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The Art of Game Creation


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1 hour ago, Ark1002 said:

So, I've been wanting to create a game of my own for a while now. Is that possible? If so, how?

You don't necessarily have to be signed up to GM in order to create a game. You generally start with an idea of what kind of abilities you want to try and/or a world you want to put it in. 

You can also ask someone with GM experience to help as you build the ruleset. They can point out balance issues and such as you go.

EDIT: The few I've created started because I wanted a game in that world. I figured out abilities later.

Edited by Elandera
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5 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

How would one go around being signed up as a GM?

Contact one if the moderators, including @Fifth Scholar and @Alvron (they're the only ones I can remember off the top of my head...) and get added to the GM PM.

You'll pick what kind of game you want to run (LG, MR, or QF), then be added to the rotation.

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5 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I don’t have the power to add you to the PM, Ark, but I’d be happy to put you on the GM waitlist should you know which game type you’d like to run. 

Who does have the power to add me to the PM?

Also, how could I get an experienced GM to help me with my first game?

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4 minutes ago, Ark1002 said:

Who does have the power to add me to the PM?

Also, how could I get an experienced GM to help me with my first game?

That’s a very good question. :P I think any of the site mods can do it, which would be any SE moderator save myself, though perhaps only a global mod has the power, so maybe just Wilson. As a subforum mod I lack the powers to add you. :( I’ll ask the other mods though.

If you’d rather go the other way around, and help a perhaps more experienced GM, you could try co-GMing a game, which is intended to get you used to the process of GMing without the stress of trying to run the whole show at first. If you’d rather jump straight in, then another GM could co-GM with you instead and help guide you through it. (Or both.) It’s really up to you whenever your turn to GM comes around. 

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1 hour ago, Ark1002 said:

So, I've been wanting to create a game of my own for a while now. Is that possible? If so, how?

That's a good question.
I just tend to look at things, and go "man, this would make a cool SE game," and then attempt to format it into a game that isn't totally broken. 
But as Fifth pointed out, it's probably a good idea to do some co-GMing first. It helps you get a sense for how it works. You can also always rerun an old game, with some tweaks to make it work better. Personally, I like to make games with exciting new mechanics and settings that haven't really been done before. That kind of thing varies from GM to GM. Get a bit of experience, and you might find some ideas coming together for cool mechanics or just a stable game to run. 

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25 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

I don’t have the power to add you to the PM, Ark, but I’d be happy to put you on the GM waitlist should you know which game type you’d like to run. 

You should have the ability to add someone into the GM PM.  Anyone can add another so long as they are in that PM.  There's a little button after all the names that does it.

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5 hours ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Perhaps it’s the curse of mobile, but I’m not seeing that. :P I think there’s a maximum capacity for PMs (50 or so?) and then to go above that, mods have to start adding new members to the PM. 

This is correct. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

So, I don't think I've seen a Threnody-specific game out here, so I was playing around with creating some rules.  Here are some fairly rough ones that I've come up with - this would probably end up being a QF game based on a couple of the rule mechanics.  Purple comments need some cleaning.  Overall, I think it could be a slightly more standard game removing the Silence/Theopolis roles, but I figured I'd try to sneak something in there for flavor.

General Rules

  • Don't run at night - if you switch your vote too many times in one day, you'll have a chance to be attacked by a shade...or maybe if you switch it in the second half of the cycle (night)...or maybe it's something across all players in the second half of the cycle.  Needs a little bit of work.
  • Don't spill blood - if you attack another player, you have a chance to spill their blood, which will prompt a shade attack.
  • Don't kindle flame - not sure what would make sense here
  • 1 turn/cycle - both day and night
  • Anyone can submit an attack, but the more attacks that are made, the more likely blood is spilled...thinking of putting everyone 'connected' by attacks at danger of being attacked by shades
    • Connected would be if A attacks B and C attacks B, if A spills blood, A, B, and C die.  Although maybe I have the inn as part of the game and those people are safe from attack?  But then there would need to be some incentive to leave the inn.


  • Standard village
  • Standard elim
  • Theopolis
    • Not sure what a good wincon would be...thought it would add a little flavor to the game having Theopolis and Silence in the game though


  • Silence - village role
    • Grandmother's Shade - if attacked by Theopolis, he dies instead
    • The White Fox - has a night kill (wouldn't be necessary if everyone can attack)
      • Gains silver dust after each elim kill
  • Silver Dust
    • Can be used to prevent shade attack - used up after each use
  • Burlap Sack
    • Can be used to prevent spilling blood during an attack

Anyway, hopefully someone has some good ideas to finish fleshing out these rules.  I think it could be fun.

Edited by Rathmaskal
Uggh, formatting
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1 hour ago, Rathmaskal said:

So, I don't think I've seen a Threnody-specific game out here, so I was playing around with creating some rules.  Here are some fairly rough ones that I've come up with - this would probably end up being a QF game based on a couple of the rule mechanics.

Anyway, hopefully someone has some good ideas to finish fleshing out these rules.  I think it could be fun.

There has been one Threnody game run so far by Gamma Fiend way back in our first year.  Another would be wonderful to see.

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On 6/25/2019 at 1:55 PM, Rathmaskal said:

Anyway, hopefully someone has some good ideas to finish fleshing out these rules.  I think it could be fun.

I have some ideas about this kind of game, although they aren't very fleshed out at all and are just random vague ideas that I think would be fun.

I was thinking about a mechanic where everyone starts off with a certain amount of silver, which acts as a one-use shield against a Shade attack, and instead of an elim kill, each elim has the ability to steal one unit of silver from a villager. 

Either dead players gain the Shade role (which restricts them from posting in thread or finding out living players' alignments, etc) and are given the ability to attack any player they choose (unless blood is drawn or someone runs at night, which causes a few random Shades to be drawn toward the person) and thus burn away a unit of silver


Players don't actually behave as Shades, but the number of Shades increases in proportion to the number of dead players


The number of Shades is randomly generated some other way and they act as NPC's (for lack of a better term)

I would make it so there's a limited number of players with a kill. Their kill overrides any protection from Silver, but they are guaranteed to draw blood when they kill unless they have a one-use item (poison, a garrote, something like that) that lets them kill without drawing blood. I really like the idea of having interconnected networks of Shade attacks.

I'm also intrigued by the idea of placing a restriction on changing votes too many times. I like that.

I would definitely have some sort of Bounty Hunter role that gains silver if the person they vote on is lynched and has at least 1 silver.

Anyways yeah here's my weird idea dump :) 

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So I was talking about these mechanics in a dead doc, which I worked on a while ago without a particular setup in mind, and said I would share them.

This is designed to be an all-encompassing coverage of Scadrian mechanics. The idea is that some subset of powers could be chosen to craft different setups for multiple games.

It's definitely a work in progress. Some of this stuff is likely broken. And possibly a little too fiddly for anything short of an LG. But I figure somebody might still be able to make use of it. If I ever make a more polished version, I'll post that, too (either in here or as part of a signups thread :P).

Without further ado, here:


Some terminology:

  • Slotless: Shorthand for "not requiring an action".
  • Enhancement Stack: There's a lot of different things that can heighten the effects of powers (allomantic nicrosil, allomantic duraluminum, feruchemial nicrosil, hemalurgy), so every allomantic and feruchemical power has an enhancement level, and has different behavior at higher enhancement levels.


Some remarks on balance:

  • Certain synergies of abilities are extremely powerful. Especially if a player can access multiple outside sources of enhancement at once. Balance accordingly.
  • It should go without saying, but compounding is extremely powerful just like it is in the books. Balance accordingly.
  • Any setup can be fine-tuned by changing the number of charges allomancers get and the number of maximum charges feruchemists get.



Allomancy: Actions tend to be powerful, but start out with only a small number of charges, and it's generally quite difficult to get more charges. Enhanced effects are dramatic but prone to having side effects which may be undesirable if you do not expect them.

Iron- Specify a single target. No self-target. All actions targeting them are redirected to user. User passively survives a single attack while burning.

  • Enhanced: Passively survive two attacks. Additionally redirects target's action to self.
  • Enhanced x2: Passively survive all attacks, including unstoppable ones. Action cannot be roleblocked.

Steel- Specify a single target. No self-target. Attack target. Attack cannot be detected using Allomantic or Feruchemical Tin.

  • Enhanced: Attack target twice, but the massive recoil cancels the user's vote.
  • Enhanced x2: Attack becomes unstoppable, user becomes untargetable.

Tin- Specify a single target. Learn the identity of all those who target the target.

  • Enhanced: Additionally, learn all those who target self, but the lists are lumped together.
  • Enhanced x2: Additionally, learn what actions were taken as a seperate list.

Pewter- Slotless. Gains a passive extra life while burning. May take an action to attack a player, losing a life in the process.

  • Enhanced: Gains 2 extra lives, and a double attack (which costs both extra lives to use).
  • Enhanced x2: Gains three extra lives. User is roleblock-immune.

Copper- Slotless. Specify two targets. Targets and user all gain immunity to non-enhanced zinc, brass, and bronze. Enhanced zinc/brass/bronze can still pierce the coppercloud, losing one enhancement stack in the process.

  • Enhanced: Anybody who targets user or targets is also affected by coppercloud. Can block zinc/brass/bronze of a single enhancement level, and deducts two enhancement levels from anything that still pierces it.
  • Enhanced x2: Copperclouds cannot be pierced by any level of enhancement.

Zinc- Specify a source and destination. No self-target. Redirect source's vote to destination.

  • Enhanced: Additionally redirect target's action. (also pierces unenhanced copperclouds)
  • Enhanced x2: Redirected votes count for double.
  • Enhanced x3 (only possible if target is spiked): Target is converted to user's alignment and gains a permanent PM with user.

Brass- Specify two targets. No self-target. Cancel targets' votes.

  • Enhanced: Additionally cancel targets' actions. (also pierces unenhanced copperclouds)
  • Enhanced x2: Roleblock may block unblockable actions.
  • Enhanced x3 (only possible if target is spiked): Target is converted to user's alignment and gains a permanent PM with user.

Bronze- Specify a target. Learn what type of action they take.

  • Additionally learn what types of action target your target, but the lists are lumped together. (also pierces unenhanced copperclouds)
  • Enhanced x2: Fully role-scan target even if they did not take any action, and identify which action was the one they took if the scan reported multiple actions.

Cadmium- Specify a single target. Affects the user, target, and anybody who targets either. The actions of effected inviduals take place on the following cycle (bendalloy and cadmium excluded), during which effected individuals cannot take other actions. Cancels with Bendalloy.

  • Enhanced: Cancels unenhanced Bendalloy without being canceled in turn. Delay lasts two cycles.
  • Enhanced x2: Cancels enhanced Bendalloy without being canceled in turn. Cancels the votes of effected individuals for duration of effect.

Bendalloy- Slotless. Specify a single target. All actions against user and target by outside sources will fail, and user and target may only target each other. Cancels with Cadmium.

  • Enhanced: Cancels out unenhanced Cadmium without being canceled out in turn. Gain a PM with target for the cycle.
  • Enhanced x2: Cancels out enhanced Cadmium without being canceled out in turn. Gain doc communications with the target for the cycle.

Gold- User learns what types of actions targeted them on a specified past cycle.

  • Enhanced: User learns what types of actions targeted them on a specified past cycle and the cycle before it, but they are not distinguished. Grants immunity to alignment change while burning. If alignment was different on either cycle you asked to look at, reverts to previous alignment.
  • Enhanced x2: User learns what types of acctions targeted them on a specified past cycle and the two cycles before it in one massive infodump.

Electrum- Self-protect. If user is attacked, they identify what kind of attack targeted them.

  • Enhanced: Self-protect against two attacks. Cancels user's vote.
  • Enhanced x2: Avoid all actions targeting user, identify the types of all actions targeting user.

Chromium- Specify a single target. No self-target. Roleblocks target, while still expending any charges they attempted to use.

  • Enhanced: Consume two charges of target's ability instead of one.
  • Enhanced x2: Block unblockable actions.

Nicrosil- Enhance target's action. No self-target.

  • Enhanced: Applies enhanced x2 to target's action, but causes them to use up an additional charge.
  • Enhanced x2: Increases efficiency, no longer uses up an additional charge.

Aluminum- Slotless. Nullify zinc, brass, copper, and bronze effects on self. Prevents user from using other allomantic powers on the same cycle.

  • Enhanced: Additionally nullify cadmium, bendalloy, iron, and F. Duraluminum, but remove a single charge from any other allomantic powers user owns.
  • Enhanced x2: User may not take any actions but is untargetable by allomancy or feruchemy.

Duraluminum- Slotless. Self-enhance.

  • Enhanced: Applies enhanced x2, but causes user to use up an additional charge.
  • Enhanced x2: Increases efficiency, no longer uses up an additional charge.


Feruchemy: Player begins with a certain number of maximum charges for ability. May spend action storing to gain charge (unless otherwise specified, the action of storing a charge has no mechanical effect beyond gaining one feruchemical charge). May spend additional charges to add additional enhancement stacks. Enhancement abilities tend to have less potentially undesirable side effects. Tapping is slotless, but any actions gained from tapping are not.

Iron: Gain redirect immunity and enhance iron/steel.

  • Enhanced: Roleblock immunity.
  • Enhanced x2: Actions go first in OOA, taking precedence over every other effect listed, even those that are supposed to trump unblockable actions (yes, enhancement levels generally make action priority extremely complicated)

Steel: Gain additional action.

  • Enhanced: Gain two actions.
  • Enhanced x2: Gain three actions.

Tin: Gain ability to track one target and who they target visited.

  • Enhanced: Learn the identity of all those who target the target, instead of who the target targeted. Same as non-enhanced allomantic tin.
  • Enhanced x2: Additionally, learn all those who target self, but the lists are lumped together. Same as enhanced allomantic tin.

Pewter: Gain attack.

  • Enhanced: Double attack.
  • Enhanced x2: Unblockable attack.

Zinc: Gain role or alignment scan (random).

  • Enhanced: Both role and alignment scan.
  • Enhanced x2: Additionally learn who the target targeted on the last cycle.

Brass: No effect.

  • Enhanced: Attack all who target user and cancel user's vote.
  • Enhanced x2: Unblockable, unstoppable, redirect immune. Attacks all who target user, and the user themselves, and a single target if user specifies one.

Copper: Create a group PM containing up to five people for one cycle.

  • Enhanced: Create a group PM of any size for one cycle.
  • Enhanced x2: Create a doc of any size for one cycle.

Bronze: Gain additional night action.

  • Enhanced: Also, passively learn who targets self during night.
  • Enhanced x2: Also gain zinc/brass immunity.

Cadmium: Store, gain delayed death.

  • Enhanced: Can delay once-delayed death.
  • Enhanced x2: Survive a lynch.

Bendalloy: Store, gain an ability to gain an allomantic charge of something.

  • Enhanced: Additionally resists unenhanced chromium while tapping.
  • Enhanced x2: Gain two allomantic charges of something.

Gold: Store, gain extra life.

  • Enhanced: Double extra life.
  • Enhanced x2: Triple extra life.

Electrum: Store by canceling user's vote. Spend for user's vote to count double.

  • Enhanced: User becomes immune to unenhanced soothing/rioting.
  • Enhanced x2: User's vote counts triple.

Chromium: If the game has much RNG, then the obvious choice is letting chromium force the outcome of an RNG roll. Enhanced effects could do something to the effect of having the GMs choose the more favorable outcome for the chromium-user instead of the chromium-user specifying an outcome. However, I try not to build things that are too reliant on RNG, beyond deciding tied lynches. So I'm not really sure what to put here.

Nicrosil: Store, losing access to another ability, tap to enhance stored ability.

  • Enhanced: x2 enhance ability.
  • Enhanced x2: Ability does not consume any charges, but still requires at least one existing charge to use.

Aluminum: Store, allowing user to pass (non-aluminum) charges of feruchemy. Tap, no effect.

  • Enhanced: Reverts user to past alignment if converted.
  • Enhanced x2: Resists F. Duraluminum.

Duraluminum: Store by canceling a vote from self. Slotless, spend to redirect the vote of whomever's vote was canceled.

  • Enhanced: Slotless, aditionally redirect the action of whomever's vote was canceled.
  • Enhanced x2: Redirect cuts through redirect immunities.


Hemalurgy: Hemalurgy is centered around the "hemalurgic spike" item, which may be passed to other players.

Hemalurgic Spike: Grants a slotless ability (one player may not attempt to use more than one spike at a time, however). Specify target and desired power to steal. If target dies on that cycle, and possesses the predicted power, spike gains charge. May self-implant to gain power, or gain enhanced version of power if already possessed.

The effects of Zinc and Brass are upgraded by one enhancement level for every spike an individual possesses. At four spikes, every cycle you are not protected by coppercloud, aluminum burning, enhanced gold burning, or aluminum tapping, you are converted to the Serial Killer win condition.


Compounding: If a player possesses both the allomantic and feruchemical abilities for a metal, they may spend an action burning an allomantic charge and gain three feruchemical charges.

Edited by MrakeDarshall
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As some of you may know, I'm planning on attempting to run a QF sometime in the near future. This QF is going to be an experiment on a new game style, called One-Night.

The premise of One night, is that there is a single night, where actions are placed, and then a single voting cycle, where the elims win if one of them isn't lynched, and the village wins if none of them are lynched, or if an Elim is lynched. The version I will be running will be closely based on the game One-Night Ultimate Werewolf, but Mistbornized. 

The mechanics of game I'm designing will be the One-night format, and immediately followed by a follow-up game, based on who won the One-night portion. As I stated earlier, the purpose is to experiment with the One-night format, so that is the part I'm working hardest on balancing, and the follow-up games are purely to continue the fun. I'm hoping that they aren't broken. The follow-up games will be kept a secret until they come into play, but the One-night game is going to have almost all of the mechanics revealed. (There will be one, very small secret, that I can think of, and I might even get rid of it)

I think I've finalized the One-Night portion, but first I want to share it in thread, so without Further Ado, 

Mistborn: The Rebellion
Now or Never


Cycle/Game length:



24 hour night.

                                  48 hour day

                                  After that point, it will change into a typical game, determined by who wins the Night one portion of the game. (This additional game format will remain secret until the moment it is put in place)


Game mechanics: 



There will be 3 more roles in play than there are players. Roles will be distributed randomly, with the three untaken roles being listed as U1, U2, and U3. There will then be one night cycle, where most actions will take place and one day cycle where voting will occur. Because some roles change the role and alignment of other players, players may believe that they are one role, however, in reality, they are another.

The action that you will perform will be based off your role at the beginning of the night cycle, not based on the role you have at the end of the game. All actions will be successful regardless of whether you change roles in the middle of the night or not.

The player(s) with the most votes will die, with a one-vote minimum. The only exception is if at least half of the players have exactly 1 vote, in which case, there will be no lynch.

The Village team only wins if at least one eliminator is killed

The Elim team only wins if no ministry workers are killed

There are also a few neutral roles that may affect the victory for either team.

If there are more or fewer players than there are roles, then some roles may be duplicated, and some vanilla village players may be added or removed by the discretion of the GM based on what they think would keep the game most fair, prior to role assignment(which will be completely random). Players will be informed which roles are in play.





Steel Ministry: These are the Eliminators. They do get to know who the other members are at the beginning of the night, but, they do NOT get a Doc to conspire in.

     Leader of the Ministry

     Ministry Seeker

     Ministry Workers

     Kandra Spy


Rebels: This is the village team. They do not get to know who each other are






     Hemalurgic Troublemaker



     Confused Kandra


Neutral/Other Roles

     Lerasium spiked

     Rogue Hazekiller




Order of actions



Lerasium-spiked(Starts out Village): May choose to find out another person’s role at the beginning of the cycle, if they do so, they will become a copy of that role, in name, alignment, and ability. (His new role will be informed to him as soon as possible, and will be performed simultaneously or immediately after the original role performs the role)(It is not guaranteed that the new role will be able to be used if this player does not put in a request early in the turn, due to the GM may not be able to get online or player may not have time to submit new action prior to the end of the cycle. )

Matchmaker(Village): May Choose two players at random to be lovers. Lovers will be informed at the beginning of the Day cycle who their lover is, but they will not be given any way to communicate.

Leader of the Ministry(elim): May convert one player to join the ministry. That player’s role is now Ministry Worker. The rest of the ministry does not know who this person is, and that person will not be aware that they have become converted, Their original role becomes another unused role. (U4)

The thread will not be informed if a U4 comes into play, but players with the ability to interact with Unused Roles may take the risk of attempting to interact with that role.)

Ministry Seeker(Elim): May scan to confirm the role of one player or one unused role.

Seeker (Village): May scan to confirm the role of one player or one of the unused roles.

Informant(Village): May scan the role of one other player. If that player is not in the Ministry, the role is revealed in the write-up. If that player is in the Ministry, the informant is informed of the role, but it is not publicly revealed in the write-up

Confused Kandra(Starts out Village) The confused Kandra may submit a list of up to 2 other players, in a specific order. They are informed of those Player’s roles. If either player is Kelsier or a Ministry Worker, The Kandra becomes a copy of that role(In name and alignment only. They do not get to perform any actions, unlike the Lerasium-spiked). If the first player they chose to view was one of these roles, they don’t learn the role of the second player. This means that the confused Kandra may change alignments.

Spiker(village): May spike another player, and himself, and swap roles with that player. The Spiker will be informed of his new role. The other person will not be informed of the change

Hemalurgist(village): May swap one person’s role for one of the unused roles. The Hemalurgist must specify which unused role they swap for (U1, U2, U3, or possibly U4)

Hemalurgic troublemaker(Village): May choose to spike two people other than themselves, and swap their roles. Neither will be informed of the swap, and the troublemaker will not be able to view the roles.

Tineye(Village): May scan a player to see if any actions have been performed by that player. The role will not be revealed.

Rogue Hazekiller(Neutral): During the night phase, this player may choose another player as a target. This player can only complete this wincon if that player is lynched.  Your target will not be notified that they are the target. The Rogue Hazekiller wins along with any other team.

Drunk(Village) Your role will be switched with one of the unclaimed roles You will not know your new role, but if you desire, you may choose which one, using the terms U1, U2, U3 or U4

Oracle(Village) At the end of the night, you will be informed what your current role is. This ability is passive for the original holder of the role.


Other Roles(inherent abilities, No night actions)



Other ministry workers(elim): All ministry workers will know who the other ministry workers are. It will not be revealed who is the ministry seeker, or who is the leader of the ministry. No doc will be provided for them to communicate in; however, all night actions will be put in blindly, without communication with other Ministry workers.  (Between 20-33% of the possible roles will be Elim roles. The more players, the lower the percentage, generally speaking.

Kandra spy(elim wincon-if lynched, acts as a village lynch): The Kandra spy is attempting to infiltrate the rebellion. This character wins if the Elims win. He will know who the Eliminators are, But they will not know who he is, If he is lynched, it is as if a villager is lynched, and the Eliminators win, including him)

Hazekiller(village): If a hazekiller is lynched, the person he is voting for is killed as well.

Kelsier(neutral): His goal is to sacrifice himself, to start a religion about him. He wins if he is lynched. If he is lynched, all others lose. The only exception is if the rogue hazekiller has chosen to try to kill The player who holds the Kelsier role at the end of the night.

Lovers: Lovers gain a secondary wincon of making sure their partner survives. Both the individual primary and secondary wincon must be met in order for that player to win. If Lovers have separate alignments, then only one lover can win, but it is dependent on the other lover surviving. The exception to this is if one lover is Kelsier. Kelsier’s goal still is to be lynched, while keeping his lover alive.




I just have a couple of questions that I'm trying to decide what to do on. The first is regarding the amount of Eliminators to have, as that would probably be the biggest factor in balancing the game. In the One-Night Werewolf game, when I've played with 8 to 12 players, I usually play with a possibility of 3 to 5 werewolves. The problem with that is that it's anywhere from 25% to 40%. I'm thinking of keeping it between 25% and 33% but even that is high compared to Normal for SE. The reasons I'm struggling with this is that when the game is played IRL, it is quick- usually 5 minutes or less for the entire analysis and lynch phase. Here, there is much more time to analyze, and cross analyze, but at the same time, It's more difficult to read expressions through text. So That makes me lean towards between 24% and 30% (which I somewhat arbitrarily came up with)

The second question is if anyone sees any contradictions, confusing parts, or parts that just don't make sense. 

Edited by Cadmium Compounder
Hopefully fixing Spoiler formatting
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