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So what are you going to do until WoR comes out?


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Today was so exciting. But that's it. No more free chapters. Fortunately, this wait will be shorter than the next wait we will have when we finish the last page of Words of Radiance. So what are you going to do while you wait?


I'm going to:


- Read several other books I've been meaning to get to that aren't Sanderson related.


- Reread The Way of Kings again.


- Visit the 17th shard forums and make crazy predictions and speculations.


- Enjoy Stormlight Archive art work.


- Checkout more of Feather's Adonalsium Tumblr sight.


- Reread the excerpts from WoR.


- Fantasize about Kaladin confronting Amaram.


- Fantasize about Kaladin vs. Szeth.


- Reread other books by Sanderson.


So what are you going to do?

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- Read several other books I've been meaning to get to that aren't Sanderson related.



Care to share ?


Me? Work and study and lie to myself that I don't care that the book will be released only in march, and that i will have to wait a sad and painful month of agony and antecipation =) For the good side I got you folks to suffer with me =)

Edited by Natans
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I'm probably taking a month off from cosmere fandom, so it will feel new and exciting again when the book comes out.

- Video games

- Cleaning :(

That's everything I could afford to neglect to make more time for Stormlight anyway.

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Care to share ?


Me? Work and study and lie to myself that I don't care that the book will be released only in march, and that i will have to wait a sad and painful month of agony and antecipation =) For the good side I got you folks to suffer with me =)


I have a blog where I review self-published Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels. I can't recommend what I will be reading because I don't know if those books are good yet. I have read a few good Sci-Fi books that I have reviewed. "Rex Rising" by Chrystalla Thoma is really good. I also enjoyed the "The Overtaking" by Victorine Lieske, it's more of a Romance/ Sci-Fi however.


So I need to catch up on that blog.

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I have a blog where I review self-published Sci-Fi and Fantasy novels. I can't recommend what I will be reading because I don't know if those books are good yet. I have read a few good Sci-Fi books that I have reviewed. "Rex Rising" by Chrystalla Thoma is really good. I also enjoyed the "The Overtaking" by Victorine Lieske, it's more of a Romance/ Sci-Fi however.


So I need to catch up on that blog.


I will googled them thanks, It being sometime that i readed a sci-fi book that i liked I will try this out =)


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I will:

Try to be productive at work (I have some lab experiments that really need to be wrapped up).

Get the baby room ready for our first child (due in 4 weeks, perilously close the the WoR due date)

Watch the new season of Sherlock.

Sleep as much as possible (more because of the baby than WoR).

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Amaran!! wait He stopped the chapter in a cliffhanger? 


/*Rant       I was happy I got more chapters. I really was. I thought to myself well we will get probably three more chapters which will have a lot of information and I can spend the next one month speculating the hell out of it. I hoped my mind would have something to work with. But no, Mr.Sanderson has to end his chapters in a cliffhanger. He ended last Shallan's chapter in a cliff hanger too. But i didn't mind I was okay with it. I told myself that this will help people speculate how long it will take for Jasnah and Shallan to reach the shattered plains. But now he has ended the chapter deliberately at the point of a confrontation between Kaladin and Amaran. Seconds before the confrontation. I mean If he wrote a few more seconds of the scene, Kaladin will be seen by Amaran and introduced by Dalinar. I was waiting for the look on Amaran's face. Oh the look. Then suddenly, out of nowhere the chapter ends. The freaking CHAPTER ACTUALLY ENDS. Now I'm left with nothing but an Odium filled rage against the author for leaving us hanging for the next one month and myself for falling into the trap so easily. 

Why Mr.Sanderson? Why ? Why? Why ? Why? Why do you persist? (In my best Agent Smith Voice)


All I can think about is the encounter. My mind is fuzzy, it's buzzing. I'm tearing my hair out. 


No wonder  ODIUM REIGNS!!!!    End of Rant*/ 

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Get the baby room ready for our first child (due in 4 weeks, perilously close the the WoR due date).

Its a sign! If it is a girl you should name her Syl. If it is a boy you should name him....well I don't know what my favorite Rosharan boy name is, better just have a girl ;-)

Best of luck with the little one and don't get any voidbringer nannies!

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I just completed re-reading WoK (my first re-read of any book and it was still amazing!).


I am starting to read Sanderson's other novels.  I just finished Mistborn (amazing) and am on book 2 of the series.  I finished that book in four days.  I am hoping that I will slow down reading so that I don't run out of books to read before WoR comes out.

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My list of distractions afore WoR comes out:


1. Bury myself in video games and homework

2. Study for the ACT that I will be taking on March 4.

3. Watch the Olympics. Maybe.

4. Really get to work on my novels that I plan to write.

5. Do the great reread of tWoK.

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 But now he has ended the chapter deliberately at the point of a confrontation between Kaladin and Amaran. Seconds before the confrontation. I mean If he wrote a few more seconds of the scene, Kaladin will be seen by Amaran and introduced by Dalinar. I was waiting for the look on Amaran's face. Oh the look. Then suddenly, out of nowhere the chapter ends. The freaking CHAPTER ACTUALLY ENDS. Now I'm left with nothing but an Odium filled rage against the author for leaving us hanging for the next one month and myself for falling into the trap so easily. 


Exactly my problem! I want to see Amaram's face, hear who speaks first just ONE MORE MINUTE of scene time and just agggghhhhhh now I have to WAIT! Does Kaladin attack Amaran? Feel like Dalinar has broken his trust and now he won't reveal his KRness? Does Dalinar support his guard over his friend? Does Amaram pretend nothing has happened or not even recognise him? Does Kaladin snatch the blade back? Okay, can't actually see that one happening. But oh, the possibilities!!

And I felt like crying for Kaladin. The one person who's ever saved him/he's been able to save, best friends with the man who failed to protect Tien and destroyed Kaladin's life. WHHY BRANDON, WHY??????



Edit: on topic.....try to keep breathing and to think about other important things other than WoR constantly. It will be hard. I just want to read it already! :'(

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I will at least try to stay away from this site and do what i should be doing instead: Study!

Ops! Iv'e already failed!


Edit: And continued to fail for 1 hour... this is not going well....

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I'm doing a whole Cosmere re-read, trying to pull out everything that might be useful to Words of Radiance (Primarily Hoid and the other Worldhoppers, but also lots on the nature of Shards and Realmatic theory)


I've already done Sel, Nalthis and Shadows for Silence.  Currently going through Scadrial - I've already finished book 1 (plus annotations) so I'm getting there.  

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  • Reread WoK

Reread WoR chapters

Hope Shanarin and Jasadin happen

Speculate on Kaladin's reaction to Amaram

Bother WoR publisher in my country when they will be done with translation and editing

Keep reading speculations here

Try not to fail my exams while doing all of the above

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- Reread WoK in two languages, arrange the notes taken during the first read-through and try to figure out more clues behind the text

- Reread WoR preview chapters and discuss them with friends

- Lurk in the Cosmere community

- Recommend Stormlight to more people

- Draw lots of Stormlight fanarts XD

- Read many other fantasy books and non-fantasy books

- At the same time focus on my study

- The last one: Wait! Wait! Wait! (Still a pure torture!)

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I think I'm going to try to start something crazy huge.  Like maybe I'll buy that new Malazan super ebook (now that the Kindle version is competitively priced).  I've heard that series is not for genre beginners but I think I'm up for it. 

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Its a sign! If it is a girl you should name her Syl. If it is a boy you should name him....well I don't know what my favorite Rosharan boy name is, better just have a girl ;-)

Best of luck with the little one and don't get any voidbringer nannies!

Hey, thanks! I forgot to put "Are you a potential Voidbringer" on our babysitter interview list. That was a close one.

It's a boy, so no luck on Syl. 


3. Watch the Olympics. Maybe.

Oh, I totally forgot about the Olympics being this month. Hopefully I can work those in.

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I think I'm going to try to start something crazy huge.  Like maybe I'll buy that new Malazan super ebook (now that the Kindle version is competitively priced).  I've heard that series is not for genre beginners but I think I'm up for it. 

I am a huge Malazan Book of the Fallen fan but they are not the easiest read in the world. They are long... even compared to Brandon's writing they are long and the story lines get a bit convoluted but they are awesome. I would definitely suggest them to you but caution you that the plot starts a bit slowly. 

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I think I am going to reread Curse of Chalion, Paladin of Souls, and The Hallowed Hunt by Lois McMaster Bujold. One of my favorite authors. For you Kaladin fans out there, Curse of Chalion features a main character called Cazaril whose story arc, determination, and moral code is very similar to Kaladin's.

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I think I am going to reread Curse of Chalion, Paladin of Souls, and The Hallowed Hunt by Lois McMaster Bujold. One of my favorite authors. For you Kaladin fans out there, Curse of Chalion features a main character called Cazaril whose story arc, determination, and moral code is very similar to Kaladin's.


I heartily second this recommendation. The Curse of Chalion was excellent. I haven't read Paladin of Souls yet, but it's on the top of my stack to read next.


Other than that, though, I'll probably cry. I'm going to be a wreck until that glossy WoR cover is tucked under my arm.

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