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3 hours ago, Elenion said:

Ah, the days back when I had that playstyle. To be fair, I've been backstabbed myself; Lopen in LG24 killed me despite me being in his faction and him being immune to all of my actions if I was evil.

Given that you were the one that wanted to kill Lopen first, I think it was fair that he killed you.  You wanted him dead almost as soon as you joined us. :P 

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2 hours ago, Alvron said:

Given that you were the one that wanted to kill Lopen first, I think it was fair that he killed you.  You wanted him dead almost as soon as you joined us. :P 

After reading many of the SE, it often seems like someone wants lopen dead fairly early on. 

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57 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

I knew it! It seemed like that to me too, I just didn't go back through to confirm that. :P

And yeah, I feel no remorse for killing you in LG24 Len. :P

We only want you dead so often because we care about you, Lopen. We don't want you worrying yourself over trivial things like who should live and who should die. Who needs that kind of stress? :D



...Plus you can be scary when evil. I should know; we've been elims together. 

Edited by Metacognition
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On 5/23/2017 at 9:11 AM, The Flash said:

Hey is there any possibility of a snapshot based SE? I think that could be cool


On 5/23/2017 at 9:17 AM, randuir said:

I'm pretty sure @A Joe in the Bush has something planned for an upcoming LG or MR.


On 5/23/2017 at 9:24 AM, The Flash said:

Yup sure enough I didn't look close enough at the document. It's #1 on the LG wait list in fact! Sweeeet. So that would be LG 38 at the moment

Yes, For some reason, i do think it's a good idea to do a snapshot game. (It's already gone through 4 different rulesets, and i still haven't found a way to balance it.

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6 hours ago, A Joe in the Bush said:



Yes, For some reason, i do think it's a good idea to do a snapshot game. (It's already gone through 4 different rulesets, and i still haven't found a way to balance it.

Well I'm seeing a few situations. Either it is citizens v real cops, or citizens v criminals, with some real people as roles. 

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So like, the other day I read Sixth of Dusk. Wasn't a very long story but it proved a good installment into the cosmere as a whole.

And I wondered if there's ever been an SE game set on first of the sun. I don't think there has been. Which is a shame, because I think the Pantheon would be a fantastic setting for an SE game.

So... I drafted some rules for a game set on the Pantheon Isles. This would be an LG.


Quick Overview:

This game is set after the events in Sixth of Dusk. The Trappers, though normally reluctant to trust each other, have met on Sori to discuss the threat posed by the Ones Above. The meeting proves to be unproductive. Particularly when someone is murdered on Sori, and, distrusting each other, most of the trappers leave Sori for their own islands.

It has been implied that not all of the Ones Above follow the rules that were limiting their interactions with First of the Sun. There is a rogue splinter of the Ones Above who would take the Pantheon by force, so that their people may make use of the Aviar. They have infiltrated this group of island-priests called the "trappers" and intend to destroy them. They may not have the experience to survive in a harsh environment, but they easily make up for it with their alien technology.


Game Basics:

A full cycle is 48 hours long, with a 36 hour day phase and a 12 hour night phase.

One "day action" can be taken in a day, and one "night action" can be taken in a night.

This game does not have free PMing. There is a PM creation power in-game however.

This game has locations. Each player is located on one of the Pantheon islands at any given time (significantly fewer then all 40 of them will be available in-game :P). Some actions may only be taken against a player on the same island as you. The location of a given player is not public.

Islands have an inherent danger associated with them, expressed as two numbers. The percent odds of the island killing an occupant in a cycle, and the percent odds of the island roleblocking an occupant in a cycle.


Actions: These are the basic game actions.

Vote- Submit a lynch vote during the day cycle. You can vote on someone regardless of their island, and there is nothing that can protect from a lynch. Tied votes will randomly kill one of the people in the tie. Voting does not count as a day action, but your vote will be cancelled if you are roleblocked during a day turn. In terms of RP, people who are voted up for lynch are hunted down and killed by the other trappers.

Travel- Travel to a new island. Normally, this has a 40% chance of resulting in death by one of the sea creatures in the deep (this danger can be reduced however). Traveling can be done by either day or night, and will take up a day or night action, respectively.

Trap Aviar- Attempt to capture an Aviar native to your island, as a night action. Each island in the pantheon has somewhat different odds for successfully catching an Aviar, and a different selection of Aviar one could capture. A trapper may hold no more than two Aviar at a time. Aviar can be given away to another player as a day action.

Murder- As an eliminator, make a kill as a night action. Eliminators will submit a first choice and a second choice. If the first choice target is not on the same island as any of the eliminators, the second choice target will be attempted. If neither target is available, no kill will be made.


Special Roles: I may decide not to include some or all of these, but they are a few special roles. In either case, most players will not receive one of these special roles.

Master Trapper: Makes good on the name "trapper." Can spend a night action to either add a trap to their current island or disarm a trap from it. Each trap an island has will increase the island's danger by 5% for killing and 5% for roleblocking. They are immune to their own traps, and 1/3 less likely to be killed or roleblocked by other people's traps.

Herbalist: Well versed in all the vegitation in the Pantheon. Most of it is extraordinarily toxic. Can spend a day or night action mixing a poison, which can then be used as a night action to poison a target on the same island as you (unlike the eliminator kill action, you don't get to submit a second choice for this). Said target will be notified that they have been poisoned, and will die after one cycle. Poisons can be given to other people as a day action. Poisoners have 2/3 the usual odds to capture an Aviar, since trapping Aviar is not their area of expertise.

Aviar Expert: Has a particular affinity with the Aviar. Can hold a maximum of three Aviar instead of two. 4/3 the usual odds to capture an Aviar.

Paranoid: Even more paranoid then most trappers, which is saying something. Intrinsic island dangers are -5% to you. Traps are 2/3 as dangerous to you. This slightly reduces the risk of a dangerous island.

Tracker: Particularly gifted at tracking people. Can use a day or night action to randomly identify one other person on your island, or be informed if they are the only person on the island.


Aviar Powers:

Mindshield- Reduces the danger of travelling to 3%. Also makes dangerous islands safer (does not reduce trap danger). The intrinsic danger on an island is reduced (killing risk is quartered, roleblocking risk is halved). Passive ability. Effects stack. Can be used as an active day or night ability to extend the protection of your Aviar to another player, but during that turn you will not have the protection.

Danger Sense- Halve the danger odds of all risks, including travel risks, natural island danger odds, and man-made traps. 33% chance to save you from a murder (but not from poisoning, because a poison takes a while to actually kill you). Passive ability. Effects stack. Can be used as an active day or night ability to extend the protection of your Aviar to another player, but during that turn you will not have the protection. Note that murder protection is half as likely to work if used two nights in a row.

Mind Tracker- An Aviar that can latch on to someone's mind and use it to find them, within a reasonable distance. Determine the location of another player, at the time the ability is used. Can be used as either a day or night action. 5% chance of a randomized false reading if the target has a mindshield.

Hypnotic- An Aviar that can attack another being's mind, impairing thoughts. 50% chance to roleblock a target, does not tell you if roleblock was effective. Can be used as a day or night action. Will only roleblock target for the part of the cycle you used it, so using it at day will only cancel their day action. Does not tell the roleblocker if their 50% odds succeeded.

Messenger- An Aviar with an uncanny sense of direction and the intelligence to deliver messages quite reliably. Can open a (secure) PM with someone, that lasts as long as one of the pair has a messenger Aviar. Does not count as an action, meaning you can open up any number of PMs with this (without this, you may not open up any new PMs).

Seeker- An Aviar that can sense other Aviar. Can identify the Aviar another player has. Counts as a day or night action.


Islands: Below are the islands one can travel to. On signup, each player will send in their GM PM a choice of what island they would like to begin on. Most likely, all players will be allowed to start on the island of their choosing.

Danger rating 20-20
Trapping odds 60
Avialable Aviar: Mindshield (x2), Danger Sense, Mind Tracker

Danger rating 15-20
Trapping odds 50
Available Aviar: Danger Sense, Mind Tracker, Hypnotic, Seeker

Danger rating 10-15
Trapping odds 40
Availale Aviar: Mindshield (x4), Hypnotic, Mind Tracker

Danger rating 10-10
Trapping odds 35
Available Aviar: Mindshield (x2), Seeker, Messenger

Danger rating 3-10
Trapping odds 25
Available Aviar: Mindshield (x3), Mind Tracker (x2)

Danger rating 5-5
Trapping odds 20
Available Aviar: Hypnotic, Mind Tracker

Danger rating 0-3
Trapping odds 15
Available Aviar: Mindshield (x2), Messenger, Seeker
Sori has a group PM

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There's been two games set in SotD, I believe, although one was a vanilla game, so the setting was little more than flavor. MR11 had roles, however, so if you want give it a look and see if you'd like to reuse anything in it. I'd also recommend you read the game because it was a pretty good one. I had a lot of fun, at least. If you do, I recommend you don't spoil yourself and read it from beginning to end.

That being said, I'm personally not a fan of unintended death as a mechanic. I would probably just use the islands being dangerous as flavor for people dying of inactivity. I'd also say that using percentages at all unnecessarily complicates things. As a player and a GM I prefer things like not being able to use an ability two turns in a row, as an alternative way to balance it.

Edited by Amanuensis
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2 hours ago, Cluny the Scourge said:

Can someone refer me to a basic vanilla template? I am writing out a game set in the Redwall Series, though I probably will give it to someone else to be the GM.

I've never seen a vanilla game template here; each game is so different that the individual GM just makes up the rules and types them up. If you want some help typing up and organizing a ruleset, PM me and I can help you with that.

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LG 1 and the AGs are the closest thing we have to a fairly vanilla set up and even that isn't exactly vanilla. I suppose it also depends on your definition, since different places use different set ups as vanilla. For example, some sites consider no roles at all to be a vanilla game. Some, like Town of Salem, have a few go-to roles that are in all games. 
As Len said though, if you need help, if you post what you're working with here, I'm sure that everyone would be more than willing to help work out any problem areas. :)

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Not sure if I'll be running this game, but after reading secret history, I had an idea and I wanted to write it out. If anyone else wants to take my idea and run with it, just send me a message.


MR #: Mistborn: Secret Obligation



The mountain collapsed, skewing over like a failed science project in middle grade. The people were completely unprepared for this. Although the mountain had been dribbling ash and lava on them for weeks, alternately blanketing them and burning down the blanket, they never expected that it would fall on them! There was no time to escape, and dozens of allomancers, obligators, and metallurgists were caught up in the flames.




Poppoppity pop.

"Another ashmount? Very well. Greetings everyone."

The nearest person turned towards Preservation.


"OH NO. Please tell me it's not you."

"Sure thing. It's not me. If it was me, it would be a mite confusing, wouldn't it?"


Hoid nudged a bit of mist by his foot.

"That rock there. Well, I think it's a rock. Although you seemed to be under the impression that it was me, and given how things work in the cognitive realm, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into my duplicate."

Preservation turned away, muttering to himself. "You'll be gone soon enough anyways. Have a nice stay."

"Me? No, this place is nice enough, but I have elsewhere to be. I'm just here for a quick chat. Although if that rock does turn into me, I guess I'd be staying here a little longer, hmm?"

Preservation shook his head and disappeared.

"Say, aren't you supposed to watch over this lot? Make sure they get out peacefully?"

There was no response. Hoid shrugged and walked over to them, a group sitting in a dazed huddle.

A bearded man looked up at Hoid. "Where are we?"

"Well, you could say it's the afterlife. But before then."

"So, do we get judged or something? That's what I heard from the Terrismen."

Hoid scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Well, the big man's out at the moment, so there doesn't seem to be a lot of judging going on right now."

One of the men spoke up. "That's a relief."

Everyone turned to look at him. He squirmed under the attention. "It's just... I was an obligator. I get the impression that a lot of people weren't that satisfied with me."

Sure enough, he had the tattoos.

The bearded man jumped to his feet. "Do you know how much I paid in taxes? And the obligators took my Skaa away anyways! Even if the 'Big Man' is out, I say we can give a little judgement of our own!"

After a few seconds of wrestling with the obligator, trading blows back and forth, they both faded to dust, leaving the rest of the people with wide eyes.

Hoid clapped his hands, startling them. "Well, this might be interesting after all. I guess I'll stay a little longer and see how this plays out."


Soon afterwards, the Obligators had gathered in a group away from the others.

"Did you see that?"

"They hate us!"

"We must escape!"

"Wait a minute," one of them said. "I remember something about this. There was a well... If you drink from it, you can't be defeated."

"We need to reach it."

"We must protect ourselves."

"Where is it?"

"Then it's settled. We'll spread out, find the well, and stay safe from these crazy people. In the meantime, if you see a chance to take them out, do it. We have to stick up for one other."





The entire town of Berkanan has been wiped off the map by a collapsing ashmount. Among those in the destruction are Obligators and Allomancers. To win, the Allomancers need to kill all the Obligators. The Obligators need all of their members to reach the well, or all of the Allomancers dead. If any Obligators die, they may no longer reach their first win condition.

Game Basics:


Cycles are 48 hours long.

The Obligators have a group Doc, and may jointly kill one player each cycle.

In any cycle, players may either Vote or Travel to the Well, as well as one role-based action they have.

Voting works as normal. Players need 2 votes to be lynched. In case of a tie, neither player is slain.

If a player Travels to the Well, they may not vote. Instead, they make 1 step of PROGRESS towards the well. All players will be informed who has done this in the write-up.

If a player PROGRESSES 3 times, they reach the well. If a Misting reaches the well, they receive another allomantic ability. If a Metallurgist reaches the well, they receive a metal vial. If all Obligators reach the well, they win the game. If Hoid reaches the well, nothing special happens. Anyone who travels to the well has their TIME stat increased by 5, then their PROGRESS is reset to 0.

You may travel to the well multiple times.

Your TIME stat starts at 12 and decreases by 1 each turn. If you run out of TIME, you are eliminated.

You may create any number of PMs, as long as you include the GM(s).

Special Roles:



You have some allomantic power. You may burn a vial of metal to unleash its power.

Obligators may also have this ability


Steel: Throw coins! You may spend 1 coin to kill the player of your choice

Iron: Offer yourself as tribute! Protect the player of your choice from any kill by sacrificing yourself instead.

Pewter: Run twice as hard! You may advance 2 steps instead of one when running for the well.

Tin: See further! You may look at another player and determine if they are an Obligator. (The eye tattoos are a dead giveaway)

Zinc: Feel my RIOTOUS anger! You may force another player to do the action of your choice (Vote or Run) next cycle. You may use this on Preservation. (see below)

Copper: Negation! You are not affected by any allomantic abilities this cycle. Bronze burners detect nothing this cycle.

Brass: ...! May force a player to be unable to speak loudly! (May not use any letters, exclamation points, or pictures (including emoticons,) and must lower the font size to 8.) In addition, if the person you targeted targeted you, their action is cancelled.

Bronze: Detection! You may discover the metals everyone is burning this cycle, as long as nobody is burning Copper! If anyone is burning Copper, you detect nothing. You do not detect the names of the people.

Duraluminum: Sorry about that, mate! If you manage to get the ability to burn another metal, as long as you have a vial, you may burn the vial without spending it. (Burning that metal will take a duraluminum vial instead of its own)

Aluminum: This might GNAT make you happy! Because it doesn't do anything! Anything at all! You can even burn other metals while you're burning this one! Bronze burners will see Aluminum instead of the other metal you're burning.

Nicrosil: Now we're getting somewhere! Double the metal vials of your target!

Chromium: You're gonna be compared to a mosquito! Remove all metal vials from your target!

Gold: Visions of the past! Be told what would have happened had you taken the other action last cycle! (Run or Vote.)

Electrum: Visions of the Future! Be told your action next cycle! If you do not do the action you are told, the timeline splits! The cycle after that, there are now 2 of you to send in actions and post in the thread! After that, the timelines converge, and your double disappears.

Cadmium: Not really that useful! You may post in the thread only up to half as much as you posted last cycle. In addition, you may not run to the well, and your vote only counts as 1/2. However, your TIME stat goes up by 1 instead of down!

Bendalloy: Gotta go fast! In order to activate this, you must post at least twice as many posts as you did last cycle. You may vote twice, and running to the well does not show in the write-up. Your TIME stat goes down by 3 this cycle.

Atium: THE FIRST GOD METAL! Burning this allows you to instantly destroy up to 2 people. (In the middle of this cycle, not next cycle) They are considered eliminated. You are eliminated after burning this metal. Any player may burn this.

Lerasium: THE SECOND GOD METAL! Burning this attunes you to preservation. You may take on his power and give metal vials to people as you choose. (Up to 4/cycle) You lose the ability to burn metal vials yourself. Any player may burn this.

Leratium: THE THIRD wait a minute...! This gives you the power to burn all metals, like a mistborn. It does not give you the powers of preservation.

Lerasteel: I'm not going to go through all 16! This gives you the power to burn steel. Any other "lera" alloys give people the ability to burn that metal

LeraLera: wat. A metallurgist may combine 2 lerasium vials to get this. Each vial may be broken by anyone to give 5 random metal vials.

AtiAti: Don't listen to the rumors. You can't do this. There is no AtiAti! Upon breaking the AtiAti Vial, Ruin breaks loose and destroys everyone. Whether or not obligators have reached the well, everyone loses. I hope you're happy.

God metals and alloys are not given to metallurgists when vials are given out.

There are no Metal vials in play at the beginning of the game.

You may burn only one vial each turn, unless you burn Aluminum or Duraluminum, in which case you may burn 2 (Or 1, in case of Duraluminum)


You had some experience in the physical world with Metal. You may combine 2 metal vials of different types to create 2 vials of the same type. If the metals combine to make an alloy, you gain 2 vials of that alloy. If they do not, you gain 2 vials of one random metal.


Bronze: Copper + Tin

Brass: Zinc + Copper

Duraluminum: Aluminum + Copper

Bendalloy: Tin + Cadmium

As a metallurgist, you have some money. You start the game with 2 coins.

You do not start with any metal.

Obligators may also have this ability.


Get out! Out! I don't need you imbuing breath into things to make them viable burning material! I don't care if Steel, Copper, and Tin are the only things plentiful around here, and you will receive them most times you imbue something. I have the perfect system here, and I don't need you changing it! You're not a Allomancer or an Obligator, and your goal is to receive a vial of Lerasium by the time time runs out. But you can find one elsewhere. Go away!

At the beginning of the game, you may not burn or combine any metals.


You (I mean I) are (am) resilient to change. I may not give any vials to people unless targeted by Zinc, in which case I give everyone the vial matching their ability. Metallurgists receive a random vial. I may not vote in thread, go to the well, burn a metal, or perform any other actions myself.

Other rules/Order of actions:

  1. Atium deaths (Atium user. Targets happened last cycle.)
  2. Protection
  3. Lynch
  4. Other metals
  5. Run for the Well
  6. Gain abilities (Lera metals)

If you do not vote, you do not automatically travel to the well. You just stand around, looking dumb.

You may give coins/vials/whatever else without spending an action

If a player is killed by the obligator/steel, the player that took the kill action gains all that player's items.

If a player is killed by the lynch/TIME/Atium, their items are lost.


Edited by Paranoid King
Forgot about PMs
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45 minutes ago, Paranoid King said:

Not sure if I'll be running this game, but after reading secret history, I had an idea and I wanted to write it out. If anyone else wants to take my idea and run with it, just send me a message.


MR #: Mistborn: Secret Obligation


  Hide contents

The mountain collapsed, skewing over like a failed science project in middle grade. The people were completely unprepared for this. Although the mountain had been dribbling ash and lava on them for weeks, alternately blanketing them and burning down the blanket, they never expected that it would fall on them! There was no time to escape, and dozens of allomancers, obligators, and metallurgists were caught up in the flames.




Poppoppity pop.

"Another ashmount? Very well. Greetings everyone."

The nearest person turned towards Preservation.


"OH NO. Please tell me it's not you."

"Sure thing. It's not me. If it was me, it would be a mite confusing, wouldn't it?"


Hoid nudged a bit of mist by his foot.

"That rock there. Well, I think it's a rock. Although you seemed to be under the impression that it was me, and given how things work in the cognitive realm, I wouldn't be surprised if it turned into my duplicate."

Preservation turned away, muttering to himself. "You'll be gone soon enough anyways. Have a nice stay."

"Me? No, this place is nice enough, but I have elsewhere to be. I'm just here for a quick chat. Although if that rock does turn into me, I guess I'd be staying here a little longer, hmm?"

Preservation shook his head and disappeared.

"Say, aren't you supposed to watch over this lot? Make sure they get out peacefully?"

There was no response. Hoid shrugged and walked over to them, a group sitting in a dazed huddle.

A bearded man looked up at Hoid. "Where are we?"

"Well, you could say it's the afterlife. But before then."

"So, do we get judged or something? That's what I heard from the Terrismen."

Hoid scratched his chin thoughtfully. "Well, the big man's out at the moment, so there doesn't seem to be a lot of judging going on right now."

One of the men spoke up. "That's a relief."

Everyone turned to look at him. He squirmed under the attention. "It's just... I was an obligator. I get the impression that a lot of people weren't that satisfied with me."

Sure enough, he had the tattoos.

The bearded man jumped to his feet. "Do you know how much I paid in taxes? And the obligators took my Skaa away anyways! Even if the 'Big Man' is out, I say we can give a little judgement of our own!"

After a few seconds of wrestling with the obligator, trading blows back and forth, they both faded to dust, leaving the rest of the people with wide eyes.

Hoid clapped his hands, startling them. "Well, this might be interesting after all. I guess I'll stay a little longer and see how this plays out."


Soon afterwards, the Obligators had gathered in a group away from the others.

"Did you see that?"

"They hate us!"

"We must escape!"

"Wait a minute," one of them said. "I remember something about this. There was a well... If you drink from it, you can't be defeated."

"We need to reach it."

"We must protect ourselves."

"Where is it?"

"Then it's settled. We'll spread out, find the well, and stay safe from these crazy people. In the meantime, if you see a chance to take them out, do it. We have to stick up for one other."




  Hide contents

The entire town of Berkanan has been wiped off the map by a collapsing ashmount. Among those in the destruction are Obligators and Allomancers. To win, the Allomancers need to kill all the Obligators. The Obligators need all of their members to reach the well, or all of the Allomancers dead. If any Obligators die, they may no longer reach their first win condition.

Game Basics:

  Hide contents

Cycles are 48 hours long.

The Obligators have a group Doc, and may jointly kill one player each cycle.

In any cycle, players may either Vote or Travel to the Well, as well as one role-based action they have.

Voting works as normal. Players need 2 votes to be lynched. In case of a tie, neither player is slain.

If a player Travels to the Well, they may not vote. Instead, they make 1 step of PROGRESS towards the well. All players will be informed who has done this in the write-up.

If a player PROGRESSES 3 times, they reach the well. If a Misting reaches the well, they receive another allomantic ability. If a Metallurgist reaches the well, they receive a metal vial. If all Obligators reach the well, they win the game. If Hoid reaches the well, nothing special happens. Anyone who travels to the well has their TIME stat increased by 5, then their PROGRESS is reset to 0.

You may travel to the well multiple times.

Your TIME stat starts at 12 and decreases by 1 each turn. If you run out of TIME, you are eliminated.

You may create any number of PMs, as long as you include the GM(s).

Special Roles:

  Reveal hidden contents


You have some allomantic power. You may burn a vial of metal to unleash its power.

Obligators may also have this ability

  Reveal hidden contents

Steel: Throw coins! You may spend 1 coin to kill the player of your choice

Iron: Offer yourself as tribute! Protect the player of your choice from any kill by sacrificing yourself instead.

Pewter: Run twice as hard! You may advance 2 steps instead of one when running for the well.

Tin: See further! You may look at another player and determine if they are an Obligator. (The eye tattoos are a dead giveaway)

Zinc: Feel my RIOTOUS anger! You may force another player to do the action of your choice (Vote or Run) next cycle. You may use this on Preservation. (see below)

Copper: Negation! You are not affected by any allomantic abilities this cycle. Bronze burners detect nothing this cycle.

Brass: ...! May force a player to be unable to speak loudly! (May not use any letters, exclamation points, or pictures (including emoticons,) and must lower the font size to 8.) In addition, if the person you targeted targeted you, their action is cancelled.

Bronze: Detection! You may discover the metals everyone is burning this cycle, as long as nobody is burning Copper! If anyone is burning Copper, you detect nothing. You do not detect the names of the people.

Duraluminum: Sorry about that, mate! If you manage to get the ability to burn another metal, as long as you have a vial, you may burn the vial without spending it. (Burning that metal will take a duraluminum vial instead of its own)

Aluminum: This might GNAT make you happy! Because it doesn't do anything! Anything at all! You can even burn other metals while you're burning this one! Bronze burners will see Aluminum instead of the other metal you're burning.

Nicrosil: Now we're getting somewhere! Double the metal vials of your target!

Chromium: You're gonna be compared to a mosquito! Remove all metal vials from your target!

Gold: Visions of the past! Be told what would have happened had you taken the other action last cycle! (Run or Vote.)

Electrum: Visions of the Future! Be told your action next cycle! If you do not do the action you are told, the timeline splits! The cycle after that, there are now 2 of you to send in actions and post in the thread! After that, the timelines converge, and your double disappears.

Cadmium: Not really that useful! You may post in the thread only up to half as much as you posted last cycle. In addition, you may not run to the well, and your vote only counts as 1/2. However, your TIME stat goes up by 1 instead of down!

Bendalloy: Gotta go fast! In order to activate this, you must post at least twice as many posts as you did last cycle. You may vote twice, and running to the well does not show in the write-up. Your TIME stat goes down by 3 this cycle.

Atium: THE FIRST GOD METAL! Burning this allows you to instantly destroy up to 2 people. (In the middle of this cycle, not next cycle) They are considered eliminated. You are eliminated after burning this metal. Any player may burn this.

Lerasium: THE SECOND GOD METAL! Burning this attunes you to preservation. You may take on his power and give metal vials to people as you choose. (Up to 4/cycle) You lose the ability to burn metal vials yourself. Any player may burn this.

Leratium: THE THIRD wait a minute...! This gives you the power to burn all metals, like a mistborn. It does not give you the powers of preservation.

Lerasteel: I'm not going to go through all 16! This gives you the power to burn steel. Any other "lera" alloys give people the ability to burn that metal

LeraLera: wat. A metallurgist may combine 2 lerasium vials to get this. Each vial may be broken by anyone to give 5 random metal vials.

AtiAti: Don't listen to the rumors. You can't do this. There is no AtiAti! Upon breaking the AtiAti Vial, Ruin breaks loose and destroys everyone. Whether or not obligators have reached the well, everyone loses. I hope you're happy.

God metals and alloys are not given to metallurgists when vials are given out.

There are no Metal vials in play at the beginning of the game.

You may burn only one vial each turn, unless you burn Aluminum or Duraluminum, in which case you may burn 2 (Or 1, in case of Duraluminum)


You had some experience in the physical world with Metal. You may combine 2 metal vials of different types to create 2 vials of the same type. If the metals combine to make an alloy, you gain 2 vials of that alloy. If they do not, you gain 2 vials of one random metal.

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Bronze: Copper + Tin

Brass: Zinc + Copper

Duraluminum: Aluminum + Copper

Bendalloy: Tin + Cadmium

As a metallurgist, you have some money. You start the game with 2 coins.

You do not start with any metal.

Obligators may also have this ability.


Get out! Out! I don't need you imbuing breath into things to make them viable burning material! I don't care if Steel, Copper, and Tin are the only things plentiful around here, and you will receive them most times you imbue something. I have the perfect system here, and I don't need you changing it! You're not a Allomancer or an Obligator, and your goal is to receive a vial of Lerasium by the time time runs out. But you can find one elsewhere. Go away!

At the beginning of the game, you may not burn or combine any metals.


You (I mean I) are (am) resilient to change. I may not give any vials to people unless targeted by Zinc, in which case I give everyone the vial matching their ability. Metallurgists receive a random vial. I may not vote in thread, go to the well, burn a metal, or perform any other actions myself.

Other rules/Order of actions:

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  1. Atium deaths (Atium user. Targets happened last cycle.)
  2. Protection
  3. Lynch
  4. Other metals
  5. Run for the Well
  6. Gain abilities (Lera metals)

If you do not vote, you do not automatically travel to the well. You just stand around, looking dumb.

You may give coins/vials/whatever else without spending an action

If a player is killed by the obligator/steel, the player that took the kill action gains all that player's items.

If a player is killed by the lynch/TIME/Atium, their items are lost.


much chaos such fun :D That looks like an awesome game.

So what's stopping everyone from putting their differences aside and walking to the well as one big happy group? :P perhaps something that would detain people from making too much PROGRESS?

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3 minutes ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

much chaos such fun :D That looks like an awesome game.

So what's stopping everyone from putting their differences aside and walking to the well as one big happy group? :P perhaps something that would detain people from making too much PROGRESS?

Well, the obligators would win. But I guess people could do that?

My current problem with the game is that in order for metals to become plentiful:

  • Hoid needs to make 2 (different) metals (That aren't copper and tin).
  • (Alternatively, randomly make a zinc and skip to step 7)
  • Find a metallurgist
  • Give him the metals
  • The metallurgist combines them
  • And hopes for some zinc or Lerasium
  • If zinc, finds a zinc burner
  • Gives them the metal
  • Burn it targeting the Big Man
  • After which the metallurgist has more supply with which to make lerasium

I wanted to keep it at least a little bit canonical, so I didn't want people starting out with metals. But if they did, it would kinda skip that whole sequence, as long as enough people are willing to give metals to metallurgists.

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Well I know we want to reduce the number of non-sanderson SE. But gosh darn it I really want to see a Star Wars SE. I've been through the list multiple times, and haven't seen anything star warsy. Rebels Vs. Imperial spies could be cool... And I have no idea how anything would work. 

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3 minutes ago, The Flash said:

Well I know we want to reduce the number of non-sanderson SE. But gosh darn it I really want to see a Star Wars SE. I've been through the list multiple times, and haven't seen anything star warsy. Rebels Vs. Imperial spies could be cool... And I have no idea how anything would work. 

There is one planned.  Or at least there was one planned.  Hero is/was going to run a Star Wars game when VII came out but with the cutback on non Sanderson games it might not be run at all.

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46 minutes ago, The Flash said:

Well I know we want to reduce the number of non-sanderson SE. But gosh darn it I really want to see a Star Wars SE. I've been through the list multiple times, and haven't seen anything star warsy. Rebels Vs. Imperial spies could be cool... And I have no idea how anything would work. 

Had I won the CR contest and gotten to pick one non-Sanderson game, that would have been a tempting choice myself. Maybe whoever wins next year's picks will choose that, or it'll be allowed since Hero has been planning it for a while.

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Spaceflight Of Doom (QF):

In the end, the spaceship was sinking like the Titanic. That much was obvious. The question was: who got to escape? Several escape pods were damaged, so not everyone would be making it out alive. The survivors huddled in a group, not knowing where the others were. In the end, a simple plan was decided on. Whomever got the most votes got to leave. They would keep doing that until the ship exploded, or all the escape pods were used up. Unfortunately, not everyone was going to play fair. And there was still the issue of the saboteur. Who would dare challenge the might of the Empire?

Setting: Firstborn (a short story by Brandon Sanderson)

The Gimmick: In this game, getting voted on is a good thing. The player who has the most votes at the end of a cycle leaves the ship. After a certain number of cycles (determined by number of players) the ship will explode, and anyone left on the ship will die. If there is a tie, no one leaves the ship.

Win conditions:

  • Loyal soldiers: Have as many loyal soldiers as possible leave the ship. A straight victory is having half or more of the people who leave be Loyal Soldiers.
  • Saboteur: Leave the ship. When you do, you blow up all the remaining passengers. Down with the Empire!
  • Coward: Leave the ship. It may be the coward's way out, but that's good enough for you.
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5 hours ago, Sart said:

Spaceflight Of Doom (QF):

In the end, the spaceship was sinking like the Titanic. That much was obvious. The question was: who got to escape? Several escape pods were damaged, so not everyone would be making it out alive. The survivors huddled in a group, not knowing where the others were. In the end, a simple plan was decided on. Whomever got the most votes got to leave. They would keep doing that until the ship exploded, or all the escape pods were used up. Unfortunately, not everyone was going to play fair. And there was still the issue of the saboteur. Who would dare challenge the might of the Empire?

Setting: Firstborn (a short story by Brandon Sanderson)

The Gimmick: In this game, getting voted on is a good thing. The player who has the most votes at the end of a cycle leaves the ship. After a certain number of cycles (determined by number of players) the ship will explode, and anyone left on the ship will die. If there is a tie, no one leaves the ship.

Win conditions:

  • Loyal soldiers: Have as many loyal soldiers as possible leave the ship. A straight victory is having half or more of the people who leave be Loyal Soldiers.
  • Saboteur: Leave the ship. When you do, you blow up all the remaining passengers. Down with the Empire!
  • Coward: Leave the ship. It may be the coward's way out, but that's good enough for you.

This looks interesting. It's not immediately clear from the wording, but is the saboteur one player, or a faction that needs to get out in its entirety to blow the ship?

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Redwall Game Template Draft 1:


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- Read Marlfox and/or Long Patrol before this, or just look it up on the Redwall Wiki

-There is one cycle of 24 hours, with a twelve hour rollover.
-Lynch does not kill, it imprisons.

-Make votes in red, retract votes in green.
-Votes are cast during the day.
-Actions are put in during the night.


Long Patrol:


Has a Google Doc to plan. The LP has a few abilities instead of a faction kill that they can use. They are a military group working to help the village.

Interrogation: The LP learns the alignment of one person in prison. If that person is a Marlfox, then the Marlfox dies dies. If the person is a Marlfox, then the information is released immediately to the village. If they are not, then their alignment is released after they are released from prison.

Militia: Can form a militia once during the game.

Fight!: The Long Patrol can split up into however many different groups of however many people per group they want. One group can trail a single person for as long as they like. If the person is attacked by Marlfoxes, then the Marlfoxes and the LP fight. If the number of Combatants is equal, the LP kill all the Marlfoxes. If the LP outnumber the Marlfoxes, all the Marlfoxes die. If the Marlfoxes outnumber the LP, then the LP die, but one Marlfox is injured and roleblocked completely. (Posting, PMing and all.) If more than (3) combatants are on each side the target of the dies in the confusion, and one member of the LP is also completely roleblocked. Otherwise, if the LP win then no LP are injured and the target of the kill escapes.



Has a Google Doc to plan and conspire. They are trying to kill all the LP and outnumber the village by killing them off.

Multiple Kill: Can split their members into groups like the LP, and can kill up to three people on the same turn. If the people are being tracked by the LP, they fight.

Evil Cellmate: Can station one Marlfox in prison, but they are stationed for every other turn in the game, for the rest of the game. This Marlfox can kill anyone in prison during the turn they are in prison.



Your basic abbeydwellers, they win when all the Marlfoxes are dead.

Lynch: The lynch imprisons one person for a number of turns, this number is voted on by the village, it can be either 2, 3, or 4 turns. Villagers can cast two votes, if the votes are tied between any number of people, they are all imprisoned. If you are imprisoned, you are roleblocked, all you can do is post in the thread.


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Every player has a different role ability.

-Wise Old Mouse: Can vote three times. (The third time is secret.)
-Hedgehog: Can survive one attack.
-Squirrel: Climb away. Your prison sentence is shortened one turn.
-Vole: You can change one vote every turn.
-Otter: Can join a militia.



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Once during the game, the Long Patrol can form a militia. All otters join the militia. The abbey is on lockdown, and NO ABILITIES, ROLE OR OTHERWISE CAN BE USED. A doc will be formed for the militia. The militiamen have a faction kill every turn. The lockdown lasts until two thirds of the village (excluding otters) vote it down.


I probably won't GM this game, I plan for it to be a short LG.

Edited by Cluny the Scourge
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