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Darkness [Edgedancer Spoilers]


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On 11/25/2016 at 6:48 AM, AnanasSpren said:

I see the Heralds' issues/faults as to do with breaking the Oathpact than anything else, granted we don't k ow the circumstances that forged it in the first place so it's debatable either way. One thing is for certain; I think we safely say that drooling bald man/presumed Herald in the WoK prologue is not Ishar, given how Name has described him

I agree, I don't think it is time or torture, or rather that their breaking of the Oarhpact and the reemergence have Odium have caused all their issues to manifest

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13 hours ago, Jondesu said:

I don't think we know that Honorblades can't do that, though, only that Szeth didn't think they could. I could swear there's even a WoB that implies that.

There's some evidence that they can, from the beginning of Way of Kings now that we know what Szeth's Blade was. The description of his sword doesn't match that of Jezrien's, suggesting they can change in at least some ways.

At this point, since Nale's Skybreakers appear to be the real deal and he exhibits traits we associate with surgebinders, I'm willing to provisionally assume he was the Herald who retreived his own Honorblade until given reason to assume otherwise. I also have a suspicion that the highspren might look skeptically at someone abandoning their oaths seeking to bond one of their number when their whole 'thing' is following the law, so I'm not entirely sure he could bond a highspren even if he wanted to. Maybe Jasnah will have some information for us since she seems to have spent time with them offscreen during the events of WoR.

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17 hours ago, Nomial said:

I'm fairly sure that Nale doesn't have an honorblade, as when he's fighting Lift in the final passage it says that he attacks her with the blade in the form of an axe, and from Szeth's reaction to Kaladin's spear it's clear that honorblade's can't transform like that. As for the implications of that, it means he must've bonded a highspren but as for how and when and why I don't know

It doesn't say this. It says that he was "hefting his Shardblade like an axe", which actually implies that it wasn't in the form of an axe.

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31 minutes ago, Nomial said:

Sorry to bring this back up after so long, but I just noticed this, and on pg 1035 it says "Syl formed an axehead halberd", though I do agree that this all only means szeth doesn't think honorblades can change, not that they can't change

I'm sorry, but I think you misunderstood me. I've just spent a little time rereading this to try and determine how, but apologies in advance if it turns out that I'm misinterpreting what you're saying instead.

I wasn't trying to say that Syl did not change, she obviously can and did. I was responding to the first part of your original post where you claimed that Nale's blade transformed into an axe; I quoted the relevant section of Edgedancer to demonstrate that this isn't what the text indicates. My intent was to indicate that since the blade didn't change, there was no issue with the blade being an Honourblade.

Edit: Sorry @Nomial, I didn't see your edit until posting and refreshing the page.

Edited by BlackYeti
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