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Anyone know when the ARC's are going out?

Who Sharded?

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None legally before the official release date, I don't think. Professional reviewers are not in the habit of releasing their copies to be pirated.


EDIT: Oops, misread your post. See Shardlet down below.

Edited by Kurkistan
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Now I have read that review I can't wait anymire . I know its around 40+ days but seems like an eternity. Any idea what might have caused this reaction "I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS....!!!!!"


Hopefully Dalinar kicking the bucket. Could also be Jasnah dying but I refuse to accept that. (Hence the I WILL NOT ACCEPT THIS.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Usually when I'm looking forward to a book as much as this one, I start searching for reviews about a month before release.  It seems some reviewers are getting ARC's or digital copies of this book, though they're not saying much until release.  They do seem to like it, however.




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  • 2 weeks later...

Whoa, here's a person who is currently reading it that I overlooked on Goodreads at first.  They provide a list of the ten Surges




Has Pressure been changed to Adhesion?  Whaaat?




Pressure is Adhesion, Progression is Growth (Progression really is a better name), and our unknown Surge is Cohesion! Probably, anyways. I am so so excited. I really want to get a good look at Cohesion.


I am guessing it makes force fields out of air (keeping the air 'cohered'), as well as other fun things. Stonewards makes a lot more sense. I think I will keep this avatar, because transportation + cohesion sounds lovely.

Edited by Moogle
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