

Giant Spider - When a giant spider is in play, the time the Fellowship needs to travel is increased by 1 cycle.  If the Giant Spider uses the Shadow Attack to attack an elf, the attack goes through even if the elf is protected.  

Warg - If a warg and an orc are in play at the same time, the Shadow gets two attacks instead of 1. 

Mumakil - Takes three hits to kill.  Cannot be sped up by a fell beast or were-worm.  

Watcher in the Water - When the Watcher in the Water does the Shadow Attack, it counts as two hits rather than one.  The Watcher in the Water cannot be sped up by a fell beast or were-worm.  

Stone Giant - Each night, the Stone Giant may choose to attack someone.  This is not the Shadow Attack.  The Stone Giant may attack someone even if a different Shadow character is doing the Shadow Attack.  If the Stone Giant does his own personal attack, he must yell "Olé olé olé olé" or make some other reference to soccer/non-american football in between the moment at which he attacks, and the final tally of the vote during the next day.  It doesn't have to be extremely obvious, but it has to be audible to everyone.  The Stone Giant cannot be sped up by a fell beast or were-worm.  


Free Peoples:  These roles are for players who start out as members of the Fellowship.  CB stands for 'Corruption Buffer'.  If the player is targeted for corruption a number of times equal to his/her CB, that player becomes a Servant of the Dark Lord at the beginning of the following night.  If that player had any abilities, they may continue to use those abilities even after turning to the Shadow.  


Human - Each night the human may choose one player to protect from being killed.  CB: 2

Dwarf - When the Dwarf is killed, the player who killed it is automatically attacked.  If the dwarf was killed by a vote, the dwarf may choose one of the players who voted to kill it, and that player is immediately attacked.  CB: 3

Elf - The Elf may attack one person per game, and may also give a player an extra life once per game.  CB: 3

Wizard - Each night, a wizard may look at a player's number of corruption.  Once per game, a wizard may decrease one player's corruption by 1.  When a wizard dies, its role is revealed and it is out of the game... for an entire round.  Then it is back in the game.  If it was corrupted before it died, it is still corrupted.  If keeps the same number of corruption points as before.  If it dies again, it is out of the game permanently.  CB: 3

Hobbit - No special abilities.  CB: 5

Man of Rohan - In addition to a human's abilities, once per game a Rohirrim can attack someone twice in one night.  CB: 2

Man of Gondor - In addition to a human's abilities, twice per game a man of Gondor can attack someone.  CB: 2

Dunedain - In addition to a human's abilities, one of the Dunedain takes two hits to kill.  CB: 2

Durin's Folk (Dwarf) - In addition to a Dwarf's abilities, one of Durin's Folk takes two hits to kill.  CB: 3

Silvan Elf - In addition to an Elf's abilities, the Silvan Elf's attack goes through immediately, rather at the end of the night.  CB: 3

Eldar Elf - In addition to an Elf's abilities, the Eldar Elf takes two hits to kill.  CB: 3

Half-elven - Has the combined abilities of men and elves.  CB: 3

Ent - Takes two hits to kill.  If the Tree has been killed, the Ent may attack once per night.  CB: 3

Tree - If the Tree is the ringbearer, the number of cycles the Fellowship needs to travel before it wins is increased by one. If the Ent is in play, the Tree may attack once per night.  CB: 5

Eagle - If the Eagle is the ringbearer, the number of cycles the Fellowship needs to travel before it wins is decreased by one.  If the moth is or has been in play, the Eagle may attack once per night.  CB: 3

Moth - No special abilities.  CB: 4

Tom Bombadil - Cannot be chosen as a ringbearer.  If he is the last member of the Fellowship, the Shadow immediately wins, because there is no ringbearer.  CB: ∞

Skin-changer - Each night, may choose to transform into a man or a beast.  The beast takes two hits to kill.  The man's CB is 3, and the beast's CB is 2.  If he is in man form and he has 3 corruption points, he may not turn into beast form.  If he is in beast form and has been successfully attacked once, and he changes into man form, he dies.  

River Folk - Each night, this player may look at one character's role card or the contents of one character's hand.  CB: 1



Players are not allowed to reveal how many corruption points they have.  However, they can allude to the fact that they are being corrupted through their RP by casting blame and acting argumentative and quick to anger.  

Hmm... It seems I got carried away.  Well, I definitely won't be using all the purple stuff by Saturday.  


I must sleep now, but tomorrow I will edit this post and add the "Free Peoples" roles.  


Edit: Finished the rules!  Yay!  The more complicated rules have 18 roles for the Shadow and 19 roles for the Free Peoples.  The simpler rules have 3 for the Shadow and 5 for the Free Peoples.  

Edited by Newan
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Old Technology, New Technology


Format: Micro-Game (2-6 days, 6-8 players, 24 hour cycles). If enough people sign up, multiple games could be run simultaneously with different themes, though the mechanics could remain the same.


World: Nalthis


The first lesson of Awakening is that only a fraction of possible commands are known. And so wealthy Awakeners, the Hallandren clergy included, finance grand operations to discover secrets long forgotten from ancient ruins. But there has always been discontent in the Court of the Gods, and a recent underground chamber discovered beneath the Godking's palace, dating from before the Manywar and linked to Peacegiver himself, could undermine all that they have built. New Commands, known by only the Godking's High Priests, to create living BioChromatic weapons with but a handful of Breath.


This is a secret that they all agree should pass with them to the grave. But priests start dying, black smoke emerging from their wounds as the blade absorbs their Breath. Old technology meets new technology, armor is sheared and locks are sliced by an Awakened dagger with one Command - Kill. One of Susebron's High Priests has a festering grudge and is willing to risk his life to kill him. And so, having no one they can trust, the priests disguise their Godking as one of their own, and slowly go through their own ranks for the guilty party.



  • Assassin. The Assassin wins regardless of his own survival if he manages to kill the Godking. The Assassin can name someone to kill at the start of every cycle, and will kill them even if he is lynched. There is only one Assassin.
  • High Priest. The Godking's High Priests all know the Godking's identity, and win if they can lynch the Assassin while keeping the Godking alive.
  • Godking. Godking Susebron wins if he survives the game. His lynch vote can count for double if he wishes it to. Note that the total number of lynch votes, though not how many each individual player contributed, is always shown the following cycle. There is only one Godking.

Additional Roles, one to be added in at six players, two at eight players, should it seem that a game without any real roles will be too stale. None of the Additional Roles know who the Godking is.

  • Lunatic. The only priest to survive an attack by the Assassin, the Lunatic was driven mad by a wound from the Assassin's blade. Now, with fifty black Breaths in his veins, he has set himself the task of a public death. The Lunatic wins if he gets publicly lynched. He must kill someone who voted to lynch him; if he does not specify anyone, someone will be chosen at random.
  • Protector. The Protector entered the Priesthood for one specific person, and it is his goal to keep that person alive. The Protector is given the name of another player, who may or may not be the Assassin or Lunatic, and wins if that other player survives the game. With years trained as a court scribe, the Protector may choose to filibuster a trial, rendering all votes redundant for that cycle. He may only do so once.
  • Lord Herald. It falls to the Lord Herald to deliver news to the population of Hallandren, and as such can post an anonymous public message of 150 words or less in the write-up every cycle. He may choose to forego this ability and instead send a 150 word or less PM, to be delivered anonymously by the GM the following cycle. The Lord Herald may choose whether he wins with the Assassin or with the Priests at the start of the first Cycle, and may change his decision the following Cycle.
  • Returned. As a deity of the Fifth Heightening, the Returned can choose to reveal himself at any point, making his vote count for five. This is lowered to three the following cycle, and rests at two the cycle after that. The Returned may also give up his Breath to save someone, whom he designates a cycle in advance. If that person does not die, the Returned dies regardless. The Returned wins if the Assassin is killed.
  • Forbidden Awakener. By use of less scrupulous methods, the Forbidden Awakener may follow someone at night; if they happen to die, whether through lynch or assassination, he will use Commands found in Peacegiver's vault to revive them, establishing an immediate PM and setting the Awakener's faction to match that of the person he revived. The Awakener can only revive once. If the game ends with the Awakener on no faction, he is considered to have lost. If the Awakener sides with the Assassin, and if the Assassin is killed, the Awakener takes on the Assassin's role.

Edit: Additional roles added. Colored existing roles.

Edited by Adamir
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