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A 100% incorrect theory


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Disclaimer: I am aware that this theory is very very likely incorrect, and am only posting it because I like the idea of Brandon trolling his readers. 

Alrighty. *puts on aluminum hat* So this is the theory. Adolin will actually be the main character in the back half of the series. Brandon has purposefully said he is more interested in Renarin than Adolin to incite unhappiness and throw everyone off of the trail. He indeed does plan on having Renarin as a flashback character for the back half, but not in the way that anyone expected. One way or another Renarin will die in book 5, and the resulting incident will greatly affect Adolin. Perhaps he goes bad and kills Dalinar, and is killed by Adolin. Perhaps it is due to other circumstances. This is the reason that Brandon has discussed his willingness to kill off characters and still write their backstory is foreshadowing for this. What happens is Adolin goes to the Nightwatcher, and wishes to understand his brother. As a result he gets a  chain of his memories. Curse is pending. 

TL;DR: Renarin as one of the back 5 is a trap, indeed a bait and switch for fan favorite Adolin.

For sure. 

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Brandon likes to be vague and the such to keep things interesting for us. However, I don't think he would blatantly lie to us, just to pull a reversal like this. In addition, if he did do something like that, then it would just take away any credibility for anything he says, since he would've established a precedent for "I'll intentionally lie just so I can pull off a reversal later on," which would be terrible. While what you're suggesting isn't quite making what he has said to us a lie in entirety, it is close enough that I severely doubt it likelihood, at least with  regards to Adolin being the main character. Renarin dying and Adolin going to the Nightwatcher isn't something I would stay is as unlikely, though I don't really see it happening.

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10 minutes ago, Spoolofwhool said:

Brandon likes to be vague and the such to keep things interesting for us. However, I don't think he would blatantly lie to us, just to pull a reversal like this. In addition, if he did do something like that, then it would just take away any credibility for anything he says, since he would've established a precedent for "I'll intentionally lie just so I can pull off a reversal later on," which would be terrible. While what you're suggesting isn't quite making what he has said to us a lie in entirety, it is close enough that I severely doubt it likelihood, at least with  regards to Adolin being the main character. Renarin dying and Adolin going to the Nightwatcher isn't something I would stay is as unlikely, though I don't really see it happening.

The topic is labeled 100% incorrect theory ;) Nobody believes it would happen, though many feels fan favorite Adolin deserves a bigger spot than the one the books structure predicts him to get.

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44 minutes ago, maxal said:

The topic is labeled 100% incorrect theory ;) Nobody believes it would happen, though many feels fan favorite Adolin deserves a bigger spot than the one the books structure predicts him to get.

I know. I just thought I put forward a thorough analysis of why it's incorrect. I totally get what you're going for though, and mc Adolin would be sweet.

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I don't think he would misleed us so blatantly.

However, things could naturally change. He already has adjusted the flashback sequence. I know he is an architect style writer, but that doesn't mean he might remodel the house! As for Adolin being a fan favorite, I think he is also a Brandon favorite just because Adolin is written so well and so sympathetically. Kind of like you can tell Brandon likes writing Wayne.

Edited by dionysus
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1 hour ago, dionysus said:

I don't think he would misleed us so blatantly.

However, things could naturally change. He already has adjusted the flashback sequence. I know he is an architect style writer, but that doesn't mean he might remodel the house! As for Adolin being a fan favorite, I think he is also a Brandon favorite just because Adolin is written so well and so sympathetically. Kind of like you can tell Brandon likes writing Wayne.

As much as I like them both, put Wayne and Adolin in one room for about five minutes, and you'll get at least three dead people.

Edited by Alfa
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4 hours ago, dionysus said:

I don't think he would misleed us so blatantly.

However, things could naturally change. He already has adjusted the flashback sequence. I know he is an architect style writer, but that doesn't mean he might remodel the house! As for Adolin being a fan favorite, I think he is also a Brandon favorite just because Adolin is written so well and so sympathetically. Kind of like you can tell Brandon likes writing Wayne.

This is an interesting comment. You are the second one today to stipulate Brandon must like Adolin, up to some point, in order to write him in such a sympathetic way. Someone recently argued with me that while Brandon, as an individual, might not find Adolin interesting, he can't, as a writer, not find his character interesting, not with all which is happening to him. I hope this individual is right.

However, I wouldn't put Adolin and Wayne into the same boat. Wayne makes me think of Lift or Lopen: funny characters Brandon enjoys writing. Adolin is something else entirely. I am not sure what exactly.

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4 hours ago, Chull #445 said:

Wonder if Brandon sees how many threads that has been created to discuss Adolins future prominence, and how many threads that has derailed into discussion of his significance. If he does, that might make him change his plans :-D

We had this discussion a while ago. In other words, we all wondered if the subject of our discussions were likely to influence the future writing of SA. For instances, we wondered if seeing a given ship has more support than another one might gear the author towards going for it or not. 

I think we all agree that while Brandon has to be aware of the subjects we discuss, we doubt it will influence his future decisions when it comes to writing nor would we want it to. Authors have to trust their instincts and they can't choose future story arcs based on popularity.

This being said, can seeing how popular Adolin is enough to influence Brandon into giving him a larger role? I have no idea. Brandon is a very strong story planner, so I feel if a character doesn't fit in it, he'll drop it, but then again he has also said he wants to allow the flexibility for his characters to grow... I do know he has taken Adolin's growing popularity in consideration and he has re-written his entire role within the story. Though his initial planning was to kill Adolin early on so huh, in my mind, any alternative story arc is preferable :ph34r:

There is also the fact Adolin is quite outside Brandon's typical characters: he isn't an archetype most fantasy authors will even consider writing. As a result, based on his postings on Reddit, he seems to have trouble seeing the potential depth into the character, preferring introspective natures such as Renarin and basically everyone else in SA. The fact he mentioned believing Renarin required a great deal lot of page time to be developed while Adolin required little due to one being naturally "secretive" and not the other was rather telling. In my mind, Adolin needs a great deal lot more pages to truly become a fully fleshed out character, but the author's writing process and personal preferences wants it the other way around.

So huh, I wish there was an author willing to push forward more characters similar to Adolin. Fantasy would only be richer.

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15 minutes ago, stonedshaman said:

Now I know this is a little off topic but bare with me:  do we have a concrete age gap between adolin and renarin?

Coppermind says something like 4 years (Adolin was born in the 1150 and Renarin in the 1154)

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3 hours ago, Yata said:

Coppermind says something like 4 years (Adolin was born in the 1150 and Renarin in the 1154)

Could be less. Coppermind doesn't say in which month they were born. Adolin could have been born at the end of the year and Renarin could have been born early in his year. My thoughts are they probably are 3 and half years apart as both haven't had a birthday in book yet, so neither changed age yet. 

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9 hours ago, maxal said:

Could be less. Coppermind doesn't say in which month they were born. Adolin could have been born at the end of the year and Renarin could have been born early in his year. My thoughts are they probably are 3 and half years apart as both haven't had a birthday in book yet, so neither changed age yet. 

yes, it's the reason I said "something like" 4 years ^_^

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Just a reminder, and I think maxal will disagree, that a year on Roshar is about 1.1 earth/scadrian years long, making the 3.3 and a little bit the shortest possible age gap, and 5.5 minus a bit the greatest. I tend to think 3.5-3.6 in earth years is relatively likely. 

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