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Random Stuff X: Something Weird


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8 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

Hey, I want more art advice, if that's okay.

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Does the dude on the left look female to anyone else? Any tips on how to fix that?

Make the chin a tad longer, the jawline a tad squarer, and the facial features a bit more angular.

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24 minutes ago, kenod said:

I don't really think he looks female, why does he look like that to you?

He just sort of. . . does. Part of it might be that I chose sort of an androgynous hairstyle. 乁(ツ)ㄏ 

23 minutes ago, bleeder said:

Make the chin a tad longer, the jawline a tad squarer, and the facial features a bit more angular.

Thanks, bleeder. ( n_n )

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1 hour ago, kenod said:

Is it based on something? It looks interesting.

Oh, they're two characters I sort of have planned. She's part faerie, and he has a contract with a spirit that allows him to be possessed. . . . It sounds kind of stupid when you say it that way.

57 minutes ago, Delightful said:

A little feminine but not female, if you get the difference. 

Yeah, I get what you mean. -_- 

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36 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

Oh, they're two characters I sort of have planned. She's part faerie, and he has a contract with a spirit that allows him to be possessed. . . . It sounds kind of stupid when you say it that way.

On the contrary, that sounds quite interesting. ^_^

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4 hours ago, The Honor Spren said:

Hey, I want more art advice, if that's okay.

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Does the dude on the left look female to anyone else? Any tips on how to fix that?

When I first saw this, I thought that the guy in the blue shirt was male. The chin and the eyes look feminine, but I could tell that he's male.

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Just now, The Honor Spren said:

When I first read this, I thought you meant that you look like Jesus, but with different hair. Punctuation is important, kids. :P 

Ha, yes. I barely pay attention to punctuation online XD. Though I do seem to pay more attention to it and the verbatim I use the more tired I get lol.

:ph34r: What? I don't know what you are speaking of...

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7 hours ago, Darkness Ascendant said:

Jesus, he looks like me with different hair...

*squints at honorspren


23 minutes ago, The Honor Spren said:

When I first read this, I thought you meant that you look like Jesus, but with different hair. Punctuation is important, kids. :P 

See, when I read that, my brain decided to swap "like" for "at," so I thought Darkness was telling us that Jesus was gazing upon him while sporting a new hairdo. :mellow: 

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Bruce has charmed a few of the maintenance guys. One of them has taken to bringing treats with him to keep in one of the vans, so he can bless Bruce shouldhe see him. 

Well, Bruce recognizes those vans, and every time he sees one it's like a four-year-old seeing the ice cream truck. If it's parked, he'll insist on approaching it and seeing that no one is inside for himself. If it is driving through the parking lot, he'll try to chase it (an attempt that fails because I always keep him on a leash outside). 

This morning, he both saw one parked and saw one pass. When I took him inside, he immediately went and sat by the door. Assuming he had unfinished business, I took him out again; but once again, he sat by the door as soon as we got inside. 

Then he started licking his lips. And I knew: He wanted to go outside to chase down a maintenance van and beg for treats. 

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I didn't know whether to put this on the good news or bad day thread, so I'm sticking it here. My family got a house here in Virginia! We should be moving in sometime in May.

I mean, on one hand, I'm leaving behind the place I grew up and all the people I've known as long as I can remember. But on the other hand, I'm going to get my own personal bathroom. You win some, you lose some.

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36 minutes ago, Cognizantastic said:

@Darkness Ascendant, I've been looking at your posts. You're a fundamentally different, more mature individual than you were several months ago, or when you joined this site. I'm sorry if that's sounds pretentious on my part, but it is genuinely what I believe; I'm not putting on airs.

So, yeah, I admire how you're changing. Good on you, man. :) 


You can thank the people over in Sanderson Elmination. They've helped me a tonne over the past few months :D 

Thanks Cog. 

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54 minutes ago, Cognizantastic said:

@Darkness Ascendant, I've been looking at your posts. You're a fundamentally different, more mature individual than you were several months ago, or when you joined this site. I'm sorry if that's sounds pretentious on my part, but it is genuinely what I believe; I'm not putting on airs.

So, yeah, I admire how you're changing. Good on you, man. :) 

Agreed :)

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Just now, Delightful said:

That was a non sequitur. 

Crossdressing like for cosplay or just in general?

*raises eyebrow. how was that invalid :P 

Spren are to be bonded to humans
Honorspren is a spren
Therefore she needs to be bonded to a human:P IDK IDK IDK

And just in general. According to my female acquaintances, I have feminine eyes, and they were joking about forseeing me become a transgender in the future, and how they would apply makeup onto me and all XD So Imma just dress up as a female one day, and creep the hell out of people XD

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Just now, Darkness Ascendant said:

*raises eyebrow. how was that invalid :P 

Spren are to be bonded to humans
Honorspren is a spren
Therefore she needs to be bonded to a human:P IDK IDK IDK

And just in general. According to my female acquaintances, I have feminine eyes, and they were joking about forseeing me become a transgender in the future, and how they would apply makeup onto me and all XD So Imma just dress up as a female one day, and creep the hell out of people XD

Ok. What do you wear? 

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