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Heal Honor; hurt Preservation.

3. Preservation: 25
6. Honor: 25


I am highly amused that this continues.  But at the same time, I wonder what the intent would be of a Shard that combines Honor and Preservation.  The best I can come up with is Tradition, but that is not really an intent, though it is the essence of honoring that which you preserve.  Any thoughts on what the Harmony equivalent would be from combining Honor and Preservation in equal parts?

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5 minutes ago, Zizoz said:

You said "heal Honor; hurt Preservation" but did the reverse.

Thanks, fixed it. I would have fixed my numbers to match, but that would have messed up everything after that, so I just swapped the names.

Hurt Preservation, heal Honor.

3. Preservation: 25
6. Honor: 25

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54 minutes ago, Zizoz said:

^Am I correct in thinking you didn't vote?

Hurt Honor; heal Preservation.

3. Preservation: 27
6. Honor: 23

Hurt Preservation, heal Honor

3. Preservation: 25
6. Honor: 25

You are incorrect. Honor was persevered and Preservation was honored. Simple as that.

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58 minutes ago, Secrets said:

Hurt Preservation, heal Honor

3. Preservation: 25
6. Honor: 25

You are incorrect. Honor was persevered and Preservation was honored. Simple as that.

It looks to me like it wasn't a vote, in which case you broke the two-vote rule, and Preservation should have an extra two points and Honor two less.

Hurt Honor; heal Preservation.

3. Preservation: 29
6. Honor: 21

is what I think it should be. But I'll ask @Elenion to help clarify things as the thread creator.

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Judging by the note on preserving the balance, the post looks like it had a no-change for a reason, i.e. a no-vote. But, from the rules that I posted at the start,


You may post multiple times, but must wait for at least 10 minutes and 2 posts before you can post again.

I'll count Stark's post as a post but no vote, and so Secrets' vote stands.

Hurting Preservation and Healing Honor, we now have

3. Preservation: 25
6. Honor: 25

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Hurt Honor; heal Preservation.

3. Preservation: 27
6. Honor: 23

I vote we switch to hurt 2/heal 1.

2 hours ago, Elenion said:

Judging by the note on preserving the balance, the post looks like it had a no-change for a reason, i.e. a no-vote. But, from the rules that I posted at the start,

I'll count Stark's post as a post but no vote, and so Secrets' vote stands.

Hurting Preservation and Healing Honor, we now have

3. Preservation: 25
6. Honor: 25

So does this also mean that you have to wait 2 posts and 10 minutes to post again even if you don't vote? What happens if you don't?

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