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Where Is Adonalsium’s Investiture? [AU Spoilers]


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I have felt for a while now that Aluminum was Adonalsium's God metal.  


My reason for this is that Adonalsium was involved in everything, so the remains of his Investiture should be threaded throughout the Cosmere.  Aluminum is everywhere, even on planets created post shattering.  And it always has a dampening, or nullifying effect on the investiture of the local shard.  Almost as if it is the complementary wavelength that brings all other investitures back to normal.


If it was just a Scadrian phenomenon, I would discard this, but we see it as the unforgeable metal, and involved in the blunting of Shardblades.  It is everywhere.  In Feruchemy, it allows you to store Identity and it's alloy lets you store Connection, two things you would expect to be involved in the body of the God who was everywhere, shared identity and connection to everything.


As for the Aluminum being on the Scadrian metal table, well, we've had a fake-out there before.  At the very beginning, when they thought there were only 10 metals, they paired Gold and Atium together.  Seeing someone else's future, and seeing your own past.  When that got expanded to include Electrum and Malatium, we had two pairs that complemented each other.  Gold and Electrum that let you see you own past/future, and Atium/Malatium that let you see someone else's future/past.The fakeout was that Atium was a God metal and in a table of its own.  And no other quadrant is that perfectly complementary in era 1.


However, in Era 2, we have Aluminum and duralumin that alternatively drain or explode your reserves paired with Chromium and Nicrosil which drain or burst someone else's reserves.  Exactly the same complementary pairings we saw with era 1's gold and Atium.  The simple beauty of it is, already have been duped by this fakeout in Era 1, we would never suspect it again in Era 2.  Fool us once shame on Brandon, fool us twice, we should have seen it coming.  And once the scholars of Scadrial had 16 metals that apparently fit, why keep looking?  Experimenting with bad metals is dangerous for Allomancers.


I would not look at this, except, Aluminum affects investiture on other planets too, by "blocking" it.  It even affects Scadrian investiture weirdly, by blocking soothing and not reacting to pushes or pulls.


So I really feel that Aluminum is Adonalsium's God metal, put into play in the second Cosmere novel and hidden behind an identical fakeout with a local God metal, just waiting for Sanderson to pull the rug out from under us.


Or maybe I'm a crazy Cosmere conspiracy theorist...


Edit:  Information from much later, post Oathbringer:


Nightblood's sheath is Aluminium, blocking his investiture.  Aluminium cannot be Soul cast.


And further to my idea that Aluminium does not belong in the basic metals - all God metals on Scadrial, and theoretically everywhere - though that is unproven, are Allomantically viable, and can form an Allomantically viable alloy with each of the basic sixteen pure metals and alloys.  This is important, because Duralumin is an alloy of Aluminium and, among other things, copper.


Edited by Stark
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13 minutes ago, Stark said:

If it was just a Scadrian phenomenon, I would discard this, but we see it as the unforgeable metal, and involved in the blunting of Shardblades.

This, and Soulcasting, are the main issues that need to be addressed for your theory. 

The blade guards are obviously invested in themselves in some way. They are brittle like aluminum, but when pressed to a Shardblade they conform to the shape of the blade. Zahel also says they have no idea what they are made of, and Rosharans know what aluminum is. 

Additionally, aluminum can be made through soulcasting. 




Could a person soulcast more Atium and Lerasium if they had a bead? 


(signed in book) No, Investiture messes things like this up. 

If the godmetals of Shards are to invested to be soulcast, Adonalsium's metal should be as well. 

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1 hour ago, Calderis said:

If the godmetals of Shards are to invested to be soulcast, Adonalsium's metal should be as well. 

Except that the sixteen divided up Adonalsium's Investiture among themselves.  They split him apart like a giant pizza and devoured the investiture, leaving only the Aluminum pizza box behind, empty of all the goodness, but inert.


I just re-read that analogy.  Its terrible, but I'm blaming it on cold medication, and everyone in my office who got me sick in the first place. But I'm leaving it.  Anyway, the Investiture is split among the sixteen, which is why you can't find it, to my mind.  But the vessel remains, as Aluminum.


And if I want to be whiny, I could point out that Zahel is not Rosharan.  But chances are that he knows what Aluminum is.  So you have a point there.  But I am pretty sure you cannot Soulcast Aluminum into something else.

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7 minutes ago, Stark said:

But I am pretty sure you cannot Soulcast Aluminum into something else.

I agree, that hasn't be specified in the books yet, but considering the nature of aluminum everywhere else I'm sure it's true.

My point was that you can create Aluminium by soulcasting ,and godmetals can't be. Which makes sense. Godmetals are the physical form of a shards investiture. Soulcasting uses investiture to reassemble the atomic structure of something into something else(speculation) but the structure of a godmetals is pure Investiture, so it should take far more to create then is held by a gemstone or a Surgebinder. 

Aluminum can be made by restructuring the existing materials. Why would the unshattered form of the Shards have a godmetals that could be created through a relatively small input of investiture, where the fragmented pieces of that power produce metals to invested to do the same? 

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On 9/8/2017 at 3:06 PM, Calderis said:

My point was that you can create Aluminium by soulcasting ,and godmetals can't be.

You are absolutely right.  It is the same reason why Lift can't derive benefit from eating plants she makes grow - Energy must be conserved.  The amount of energy required to transmute base materials to god materials is so massive, as to be virtually impossible.  And if you had enough raw power available to fuel such a transmutation, you are likely far and away beyond actually needing the raw material.


My belief, however flawed it may be, hinges on the idea that Aluminum was invested pre-shattering, but lost it during the shattering as the 16 pulled power into themselves.  The act of 1ad of Investiture (Using Adonalsiums as the base unit of investiture) being split into 16 semi-unique distinct parts forced the 'new' Investitures to create their own godmetals, following the template left by the previous holder of the power, seeing as they could not all conceivably use the same metal, but leaving an aftereffect on that metal.


SO yeah, I have a lot of thoughts, zero proof, and tons of conjecture, that if we are lucky we will learn enough about to disprove or prove sometime in the next 15 years...  We need more info.


Until then, please keep poking holes in my ideas, it forces me to abandon the untenable ones, or better defend the others.  I don't have the proof yet, but I'm still convinced that Aluminum is linked to Adonalsium somehow.

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