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Excerpt from Words of Radiance: Chapters Ten, Twelve, Fourteen and Interlude 1

Michael Portz

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Feather, I feel your pain. Whenever my friends read the same books, we all pronounce the names different, and they give me odd looks. Apparently, I am always wrong.


Either way, I do hope that the tune for the lullaby is released. I'm sure your cover would be a lot better than mine. :)

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Aaaah you guys are all so nice. I'm wondering now if that lullaby that Shallan's father sings to her has a melody... I kinda want to try singing it now.

That would be great! But fair warning though, while I think I'm normally quite an innocent "internetter", such an over-kill might end up making me turn to the dark side of internet stalkerishness.

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Well. I finally got around to listen Feather's... thing. A few points of interest (because we now do reactions to reactions):

  • I appear to have developed a voice crush. Which is apparently a thing. 

If it's on Urban Dictionary it must be true :P




On an unrelated note, listeners feels wrong for the name of the Parshendi. I mean, I get why it should feel right - they all listen to their songs and all that, but I that sounds like a weird thing to do, define oneself as the subject of an action, rather than the object. If anything, I'd go with singers or maybe speakers, not listeners. Listeners feels more like there was a time when all they did was listen (and obey) - to their gods maybe. 

Yeah, I agree the name listened doesn't seem to fit. Maybe (as I seem to remember someone pointed out...was it Feather..?) that the L isn't capitalised. Although a lower case L would seem to fit a low sense of self-importance which could go with the passivity of listening. Either it's weird, or it tells us about Parshendi culture (and now I feel weird calling them Parshendi or listeners :/)

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Yeah, I agree the name listened doesn't seem to fit. Maybe (as I seem to remember someone pointed out...was it Feather..?) that the L isn't capitalised. Although a lower case L would seem to fit a low sense of self-importance which could go with the passivity of listening. Either it's weird, or it tells us about Parshendi culture (and now I feel weird calling them Parshendi or listeners :/)

While I tend to obsessively capitalize all Cosmere relevant terms - such as Shardblade and Breath, and yes, Parshendi - would you capitalize Humanity? Or even just Human? I would not necessarily attribute Brandon's choice of not capitalizing the "l" in listeners as being a sign of a low sense of self-importance. In fact, I find this to be entirely tasteful, as it makes me feel like they really only see themselves as just another sentient being, equal in worth, if not necessarily culture, of humanity.

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Aaaah you guys are all so nice. I'm wondering now if that lullaby that Shallan's father sings to her has a melody... I kinda want to try singing it now.


Brandon read it once, so I would guess that he's using the right melody (to the extent that he sings it). No offense to Brandon, but I imagine that you might sing it a bit better. ;)


Link (mp3, lullaby starts at ~4:30).

Edited by Kurkistan
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I'm listening to this Feather reaction thing now.  Yeah, it's pretty damnation cute. Oh, she just got to the Amaram bit...  She's a lot bigger Adolin fan than most of us here, isn't she?  Also, that "squee" she made when Adolin gave Renarin the Shardblade.


On the topic of name pronunciation, I have a friend who's starting reading Wheel of Time recently, and just finished The Great Hunt.  It's odd to hear him try and pronounce things, especially since I'm not always sure myself, and have forgotten the ones I actually did know.  I related him to the story Brandon told about how Maria and Harriet once had an argument about how a name was actually pronounced.


Earlier in the thread they were discussing Szeth's martial prowess.  I assume that he was proficient in kamar (that Shin aikido thing) before becoming Truthless.  It's been stated that he was a prestigious member of Shin society before, and I think that the Shin approach to hand-to-hand combat was more a self-improvement thing and less of a means of violence thing.  From the wiki for aikido: "Ueshiba's goal was to create an art that practitioners could use to defend themselves while also protecting their attacker from injury."


Obviously he couldn't have become proficient in the Lashings until after he took up the Honorblade, and he does seem to be incredibly proficient with them, even at the time of Gavilar's assassination, when he'd only been Truthless for two years... most of which he had hidden the possession of the Honorblade and its powers from his various masters. Which makes me wonder if he was the caretaker of the Blade even before becoming Truthless?  He could have been a Stone Shaman himself, since he states that they'll be the ones to collect the Blade in the event of his death.  Well, we won't be getting much backstory from him until the next book, so I'm not going to dwell on that quite yet.

Edited by Cheese Ninja
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While I tend to obsessively capitalize all Cosmere relevant terms - such as Shardblade and Breath, and yes, Parshendi - would you capitalize Humanity? Or even just Human? I would not necessarily attribute Brandon's choice of not capitalizing the "l" in listeners as being a sign of a low sense of self-importance. In fact, I find this to be entirely tasteful, as it makes me feel like they really only see themselves as just another sentient being, equal in worth, if not necessarily culture, of humanity.

I'm thinking in 'normal' fantasy elves, dwarfs etc aren't capitalised - though those are distinctive names and not a name based on a verb. It *could* work.

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If it's on Urban Dictionary it must be true :P


Yeah, I agree the name listened doesn't seem to fit. Maybe (as I seem to remember someone pointed out...was it Feather..?) that the L isn't capitalised. Although a lower case L would seem to fit a low sense of self-importance which could go with the passivity of listening. Either it's weird, or it tells us about Parshendi culture (and now I feel weird calling them Parshendi or listeners :/)


Yeah, I pointed it out. Species names aren't usually capitalized, but nationality names usually are. I suppose I was just thrown because I'm not used to the names of species also being functional words.


Brandon read it once, so I would guess that he's using the right melody (to the extent that he sings it). No offense to Brandon, but I imagine that you might sing it a bit better. ;)


Link (mp3, lullaby starts at ~4:30).


Ah yeah, Brandon doesn't really seem to be singing it though. I just wondered if the person that he commissioned the lullaby from (which was his father-in-law I believe?) came up with a melody to go along with the lyrics. I'd prefer not to make up my own if there's an official one!


I'm listening to this Feather reaction thing now.  Yeah, it's pretty damnation cute. Oh, she just got to the Amaram bit...  She's a lot bigger Adolin fan than most of us here, isn't she?  Also, that "squee" she made when Adolin gave Renarin the Shardblade.


Of course I like Adolin! I like anyone who likes Renarin and Adolin loves Renarin. Gaaaah, they're just so sweet and kind to each other and I just need like 3 million scenes of them being happy and nice together plsthx. Also, I'm kind of in love with his current rivalry dynamic with Kaladin because it amuses me to no end and I find it fantastic, hehehe.

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On an unrelated note, listeners feels wrong for the name of the Parshendi. I mean, I get why it should feel right - they all listen to their songs and all that, but I that sounds like a weird thing to do, define oneself as the subject of an action, rather than the object. If anything, I'd go with singers or maybe speakers, not listeners. Listeners feels more like there was a time when all they did was listen (and obey) - to their gods maybe.


I disagree. I don't think listener sounds passive or like "the subject of an action." They are listening to the rhythms of the world, to which they align their words, thoughts, actions, and possibly even form. These rhythms are inaudible to or ignored by other races. To me the name evokes a sense of harmony with nature and knowledge of the essence of things, similar to the ethos found in many Native American cultures.



Brandon read it once, so I would guess that he's using the right melody (to the extent that he sings it). No offense to Brandon, but I imagine that you might sing it a bit better. ;)

Link (mp3, lullaby starts at ~4:30).


I've listened to some readings before, and this reminded me--I love Brandon's writing, but I'm glad I get to read it myself. His inflection and sentence emphasis is always completely different from my own. That kind of thing bothers my ear a lot more than the varying name pronunciations being discussed in this thread.

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I've listened to some readings before, and this reminded me--I love Brandon's writing, but I'm glad I get to read it myself. His inflection and sentence emphasis is always completely different from my own. That kind of thing bothers my ear a lot more than the varying name pronunciations being discussed in this thread.

He also have the strange habit of reading everything rather light-heartedly, by which I mean that even when he's reading really sad or horrible stuff, it sounds like he could just as well be having a polite conversation about the weather. Do not get me wrong, I love his writing, but I am really great-full that he has stayed as far away from the audio-books as possible!

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I am glad to know that I am not the only one! :P


Seriously, though, I hope I do not come off as creepy saying this, but Feather really has a beautiful voice!


I thought so to. I thought she sounded quite like Jewel Staite. I ended up reminiscing about Firefly after listening to the recording.


It'll be interesting to hear her reactions to WoR when it's released, we'll just have to be careful around the parts that mention Renarin, I was listening with headphones and my ears got quite the shock. 

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I disagree.


You have the right to be wrong, of course :P But no, if it ends up the case that the Parshendi are actually doing the whole harmony thing, then yes, you could be correct. But at this point the only listening that's been happening is to their own songs - and the different Rhythms could easily be artificial constructs as well (kind of like pitch - it exists on its own, but the labels we assign to its different values are our own).

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I thought so to. I thought she sounded quite like Jewel Staite. I ended up reminiscing about Firefly after listening to the recording.

It'll be interesting to hear her reactions to WoR when it's released, we'll just have to be careful around the parts that mention Renarin, I was listening with headphones and my ears got quite the shock.

Ah, Jewel is adorable; that's high praise indeed! Yeah... I may have to do a bit of level editing when Renarin shows up, heh. Wouldn't want to kill y'all's ears and all.

Hey, that's some pretty good IPA there.

Thank you! I'm a little bit of a linguist -- as in I'd be a linguistics major in a heartbeat if my school offered it -- so I tend to like writing things out in IPA. Helps me contextualize it for myself.
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Thank you! I'm a little bit of a linguist -- as in I'd be a linguistics major in a heartbeat if my school offered it -- so I tend to like writing things out in IPA. Helps me contextualize it for myself.

My degree is in linguistics. Maybe you are at the wrong school. :)


Michael & Kate use a different phonetic transcription method, so lately I've been writing things like ā'dō•lĭn.

Edited by PeterAhlstrom
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My degree is in linguistics. Maybe you are at the wrong school. :)


Ah, it's my mom's alma mater, and I love the environment, but it is very, very small. I'm a Global Studies major, which contains all of the linguistics classes offered here, though it also has other focuses as well, but I'm seriously considering grad school for some intensive lingusitic studies.

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I'm a bit slow, so I've just noticed these new excerpts. Every time I read one, I get more excited for the full thing. Kaladin's slow, somewhat reluctant journey to being a Radiant is going to be a pleasure to read, I can tell that much. I'm also interested to see how exactly this thing with Amaram is going to go down.


Adolin is also getting more and more interesting to me as a character, and I liked him to begin with. The way he schooled that guy so casually was amazing, and I particularly liked the way he echoed his father's words. It's a shame he's still anti-Kaladin, but I hope that will change.


However, the highlight was undoubtedly Eshonai. Seeing more of the Parshendi was amazing, Eshonai's character was really interesting. Her desire to travel the world, only to be curtailed by forces beyond her control and responsibilities she has to live up to really struck a chord in me. Her frank attitude about the war and it's causes were refreshing to read about. Putting that aside, learning more about the Parshendi was quite enlightening as well.


I'm really looking forward to March more and more. I'm really going to have to spend some more time on this forum to hype myself up as well as educate myself.

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Just a guess, but my recollection is that we have no more full chapters. 

So if this is the last pre-release material, what is Carl Engle-Laird alluding to at the end of this post? What is coming next Tue?

If my terrible memory is not fooling me, it seems to me we might get partial chapters.  Whole chapters might contain spoilers, but excerpts might be safe to do. 

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Ah, it's my mom's alma mater, and I love the environment, but it is very, very small. I'm a Global Studies major, which contains all of the linguistics classes offered here, though it also has other focuses as well, but I'm seriously considering grad school for some intensive lingusitic studies.

My interest in linguistics is mostly of a practical, real-world nature. I loved nearly all of my courses, but my final semester of the bachelor's degree I took classes that made me realize the upper-level stuff was really theoretical, divorced from reality, and unappealing to me. Thankfully, I was also minoring in English with an editing emphasis, so I could go into editing for a career.

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