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I have posted this before, but would I've made several changes to factions and roles, and would love as much feedback on this ruleset as possible. It will be the next MR/QF that I run.


MR: The Auction of Lord Winsting






The Constable Octants have sent in their spies. Their best agents. Each of them has learned enough information here to arrest every man and woman at the party, and possibly cleanse Elendel of Corruption.

The Eliminators: Constables do not have a group doc. They do not know who each other are. They know how many other constables are in the room, and from which octants. Each night, a Constable chosen in ascending order will be able to kill a player. If a Constable attacks another Constable, they will instead learn each other’s identities. If a constable on constable kill is prevented by the bodyguard, they will not learn each other's identities. Constables not making a kill can instead scan 1 player and learn their alignment.


Crime Lords, House Lords, and Company Lords. Sycophants, Bodyguards, and Escorts. They form the bulk of the Party Goers, and are here to buy the Vote of Lord Winsting. But now that there are 4 bodies on the ground, they just want out, preferably with the constabulary dead.

The Village: Criminals do not know each other, nor know how many of each other there are. They do not have a faction ability.


A rogue Kandra with aspirations of Deicide. The first step is in causing chaos, and the murder of the governor’s brother, Lord Winsting, will work admirably.

The Serial Killer: Completely alone



Win Conditions

The game ends if Lord Winsting dies, or if the party disperses. If Winsting dies, then Bleeder wins, and everyone else loses.  The party can only be dispersed by a majority vote (3/5ths, rounding up, of living, awake players.) If 1 or more Constable are alive when the party disperses, the Constables all win, and everyone else loses. If there are no Constables alive when the party disperses, the Corrupt win, and everyone else loses.

If a player does not speak in the thread for a cycle, they are counted as asleep for the next cycle.

Private Messages

Limited. Every player as a non action may send one message of any length to any other player. These cannot be redirected, roleblocked, or eavesdropped upon.


This game is very much Role madness. Every player will have a role. No player will have more than 2 roles. Players may only take 1 action each cycle. Votes do not count as actions.


Faction specific Roles:



Flogs: Flogs is the best bodyguard a man could ask for, and completely loyal to Lord Winsting.

Each cycle, Flogs can target a person, and figure out if they are a Constable or not. If he scans Bleeder, he is told she is not a Constable. This role cannot be lynched.

Winsting: Lord Winsting is the brother of Elendel’s Governor, and also quite corrupt. Be is also very good at acting and manipulation. As such, there is no way to find him, unless he gets scared when Flogs dies.

This role is not assigned at the start of the game. It is assigned to a random villager once Flogs dies. This role may use any public role's action.

Bleeder: Bleeder is the ultimate Anti-theist. She wants everyone in the room to die, but understands that this goal is impossible unless Winsting is dead.

Each cycle she can target someone and learn their Alignment and Role. If she does not do that, she can instead kill a player. If she attacks Flogs or Winsting, her Kill cannot be blocked or defended against. Kill actions taken against her by Criminals are roleblocked. Kill actions taken against her by Constables are roleblocked, and the Constable is informed that Bleeder is a Constable.

5th Octant Constable: You have a secondary objective here tonight. In addition to any other skills you have, you will learn the identity and alignment of whomever kills Dowser. Any action you take that targets Dowser will become a kill action. You lose if the game ends with Dowser alive.

Dowser: You have a secondary objective here tonight. In addition to any other skills you have, you will learn the identity and alignment of whomever kills 5th Constable. Any action you take that targets 5th Constable will become a kill action. You lose if the game ends with 5th Constable alive



Non Faction specific Roles



Gambling Tycoon: The first time you are attacked, you will survive all attacks. (This includes the lynch.)

Smuggler: You can move or cancel a player’s vote. You cannot affect a no-vote.(Lynch vote or Dispersal vote)

Extortionist: You may force a player to target someone of your choice.

Bodyguard: You may protect one player from one attack each hour.

Escort: You may prevent a player from taking an action, and they will count as being asleep the following Hour.

Bartender: On even Hours, you may kill a player.

Renowned: You can target a player and learn their role. Bleeder will appear as a bartender, Flogs as a bodyguard, Winsting as a Gambling Tycoon.

Gossip: You may send 4 Private Messages each turn




House keeping



Cycles will be combined. Turns are 48 hours long and will have a lynch. RP wise, turns will be represented as Hours in the night, starting at Midnight.

Whoever has the most votes will be lynched. If there is a toe for most votes, both parties will be lynched. There is no vote minimum, except on Hour 1.

Votes cannot be retracted unless they are replaced with a new vote.

Dead and Spec doc are combined, and will be able to see all players Private Messages.




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  • 3 weeks later...

LG: The Quintessential Quiet


Premise: Deep in the heart of Ashyn’s largest city, Labeo, where outbreaks thrive and pandemics are fostered, a rogue terrorist group known as The Cure has developed a biological weapon capable of destroying the city? Their targets? The Silenced, the afflicted who are responsible for keeping the city aloft. The PCC (Pandemic Control Center) have stepped in, and must eliminate the Cured, before the city is destroyed.


Housekeeping: 48 hour days, 24 hour nights. Players have one action per turn. Pms require an action to create. Pms are one on one unless otherwise specified.



The Cure: a Terrorist organization with the goal of destroying Labeo. They win if they kill or “Cure” the Silenced. The Cured have a group doc to communicate in, and every night turn they have a single group kill.


The Silenced: their unique disease allows them to keep the city afloat, at the cost of their hearing. They win if at least one of the Silenced is still alive and the Cure have been eliminated. The Silenced have a doc to communicate in.


The PCC: a group of agents whose goal is to eliminate the Cure. They win if all members of the Cure have been killed.



Diseases: at the beginning of the game, 50% (rounded up) of players will start with a disease. These diseases provide different abilities, but also come at the cost of others. 


Immune System Response: When a player contracts a disease, they have 3 turns until their immune system fights it off, and they become immune to said disease for 2 turns. The only disease that does not spread or is fought off is the Silence.


Disease Transmission: When a pm is created between two players, those two players have a 75% chance of transmitting a disease. If only one player has a disease, then they will pass the disease to the other person. If both players have different diseases, then they will swap diseases. If they both have the same disease, then transmission will not occur.



Divine Silence: The powerful ability that gives the Silenced their name. Those afflicted with this disease have the ability to levitate both themselves and objects around them. It is this ability that keeps Labeo afloat. Their abilities also allow them to protect players, saving them from attack. These symptoms come at the price of their hearing however. Players with the Divine Silence cannot communicate via pm.They cannot open pms with others, but they can respond to pms others send them. Because the Divine Silence is a genetic disease, it cannot be transmitted, and the immune system doesn’t fight it off.

Yaysi’s Cowardice: Gives an extra life (passive), but there’s a 10% chance of a random action being redirected to you

Corruption’s Judge: As an action, do a Disease Scan, revealing what diseases a player has. However, while you can send pms, you cannot respond to pms created by others.

Chaniphilis: Anonymous Message in the writeup, as well as the ability to create group pms with a max of 5 players (Transmission does not occur). However, there is a 50% chance of your nmvote being changed to a random player, including from a no-vote to a vote.

Paliainitus: As an action, give someone two actions the next turn, however there is a 10% chance of your disease being cured when you do.

Shash Pox: The sores the cover your body give you a small amount of telekinesis, but strip you of your voice. As an action, redirect the action of another player, however you cannot vote.

Caring Agony: When infected the player has their metabolism slowed down so that it looks as if they are dead. If targeted the effect is delayed by one Cycle (passive) However once the action goes through its effect is doubled.

Sinew Rot: As an action, once per cycle, attack another player. However, every action comes with a 10% chance of death.

Tashi Fever:  A disfiguring disease that makes you want to spend time with others who share your disease. If infected you will be told the identities of all others who also have Tashi’s Fever. If you are scanned you will be told who scanned you and they will be told that you have Tashi’s Faver in addition to having a 20% chance of being infected, overwrighting their current disease


Roles are separate from diseases, are distributed at the beginning of the game and do not change. They are not revealed when scanned.


Double Agent: There is treachery within the ranks of the PCC. This player, when alignment scanned will come up as a PCC agent, however in reality they are a member of the Cured. Due to how embedded they are, they do not have doc access.


Cure Leader: The leader of the Cure cannot catch disease, and has one special ability. Every Cycle, using an action, they can select one player, and cure them of disease, getting rid of all current diseases, and preventing them from being able to catch a disease for two turns.


Cure Agent: Has access to the Cure Doc, and during the night can submit a kill, using an action. They can catch diseases.


PCC Agent: An ordinary villager.

Silenced: Starts with the Divine Silence disease, as well as a group doc with other silenced.


Thanks to @Butt Ad Venture and @Randuir for helping me with diseases. If you want to run this game, then go ahead.

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Codex Alera Faction LG:


Aleran Roles:


Fire (Day): Change another player's vote, cancel your own vote (Like a Rioter)

Water (Day): Self-defend

Earth (Night): Attack (Like a coinshot)

Air (Any): Roleblock

Wood (Any): See another player's action

Metal (Night): Defend a different player

If opposing element actions are used on the same player during a turn, both effects are canceled. For example, if a player used the Fire ability on someone with the extra life from Water, the vote manipulation would fail and the extra life would not function that cycle. If two Fire actions were used on a Water player, then one of them would be chosen at random to cancel with the Water ability, and the other would succeed. Multiple successful Fire actions cancel each other out when used on the same player.

Players may possess multiple Furies.

Canim Roles:



All Canim have 3 maximum Blood Points (BP). As an action, they may donate any number of BP to a Bloodspeaker, who gains that many Stored BP (SBP). If a Canim ever has 0 BP, they die. A faction may allow a Bloodspeaker to collect 1 SBP from one of their dead players, unless it was a Canim that died from having 0 BP (faction sends a PM to the GM, doesn't cost anyone an action). Canim regenerate 1 BP at the start of every Night turn. Canim with 1 BP are roleblocked and their votes don't count.





Can spend BP and SBP on the following actions, but all SBP must be spent before any BP can be spent:

Summon Fog (1BP, Day): Cancel a player's vote

Acid Wall (2BP, Night): Roleblock a player

Lightning Strike (4BP, Night): Attack a player

A Bloodspeaker can spend more BP to target multiple players with a single action. Each extra player targeted costs the base BP for that action, plus the number of players already targeted. For example, using Summon Fog on 3 players would cost 6 base BP, plus 1 for the first extra player, plus 2 for the second extra player, for a total of 9 BP.

If a Bloodspeaker dies with SBP, a random living Bloodspeaker from the same faction will gain half the lost SBP, rounded up.


Traditionalist: A Traditionalist is like a Bloodspeaker that can only use his own BP, but his actions cost half as much, rounded up. If a Traditionalist reduces him/herself to 0 BP with an action, that action can target one additional player (maybe not for Lightning?)

Warrior (Any): A Warrior with 2 or 3 BP can defend another player from an attack or lynch. If they block an attack, they will lose 2 BP. While at 1 BP, a Warrior's vote will still count. If multiple warriors protect the same person, one will be randomly chosen to defend against each attack against that player.

Marat Roles:


Whelp (Any): Target a living player of a different faction, or a dead player of your own faction. You copy that player's role, and lose the Whelp role if your action is successful. If a Marat becomes a Bloodspeaker, then they gain 1 SBP per 2 living players in their faction (rounded down) at the start of each Night cycle. They still have 3 max BP and get roleblocked+soothed at 1.

Gargant Clan (Night): Protect a player from death

Wolf Clan (Night): Learn another player's role

Herdbane Clan (Night): Choose a player, and attack a random player who targeted them that Turn (can't kill a Marat)

Slive Clan (Day): Gain an extra vote for each vote on you during the last cycle

I also have thoughts about adding the Vord as a conversion type faction, but I'm curious to see what people have to think about these roles. My general ideas for the factions are that I want the Canim to focus on the BP mechanics. The Alerans would have some characters with multiple actions each. The Marat would have less initial variety, but the ability to gain a copy of a role they lost, or potentially gain a strong role from another faction. Depending on the player count, there could be multiple factions of the same race. It might even work to have all players be in the same faction.

Normal LG cycles.

No minimum lynch requirement, tie votes are decided randomly.

Game ends if one faction outnumbers the other two combined.

Each player gets one action per Day-Night cycle.

PMs are open.

Each faction gets a Google Doc.

Factions are not publicly known.

Some players may not get roles.

Any feedback on these roles/rules would be appreciated.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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22 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Any feedback on these roles/rules would be appreciated.

The first point of feedback is that this looks very neat, and makes me want to read Codex Alera. :P 

I suppose my principal concern is that all factions seem highly dependent on their kill roles; while it’s not too much of an issue for the Canim, as any Bloodspeaker can call lightning (wouldn’t that make killing a little easy for them, or am I misunderstanding the BP system out of ignorance of the source material?), the Marat would suffer if their Herdsbane member was killed, and the Earth player dying in the Aleran faction would be ruinous, particularly as that faction can’t even use Whelps to recoup the kill role, as the Marat perhaps could. 

As an LG, every player gets one action per cycle? So a Fire/Earth Aleran, for instance, couldn’t manipulate a vote with Fire during the Day, then turn around and kill someone the following Night? 

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27 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

The first point of feedback is that this looks very neat, and makes me want to read Codex Alera. :P 

I suppose my principal concern is that all factions seem highly dependent on their kill roles; while it’s not too much of an issue for the Canim, as any Bloodspeaker can call lightning (wouldn’t that make killing a little easy for them, or am I misunderstanding the BP system out of ignorance of the source material?), the Marat would suffer if their Herdsbane member was killed, and the Earth player dying in the Aleran faction would be ruinous, particularly as that faction can’t even use Whelps to recoup the kill role, as the Marat perhaps could. 

As an LG, every player gets one action per cycle? So a Fire/Earth Aleran, for instance, couldn’t manipulate a vote with Fire during the Day, then turn around and kill someone the following Night? 

I suppose I was hoping to balance out the swingy kill roles by having multiple roleblocks and defends. I was also trying to have a strategic element to the roles for each faction, with some type of opportunity cost involved for most actions.

For the Alerans, that would mean having several powers but only being able to use one per cycle. An Earth/Metal/Water player would have to decide whether to risk an attack, or take a safe action.

For the Canim, using multiple kill actions per cycle would be unsustainable, due to the BP cost, and would deprive Warriors of their ability. It would also weaken their faction during the vote. I could change the cost of the Lightning Strike action to be more expensive, and that's part of the feedback I was hoping to get. At a cost of 5 or 6, the Traditionalist could only use it by committing suicide from full BP, but would get a double kill in exchange.

The Marat strategy would be focused on using the Whelp effectively.

Edit: Possibly another idea for the Alerans, which would make sense flavorwise, would be for a player to be able to spend an action to claim a single Fury of a dead player, and to limit this to one per dead Aleran.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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I'm guessing a game with this mechanic has been suggested before, but here's my take on it:

LG: Roles of a Die


Housekeeping: 48 hour Day Turns 24 hour Night Turns. Lynch everyday turn, with ties killing all those who are tied, minimum of two votes. Players have one action per turn.

Wincons: This is an FFA game, though that could possibly change based on what follows. Before the game starts, players will submit wincons, the GM will then remove wincons that they view as too easy or too hard, those that remain will be combined with a gm list of default wincons that will be randomly distributed to players. The same rules that apply to to roles apply to wincons, with the exception of #4.

Mechanics: Before the game begins, players who sign up will pm the gm with a role of their choice, and its mechanics. The role will be titled [Player's Username]'s Role. The rules for the mechanics will be explained below. When the game begins, the roles are randomly distributed so that no player gets the role they created.

Rules for Roles: The rules for roles are as follows:

1. You cannot create a role that targets a specific player by name, i.e. When player takes an action, Snipexe instantly wins.
2. You cannot create a role that instantly wins the game for a specific player or groups of players.
3. You cannot create a role that targets the GM(s) in any way.
4. Regarding kill roles: Kill roles can be created, but they must be something more complex than simply giving a player the ability to kill. GM's digression on this one.

I already know this has a very high potential of breaking, its just something I've been thinking about, so I figured I'd post it.


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3 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

I'm guessing a game with this mechanic has been suggested before, but here's my take on it:

LG: Roles of a Die

  Hide contents

Housekeeping: 48 hour Day Turns 24 hour Night Turns. Lynch everyday turn, with ties killing all those who are tied, minimum of two votes. Players have one action per turn.

Wincons: This is an FFA game, though that could possibly change based on what follows. Before the game starts, players will submit wincons, the GM will then remove wincons that they view as too easy or too hard, those that remain will be combined with a gm list of default wincons that will be randomly distributed to players. The same rules that apply to to roles apply to wincons, with the exception of #4.

Mechanics: Before the game begins, players who sign up will pm the gm with a role of their choice, and its mechanics. The role will be titled [Player's Username]'s Role. The rules for the mechanics will be explained below. When the game begins, the roles are randomly distributed so that no player gets the role they created.

Rules for Roles: The rules for roles are as follows:

1. You cannot create a role that targets a specific player by name, i.e. When player takes an action, Snipexe instantly wins.
2. You cannot create a role that instantly wins the game for a specific player or groups of players.
3. You cannot create a role that targets the GM(s) in any way.
4. Regarding kill roles: Kill roles can be created, but they must be something more complex than simply giving a player the ability to kill. GM's digression on this one.

I already know this has a very high potential of breaking, its just something I've been thinking about, so I figured I'd post it.


I would recommend taking a look at LG38.

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33 minutes ago, Snipexe said:

When the game begins, the roles are randomly distributed so that no player gets the role they created.

I was so on board with this game until I saw this part.  Even the part about tied lynches killing everyone was fine.  But not getting the awesome role I've thought up?  So not fair. :P  Especially since it would fit so very well with the win con I would've gone for. :o 

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  • 1 month later...

Uneasy Lies

“Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.” —William Shakespeare, Henry VI Part 2, Act 3, Scene 1: 1735.

It is the fifth year of Emperor Gamman’s reign. The eighty splendid suns rise and fall in turn, illuminating the sprawling expanse of Imperial Seat. In the shadows, plotting and intrigue goes on, wheels within wheels, coin exchanging hands and playing-pieces falling into place as the game of games goes on.

Emperor Gamman has schemed his way into power, riding on the chaos unleashed by the power-struggle between the Heritage, Moderation, Glory, and Discovery factions, in the weeks since the previous Emperor, Yazad, had been slain by a MaiPon assassin.

But some do not forget. In a modest teahouse in a corner of the capital, schemes simmer and steep like tea leaves, reaching a boil...

Gamman will fall. This cause has drawn members of the various Factions together in a private tea room of the Frozen Moon, even as you eye one another warily over cups of steaming tea.

But first: can you trust everyone in your midst?


General Rules


2. No PMs will be allowed during this game.

3. In the interests of balance, not every role may appear in the game. However, the roles that do appear will have been randomly assigned.

4. Write-ups will be minimally informative. At this point, the only thing the write-up will announce accurately are the roles of the deceased. In addition, the write-up should not be regarded as an accurate guide to what actually happened. I intend to take full creative liberties and will not be held responsible for any confusion, false assumptions, or damages resulting from treating the write-up like the Holy Word of Wyrm.

6. Tied lynches will result in RNGesus killing someone. By which I mean I will flip a coin or roll the appropriate die until someone dies.

7. This is a QF, and so there will be an inactivity filter. Players who neither post nor submit actions for two cycles in a row will be automatically killed by the filter.

10. This is the Order of Actions:

-Assassination (once only)
-Protection / Vote manipulation / Embedded Operative’s choice
-Kills / Lynch

[Irrelevant rules have been omitted here.]


Win Conditions

  • The Conspirators win when all Discovery Agents are eliminated. The Reform Spy and Reform Handler win with the Conspirators. The enemy of my enemy is my friend and necessity makes strange bedfellows.

  • The Agents of the Discovery Faction win either when they outnumber the Conspirators, or when the Reform Spy is assassinated. Note that to count as fulfilling their win condition, the Discovery Agents must explicitly identify their target as being the Reform Spy (i.e. "Haelbarde is the Reform Spy") in the assassination order. This can only be done by the last Discovery Faction member standing. Accidental kills on the Reform Spy do not count.




Conspirators: Whichever your original Faction, you have been drawn to the Frozen Moon by an invitation dangling a prize too difficult to ignore: Gamman’s death, and the possibilities for one of your own to sit on the Rose Throne. But can you trust everyone present here today?

Discovery Agents: You have carefully assumed disguises and embedded yourselves among the members of the other Factions. Five years ago, they banded together and slaughtered you like animals. Gamman will fall. But first, the other Factions will taste defeat.

  • A Knife In The Dark: Every cycle, the Discovery Faction has access to a faction kill. The order must be put in by a member of the Discovery Faction. The GM will take the most recent kill order to be the final kill order, irrespective of which Faction member puts it in.
  • Sheathing The Sword: The last surviving player aligned with the Discovery Faction may put in an assassination order. This action replaces their regular kill for that cycle. To use the assassination ability, the Discovery Faction must clearly identify their target to be the Reform Spy, e.g. (“Assassinate Haelbarde. Haelbarde is the Reform Spy.”) The results of an Assassination order will be publicised in the write-up.

  • Two For Conspiracy: The Discovery Faction has access to a Faction doc. All the better with which to backstab and conspire against the Conspirators.

Reform Spy: As a master of tradecraft, you begin the game knowing the identities of all the Discovery Faction’s Agents. The difficulty is convincing your ‘fellow’ conspirators of the need for swift remedial action…

  • The Coming of Wisdom: The Reform Spy knows all the identities of the Discovery Faction’s Agents but not their roles.

  • Quick As A Snake: The Reform Spy cannot be killed by the lynch.

Reform Spy Handler: You are the Reform Spy’s handler, and as such, you know the identity of the Reform Spy. Try not to get them killed, would you? It’s difficult to replace experienced operatives, and oh, the number of reports you’d have to file…

  • Operational Security: The Reform Spy Handler only knows the identity of the Reform Spy.

Embedded Operative: Exactly five years ago, you were embedded into your assigned faction under deep cover. Will you break your cover or will you turn on your original handler? No one knows...perhaps, not even you.

  • Turncoat: During the third and fifth cycles, the Embedded Operative may choose to declare for a Faction. This choice, once made, is irreversible. If the Embedded Operative has chosen during the third cycle, they will no longer be permitted to choose during the fifth cycle. This choice will not be publicised. (The GMs reserve the right to alter the ‘choosing cycles’ based on player count, but will publicise the cycle numbers at the beginning of the game.) Note that a Discovery-aligned Embedded Operative will always be allowed to assassinate as the last member standing.
  • Swift As A Deer: The wise operative is never where the strike falls. An Embedded Operative who chooses during the third cycle gains the ability to survive one kill or lynch. They will also be given the Discovery Faction kill on alternate cycles.
  • He Who Increaseth Knowledge: ...Increaseth sorrow. An Embedded Operative who chooses during the fifth cycle gains either access to the Discovery Faction doc or knowledge of the Reform Spy’s identity. As a full member of the Discovery Faction, the usual kill rules apply.

Arbiter: As one of the more influential members of your faction, your voice carries weight, even among the conspirators. Where honeyed words fail to persuade, the clinking weight of your purse changes minds and hearts.

  • Tongue of Honey, Tongue of Silver: Once a cycle, the Arbiter may change a target’s vote. This includes changing the target’s vote to a no-vote.

Disgraced Striker: Most Strikers serve in the Guard. You, however, sell your sword to the highest bidder, for coin. Today’s master may not be the same as tomorrow’s. Who cares?

  • Be As Stone: Once a cycle, the Disgraced Striker may protect one target (including themselves) from the lynch or the kill. The Disgraced Striker may not protect the same target twice in a row.

Survivor: You were there the last time, when Arbiter Kaleva and Emperor Yazad died, and the blood ran in the streets and the gutters stank like the butcher’s for the next month. It might not have been worthy of the annals, but you did what you had to, and survived.

  • Calm As Deep Water: You are a veteran and a survivor of the bloody political world of the Rose Empire. You may survive one kill or lynch.

Edited to note: More or less finalised version for scrutiny and comments.

Edited to add #2: For the purposes of committee screening, I declare that all relevant rules have been indicated as such in the given ruleset. Rules that have been omitted are more points of order than actual game-relevant rules and include: a reminder to abide by Etiquette and Fair Play rules, as well as requests on how votes should be formatted for the purposes of swift counting, etcetera.

Edited by Kasimir
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I shared my current game idea on Discord a little while ago. I appreciate all the feedback I got, and tried to make some changes to accommodate them.
Any further feedback would be much appreciated!




Cycle Length: 48 hour Days, 24 hour Nights.
Actions: 1 action per cycle (unless otherwise specified)
PMs: Can create 1 PM per cycle. Does not require an action. PMs are permanent.  Only 1 on 1 PMs are allowed.
Lynch: Tied lynches result in a random death
Roles: This game is role madness, not all roles are necessarily in the game.

Roles and Alignments are NOT revealed on a player’s death. Instead, any player may take an action during any turn to learn a dead player’s role and Alignment.



Knights Radiant:
The Village faction. Win if all Enlightened Radiants are killed.

Enlightened Radiants:
The Elim faction.
The Enlightened Radiants have a single Night Kill one of them can use. This does cost an action.
Win when either they outnumber the Knights Radiant, or when Parity is reached.



Every role has 1 active and 2 passive abilities associated with them. However, each role will only get one of those passive abilities. Which one they get will be decided by RNG.

Active: May protect 1 target player from an attack. (Night)
         Passive 1: Will automatically protect up to 1 player targeting them from an attack

         Passive 2: Learns the name of a player that targeted them the previous night

Active: May see the action target player made that turn. (Day/Night)
         Passive 1: L
earns the name of a player that targeted them the previous night
         Passive 2: Can send an anonymous message to the GMs to be included in the writeup

Active: May attack target player (Night)
         Passive 1: C
an send an anonymous message to the GMs to be included in the writeup
         Passive 2: Actions won't show up to Skybreakers targeting them

Active: May Redirect target player's action to another target player (Day/Night)
         Passive 1: 
Actions won't show up to Skybreakers targeting them
         Passive 2: May receive an Anon message from the dead/spec doc each night

Active: May target a player, if that player PMed someone this cycle, the Truthwatcher gets a copy of everything the targeted player said within that cycle (half the conversation).  If target player didn’t PM anyone, this action fails.  Cannot target the same player more than once. (Night)
         Passive 1: M
ay receive an Anon message from the dead/spec doc each night
         Passive 2: Learns the role of a player who targeted them that night.

Active: May target themselves and/or one other player of their choice. These player(s) cannot be targeted except by a Bondsmith or Elim kill. (Day/Night)
         Passive 1: Learns the role of a player who targeted them that night.

         Passive 2: Automatically learns the role and alignment of players when they die, without using an action.

Active: Once per game, you may learn the Alignment of target player. If they share your alignment, you attack them. If they don't, nothing happens. (Night)
         Passive 1: A
utomatically learns the role and alignment of players when they die, without using an action.
         Passive 2: May send 1 PM per turn instead of per cycle

Active: May target themselves or another player. That player's vote is nullified for that lynch (Day)
         Passive 1: May send 1 PM per turn instead of per cycle

         Passive 2: Learn how many (active) actions were submitted the previous cycle

Active: May target a player. That player's action is prevented.
         Passive 1: Learn how many (active) actions were submitted the previous cycle

         Passive 2: Extra Life

Active: Target player gets an additional action the following cycle. They are notified about this. Cannot target the same player twice in a row. Can target yourself
         Passive 1: Extra Life

         Passive 2: Will protect up to 1 player targeting them



Also, I apologize if you are on a mobile device, I did the formatting for a computer...

Edited by Furamirionind
wow. my formatting really messed up once I posted...
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Here's an idea I have for a free for all QF/MR where the premise is that a bunch of Rioters set in Era 2 Scadrial are having a heated debate competition with lots of emotional manipulation.


Cycles consist of a single turn lasting 24 or 48 hours.

PM’s are open, but group PM’s are not allowed. Making a PM does not count as an action, and neither does voting.

Votes are submitted just like actions, via the GM PM. There is a minimum of 2 votes for a lynch.

Tiebreakers: In the case of a tied lynch, a tiebreaker vote will be held the next round in addition to the usual lynch. In a tiebreaker vote, players MUST vote for one of the players who was tied for the lynch last cycle. Players can still vote for anyone they choose in the concurrent regular lynch. If a tiebreaker vote is still tied, both players are eliminated.


1 action per cycle. Players may self-target with any of the following actions. Players will be notified if they are targeted with a certain ability, but they will not learn who targeted them.

Fear - Target player cannot make actions the following cycle, but they also cannot be targeted by any actions during that cycle.

Apathy - Target player cannot vote the following cycle, but they also cannot be lynched that cycle. Each player can only use this ability once.

Paranoia - Target player cannot use PM’s the next cycle, but they will receive a snippet of a random PM that does not involve them.

Trust - You learn which actions the target player submitted that cycle and/or any abilities that said player was targeted with.

Passion - Target player may vote twice during the next cycle, but they are automatically lynched if at least 2 people vote for them during that cycle.

Any ideas or tips would be greatly appreciated :D 

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Death Comes As The End (aka a Scadrian murderparty)

“Life was not a matter of safety — it must be hazarded to win the game.” —Death Comes As The End, Agatha Christie

To tell you the truth, I should’ve never accepted the invitation.

And neither should you. Bit too late for that now, though.

If House Oswin had gathered and collectively decided to produce the greatest waste of space, the most useless person ever since the Catacendre—then they couldn’t really have done any worse than Talbot Oswin. Talbot Oswin; flirt, rake, dabbler, wastrel. Throws the best parties, though. Guess it must be nice to never run out of Mam’s cash. Mam was a Heron, see. Born rolling in the money, as they say.

‘Course, all of that’s besides the point. Talbot Oswin now, he’s dead. Never thought a berk could bleed out that much. The more you know. Shame about the carpet though. And the wine.

Thing is, someone iced Talbot Oswin.

And with the manor locked tighter than a gixie’s purse, we’re shut in here with them as did it. 

You’d best be finding them soon, Chief. ‘Cause Talbot Oswin? He didn’t just fall onto a knife now, did he? He was helped. Takes a certain coldness to cut a man’s throat as he’s lying there, helpless, like a trussed pig.

That sort of scum? They’re as like to strike again.


General Rules:


1. This game is a partial blackout MR game, with cycles lasting 48 hours. However, the first cycle is 24 hours, and will feature no deaths [=no kill, no lynch.] While the mechanics have been tested, there is no guarantee that they will be perfectly balanced, as the core mechanic is chance-based. Please play at your own risk.

2. PMs will not be allowed, apart from exceptions such as room PMs and the Eliminator PM.

3. As this game is a MR, consistent activity (not necessarily a high level of activity!) is expected from players. Players who neither post nor take actions for two cycles in a row will be automatically killed by the filter.


4. There are two votes conducted publicly in the thread: the lynch and the room you will inhabit for the ‘Night.’ (This is not a separate turn and is largely just for flavour.) Lynch votes must be in red, whereas room votes must be in purple.

6. A list of cosmetic roles has been appended. Players may choose to play a cosmetic role (which comes with a RP requirement.) This should be clearly indicated on sign-up to prevent doubling up of cosmetic roles. Conflicts will be resolved on a first-come, first-served basis. Players may also generate their own cosmetic role and should articulate the RP requirement clearly to the GM for approval.

7. This is a RP-heavy game. (That is to say, RP is heavily encouraged, even though I do not require RP from everyone, much less huge long well-developed paragraphs with character arcs.) While I will not discriminate against players who don’t enjoy RPing and am endeavouring to make this game accessible to all playstyles, it is worth noting that this game may not particularly excite you if you are not especially keen on RPing.

11. This is the known Order of Actions so far:

-Kills / Lynch
-Rooms / Searching


Win Conditions:

  • The Guests win when all Killers are eliminated.
  • The Killers win when they lynch the secretary [i.e. outnumber the Guests.]


The Manor:


Talbot Oswin’s manor is on the outskirts of Bilming—a short carriage ride away from the railway station. Harmony forfend that some of his guests might be forced to walk from the railway, along the cobbled street, and up the hill, until they reach the wrought manor gate. Breezehome, as the manor is named, does in fact permit a view of the Sea of Yomend below. Often, the windows are open for the sea breeze to enter.

The manor is painted a striking, cheery blue on white plaster: you’ve never quite seen the like before. At the gate, the secretary—a lady with ice-blue eyes and a thick ledger—pages through until she finds your name and scribbles next to it. From the manor-house, you can already hear the sounds of music and laughter.

She closes the gate behind you. The lock clicks shut; a strangely final sound.

“Go on then, right up to the house,” she says. Are you the last of the guests? Possibly, you think. The train out of Elendel had been unfortunately delayed. You don’t explain yourself to the secretary, though. “Mind the rosemary!” she calls out after you, as you head up to the house, along the winding garden path.




Each room will be placed into a PM group together for the cycle. Players will not begin in a room. Actions and targeting will generally not be restricted by room. The manor has the following rooms accessible:

  • Growlery
  • Study
  • Kitchen
  • Lounge
  • Garden







Guests: You came here to have a good time and now you feel so attacked! Hang tough, buddy. You’ll make it through this, yet.

Killers: No, not the band! You’re a proper, stone-cold killer. After all, murdering your host after a good party? Cold. Downright cold. Unfortunately, the stubborn secretary has mobilised the staff and sealed the mansion off while waiting for the constables to arrive. You’d kill her, but you’d risk the rest of the guests overpowering you lot. Tough life.

  • What’s A Little Murder Between Friends?: Killers gotta kill. Each cycle, the faction kill ability passes to the next active Killer in a fixed sequence. While there are no Eliminator docs for this game, the designated Killer may send one PM to their teammates to solicit advice or opinions on the kill. Their teammates are allowed one reply each. Note that player activity will be defined the same as in the case of the inactivity filter.

Both Guests and Killers may Search the rooms they are located in to locate useful items and secrets. Searching takes up your single action slot for the cycle. Killers who are utilising the kill may not Search.

Cosmetic Roles:


Apothecary: As it is, you do a fair trade as an apothecary, and you’ve mixed a number of salves and tinctures and herbal teas for Talbot Oswin. Your hobby, however, has always been botany, and you’ve dabbled a little with labelling and sketching out the specimens in Bilming’s tiny, fledgling museum. You were promised access to some of the rarer specimens Talbot had collected in a fit of whimsy… Every cycle, you should mention in your RP at least one plant of interest.

Artist: You’ve been commissioned to produce some of the pieces that hang in the townhouses and manors of nobles, and you can proudly identify one of your works hanging in Talbot Oswin’s study. He paid you far too much for it, really, but you aren’t going to complain—this starving artist gig got stale after the first half-hour. You wouldn’t give it up for the world, even so. Every cycle, you should be artistically inspired by at least one object or person of interest.

Blue-Blooded: You can trace your ancestry to the esteemed luminaries of the Founding, and you are rightfully proud of it. You are a scion of a noble House, and while you may be rubbing shoulders with your social inferiors at Talbot Oswin's house party, you nevertheless impress upon your social inferiors what a great honour it is to drink wine with their betters. Every cycle, you should arrogantly flaunt your status or sneer at at least one player.

Devout Pathian: You were one of Talbot Oswin’s uni friends. Wild parties and debauchery was your life, until one day...Well, it sounds trite, but you ran into a Faceless Immortal and your life changed. Thank Harmony, you straightened out your life and sobered up. You wouldn’t necessarily have accepted the invite but...well, it was Tal. What was there to be said? Every cycle, you should include in your RP at least one reference to your newfound faith. This need not involve proselytising to other players.

Former Flame: You and Tal used to be...close. Intimates, even. Of course, you’re over him now. Didn’t stop you from accepting the invitation, of course. Maybe you were in the area, anyway. Maybe it was just for old times’ sake. After all, you parted on good terms. Didn’t you? It’s over now. Every cycle, you should include in your RP at least one reference to your shared past.

Noble Cousin: You’re not that close to Talbot, thankfully. You are, however, in Bilming and bored out of your skull, and also your aunt insisted that you pay a visit to your Cousin Talbot, and so here you are. What’s a down-on-their-luck noble to do? At least you’ll be fed well and kept in good style while you lodge with Cousin Talbot, and there are certainly worse people to be acquainted with… You are certainly proud enough of your House. Every cycle, you should make at least one reference to being an Oswin.

Retired Lawman: More at home in the Roughs than civilised society, you might be a strange character at a house party but Talbot Oswin has always been a strange sort, and—well, he apparently likes you enough to invite you. Or is suitably grateful. You’re never really quite sure which it is. Every cycle, you should include in your RP at least one social faux pas.

Socialite: You are the most interesting man/woman/being in Elendel, and you are certain that everyone knows this. You get invited to the best parties, and hear all the gossip. It takes a great deal to lure you down to a small house party near Bilming, but truth be told, things have gotten just a tad scandalous back in Elendel and you need to lie low for a time… Every cycle, you should share gossip with at least two other players in your RP.

Thief: You left Elendel a hair’s breadth ahead of the constables, but a stolen invitation sitting in the pocket of the coat you ‘borrowed’ has led you to the house party in Bilming while you wait for the heat to die down. Still, you’ve got a great feeling about this. Surely there are some things that will not be missed… Every cycle, you should attempt to steal something, or actually steal something in your RP.

University Chum: You were close with Talbot Oswin during your uni days, and that’s probably the main reason you scored an invite to this party. Still, you’ve certainly had a wild past where Tal was involved, and you have all the stories to prove it. Every cycle, you should share at least one embarrassing or wild story from your uni days with Talbot in your RP.

Worldhopper: You were not born on Scadrial. What are you doing at a small house party thrown by a minor (in the grand scheme of things) noble?! You blend in well enough, but you do make the occasional slip-up. Every cycle, you should drop at least one expression or turn of phrase that makes it evident you do not originate from Scadrial.



Note #1: I will, obviously, be having the stuff that can't be immediately revealed checked over as thoroughly as possible. I have also edited the General Rules to remove references to start time or favoured format for vote changes as neither of that is currently relevant. I had toyed with the idea of enforcing cosmetic roles, but ultimately, I do not wish to. Picking a cosmetic role should be about fun, and having to force players to accept a freely-chosen restriction on RP sits poorly with me. I had this idea steeping for...a long time, I think, in some form or other, but ultimately, the number of players who mentioned that RP-intensive games appealed to them surprised me. And then here we go. Feedback welcome, as always.

Edited by Kasimir
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  • 3 weeks later...

Been clearing out some of my half formed games and came across this one.  If anyone wants to run or tinker with it, feel free.  I won't be running it so it's up for grabs.

Wheel of Time: White Tower:


White Tower: Black Ajah hunting.
Players are all Aes Sedai
Players can only use one of each type of element in weaves per cycle.

Publicly known:
Amyrlin Seat: Cannot be Lynched unless all (over half?) Sitters vote on them.
Keeper: Cannot vote in Lynch but also can’t be Lynched.
Novice?: Cannot vote in Lynch but can “overhear” PMs without using weaves.

Known only to player:
Black Ajah: Team Evil
Warder: NPC.  Should player die, Warder kills attacker
Ajah Head: Can cast/change vote for Sitter of same Ajah
One power strength? 1-30.  Higher Strength can roleblock lower?
Affinity: You have an affinity with (element) and can use said element twice in a cycle instead of once.
Inverting: You know the secret of Inverting your weaves.  You can hide what weaves you are using.  Must tell GM if you are Inverting when placing orders.

Black Ajah:
Hearts: (Doc)
Two Docs with three players each.  One player from each knows another from other Doc and have PM between them. PM cannot be spied on as it’s a series of dead drops rather than a conversation.

Find out if player has Warder
Find out Player Strength
Create Weaves.  Can only use each element once per cycle
Sense Weaving: Can sense all types of Elements one player is using.

Black Ajah only actions:
Kill Player or Warder

Balefire: (Fire + Air) Only usable by those with One Power Strength 1-3.  Kills one player.  Can not be blocked.  Only usable once per player of high enough strength.
Shield of Air: (Air) Protects user from one form of Power. Must state which Power you are protecting from when placing order.
Calling Lightning: (Air + Fire + Water + Earth)  Kills one player.
Compulsion: (Spirit) Black Ajah only. Allows player to control target for one cycle.  Target has chance to break free dependant on One Power Strength.
Cutting Weaves: (Fire + Air) Allows player to cut the weaves of another player effectively role blocking them.  Doesn’t work if Weaves are Inverted.
Eavesdropping: (Spirit + Air) Allows player to hear snippets of a conversation (PM).
Fireball: (Fire) Attacks one player with a ball of fire.
Flame of Tar Valon: (All) Only useable by the Amyrlin Seat.  Target one player and if they are Black, turn them into crystal.  Only useable successfully once per Amyrlin Seat.   Amyrlin Seat dies after using this Weave on a Black sister.  Cannot be used by Black Ajah.
Folded Light: (Fire + Air) Renders player untargetable but they cannot use any other weaves.
Hardened Air: (Air)  Protects self from one Weave.
Healing: (Water + Air + Spirit) Protects target player from one attack.  Cannot self target.
Insect control: (Spirit) Sends insects to bite another player causing them to be unable to Weave the following cycle.
Mirror of Mists: (Spirit + Air) Disguise yourself as another to vote in their place.  Only works if other player hasn’t voted.
Protective Cocoon: (Air + Fire + Earth) Protects against all attacks bar Balefire for one cycle.  Cannot be used twice in a row.
Protective Whirlwind: (Air) Protect one player from any Non-Weave attack.
Riven Earth: (Earth + Fire) Attack one player
Sound amplification: (Air) Add one vote to player of your choice.  (Air + Fire) Subtracts one vote from player of your choice in addition to adding one to another player.
Shielding: (Spirit) Cut a single player off from the Source roleblocking them for that cycle.
Ward: (Any) Allows player to learn the types of Weaves used against them but not who used them.

It still needs a good deal of work but it has potential for a fun but chaotic game.

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21 minutes ago, Alvron said:

Been clearing out some of my half formed games and came across this one.  If anyone wants to run or tinker with it, feel free.  I won't be running it so it's up for grabs.

Wheel of Time: White Tower:

  Hide contents

White Tower: Black Ajah hunting.
Players are all Aes Sedai
Players can only use one of each type of element in weaves per cycle.

Publicly known:
Amyrlin Seat: Cannot be Lynched unless all (over half?) Sitters vote on them.
Keeper: Cannot vote in Lynch but also can’t be Lynched.
Novice?: Cannot vote in Lynch but can “overhear” PMs without using weaves.

Known only to player:
Black Ajah: Team Evil
Warder: NPC.  Should player die, Warder kills attacker
Ajah Head: Can cast/change vote for Sitter of same Ajah
One power strength? 1-30.  Higher Strength can roleblock lower?
Affinity: You have an affinity with (element) and can use said element twice in a cycle instead of once.
Inverting: You know the secret of Inverting your weaves.  You can hide what weaves you are using.  Must tell GM if you are Inverting when placing orders.

Black Ajah:
Hearts: (Doc)
Two Docs with three players each.  One player from each knows another from other Doc and have PM between them. PM cannot be spied on as it’s a series of dead drops rather than a conversation.

Find out if player has Warder
Find out Player Strength
Create Weaves.  Can only use each element once per cycle
Sense Weaving: Can sense all types of Elements one player is using.

Black Ajah only actions:
Kill Player or Warder

Balefire: (Fire + Air) Only usable by those with One Power Strength 1-3.  Kills one player.  Can not be blocked.  Only usable once per player of high enough strength.
Shield of Air: (Air) Protects user from one form of Power. Must state which Power you are protecting from when placing order.
Calling Lightning: (Air + Fire + Water + Earth)  Kills one player.
Compulsion: (Spirit) Black Ajah only. Allows player to control target for one cycle.  Target has chance to break free dependant on One Power Strength.
Cutting Weaves: (Fire + Air) Allows player to cut the weaves of another player effectively role blocking them.  Doesn’t work if Weaves are Inverted.
Eavesdropping: (Spirit + Air) Allows player to hear snippets of a conversation (PM).
Fireball: (Fire) Attacks one player with a ball of fire.
Flame of Tar Valon: (All) Only useable by the Amyrlin Seat.  Target one player and if they are Black, turn them into crystal.  Only useable successfully once per Amyrlin Seat.   Amyrlin Seat dies after using this Weave on a Black sister.  Cannot be used by Black Ajah.
Folded Light: (Fire + Air) Renders player untargetable but they cannot use any other weaves.
Hardened Air: (Air)  Protects self from one Weave.
Healing: (Water + Air + Spirit) Protects target player from one attack.  Cannot self target.
Insect control: (Spirit) Sends insects to bite another player causing them to be unable to Weave the following cycle.
Mirror of Mists: (Spirit + Air) Disguise yourself as another to vote in their place.  Only works if other player hasn’t voted.
Protective Cocoon: (Air + Fire + Earth) Protects against all attacks bar Balefire for one cycle.  Cannot be used twice in a row.
Protective Whirlwind: (Air) Protect one player from any Non-Weave attack.
Riven Earth: (Earth + Fire) Attack one player
Sound amplification: (Air) Add one vote to player of your choice.  (Air + Fire) Subtracts one vote from player of your choice in addition to adding one to another player.
Shielding: (Spirit) Cut a single player off from the Source roleblocking them for that cycle.
Ward: (Any) Allows player to learn the types of Weaves used against them but not who used them.

It still needs a good deal of work but it has potential for a fun but chaotic game.

Oooh, a White Tower WoT game. Very tempting...this looks wonderful, and I might have to tinker with and formalise it. One nitpick, it’s technically the Mask of Mirrors, not Mirror of Mists :P 

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3 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Oooh, a White Tower WoT game. Very tempting...this looks wonderful, and I might have to tinker with and formalise it. One nitpick, it’s technically the Mask of Mirrors, not Mirror of Mists :P 

It was called Mask of Mirrors during the Age of Legends.  In modern WoT, it's called Mirror of Mists. :P 

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I did consider it but felt that it would work as the Lynch mechanic.  When Stilled they are sent out of the Tower and expected to die so that fit a lynching quite well.
Burning out was also considered but that made things a touch to complex imo and it would be basically the same as death.  Maybe as a delayed death mechanic it could work but....
I'm quite interested in seeing what Fifth (or anyone else) comes up with and if it's run.

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  • 1 month later...

Excellent! You’re welcome to join the spectator docs of the two games currently running - PM me for the MR and @Fifth Scholar for the LG. The next game to go up for signups will be either a QF when the MR ends, or the next LG when the current one hits cycle 5. I’m not sure when the latter is, but the QF should be going up in about a week (maybe less) - I’m happy to ping you when that happens! 

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