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Who will be Kaladin's surgebinding practice partner?


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1. Dalinar? It is speculated the spren bond makes one immune to the thrill and Dalinar seems to be becoming immune. Is a nahel bond only an oath away?

2. Szeth? Will he surrender his twisted honor and become his own man? Will the discovery of voidbringers set him free?

3. Renarin? He seemed to have the same reaction to handling a shard blade that Kaladin had. Is he already bonded unknowingly? Is his blood weakness due to the bond?

4. Amaram? Granted he has no spren bond, but if anyone deserved to be a stormlight crash test dummy, then We can all agree that he deserves a solid thumping.

5. Taln? He is the only herald we know of who still possesses his blade--though WoB says that one more does as well.

6. Darkness? Inadvertent sparring when he comes for Kaladin would certainly be interesting.

7. Random overlooked, unnamed herald that was in the book.

8. Hoid? Knowing Hoid he will probably figure out how to bond enough spren to have the full load--or collect all the Honorblades for his collection. Feruchemy, allomancy, investiture, forging, aondor, and who knows what else...he could certainly school Kaladin and help him become a better Windrunner.

9. Rock? He can see spren and can fight while pretending he can not. Maybe there is a spren bond on the horizon for our beefy horn eater...or at least a me snail shell chowder.

10. Eshonai? She likes humans and wants to be one of them. Maybe there is another form she can find that will make her a surgebinder.

The one thing we can be certain of at the moment is that Lift,Ym, Jasnah, Shallan, and Andolin will not be his practice partner. Andolin is ruled out specifically because he still feels the Thrill, so there is no spren bond in the near future.

My hope is Szeth or Taln. The problem is that Szeth will be killed on sight since he murdered Galivar and Taln is a few hundred miles away in Kholinar.

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Kaladin and bridge four are outside their barracks just sitting down to enjoy a meal that Rock has cooked for them while discussing who would be the best sparring partner for Kal.


All of a sudden an awesome young girl comes sliding awesomely fast into their midst and schools Kaladin with her awesomeness before sliding back out into the night with Kaladin's stolen dinner.


The whole of bridge four have their mouths hanging open in shock at the awesome display of awesomeness they've just witnessed, and realise that they've just found Kal his sparring partner. :P   

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I doubt Szeth will be killed off. I see him being captured. I think he'd be perfect; no one else comes close to Kaladin's sheer skill. Szeth beat Gavilar, one of the most skilled duelists. Hoid is a runner-up, and the rest seem incredibly unlikely.

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It's worth noting that he didn't really say he needed to practice with a Surgebinder.  
Unfortunately, the best way to practice was to find someone who matched or bested you in skill, strength, and capacity. Considering what he could now do, that was going to be a tall order.

I'd say that a Shardbearer could be a worthy sparring partner.  
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I'd say that a Shardbearer could be a worthy sparring partner.  



I agree.  I think when Kaladin sees Adolin fight he might consider that he might be a good sparring partner with the added advantage of the plate and blade.  A lot needs to happen if that sparring match is to ever occur, however.  I think they could teach each other a lot.  There is also the fact that the Windrunner abilities probably won't work as well on the plate if they are anything like Szeth's, so Kaladin will get practice dealing with that too.

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I agree.  I think when Kaladin sees Adolin fight he might consider that he might be a good sparring partner with the added advantage of the plate and blade.  A lot needs to happen if that sparring match is to ever occur, however.  I think they could teach each other a lot.  There is also the fact that the Windrunner abilities probably won't work as well on the plate if they are anything like Szeth's, so Kaladin will get practice dealing with that too.


My hypothesis has been that radiant plate doesn't have the same limitations / issue with surgebinding skills as normal plate. I think Adolin makes sense, and between his father, Adolin's believe in doing what is right, and finally understanding Kaladin, it'd make perfect sense for the two to end up becoming great allies and friends. I can always hope! :)

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I don't think you want to practice with a live Shardblade and Kaladin in less than Shardplate.  Two possibilities:

  1. Kaladin vs someone w/Shardplate and a practice sword (with the extra strength from Shardplate, you could probably cut somebody in half w/a practice blade)
  2. Kaladin in Shardplate against someone w/full Shards

I so want to see what happens when Kaladin surgebinds in Shardplate.

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I don't think you want to practice with a live Shardblade and Kaladin in less than Shardplate. Two possibilities:

  • Kaladin vs someone w/Shardplate and a practice sword (with the extra strength from Shardplate, you could probably cut somebody in half w/a practice blade)
  • Kaladin in Shardplate against someone w/full Shards
I so want to see what happens when Kaladin surgebinds in Shardplate.

I suspect Kaladin would have the same problem as our favorite Truthless with borrowed shardplate... interference.

If it was his own plate however...

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Much as I like Kaladin, I think it would be a bit of a stretch for him to be able to best Szeth in their first bout.  He just doesn't have Szeth's experience with their abilities.  So I wouldn't be surprised if Kaladin fails to protect whichever Kholin Szeth comes for the first time (be it Dalinar, the King or possibly even Jasnah).  


Then whenever Szeth is sent back for another Kholin, or maybe just their high prince allies in the camp (I don't really want to see too many Kholin's die), Kaladin could fight him again.  They could "spar" like this several times before Kaladin finally defeats Szeth and protects whoever was his target.  I could see Szeth trying to intentionally lure Kaladin into each of his missions in a suicide-by-bridgeman type situation (that wouldn't violate his honor would it?). 


Kaladin's inability to protect the people he sets out to is one of the central themes of his story.  So having him "spar" with Szeth with those kind of stakes on the line each time would be pretty damnation epic.

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My hypothesis has been that radiant plate doesn't have the same limitations / issue with surgebinding skills as normal plate. I think Adolin makes sense, and between his father, Adolin's believe in doing what is right, and finally understanding Kaladin, it'd make perfect sense for the two to end up becoming great allies and friends. I can always hope! :)

I second you...The Adolin in the "Ironstance" is cool and complex.I think Kaladin and Adolin can get along well. If it turns out like this it would be awesome. Both them can give sadeas much needed beating :D :D

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