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Shadesmar Map and Cosmere Map Overlay

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34 minutes ago, ZenBossanova said:

The idea of nexus=perpendicularity probably won't work. That would mean that Roshar has 3 (why 3?) perpendicularities. 

Could the third have anything to do with the shard that was on Ashyn? Or, Braize? 

This is too convoluted.. probably. 

It certainly doesn't work: if it did then they would be in Roshar's Ocean which we do know can't be the case.

As for why there could be three Perpendicularities though: Odium is in the same system and has Invested himself to some degree in Roshar (else there couldn't be Unmade or voidspren), it is conceivable that this level of Investment and proximity is enough to form a Perpendicularity there. As I stated earlier I doubt that this is the case, but it wouldn't shock me if it were to turn out that it is.

This conversation has sparked an idea in me though. Why are there three seas marked on the Shadesmar map? It looks like there is just one big ocean, but whoever made it saw fit to divide it into three. Moreover the labels correspond precisely to three of Roshar's Mountain ranges. One on the Horneater Peaks where Cultivation's Perpendicularity is. One on the unnamed mountain range where Urithiru is, and where I suspect Honour's Perpendicularity to be. And one on the Misted Mountains. If it does then turn out that Odium has a Perpendicularity on Roshar, I'm guessing that's where it would be. The Seas would then be "Seas of Investiture", and then that would just leave the Nexuses as unknowns on the map.

Edited by BlackYeti
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A nexus is a series of comnections linking two or more things, so it makes sense for them to be perpendicularities.


My theory is that the nexus Imagination is one of Adonalsium's perpendicularities.

Edited by Blightsong
Changed "Adonalsium's perpendicularity" to one of Adonalsium's perpendicularities.
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3 minutes ago, Blightsong said:

A nexus is a series of comnections linking two or more things, so it makes sense for them to be perpendicularities.


My theory is that the nexus Imagination is Adonalsium's perpendicularity.

Hmm. If you assume that Odium and Adonalsium both have Perpendicularities on Roshar, then this could work, but it does beg the question of why Cultivation's Perpendicularity isn't labeled a Nexus.

Also I find the idea that Adonalsium has a Perpendicularity on Roshar to be even stranger than the idea that Odium has one. Why do you think he has one?

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1 minute ago, BlackYeti said:

Hmm. If you assume that Odium and Adonalsium both have Perpendicularities on Roshar, then this could work, but it does beg the question of why Cultivation's Perpendicularity isn't labeled a Nexus.

Also I find the idea that Adonalsium has a Perpendicularity on Roshar to be even stranger than the idea that Odium has one. Why do you think he has one?

I can see that, somewhat. There were spren and Investiture there before the arrival of Honor and Cultivation, so of all the worlds that might have a Perpendicularity left over from Adonalsium, Roshar would be the place.

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9 minutes ago, Pagerunner said:

I can see that, somewhat. There were spren and Investiture there before the arrival of Honor and Cultivation, so of all the worlds that might have a Perpendicularity left over from Adonalsium, Roshar would be the place.

I have a few problems with the idea.

Firstly, Adonalsium wasn't a Shard: whilst many of the same rules doubtless apply, we do not know if he formed a Perpendicularity (or Perpendicularities) in the first place.

Secondly, Adonalsiumm was Shattered, and the Shards which between them form most of his essence then started forming their own Perpendicularities. It seems weird that there would be Perpendicularities to both Adonalsium and the Shards.

Thirdly there's this recent WoB:


Q: If a Shard were to divest itself from a planet, would the perpendicularity there disappear?

A: Normally the shardpool would cease to exist, but there are circumstances that could prevent the shardpool from disappearing

It seems unlikely therefore that Adonalsium has Perpendicularities lying around all over the place. If he has one I'd expect it to be on Yolen, and I'm far from convinced that he has even that.

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1 hour ago, BlackYeti said:

I have a few problems with the idea.

Firstly, Adonalsium wasn't a Shard: whilst many of the same rules doubtless apply, we do not know if he formed a Perpendicularity (or Perpendicularities) in the first place.

Secondly, Adonalsiumm was Shattered, and the Shards which between them form most of his essence then started forming their own Perpendicularities. It seems weird that there would be Perpendicularities to both Adonalsium and the Shards.

Thirdly there's this recent WoB:

It seems unlikely therefore that Adonalsium has Perpendicularities lying around all over the place. If he has one I'd expect it to be on Yolen, and I'm far from convinced that he has even that.

You're making several assumptions here. First, entire shards are not needed to form a perpendicularity in the first place. Brandon has said that anywhere with sufficient investiture (like first of the sun) can still have perpendicularities. Seeing as how there were already Spren on Roshar (which are sentient pieces of investiture) it isn't an unreasonable guess that there may have been enough to form a stable perpendicularity.


Second, that all of Adonalsium's investiture is contained in the shards. We don't know if this is the case or not so it really doesn't stand against my theory.


Third, that the shattering (which is what Odium has done to shards, just on a large scale) divested Adonalsium from Roshar. When Aons and Skai were shattered the investiture still formed a perpendicularity on the planet they were invested in, so I don't see why this would be any different.

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8 minutes ago, Blightsong said:

You're making several assumptions here. First, entire shards are not needed to form a perpendicularity in the first place. Brandon has said that anywhere with sufficient investiture (like first of the sun) can still have perpendicularities. Seeing as how there were already Spren on Roshar (which are sentient pieces of investiture) it isn't an unreasonable guess that there may have been enough to form a stable perpendicularity.


Second, that all of Adonalsium's investiture is contained in the shards. We don't know if this is the case or not so it really doesn't stand against my theory.


Third, that the shattering (which is what Odium has done to shards, just on a large scale) divested Adonalsium from Roshar. When Aons and Skai were shattered the investiture still formed a perpendicularity on the planet they were invested in, so I don't see why this would be any different.

Yes, I didn't say that it was necessarily impossible, and I was trying to be clear where I was making assumptions. You could be correct here, but for the time being I think it would be very strange.

But to clarify one of my points: I didn't say that all of Adonalsium's investiture is contained in the Shards, it obviously isn't since we know there exist Adonalsium spren. I said that most of it is.

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