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5 minutes ago, Ookla the Stroller of Road said:



Alv, being a mod, you can just give me your sixth thoracic vertebrae (T6).

That I can't do.  Due to an operation I had when I was 17, my spine is now reinforced with titanium rods and screws.  No vertebrae for you.

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16 hours ago, Ookla of Drakeface said:

Do you accept secondhand souls?

+ an optical nerve

20 hours ago, Alvron said:

That I can't do.  Due to an operation I had when I was 17, my spine is now reinforced with titanium rods and screws.  No vertebrae for you.

+ kidney?

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  • 2 months later...

Feedback would be appreciated on this Roshar game of mine. I plan to run it as my next LG, but it’s very complex and could use refinement before I put it out there. To give you a general idea, it’s almost as complex as Wilson's KKC game. Here’s a doc if you like formatting. If you’d rather have quick access, I’ll post them in the below spoiler. No promises that the formatting will be any good, though. 


LG: The Alethi Warcamps

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Other Mechanics








48 hour Days, 24 hour Nights. Each player has one action each Day and Night turn.


A lynch is held every Day turn. If lynched by majority, a player is killed and their items are Heired. If lynched by plurality, their alignment is publicly exposed and their items are confiscated, removing them from the game (except for Shards). The players will be informed of any items confiscated, but not of any items Heired.


If two factions achieve their win conditions simultaneously, they both win.


A player may belong to any number of factions.

If a player switches factions, they do not switch win conditions unless specified otherwise.


PMs are completely closed, except for Spanreeds.









Elhokar’s Faithful: Led by Elhokar, these men wish only to hold Alethkar together by keeping the king alive. Win if Elhokar is alive at the end of the game. Share a faction doc, but have no kill.


Dalinar’s Coalition: You’ve long suspected that Gavilar’s son is less competent than his father, and with his inaction your suspicions are confirmed; you follow the Blackthorn alone. Win if over half of living players are in their faction. Share a faction doc, but have no kill.


Sadeas’ Sympathisers: Dalinar is an old, former drunkard spouting idealistic garbage, and Alethkar needs a true change for the better. Win if over half of living players are in their faction. Share a faction doc, but have no kill.


Independent Thinkers: The Highprinces seem to be sorting themselves into Dalinar’s or Sadeas’ camps, but why should that make you join one of those buffoons? Win if they remain unconverted by the end of the game.


Moash’s Task Force: The king of Alethkar has committed a capital offence against your leader, and you intend to see him dead for it, along with everyone close to him. Win if Elhokar, Dalinar and Sadeas are killed. Share a faction doc and a Night group kill.


The Assassin in White: You follow the orders your master gives you, and you do not ask questions. Wins in a secret fashion.








Elhokar Kholin: King of Alethkar. Possesses a passive extra life.

If Elhokar would die, he may name any Kholin or Sadeas character his sole heir; that player becomes King or Queen of Alethkar. This may be a different player than the person he heirs his items to. If an heir is not named, a random Kholin character will receive the crown.

The King of Alethkar may use his Day action to double his vote.

Elhokar begins the game with Shardplate and a Shardblade (see item descriptions). As a Day action, he may lend his Shards to another player, who may use those Shards as if they were in his possession. At the end of the next Day, the Shards revert to Elhokar’s control.


Navani Kholin: Elhokar’s mother and the former Queen, who has come to the Shattered Plains to advise her son. May freely PM, regardless of whether or not she possesses a Spanreed.


The Cobalt Guard: Elhokar’s elite bodyguard, which has expanded its role since coming to the Shattered Plains. At Night, may take an action to protect a player not in their faction from kills.



Dalinar Kholin: A formerly broken man, now an idealist with the desire and drive to “unite” all of Alethkar under one banner—his own. Has access to Unite Them.

Unite Them: As a Day action, the user may choose another player; if that player is a member of another faction, they convert to Dalinar’s Coalition, though they do not join the doc or switch win conditions. If the user targets any original member of Sadeas’ Sypmathisers, his action fails. Targeting a player converted to the Sympathisers will flip their alignment to the Coalition.

As a Night action, Dalinar may scan any player and discover their faction.

Dalinar may not take Night action during a Highstorm.


Adolin Kholin: Dalinar’s eldest son and his heir. Gains access to Unite Them if Dalinar dies. Has an inherent +25% advantage to winning tied duels.


Renarin Kholin: Dalinar’s younger, more socially awkward son, and a future Truthwatcher. Gains access to Unite Them if both Dalinar and Adolin die. May take a Day action to target two players, and find out if they are in the same faction.



Torol Sadeas: The most conniving Highprince, plotting to take political power from his rivals, the Kholins. Has access to Persuasion:

Persuasion: As a Day action, the user may choose another player; if that player is a member of another faction, they convert to Sadeas’ Sympathisers, though they do not join the doc or switch win conditions. If the user targets any original member of Dalinar’s Coalition, his action fails. Targeting a player converted to the Coalition will flip their alignment to the Sympathisers.

As a Night action, Sadeas may follow a player to see who they targeted.


Ialai Sadeas: Sadeas’ wife, who supports him in his quest for power. Gains access to Persuasion if Sadeas dies. Ialai may use her Day action to negate the vote of a converted Sympathiser.


Meridas Amaram: A man with an honest face which he presents to the world, but who holds a dark secret in his past. Gains access to Persuasion if both Sadeases die. As a Night action, may spy on a player and discover one random item that they possess.



Independent Thinker: You are difficult to persuade to Dalinar or Sadeas’ side, but if you are, you know that you’ve made a deliberate choice. The first conversion made against a Thinker will fail, but the second conversion (from the same faction) will fully convert the player, adding the Thinker to the doc and changing their win condition to the faction they are converted to. Once converted, a Thinker can no longer change win conditions.



Moash: The leader of the group that wishes to kill Elhokar. He is completely unconvertable, and possesses an extra life. As a Day action, he may target a player to see if they possess a unique role. As a Night action, he may choose a player; all non-Shard items that player holds are stolen.


Kaladin: A budding Knight Radiant who wishes to see Amaram dead for his sins. Has access to the powers of a Windrunner.

Windrunner: During the Night, you may expend 2 units of Stormlight to use Basic Lashings to incapacitate a player, roleblocking them. Also at Night, you may expend 3 units of Stormlight to protect a player from all kills against them. Neither ability requires the use of an action. If you become wounded, you may spend three units of Stormlight to heal yourself.



Szeth: The notorious Assassin in White, sent by his new master for a special purpose. Szeth’s win condition is unknown, but he carries the Windrunner Honourblade, which grants him access to the abilities of a Windrunner and the killing powers of a Shardblade. If another player gains this Blade, they will gain access to these powers as well. Szeth’s other powers are secret.








General Rules:

Items can be held by any player. On any Day or Night turn, as an action, a player may pass up to two items to another player, or designate an Heir for any number of his items to whom the items will pass upon his death. Multiple Heirs for different items may be appointed with the same action, though changing an Heir requires an action. Items that have not been Heired are randomly redistributed.




There are four denominations of spheres:

-Clear Chips: Worth 1 total unit of currency, ½ unit of Stormlight

-Ruby Marks: Worth 3 total units of currency, 2 units of Stormlight

-Sapphire Marks: Worth 6 total units of currency, 4 units of Stormlight

-Emerald Broams: Worth 10 total units of currency, 8 units of Stormlight


At any time, a player may use an action to exchange their current types of spheres for a different distribution of the same currency value.


If all units of Stormlight in a sphere have been used, the sphere is considered dun.


Each player receives a Salary, paid in infused spheres, that they collect at the end of even-numbered Day phases. The amount of Salary received is dependent on a player’s faction:


Elhokar’s Faithful: 2 ruby marks, 4 clear chips

Dalinar’s Coalition: 3 ruby marks, 1 clear chip

Sadeas’ Sympathisers: 1 sapphire broam, 3 clear chips

Independent Thinkers: 1 sapphire broam, 1 ruby mark

Moash’s Task Force: 2 ruby marks, 2 clear chips

Assassin in White: 8 clear chips


Alethi within the same faction may freely redistribute spheres among their members without using an action slot, though the order must still be submitted via the GM PM. Each player may use Spheres in their possession to perform the following action:


Bribe: As a Day action, you may give 5 units of currency to another player to negate their vote. There is no change given, so bribe wisely.


Beware, however! The game also contains False Spheres. These spheres appear to be dun spheres. However, when a Highstorm comes through, and they are not recharged, the difference becomes apparent. A player paid with False Spheres will not be notified, but if that player decides to do so, they may challenge the person the spheres came from when they receive the spheres, by submitting an order via GM PM. If any spheres are false, that person must give the accuser two times the currency value of the false spheres they attempted to pass off (in actual spheres). If, however, the spheres are merely dun, the accuser loses all the spheres he was paid with, and they return to the person paying them.




Any player wearing Shardplate has passive immunity against one Shardblade kill, or two wounds. A damaged suit of Shardplate may be recharged by paying 20 units of Stormlight to mend its cracks. Shardplate can be won in duels, but may not be Soulcast or enter the game via other means. A player may not wear two suits of Shardplate simultaneously, though they may wear one and possess another.




A player with a Shardblade may use an action during the Night phase to attack a player, killing them. This action may be performed once without notice; following uses of the Blade will result in the killer being announced in-thread. Shardblades may be won in duels, but may not be Soulcast or enter the game through other means. If a Shardblade changes possession from one faction to another, its timer for exposing the new owner is reset.




A player with a Soulcaster may use a Night action to Soulcast spheres into various items. The following are required for each of these Soulcastings, and must be in the possession of the Soulcaster at the time of their action (except for the Stormlight, which can be drawn from any spheres held by the members of their faction):


To create a Sharp Dagger:

8 units of Stormlight + 3 sapphire marks= 1 Sharp Dagger.

To create a Sack of Grain:

3 units of Stormlight + 1 ruby mark= 1 Sack of Grain.

To create a Stone Wall:

8 units of Stormlight + 1 emerald broam + 2 clear chips= 1 Stone Wall.

To create False Spheres:

1 unit of Stormlight + 1 unit of actual currency= 2 units of false currency.

To create Sap of Knobweed:

2 units of Stormlight + 2 clear chips= 1 Sap of Knobweed.


Soulcasting may be increased by any possible scale factor. However, the specific monetary units mentioned are required for Soulcasting. In addition, the spheres sacrificed during Soulcasting cannot provide the Stormlight used to fuel the Soulcasting.

If you attempt to Soulcast a false sphere into something else, the Soulcasting will fail.




A player with a spanreed can send an order to the GMs to PM one other player, each Day turn. If that player also has a spanreed, communication is successfully established and the two may freely PM for the rest of the game, even if the spanreed is lost. However, if the other player does not have a spanreed, the action fizzles.



Sap of Knobweed:

A player with Sap of Knobweed may use it, discarding the item as a Day or Night action, to target a wounded player; that player’s wounds are healed. If the player targeted is not wounded, they instead gain immunity to wounds for one cycle. Sap of Knobweed may be created by a Soulcaster, though some players may start with one.



Sack of Grain:

Grain is necessary to feed the Alethi so far from home, and Soulcasting it is the easiest way to do so. Each Night turn, each faction must use one Sack of Grain to keep their soldiers fed. (Exception: the Thinkers and Szeth are independent, and don’t have to keep track of Grain.) If a faction fails to do so, the votes of the players in that faction will not be counted until the necessary grain is procured. No action will be taken to use the grain; the necessary grain will simply be subtracted from a random member of each faction every Night. Players begin the game on full stomachs.



Sharp Dagger:

A player with a Sharp Dagger may attack one player each Night turn and wound them. If the player remains wounded for two full cycles, they will die. A Sharp Dagger may be created by a Soulcaster, though some players may start with one. After two uses, a Sharp Dagger can’t take the wear and tear, and breaks. If two Sharp Daggers are used on the same person on the same Night, the target will die instead, but attacking a wounded player with the Dagger has no effect.



Stone Wall:

A Stone Wall can be Soulcast out of seemingly thin air, and surrounds a faction’s warcamp. While a faction possesses a Stone Wall, all actions from other factions targeting their members have a 20% chance of failing. If the action is a Shardblade attack, it has a 100% chance of failing but destroys the Wall (via cutting a gaping hole in it). While a faction possesses a Stone Wall, its members can safely take actions during a Highstorm.





Other Mechanics





Each Day turn, a d10 will be rolled, and the number shown, multiplied by 8, will be the percentile odds of a highstorm coming the next cycle. Stormwardens will provide a general forecast the preceding Night on how likely a Highstorm is (8-24%=clear skies, 32-56%=cloudy, 64-80%=danger). The cycle after a Highstorm hits, there will be no Highstorm, regardless of the roll.


Highstorms begin on a Day turn and last the entire cycle, Day and Night. During a Highstorm, the following conditions are in effect:

  1. The wrath of nature is unleashed on you if you venture outside the safety of your home. Any person taking an action during a Highstorm has a 75% chance of becoming wounded. However, if the person taking an action is enclosed in Shardplate, or within a set of Stone Walls, they are protected from being wounded.

  2. Honour’s Perpendicularity moves with the Highstorms, recharging all dun spheres. Recharge of spheres happens at the end of the Night.

False spheres are not recharged by the Highstorm.




After a Shardbearer, whether they carry Plate or Blade, is voted on by another player, they have the opportunity to publicly challenge that player to a duel the Night turn immediately following the vote. If the other player accepts, the two parties “duel” the following Day turn, unless a Highstorm comes through. A player who rejects a duel must pay the challenger 10 units of currency the Night phase during which it was rejected. Challenges are made in-thread, with one player saying “I would like to challenge [Person X] to a duel.”

To duel, both players must be Full Shardbearers (have both Blade and Plate). If a player only has one (or zero) Shards, they must borrow a Shard from somebody in the same faction as them. If nobody in their faction has any Shards, they instead use the King’s Shardplate/Shardblade for a fee of 5 units of currency for each Shard used.

The Day turn during which the duel takes place, both players may RP their duel, however they wish.

To duel, both players pick a Stance in their GM PM as a Day action: Bloodstance, Stonestance, or Windstance.

A player choosing Stonestance will win a duel against a player using Bloodstance. A player using Bloodstance will defeat a player using Windstance, and Windstance users will defeat those using Stonestance. If two players choose the same form, then RNG will determine the outcome of the duel, with a player’s odds increasing 5% for each RP post of at least 300 words made that cycle.

The winner of the duel claims any Shards the loser holds, which include those lent to them by members of their warcamp. The King’s Shards cannot be won, and always return to him after the duel. If the challenged person had to borrow both Shardplate and Shardblade from the King, and lost the duel, they must instead pay the challenger 25 units of currency.

A player may not duel in damaged Shardplate. If they wish to use a set of damaged Shardplate in a duel, they must first mend its cracks.

After a duel, the losing player’s Shardplate will be damaged, and the victor must pay the necessary Stormlight to recharge it once he or she obtains it. If the King’s Shardplate is damaged, it is automatically recharged.


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Oh, it was formatted so it looked like that was a special property of the dagger.

Is it publicly announced which factions have stone walls?

What happens if a player pretends to challenge someone to a duel, but they don't have Shards?

What if Bob challenges Charlie to a duel, and they are both Shardblade holders, but neither has Plate?  Do they BOTH get lent the King's plate?

If two players duel and one borrows the king's shards, does Elhokar/whoever currently holds the shards actually lose them temporarily?

Does Navani's PM require an action?  What about the spanreeds?

Do the independent roles also require food?

It says the thinkers wincon can't be switched again, but do they maintain the one conversion shield?

If an Independent Thinker creates a stone wall, are the others also protected by it?

If a player switches factions, is Stormlight drained from the new faction instead?

What happens if a player is required to pay more money than they have?

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53 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

Oh, it was formatted so it looked like that was a special property of the dagger.

Is it publicly announced which factions have stone walls?

What happens if a player pretends to challenge someone to a duel, but they don't have Shards?

What if Bob challenges Charlie to a duel, and they are both Shardblade holders, but neither has Plate?  Do they BOTH get lent the King's plate?

If two players duel and one borrows the king's shards, does Elhokar/whoever currently holds the shards actually lose them temporarily?

Does Navani's PM require an action?  What about the spanreeds?

Do the independent roles also require food?

It says the thinkers wincon can't be switched again, but do they maintain the one conversion shield?

If an Independent Thinker creates a stone wall, are the others also protected by it?

If a player switches factions, is Stormlight drained from the new faction instead?

What happens if a player is required to pay more money than they have?


That’s illegal, and while it wouldn’t be penalised, it shouldn’t happen.

They borrow Plate from their factions, if their factions have it. If not, the duel cannot take place. 

Yes, though the “King’s Shards” are the ceremonial ones, and Elhokar may use other Shards for real actions if he possesses them. 

Navani, no. The spanreeds, yes. 

No. This is explicitly stated. 

They simply cannot be converted. The one conversion shield is completely irrelevant to this point. 

Yes, they are. 

If they were using a Stormlight-draining ability, it would have to come from spheres on their person, so that’s a moot point. 

Their factionmates have to help them pay up. If a faction goes bankrupt, then the unpaid money is simply lost. 

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1 hour ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Yes, though the “King’s Shards” are the ceremonial ones, and Elhokar may use other Shards for real actions if he possesses them.

This part is still confusing.

Elhokar starts the game with a set of Shards.  Are those the ceremonial ones?

Do they just get yoinked?

1 hour ago, Fifth Scholar said:

No. This is explicitly stated.

I don't see that.  Is it only in the doc?

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If a player with multiple factions is lynched by plurality, are all their factions revealed, or just the one whose win condition they share? A similar question applies to faction scans. Are all non-unique roles Independent Thinkers? Do Independent Thinkers win if they die before being converted?

Are players aware if they are converted without a change in win condition? Does the Windrunner heal require an action? How are vote manipulations represented in the writeup?

As always, an order of actions is required to answer questions like: Can Moash cancel a Soulcasting by stealing all the requisite items?


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1 hour ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

If a player with multiple factions is lynched by plurality, are all their factions revealed, or just the one whose win condition they share? A similar question applies to faction scans. Are all non-unique roles Independent Thinkers? Do Independent Thinkers win if they die before being converted?

In both cases, all factions the player belonged to would be revealed. It is possible for a player to possess win conditions from multiple factions, though mere “converts” to the Coalition or the Sympathisers will be marked only as honourary faction members, and not as actually belonging to that faction’s doc or sharing a win condition. Only unique roles or roles with special abilities are listed in the “roles” section—all other players are vanilla members of one of the four “major” factions. They would win if they died before conversion, which does seem like a flaw I may have to fix. 

1 hour ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Are players aware if they are converted without a change in win condition? Does the Windrunner heal require an action? How are vote manipulations represented in the writeup?

Yes, though the thread is not. The only players notified are the faction, which will receive the number of players currently counting towards their win condition at the end of each cycle, and the “convert.” No Stormlight abilities require an action except Soulcasting. Vote manipulation will be explicit, so any negated or changed votes will be clearly shown as such. 

1 hour ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

As always, an order of actions is required to answer questions like: Can Moash cancel a Soulcasting by stealing all the requisite items?

An order of actions would be required for that. Unfortunately, I don’t have one right now, but based on that one specific question I now know that Soulcasting will come before item theft. Thank you! :P And thank you more generally for your thoughtful questions and feedback. 

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14 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

If a player is targeted by two conversions at once, what happens?

Hmm, I didn’t address this. Both conversions would fail. 

For those curious, an order of actions has now been added to the doc, which should be sufficiently exhaustive to address such questions. 

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QF: And Then There Were None (An Agatha Christie Themed Game on Scadrial)




10 people have received letters from U. N. Owen, to Koloss Island in the Sea of Lennes. They all come from different backgrounds and different places, and their mysterious host is nowhere to be found. Though they might seem different, they all share 2 things in common. They all have a dark secret, and they all have been marked for murder.


General Housekeeping:



Run as a QF or an MR. Split into Day and Night Cycles. Every night the player can select which area they wish to go to the following day. Every full cycle, players have 2 actions, which can be distributed among the Day and Night, or both used during the same cycle.


There will be a lynch every Day cycle, with the sole exception of the first. The lynch will not result in death, but the lynchee will lose all of their items, and be roleblocked for the next full cycle. Tied lynches will be random. The items the lynchee had will be distributed randomly among those who voted on them.


The village win by either killing the Killer, or escaping the island.


The Killer wins by killing every other person on the island with the exception of themselves.


Kills will not be announced in write ups, only the discovery of a body if a body is discovered during that cycle.


Vote Manipulation will not be noted in the write up.


Upon death, 1 random item that the person has will be passed to another random player. The rest of the items will be removed from the game.


Pms are closed.






Every player starts at 0% insanity. Every cycle this will increase 20%. If 100% is reached then the player will go insane, killing themselves. Besides specific actions that can reduce insanity, every time a player submits an action and/or votes, this will go down 5%. Note: If a player votes for someone and then retracts the vote it will not be counted towards this, the same applies with actions. Insanity cannot go negative.





Players who are injured, or gain the injured status are unable to use any actions until they are healed by the doctor or injected with the hypodermic needle. They can still move from area to area.




Every night cycle, every person can select which area to enter during the day cycle. Movement is not an action. Upon entering an area, they will be put into a pm/doc with all other members of the area, as well as be made aware of all actions available and items contained within the area.




There are 3 non-bedroom areas of the house.

The Outdoors

The Drawing Room

The Dining Room






Anthony Marston: A reckless young man, who loves to speed in his motorcar.

Alcohol does not cause him to lose sanity, and the sanity he recovers from voting and doing actions is doubled.


Ethel Rogers: The Cook of the island, married to Thomas Rogers.

Always has access to the food

Shares a bedroom with Thomas Rogers

Starts in a pm with Ethel Rogers


Thomas Rogers: The Butler of the island, married to Ethel Rogers

Learns the identity of anyone who orders drinks, and has access to them

Shares a bedroom with Ethel Rogers

Starts in a pm with Ethel Rogers


General MacArthur: An Ex-Lawman, and a Smoker.

Vote cannot be changed, as well as the vote of a person of their choice, even through persuasion. (Not an action)


Emily Brent: an old noble women.

Starts with the Words of Founding item.

Has access to the Study the Words of Founding action.


Dr. Armstrong: A doctor at the University.

Starts with the Hypodermic Needle item.

Can target someone once per full cycle, either the day or the night, and prevent them from being injured. (This takes an action)

Can target someone and heal an injury. (Not an action)


William Blore: a private investigator and former constable.

Can analyze someone, discovering their actions for previous Day cycle (Takes an action)


Vera Claymore: a young resourceful university student, who is also a rioter.

Can change someone’s vote to a person of their choice. (Not an action)


Philip Lombard: a gentleman adventurer who is down on hard times.

Starts with the Revolver item.

Has access to the Crackshot action.


Justice Wargrave: a well respected judge, as well a soother, whose opinions carry a large amount of weight with the group

Can negate the vote of one person, preventing it from being counted.





The Killer:



Any of the above roles can also have the killer role. The Killer’s goal is to kill everyone on the island besides them. They have an extra action every full cycle, as well as access to several more actions that the village doesn’t have access to. They are not affected by insanity.


Killer Movement: In addition to being able to move around during the day like everyone else, the killer can also, during the day, select a room to enter during the night. When moving during the night, the killer has access to all rooms, and areas including the bedrooms. When in the room, they can do any of their night actions unless otherwise specified.


Bedrooms: There are 9 bedrooms in the houses, all of which the killer has access to, unless otherwise specified. The bedrooms will be named based on the usernames of the players. Example: Snipexe’s Bedroom.


Killer Actions: All of the unique killer actions result in the death of the target unless otherwise specified. All items used in a kill action are left at the scene of the crime, and are given to the person who arrives there first. If multiple people arrive at the same time, then it is given to a random person among them.



Poison the Drinks: Only possible if the killer is Thomas Rogers, or is in the same area as where the drinks were delivered. If multiple people in the same area ordered drinks then a random one among them is killed.


Poison the Food: Only possible if the killer is Ethel Rogers, or is in the same area as where the food was delivered. If multiple people ordered food then a random one among them is killed.


Poison Directly: Only possible if the killer is Dr. Armstrong, and someone has been injured, or the killer has the Hypodermic Needle item.


Push off a Cliff: Only possible if the killer is alone outside with one other person.



Shoot to someone: Only possible if the killer has the Revolver item. Everyone will be alerted to the location of the body, and will receive a 15% insanity increase rather than a 30% one.


Stab someone: Only possible if the killer has the Knife item. 25% chance that the person is injured rather then killed.


Bludgeon someone: Only possible if the killer has the Rock item. 50% chance the person is injured rather then killed.


Set a Trap: Only possible if the killer has the Rope item and is not in a bedarea. If someone is caught in a trap, and are not cut down, they will die at the end of the day cycle, and will be able to communicate with those in the same area as them, but not the thread. Someone who is cut down from the trap is Injured.


Move a corpse: Move a corpse from one area to another.


Steal an item: Steal an item from the area that you are in.







The actions available to each person at each given time vary depending on their circumstances. Day actions are done during the Day cycle, and Night actions are done during the Night cycle. Below is a list of all actions:




Drawing Room:



Anthony Marston:



Take a Sealed Bottle of Alcohol: A Sealed Alcohol is gained.

Take a Mirror: A Mirror is gained

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.





Thomas Rogers:



Take a Sealed Bottle of Alcohol: A Sealed Alcohol is gained.

Take a Mirror: A Mirror is gained

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.





Ethel Rogers:



Take a Sealed Bottle of Alcohol: A Sealed Alcohol is gained.

Take a Mirror: A Mirror is gained

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


General MacArthur:



Take a Sealed Bottle of Alcohol: A Sealed Alcohol is gained.

Take a Mirror: A Mirror is gained

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Emily Brent:



Take a Sealed Bottle of Alcohol: A Sealed Alcohol is gained.

Take a Mirror: A Mirror is gained

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Study the Words of Founding: Restores 30% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles. .

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Dr. Armstrong:



Doctor’s Protection: Select anyone currently alive. If they are attacked, then they will live.

Take a Sealed Bottle of Alcohol: A Sealed Alcohol is gained.

Take a Mirror: A Mirror is gained

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Sedative: Inject someone in the same room as you with a sedative. Forces them to sleep at night, but restores 50% of their sanity.





William Blore:



Take a Sealed Bottle of Alcohol: A Sealed Alcohol is gained.

Take a Mirror: A Mirror is gained

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.





Vera Claymore:



Take a Sealed Bottle of Alcohol: A Sealed Alcohol is gained.

Take a Mirror: A Mirror is gained

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Philip Lombard:



Take a Sealed Bottle of Alcohol: A Sealed Alcohol is gained.

Take a Mirror: A Mirror is gained

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone (Crackshot):Shoot someone in any area, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.





Justice Wargrave:



Take a Sealed Bottle of Alcohol: A Sealed Alcohol is gained.

Take a Mirror: A Mirror is gained

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.






Dining Room:



Anthony Marston:



Take a Knife: A Knife is gained.

Drink Alcohol: Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Eat Food: Restores 20% of one’s sanity.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Thomas Rogers:



Take a Knife: A Knife is gained.

Drink Alcohol: Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Eat Food: Restores 20% of one’s sanity.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Ethel Rogers:



Take a Knife: A Knife is gained.

Drink Alcohol: Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Eat Food: Restores 20% of one’s sanity.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


General MacArthur:



Take a Knife: A Knife is gained.

Drink Alcohol: Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Eat Food: Restores 20% of one’s sanity.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Emily Brent:



Take a Knife: A Knife is gained.

Drink Alcohol: Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Eat Food: Restores 20% of one’s sanity.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Study the Words of Founding: Restores 30% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Dr. Armstrong:



Doctor’s Protection: Select anyone currently alive. If they are attacked, then they will live.

Take a Knife: A Knife is gained.

Drink Alcohol: Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Eat Food: Restores 20% of one’s sanity.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Sedative: Inject someone in the same room as you with a sedative. Forces them to sleep at night, but restores 50% of their sanity.


William Blore:



Take a Knife: A Knife is gained.

Drink Alcohol: Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Eat Food: Restores 20% of one’s sanity.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Vera Claymore:



Take a Knife: A Knife is gained.

Drink Alcohol: Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Eat Food: Restores 20% of one’s sanity.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Philip Lombard:



Take a Knife: A Knife is gained.

Drink Alcohol: Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Eat Food: Restores 20% of one’s sanity.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone (Crackshot):Shoot someone in any area, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.





Justice Wargrave:



Take a Knife: A Knife is gained.

Drink Alcohol: Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Eat Food: Restores 20% of one’s sanity.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.

Mirror: None

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.









The Outdoors:



Anthony Marston:



Take a Rock: A Rock is gained.

Take a Rope: A Rope is gained.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.


Signal the Mainland: If done for 5 consecutive day cycles allows rescue of those on the island. Can only be done in the outdoors, using the mirror item.

Signal a Player: 2 players who signal each other using mirrors can establish a permanent pm between each other.

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.





Thomas Rogers:



Take a Rock: A Rock is gained.

Take a Rope: A Rope is gained.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.


Signal the Mainland: If done for 5 consecutive day cycles allows rescue of those on the island. Can only be done in the outdoors, using the mirror item.

Signal a Player: 2 players who signal each other using mirrors can establish a permanent pm between each other.

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Ethel Rogers:



Take a Rock: A Rock is gained.

Take a Rope: A Rope is gained.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.


Signal the Mainland: If done for 5 consecutive day cycles allows rescue of those on the island. Can only be done in the outdoors, using the mirror item.

Signal a Player: 2 players who signal each other using mirrors can establish a permanent pm between each other.

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


General MacArthur:



Take a Rock: A Rock is gained.

Take a Rope: A Rope is gained.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.


Signal the Mainland: If done for 5 consecutive day cycles allows rescue of those on the island. Can only be done in the outdoors, using the mirror item.

Signal a Player: 2 players who signal each other using mirrors can establish a permanent pm between each other.

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.





Emily Brent:



Take a Rock: A Rock is gained.

Take a Rope: A Rope is gained.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Study the Words of Founding: Restores 30% of one’s sanity.


Signal the Mainland: If done for 5 consecutive day cycles allows rescue of those on the island. Can only be done in the outdoors, using the mirror item.

Signal a Player: 2 players who signal each other using mirrors can establish a permanent pm between each other.

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Dr. Armstrong:



Doctor’s Protection: Select anyone currently alive. If they are attacked, then they will live.

Take a Rock: A Rock is gained.

Take a Rope: A Rope is gained.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.


Signal the Mainland: If done for 5 consecutive day cycles allows rescue of those on the island. Can only be done in the outdoors, using the mirror item.

Signal a Player: 2 players who signal each other using mirrors can establish a permanent pm between each other.

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Sedative: Inject someone in the same room as you with a sedative. Forces them to sleep at night, but restores 50% of their sanity.


William Blore:



Take a Rock: A Rock is gained.

Take a Rope: A Rope is gained.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.


Signal the Mainland: If done for 5 consecutive day cycles allows rescue of those on the island. Can only be done in the outdoors, using the mirror item.

Signal a Player: 2 players who signal each other using mirrors can establish a permanent pm between each other.

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.





Vera Claymore:



Take a Rock: A Rock is gained.

Take a Rope: A Rope is gained.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.


Signal the Mainland: If done for 5 consecutive day cycles allows rescue of those on the island. Can only be done in the outdoors, using the mirror item.

Signal a Player: 2 players who signal each other using mirrors can establish a permanent pm between each other.

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.


Philip Lombard:



Take a Rock: A Rock is gained.

Take a Rope: A Rope is gained.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone (Crackshot):Shoot someone in any area, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.


Signal the Mainland: If done for 5 consecutive day cycles allows rescue of those on the island. Can only be done in the outdoors, using the mirror item.

Signal a Player: 2 players who signal each other using mirrors can establish a permanent pm between each other.

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.





Justice Wargrave:



Take a Rock: A Rock is gained.

Take a Rope: A Rope is gained.

Search the Area: Searching the area will reveal whatever items were taken from the room, and the quantity in which they were taken.

Pass an Item: Pass an item that you have to someone in the same room as you.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


    Cut Down a Trap: If someone is caught in trap in a room that you enter, you may use an action to cut them down.


Shoot Someone:Shoot someone in the same room as you, killing them. All other players will be alerted to the death, and the revolver will be passed to a random player.

Words of Founding:

Read the Words of Founding: Restores 15% of one’s sanity.


Signal the Mainland: If done for 5 consecutive day cycles allows rescue of those on the island. Can only be done in the outdoors, using the mirror item.

Signal a Player: 2 players who signal each other using mirrors can establish a permanent pm between each other.

Sealed Alcohol:

Drink Alcohol:Restores 25% of one's sanity, but decreases it an additional 5% for the next 2 cycles.

Rope: None

Rock: None

Hypodermic Needle:

Injection: Heal an Injured player.










Anthony Marston:



Sleep: Go to sleep, restoring 10% of your sanity. (Doesn’t count as an action, and will automatically be done if no action is submitted)

Stay up at Night: Stay up at night, increasing your insanity by 50%. Staying up does not count as an action, but all of the following come at the above cost.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


Set a Trap: Set a trap for the Killer, preventing them from entering the room and roleblocking them for the next Day cycle if they attempt to enter the room. After the cycle ends the trap disappears


Guard the Door: Prevent the Killer from entering the room and injuring them if they enter.


Thomas Rogers:



Sleep: Go to sleep, restoring 10% of your sanity. (Doesn’t count as an action, and will automatically be done if no action is submitted)

Stay up at Night: Stay up at night, increasing your insanity by 50%. Staying up does not count as an action, but all of the following come at the above cost.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


Set a Trap: Set a trap for the Killer, preventing them from entering the room and roleblocking them for the next Day cycle if they attempt to enter the room. After the cycle ends the trap disappears


Guard the Door: Prevent the Killer from entering the room and injuring them if they enter.


Ethel Rogers:



Sleep: Go to sleep, restoring 10% of your sanity. (Doesn’t count as an action, and will automatically be done if no action is submitted)

Stay up at Night: Stay up at night, increasing your insanity by 50%. Staying up does not count as an action, but all of the following come at the above cost.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


Set a Trap: Set a trap for the Killer, preventing them from entering the room and roleblocking them for the next Day cycle if they attempt to enter the room. After the cycle ends the trap disappears


Guard the Door: Prevent the Killer from entering the room and injuring them if they enter.


General MacArthur:



Sleep: Go to sleep, restoring 10% of your sanity. (Doesn’t count as an action, and will automatically be done if no action is submitted)

Stay up at Night: Stay up at night, increasing your insanity by 50%. Staying up does not count as an action, but all of the following come at the above cost.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


Set a Trap: Set a trap for the Killer, preventing them from entering the room and roleblocking them for the next Day cycle if they attempt to enter the room. After the cycle ends the trap disappears


Guard the Door: Prevent the Killer from entering the room and injuring them if they enter.


Emily Brent:



Sleep: Go to sleep, restoring 10% of your sanity. (Doesn’t count as an action, and will automatically be done if no action is submitted)

Stay up at Night: Stay up at night, increasing your insanity by 50%. Staying up does not count as an action, but all of the following come at the above cost.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


Set a Trap: Set a trap for the Killer, preventing them from entering the room and roleblocking them for the next Day cycle if they attempt to enter the room. After the cycle ends the trap disappears


Guard the Door: Prevent the Killer from entering the room and injuring them if they enter.


Dr. Armstrong:



Sleep: Go to sleep, restoring 10% of your sanity. (Doesn’t count as an action, and will automatically be done if no action is submitted)

Stay up at Night: Stay up at night, increasing your insanity by 50%. Staying up does not count as an action, but all of the following come at the above cost.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


Set a Trap: Set a trap for the Killer, preventing them from entering the room and roleblocking them for the next Day cycle if they attempt to enter the room. After the cycle ends the trap disappears


Guard the Door: Prevent the Killer from entering the room and injuring them if they enter.


William Blore:



Sleep: Go to sleep, restoring 10% of your sanity. (Doesn’t count as an action, and will automatically be done if no action is submitted)

Stay up at Night: Stay up at night, increasing your insanity by 50%. Staying up does not count as an action, but all of the following come at the above cost.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


Set a Trap: Set a trap for the Killer, preventing them from entering the room and roleblocking them for the next Day cycle if they attempt to enter the room. After the cycle ends the trap disappears


Guard the Door: Prevent the Killer from entering the room and injuring them if they enter.


Vera Claymore:



Sleep: Go to sleep, restoring 10% of your sanity. (Doesn’t count as an action, and will automatically be done if no action is submitted)

Stay up at Night: Stay up at night, increasing your insanity by 50%. Staying up does not count as an action, but all of the following come at the above cost.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


Set a Trap: Set a trap for the Killer, preventing them from entering the room and roleblocking them for the next Day cycle if they attempt to enter the room. After the cycle ends the trap disappears


Guard the Door: Prevent the Killer from entering the room and injuring them if they enter.


Philip Lombard:



Sleep: Go to sleep, restoring 10% of your sanity. (Doesn’t count as an action, and will automatically be done if no action is submitted)

Stay up at Night: Stay up at night, increasing your insanity by 50%. Staying up does not count as an action, but all of the following come at the above cost.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


Set a Trap: Set a trap for the Killer, preventing them from entering the room and roleblocking them for the next Day cycle if they attempt to enter the room. After the cycle ends the trap disappears


Guard the Door: Prevent the Killer from entering the room and injuring them if they enter.


Justice Wargrave:



Sleep: Go to sleep, restoring 10% of your sanity. (Doesn’t count as an action, and will automatically be done if no action is submitted)

Stay up at Night: Stay up at night, increasing your insanity by 50%. Staying up does not count as an action, but all of the following come at the above cost.

If the following item is had, then these actions will be applicable.


Set a Trap: Set a trap for the Killer, preventing them from entering the room and roleblocking them for the next Day cycle if they attempt to enter the room. After the cycle ends the trap disappears


Guard the Door: Prevent the Killer from entering the room and injuring them if they enter.














Words of Founding


Hypodermic Needle.

Sealed Alcohol- Cannot be poisoned





Sorry the formatting gets crappy towards the end, I got lazy. Kudos to anyone who reads the 8k word monstrosity. Feedback is very much appreciated.

Edited by Snipexe
Added Lynch info
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3 hours ago, Snipexe said:

QF: And Then There Were None (An Agatha Christie Themed Game on Scadrial)

I'll have more detailed observations with a reread, but with the first skim-through it appears the only way for the village to kill the killer is with the revolver. If Philip Lombard is the killer, or if any player with the revolver is lynched before being able to kill someone, the village cannot win except for the mirror victory. However, I'm not sure the killer can actually stop a mirror victory.

To accomplish a mirror victory, all nine villagers grab a mirror D1 or D2 depending on which room they start out in, move outside as quickly as possible, and then have everyone start spamming the mirror action D2/D3. There's no reason for an active player to eat or drink unless they plan to stay up at night, so those methods of murder are out. That leaves revolver if the killer is Philip, hypodermic needle if the killer is Dr. Armstrong, and rock for everyone else(unless the killer's traps can catch those who go to sleep at night, in which case anyone can kill). Regardless, the village can lynch the same player over and over again, and the killer won't be able to kill everyone else fast enough unless 'three actions per cycle' means 'the killer can attack three different people every night'. In that case, the village actually would need to kill/permalynch the killer in order to win.

Please tell me if I missed any obvious details in this preliminary analysis.

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